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Caught in the Compromising
by Minty Fresh

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Comment by Nelly on 07/10/12
Most of my memories of Ben are cetnreed around Dunes from when I would come help with the infamous Shaun plays. I first met Ben when he stepped in as a ninja in the Skit Play Epic Thing because he knew how to swordfight and could make a ninja mask out of a tshirt. Then there was the horror/ongoing inside joke over  King Jesus is All . And most recently bewilderment that a pool noodle battle could be misconstrued as romantic. And convincing Rachel to wait as an arrow was  safetied  with duct tape so I could shoot at her during the play (at the time she had no idea that Ben's attempt had left a nice dent in the new sound booth )Keep getting better, Ben, and I'll be sure to come visit when you're up for it

Comment by Daniel on 04/09/11
I don't suppose you're going to finish this one?

Comment by Silvia. on 12/19/09
Bad story, I didn't like.

Comment by whyguys on 04/01/09
I would enjoy hearing more explanation of the secret "NETWORK" of Females bent on feminizing and petticoating the male sex mentioned in the story!  

Comment by juliej on 10/27/06
this is a second read of this story its good but i cannot wait to read the next part of this maybe chris can runaway again a bit more rebellion this is the begining of a great story please spice it up more &continue with it

Comment by Misha on 07/17/06
This story is of a very high quality, with moderated eroticism and a sense of plausability (in a fantasy context of course) that is very rare. As with the other stories I've read of yours, it ends all to soon.. please write more!

P.S. There is another comment on this comments-page "So what do they do Castrate him or something?" Personally I think it would be best to continue with the trend of mild feminization that currently exists - there is no need to spoil such a beautiful story with extremism.

Comment by juliej on 03/17/06
a brilliant story cant wait for the next part hurrey please i would like to read a lot more about his enforcement and also hime rebelling that would mak a great line also his room decorated and a punnishment for running away more bondage please

Comment by poppykin on 03/13/06
Very nice story, but rather abrupt ending, is there more comming

Comment by sissystevie on 03/09/06
What a wonderful sissy story -- evrything I adore all in one story! The sissy dresses are so frilly and sweet. I hope there are many, many more frills in Chrissie's future!  Please do keep adding to this series.  xxx stevie

Comment by rocket on 03/08/06
 Great storie, more please.. Thanks

Comment by Matthew on 03/07/06
So what do they do Castrate him or something?

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