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From Husband to Wife
by Jennifer White

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Comment by Janet on 11/16/13
I like the theme but I do think it is a theme where the story can be expanded over a longer period of time and we can read how his new psyche deals with the outside world

Comment by Lissa on 12/13/11
It's really great that people are shairng this information.

Comment by Dianna on 04/20/08
While spousal abuse is horrible, what she did is just as bad. I would have liked 'Maria' to end the story with something along the lines of:

'I know what you did to me...and only because of what I did to you, can I even find the stomach to look at you. I was terrible for you that's true, and for that I'm sorry. But you killed me, so which of us is worse?'

Then Maria would leave.

Ah, maybe I'm weird, but that is how I felt it should have ended.

Comment by dee on 09/08/07
very enjoyable short story

Comment by Karen on 06/07/03
I loved all of your stories and getting to the point of looking for new ones.
Please keep writting.


Comment by leah on 06/06/03
This is one variety of the bad boy to good girl story, but like Paula, I'm not sure I like where it takes us. Revenge and removal of control over one's own actions aren't so attractive, but then spousal abuse is certainly no whit better.

Most in the bb-to-gg gendre use some kind of deceit, trickery, magic or force, because for a fact (!) we all recognize most men (esp. the "problem male") would not want to be subjected to even a brief stint as a female. So what to do?

That technological marvel that is used in this story (How many women, even desperate women, would insert this into their body?) may be effective in the story but it wasn't a literary stimulus. It was now the woman who had an (unfair) advantage, and she used it with much the ferocity of the rampaging male.

My attraction to tg lit usually is embodied in some outcome that can readily be identified with the female personality and culture.


Comment by Dave H on 06/06/03
I loved it.  Well written and thoroughly enjoyable.  Thank you.

Comment by Paula on 06/05/03
well written story. Feel sorry for the guy at the end being under mind spell

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