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The Apron Rule
by Rob Willson

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Comment by Silvia. on 03/25/12

Comment by LISA on 05/12/06
Sounds like the kind of orphanage I would have liked to grow up in.

Comment by julie j on 11/04/04
a good story &description of the apron rule it was a lot more stict those day than now

Comment by Briar on 11/05/02
As I was reading the description of life in a Victorian style orphanage, I was strongly reminded of a visit I paid recently to a Workhouse in Southwell, near Nottingham - it is open as a museum in Summer, so that today's well fed, pampered people can see what life used to be like (nasty, brutish and short, for the most part!).  

This account is pretty accurate in fact, of general conditions in orphanages in quite recent times.   And things are not much better for kids who end up in orphanages today, as anyone who reads accounts of the sexual harassment trials will see (tip of the iceberg, only).

The account is very well written and is emotional enough to make one empathise.  It is a little too close for comfort for me (my Daddy was born in a workhouse, and I when I went round the museum I mentioned I actually broke down and cried at the treatment the Good People who owned everything had meted out to those less privelaged than themselves).  I think people SHOULD read this, and be glad that they are alive in the 21st century, and not in  the one before it.

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