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Amanda's Maid
by Anne Bauer

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Comment by mamona la sirvienta on 01/05/13
Lei cada capitulo y lo disfrute muchisimo! LO traduje al espaņol y me siento feliz de haberla leido,seņora Anne-
saludos de una sissy desde quiero mucho! Adoro a Karen y a su jefe la Sra Amanda,son bellas las dos! muaks muaks muaks

Comment by Rajanoramelia on 07/09/12
Oh, and don't forget your shot glass. It's more fun to detaorce with a buzz. LOL!  And are they called spachulaers? Have I been saying it incorrect all these years? Anyway, This is a very informative video. I'm just being silly.

Comment by "Missy," Susan Pauline Bauer on 01/31/10
Dear Ms. Anne,

I just finished reading Part Five of your serial story. You write very well. I like your introduction of each character and the way the dialogue flows. You didn't write what didn't need to have been written. Well done!

I only have time to read one chapter at a time. I am a fully, submissive Housemaid/husband for my Mistrss/Wife. I'm also the only wage-earner. I know all about cleaning and running errands and doing what I'm told to do.

It's a Lifestyle I accepted in lieu of the Divorce Court. If we had the money, I'm sure that I'd have my own maid's quarters, too.

When I have some, "free time," I'll read some more. Your story does have me captivated. My morning alarm rings at 3:00 A.M. each Monday through Friday and I cook three nights a week, too. It's a quarter to midnight now.

Your Title Character's Maid, Karen, has more free time than I do. I'm not allowed to speak at all, except for my, "Yes, Mistress," or, "Thank You, Mistress." If I think I need a little Husband-wife communication, it's called, "Kitchen Table talk." It's not always given. She sits; I stand.

The only time our Lifestyle is, "down," is when the children and/or grand-children visit, then I'm the, "Dad," and the, "Pop-pop." All our kids know about my prefered Gender Identity but they don't want to see.

I hope to be able to read some more on either Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon.

Again, my compliments to you. My Grandmom was Anna Bauer.

I do hope that you got my direct e-mail.

Sisterly yours,

Missy Susan

Comment by "Missy," Susan Pauline Bauer on 01/14/10
Dear Miss Anne Marie, <curtsy>,

I just sent you an e-mail. I've only finished part one. I'll make comments on your story after a couple of more chapters.

Missy Susan

Comment by Yoron on 06/04/08
Sorry, lost my interest here (chapter 4).
There is very little you or anyone else can leave to be remembered of when you die.
One of the strongest ties there is to the world and your future are your own kids.
Before you present me with your characters castration perhaps you should see to your own?

As this story tests my sanity.


Comment by Yoron on 06/04/08
I liked the start of your tale even though it seemed a little rushed.
But then you introduce more and more elements of sadomasochism in it?

I don't know, to me it seemed to be a crossdressing story first and rather innocent at that.

But now it starts to smell of humiliation and submission.
Why his lesbian girlfriend want him to stop being able to have his own child's I don't understand either, as she say she loves ...him?
Wouldn't it be more proper for her to do it to herself, become infertile forever?

If you love someone but refuse to have children with that person, are you sure you are in love then?
And if you don't want children shouldn't that be your own choice to make, not to be transferable to your partner.
In my eyes such behavior only creates a victim for your 'superior' needs.
Seems very immature and downright sadistic to me .

There is a lot of strange attitudes hidden in this writing that I have great problems reconciling myself to.
Which doesn't mean that I find the writing in itself to be bad.
If I did I wouldn't have read as far as I have ( starting part 4 ).

It's the reasoning behind that makes me wonder.
As I can't see lies, half truths and deceptions creating love.


Comment by litywinds on 10/01/07
I loved it . . . in fact i do not see why this story couldn't reach the best seller list as a novel . . . or even reach the big screen. yes it is about a maid fetish or b/s but also a about choices we could face in life. There would have to be some things omitted so that it could be in theatres across the nation on a massive scale, but all in all it is a story about peoplemaking decisiosns in their life.  Sometimes you are given a chance to leap from your life and become someone else because your career choice.  whether it is changing how you interact with people on a professional scale while working and how you change back to those you converse with as friends and relatives.  i believe that there were three scenes when Kevin/Karen was given tough challanges in her new status and she could have walked away . . . (preparing for the thanksgiving party/amanda asking for help and karen doing it on her own win or lose as she put it; the bridal shower/the morning of her honeymoon and accepting the new roles with janet) but she stayed and worked through them . . . someone else mentioned, was she accepting her new life as karen or still only playing a role as she would in the theatre . . . with a reader contemplating on this after reading the story . . . isn't that room for debate with others and isn't that a reason to ask others to read it and make their decisions. what happens after you read a great novel or see a great film, you want others to read and enjoy it too.

