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Comment by june on 05/13/08
As we were leaveing in two days for camp.I was home that night,the next morning I was up before mummy as she came into the room I said did you hear that autie and her family were shot and had died last night by a madman?she said,,O my god, how did you hear that. O i'm still mad.Do you still want to tell me I need tits?? Comment by juliej on 12/31/06 its a a set up for james what a way to go great story Comment by Stefan/ie on 12/02/06 How awful for poor Jamie! How I wish I was h/er. What a pretty story. Comment by sissydan on 05/03/06 Great story, hope their is more to come. Let's hear how the wife plan's her future wife's life. Comment by Early June on 04/27/06 (giggle) I am still chuckling over the plight of poor Jamie. Nice job. Good characterization. Straight forward plot and tale telling combine to make an enjoyable story. I do hope you have a sequel planned as this chapter seemed to end abruptly. I truly feel sorry for your main character. Then again, I am not certain how much good a college education would do for some one so weak-willed. I have all sorts of options buzzing around in my head. I will just have to wait till you post the next episode. Thank you for sharing this with us. Comment by Cassandra on 04/17/06 I loved the story line though it seemed a bit rushed as others have commented. Yes, this story just like your "Subtitles" begs for continuation. We need to know resolution of the apparant loose ends. Rosie, this really is a good story. I loved it. Thanks for reappearing with really good writing. Comment by Abigail Stahr on 04/14/06 This story seemed quite nice to me. Also,I feel it almost begs for a continuation. Comment by Sydney Michelle on 04/14/06 You have an interesting premise but this story reads as if several discrete situations were strung together. The relatives rather incrtedibly just pop out of the woodwork when they would serve as role models to be envied or dreaded. With barely a how-do-you-do, the women in your heroine's life are planning his future life as a wife. A bit of extra thought and work could have made this story something special. Comment by tim tba on 04/13/06 I enjoyed that story. Good idea making him 24 and still in that situation. Maybe you could've made more out of the mother-daughter conspiracy. It would be fun having them plan his life out for him. |
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