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At the Airport
by Minty Fresh

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Comment by Ronica on 07/09/12
previously it's hard to pick favorite stiores when someone such as Ben has so many great ones.  I think I will share a most recent encounter.A few years ago I worked at the Dunes Bible Camp with Ben and became quick friends, sharing an affinity for cheezy jokes among other things.               >> fast forward to about a few months ago.>>I was visiting the camp and helping out in the kitchen by washing some dishes.  Ben was there and we were laughing about something and Ben started right into a  knock-knock joke, I jumped right in.   knock knock    who's there?  I asked   John the Baptist.     now at this point I really should have carefully considered what he was proposing; having heard and even told the joke in the past I felt the warning signals going off in my head.  For whatever reason I couldn't remember the punch-line and started back in:   John the Bapt   remembering mid-sentence what was about to happen but oh it was too late.  I turned, as in slow motion only to see Ben release the handle of the dish sprayer at close proximity effectively and thoroughly  baptizing  me!-Thanks Ben

Comment by WannabeGinger on 10/01/10
Love the story... teasing about what happens next.   I'd love to read another chapter..... with plenty of girl-on-girl action and much more detailedfeminization - hair, beauty,  underwear and evening wear..... Please finish what you have begun!
Ginger xx

Comment by Silvia. on 12/19/09
I didn't like. Bad story.

Comment by francine on 07/20/09
What happens next? Please continue the story. Why is being being banashed to never never land?

Comment by whyguys on 04/02/09
Minty, you are another writer who vividly captures the psyche of both the broken humiliated male and haughty ascendent Female of that mystical role-reversed future of which some of us cannot get enough.

Waiting to see what AMANDA and LAUREN are going to use from their TOOL-box (Highly symbolic... although I think the use of the word cock(YUCK!)-pit might be archaic in the coming gynarchy.)

Comment by Mistress Meredith on 03/21/09
It appears Mistress Amanda and Mistress Lauren have planned sissy billie's life to a tee -- poor, poor sissy billie -- hmnn

Comment by Priscilla Ann on 01/24/08
My goodness; what's next for poor billy? Sounds as if the poor dear is in for a very harsh sissy existance. More please

Comment by juliej on 01/10/08
a great start to this story but it needs more please the next part asap

Comment by Rita on 03/26/07
I was really interested but it ended too soon - like to see more.
Well put together, the pics are a good idea!

Comment by Johnny on 01/31/07
i found the story with the suprise picture to be very exciting and interesting!!  Please, continue the story!  There must be an continuation somewhere.  Hopefully, another suprise picture but this time of "Mikey" would be spectacular!  Your writing style is compelling to read and very descriptive.  Very entertaining.

Comment by Paula on 11/24/06
I was surprise to find this to really be an interesting story that I enjoyed reading. The picture at the end was a surprise since it wasn't mark STORY WITH IMAGE which part of the story was especially interesting.

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