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Story Comments by Readers

by Karen Singer

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Comment by Tom Linus on 09/01/23
Hi Karen. I haven't read your story yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I compiled all 12 parts into an e-book (epub format) just to make it easier for me to read on my tablet. I won't spread it around, it's just for my personal use. I was careful to keep the copyright notice, of course.

Comment by Soniya on 11/07/13
Hi Karen,

This is the best of force feminization fiction i have ever read, It made me feel so much into this story dat some whr down the line i wish my life turns as a Stephanie and me from being a college guy turns into soniya.. I wish that could just happen.. accept the final part..

Rest nice work... is anyone having any force fem. fiction similar to this kind of situation please forward me link on my email id :



Comment by julieh on 06/07/13
great story to astart with partsone to three are very intresting look forwards to seeing how this pans out

Comment by Buy oem Software on 02/11/12
1onP9H Develop the topic further! It is interesting to know more details..!!

Comment by FRANKIE on 01/05/12

Comment by Leia on 12/05/11
I love this story series, have re-read it a few times now. It makes me feel good. Very well written, I always cry at the end thinking of Steffie and Brenda together. And yes, I too love forced feminization stories.

Comment by TGV on 08/18/11
i have just one thought about this guy

did he ever hear of bolt cutters or chainsaws because the stuff they put on him like the chastity belt could have been taken off carefully with either of those also he could have asked one of the people he knew like josh or diane if he could of switched roommates and he could have talked to the office to see if he could change rommates with someone or he could have gotten a knife or something and threaten jill or bruce or even aaron i mean my god for someone who is practically at the top of all his classes he sure is stupid i mean the stories good but man is he stupid or he could of
1.) steal the keys to the belt/shock devices when jill slept
2.) stolen the spankin paddle and threaten to hurt them if they did anything to him
3.)join al-queda

sorry scratch that last option i thought it would be funny

Comment by Mandy on 05/22/09
So many negative comments.  It is fiction people.  Sure some of the punishment is extreme but other than that it is pretty well written.  I love forced feminization and these are the type of situations that push my buttons.  Well done.

Comment by Donna on 05/03/09
I enjoyed the story.  It was interesting fantasy.  Your heart could not help but go out to both Stephen and Brenda.  I was a bit disturbed by the cruelty of Jill and Aaron towards Stephen.


Comment by Neil on 01/13/09
This is an absolutely fantastic story.  Definitely the best TG story that I've read.  I had serious doubts about the level/violence of the forcing, especially in that it was a group of people ganging up on S.  But the Brenda aspect made it interestingly different and compelling, and I'm glad that I stayed with it.  This story makes a strong case for an exception to the rule that the end cannot justify the means.

Comment by Jesse on 12/29/08
Idk if u still look here but in my mind that was the best storie on this site. Please keep writing. Ur stories r awesome. It was nice to have a happy ending 4 once.      

Comment by kuly CZ on 12/28/08
Ahoj, asi to nebudeš èíst ale musím Ti napsat, že tato povídka Girlish,je naprosto unikátní a nádherná. Dìkuji za požitek Jirka

Comment by Dianna on 08/13/08
There is suspended disbelief and then there's...this. Better then some of your other work. Marginally.

Sugar, you need to think about true consequences and reactions. You have're just not using them.

Also, please have some form of justice for your characters, instead of just screwing one of them from the beginning right until the very end. Your character, even the one getting punished by feminizing, needs to have some light in their life, something GENUINE, and something they can touch and feel.

Because honestly, what happened in this story would've driven any rational person to suicide.

Comment by CATHY ANGELA DAVIS on 07/23/08

Comment by Yoron on 06/06/08
Another strange dream.
Don't know where you people get those ideas from.
Believing this to be love?

To me it resembles only evil nightmares and twisted promises.
It has nothing to do with being trans gender or cross dressing.
But very much to do with Sadomasochism, abuse and humiliation.

Creating a character that thanks you for the opportunity of eating your puke doesn't make it more believable to me.
Sorry but no cigar.


Comment by TeddieBear on 04/18/07
One of the best stories I've read on this or fictionmania's site!
Please keep writing!  Thanx!

Comment by jenny michaels on 01/27/07
  You show excellent potential!  There is enough to make the characters start to seem real.  There is enough to stir strong feelings and emotions in the reader.  The reader can actually begin to "take sides" as demonstrated by the comments.