i do however know that a man taking hormones would rarely reach anything close to a C cup and not reach a D cup without implants, that is just a fantasy. a man having enough feminine facial features to fool someone, a complete stranger in the beginning when kevin first started working for amanda, before taking hormones. but that is just small petty things.

Anne, you should try to clean up the errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling that others have commented on and try to submit it as a novel to one of the many publishers or pitch it to a film company.

anyways I was excited as I read the story wanting to know more after each part and what Karen would have to face next in her new life role.

keep writing, you have the right stuff

lity ! ! ! :-))

Comment by Suna on 10/17/06
The story you have woven is excellent. The short interactions of Karen with attempts to drag her into the lifestyles beyond being a maid give a good view to personal bounderies and true strength of character. I can't decide tho if Karen ever really moves from doing a role to acceptance... more intent in her presentation even at the end.

The scenes with or about Kat were hard to digest. Not enough dialog and too much about descriptions of Kat and her history. A bit distracting really but I suppose you were looking to include many alternate lifestyles to compare them to what Karen was living.

Thank you for a grand view from your mind's eye.

Comment by Bill on 10/12/06
I really enjoyed chapter 1...very nicely written. Youi can always accept one totally inconsistent and unreasonable thing in any story, and as long as there is only one, that is fine. Karen herself is simultanoulsy unbelievable, yet as she tells her story, utterly believable. This is very skilled writing

Comment by rosemary langton on 08/30/06
A very enjoyable and different story

Comment by Regina on 06/25/06
Hello Anne,
i just read the first two chapters i wish with all my heart i could be Karen ,it's nice to know that i am not alone in my thoughts

thank you

Comment by Rose on 03/15/06
Hi Anne, What a great story. I thourghly enjoyed it.


Comment by Tigger on 03/10/06
First of all, this is the first of Anne's stories I have read, but it will not be the last as I intend to hit the other story here at storysite after writing this commentary.  That says a great deal - I enjoyed this story so much that I want more.  The quality of the story telling, particularly the dialog and personal interactions held me and kept me coming back until I finished the story.

There are a couple of things that had some dissidence for me.  One, Karen seems to be very effective in both dominant and submissive roles, and yet, very inexperienced.  For someone thrown into some very odd situations at a very emotionally traumatic time in life, she seems to be almost too effective.  Dealing with the extremes of Amanda/Sandi on one end of the spectrum, and yet also dealing with Kat on the other.  Not sure how she 'knew' what to do. . .

the second thing that bothered me was the setup for the Halloween party. A good Domme would not put a sub, particularly a novice into the situation with 'Jack' that Amanda put Sandi.  Her reaction should not have been a surprise, and should have had 'tools' in hand to deal with it - such as an agreed-upon safe word, or 'stop-signal'.  No responsible group in the D&s community(given that they could use a country club for such a gathering with relative impunity and assured privacy) would have - COULD have tolerated Jack's response to Sandi's withdrawel of consent, either.  It was an exciting scene, and one that had benefit to the story line later on for the relationships of the key characters, but in point of fact, there should have  been repercushions on Jack at least, and very likely on Amanda.

Having said that, again, this was a very entertaining, coherent LONG story that has a punch.  It has some glitches (I think the author did a search and replace because everywhere that the word 'dinner' for the main meal of the day should be, the word 'diner' is used), but those are really no detriment to this emminently readable story.

If you are a fan of light D/s themes, Maid fantasies, and yes, romance, this story is worth the reading.  Very nice effort, indeed.  Two dew-claws up.

warm furry hugs


Comment by Janet Stickney on 03/09/06
Over all, Through all chapters, the story was well written, flowing very nicely from one segment to another. There were more than a few spelling and punctuation errors, but over all, I liked it.

Well Done


Comment by Janet Jean on 03/06/06
I only have one thing to say about Chapter-1.
I love it!

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