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by Samantha Michelle Davies

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Comment by Briar on 12/16/04
Actually, it looks as though the species Homo sapiens is on its way out anyway - if it were any other species, like Rattus norwegicus,Mus domesticus, or whatever, everyone would agree that it has become a Pest, having broken out of the normal ecological controls that regulate the numbers of a species, and become so numerous that it is overwhelming the environment and causing the extinction of thousands of other species and whole ecosystems.

It is no great problem - most species that have existed have become extinct already , it is the fate of every species to have its span and then to be replaced by other species...  Aside from any homocentric feelings of affection for this semi-sentient species of naked ape, why should any thinking beings concern themselves over the imminent demise of this one unruly and destructive art?  

That aside, I enjoyed this short story and found it effective because it was so stark.  A timely warning, but unfortunately unlikely to be read by those who think that they are in charge of the world today!


Comment by Noel Lexicon on 09/12/04

I'm a fan.  My comment is constructive criticism only for I hope you keep writing. The way you developed your log line (opressive regime leads to extinction) does not captivate (my opinion) reader interest. You start with a POV of an individual but you never let the reader get to know your protagonist - hopes, dreams, etc. Readers get involved with stories when they get involved with characters - you didn't let us do that (On this story). Then you switched to a global POV (what the successor regimes did in succeeding years) and end the story. Tough transition.
To level the playing field, I write and am horrible at short storys. It's a special craft to be able to tuck everything in neat and tidy - and small, one that eludes me personally.
I enjoy your stories - please keep writing.


Comment by Samantha Michelle Davies on 09/04/04
Thank you for your comments. You pose an interesting
question. If you read stories like 1984 or Make Room,
Make Room or Brave New World, in their "Monotopia"
scenarios there is no alternative (at least to most
people). This is not unlike extreem left (communist)
or right(facist) leaning regeimes. Just cast your mind
back to the days of the Cultural Revolution in China
or even earlier to Stalin's Purges and even Hitlers
"Crystal Nacht".
I was trying to portray a vision of a Monochromatic
World incapable for ideological and/or pseudo
religious reasons that is incapable of handling
diversity in any shape or form. The past century has
seen a great redunction in the levels discrimination
of Homosexuals and Coloured people in many "western"
societies. The next big hurdle is Transgenderism and
Transexuality. These are harder for "Joe Sixpack" to
understand but withp atience it can be done.
In my opinion, the ability of a society to handle
diversity in whatever form it takes is a sign of a
mature stable society. The more evident the inability
of a society to handle diversity the more "up a dead
end street" it is.
Only this week, the plight of someone who is living outside the accepted norm for their civilisation came to light. Check out this URL and you will see why.

Thanks again for taking the time to comment on my

Comment by jasmine on 08/30/04
Interesting tale, but one question. with so many people being cast out, wouldn’t they go and form their own community out side the power of the state.
since they are probably smarter than anyone in the state since that kind of government doesn’t like free thought, could probably set up a community quickly with industry.
The next tale could be the war between the two states.

Comment by Pippa K. on 08/04/04
Dear Jane, you wrongly assume that Ms. Davies could only mean Islam.  Read some more newspapers.  There are some frightening things happening in the US.  Fundamentalist Christian sects have achieved considerable power.  Gay marriage, granted by some state courts, is to be abolished by Constitutional Amendment to withdraw any implied equality under law.  Sex education in the schools has been restricted to only allow the teaching of abstinence.  No condoms or teaching of procreational control.  At the same time there is a movement to force the teaching of "Creationism" in place of evolution and to call it science.  Funding has been withdrawn for international family planning or women's aid for any organization that supports any form of abortion for any reason.  The Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in
the United States will be overturned if the President appoints one more conservative judge.  Funding for education is being withdrawn and reduced, and library borrowings are now being monitored, ostensibly to look for terrorists.  The US Constitution's enforced separation of Church and State is under "right-wing" assault on several fronts.  On a 9-judge panel, most decisions are taken 5-4.  This frightened Yank tells you that we are THIS close to Samantha Michelle's paranoid vision, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, so wake up!  

Comment by Jane Hudson on 08/04/04
I think the yanks would go nuke before letting THE WELL WE KNOW WHO YOU MEAN TAKE  it over they are the worse .Its better dead that Islam that what .I say better go nuke than let them take over.

Comment by Pippa K. on 08/04/04
First, let me say that I agree with your revulsion to religious fundamentalist states and the streak of meanness that runs through too much of humanity.  Now, let me point out a little flaw in the story (or perhaps just display my own flaw in being the occasional Pollyanna.)  People create society.  If you kick one person out of society, there's not too much (s)he can do about it, but if you kick a whole bunch of people out at the same time, they form their own society.  I am confident that without stronger measures, such as outright extermination, these people would survive much as nomads, gypsys, refugees, criminals or outcasts still do today.  Once they start having their own unregistered offspring, things get out of hand rapidly for the totalitarian state they live in.  I am confident they would survive nicely as some kind of underclass, and while the top-heavy religious fundamentalist state drove itself to extinction, they would be busy repopulating the earth just out of reach.

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