  That said, let me continue by first noting that the rather frequent comment "If you don't like the story then don't read it" is a lazy way out.  That's like saying "If you don't like the tv program don't watch it".  If you give something a chance, and don't like it, then if no one knows you didn't like it, no one can improve...or defend themselves.  There are always stories that some readers don't like.  But, in some there exists an element that keeps their attention.

 This is not my favorite story on this site at all!  However, I did read it all the way through.  Like many good stories, you must suspend disbelief to enjoy fantasy/fiction.  But, some things in this one are just too difficult to successfully suspend without serious help.

  Such as..."Why did the school claim they had no influence/jurisdiction because the activity was happening off campus?"  It was also happening on campus.  Stephanie was actively engaged in classes at the school.

  Or, "Why did the mother just accept that she had no way to help her son?"  That one I can't get past at all.  There is no real reason to accept this.  There are others too.  But, it would take too long to get through them.

  If you don't continue writing it will be a great loss!  You just need to work on believability in the world of your stories.  And, you need to resist the tendency to wrap everything up too quickly.  It short changes those who stayed with you through the whole effort.

  Please keep writing.  AND submitting to this site.  Your characters are not cardboard charicatures.  You did a good job of showing Brenda's fears and reasons for them.  More about Jill's motivations would have helped.  More of why Stephen didn't go to the police would have helped also.

  Keep writing!  Keep writing!  Keep writing!


Comment by Sissy Baby Paula on 01/22/07
This one was hard to read. Well written and full of details - but...

I could understand that Steven might be weak enough to be bullied into Stephanie (and that is femdom's main idea!). But I disliked the violence (I used to be into spanking but even that was rather tough on Steven. The electric shocks idea was quite frankly rather disqusting and vile).

Also the story was perhaps a bit too unreal. It is rather far fetched to have a house where everyone seems to get into the act of feminizing Steven. Not to mention his mom's rather odd help - she should have told Steven that he will not return to that school if he has to live in the same house. Even Steven should have understood that tutoring by the members of the house (wouldn't call them friends)only helps if he himself is smart enough. So he would have been able to make it on his own too.

Ms. Carter was far too openly a domina to have been able to work in a school. Just a rumour and fear of law suites would have made the school to kick her out in a second!

The "lovestory" aspect was in my opinion scaring. If Brenda only accepted Steven as Stephanie and he was willing to sacrifice his maleside (he certainly had some kind of female side after schooling like Pavlov's dogs), they could of course function for a time. But bottling all this inside himself would propably led to an explosion later on - with Brenda as the victim. I actually half expected Steven to come back from holidays with a shotgun or a rifle and butcher the lot.

And yeah I do realise that it is only a story. I must say that it really was a good story as it brings lots of feelings forward. And it also made me dream about several different and sometimes nasty endings from Steven killing himself to calling the cops.

Personally I would have liked more bad cop - good cop attitudes (Brenda wasn't really a good cop - rather an interested bystander).

Sissy Baby Paula and Snowball (my toy puppy)

Comment by WannabeGinger on 01/19/07
Me again.....  I've read to the end of the story and have to say that Chapter 11 should NEVER have been written - not believable,  not well-written and adds nothing to the story.....  You call this a love story,  and there is a Chapter 12 "happy ending" but really,  it's over the top on the violence and rapings and there's very little love.  Poor Brenda - I thought she was going to do well but I think she should run away!

Comment by WannabeGinger on 01/19/07
I've reached Chapter 8 and have run by the SM aspects because I, personally, don't find they add anything to the "forced fem" style.... what I wanted to comment on was the great pity that it's taken this long to get Stephie's hair into the story.... quite right.. it SHOULD have been something that was done much earlier.... the femininty that a beautifully dressed head of hair brings is unequalled.......  I hope it's not dismissed in later chapters.  If it is, I'll have wasted too much time!  Nice theme, pity about the SM overdone and the beauty/hair under-done!

Comment by skirtedboy on 01/18/07
Although I liked most of the story, you do need to clean up a couple points.  When Stephanie gets the key from his mom, he never mentions giving it back.

Also, If I had written it, I'd definitely include a bit about the first relief session after hanging with Brenda.  He was such a good girl that day, I wondered what Jill did for him special.

Comment by Joni on 01/18/07
First I want to appologize for not saying that as a writer, you did very well. The object to writing is to instill emotion in the reader, and that you have done.

Realize that I am upset with the subject matter, and not your writing abilities.

I get mental pictures when I read stories, and the mental picture I got from your story, especially about what you were going to do to Stephen in chapter 8, just sent chills through me and made me ill.

I am a woman with a strong constitution, but the thought of an innocent being electrocuted terrifies me. When I was a little girl I got shocked and it really hurt and it was quite painful, and was lucky I didn't die because of it. What you are going to do to Stephen, in real life could really stop his heart too, if it is painful enough and it could kill him, and that is what I am invisioning. I get the shivers just thinking aboout what will happen.

Seeing what the last person wrote, that posted a comment about a supposed happy ending, someday I may try to finish it, but I still can't see this as fun, unless you are a person that loves to inflict pain into others to mame them.

Being a woman, I fear people like this, for I am not strong enough to protect myself, and always live in fear of rape or worse. I can see that Stephen is at the recieving end, of this very aspect of this kind of worry, since he can not defend himself, for he hasn't the strength, He does however have a phone, and should know the phone number of the police, to let them know what is going on. for Stephen to sit there and take it, disgusts me too.

So be aware, I am not putting down your writing style, it was the subject matter that had me all upset. As a writer you are doing very well.

The term no pain no gain, is apprapo, but there is a limit to the pain. So far the pain inflicted could very well have killed someone, or at least rendered them unconcious. Couldn't you have succeeded with this story, with out the extreme punishments?

Comment by Jane Hudson on 01/18/07
I love the fact that he/she and Brenda got together and they both became stronger and love each other very much .No matter what other did to Steve he came out of this with honor even the bad guys in this story saw this .The worse persons in this is Ms Carter and Bart they are real !!!!. But Brenda and Steph found love with each other and they won out in the end. I Thought some parts were nasty but that made the ending and the love Brenda and Steph found even sweeter

Comment by Jillmi on 01/17/07
Note to some who commented.

If you don't like a story, don't read it. If the author continues to write that kind of story, don't read what the author posts.

As far as likeable characters -- one of the cardinal rules of writing good, crisp fiction is to avoid writing about wimps. The thought behind that is the treader wants to identify with the characters, or at least the voice of the story. That rule is hard to follow when you write about a submissive in a forced fem situation. In order for most forced fem situations to work a lot of people have to look the other way. You're not being clever, or even honest, when you criticize a forced fem story for not having likeable characters.

Here's the deal, literary geniuses. There are readers who readily identify with wimps. That's their lot in life. That primary rule does not apply in this case.

The author took the time to write a omplex tale with a host of fairly well-developed characters.

At times it drifted into areas I would rather it hadn't, but then so does my daily newspaper.

Good job. Probably then best story posted on this site in months.


Comment by Joni on 01/16/07
I am sorry, this story is truely masochistic in a very degenerative type of way. It started out alright sort of, but then the first spanking occured, I was sick. It wasn't a small spanking or a sensual spanking it was a BRUTAL spanking, one that would leave bruises. I serious stopped reading it for a while, it really disgusted me. I believe when the spanking occured and that Arron beat the snot out of Steven. It was abusive and very sadistic. It really turned my stomach and I had to stop reading.

You people think this is fun? You are sick also. Only two or three other people have said the things I wanted to say.

I thought maybe it might get better, LESS VIOLENT! I figured Brenda would stand up for Stephen for she had gone through the same ordeal with her father? DOES SHE? No she is enjoying the humiliation also.

That too is disgusting.

The new chastity devise started to turn my stomach.

Now in chapter seven you are talking about electrocuting Stephen to get what you want and Brenda is going along with it? AS is Jill? She is as sadistic as that Arron fellow. She cares nothing for Stephan. This is beyond belief. I've decided I had enough, I can't even begin to read chapter eight and the abuse you are going to inflict on a nice boy that wanted no trouble from anyone.

I can't even believe the mother doesn't get a lawyer and sues the shit out of everyone. Even that counselor Carter. This is way beyond being a human. This is truely Sadistic. Almost worse than what Sadam Hussien what he did to rape any woman he wanted at any time, and kill anyone he wanted to at any time.

The people that have said it was a great story, You need serious help, as does the author fo this bit of drivel, that isn't worth the paper it is written on. You must have some serious nightmares.

You are all sick puppies. No wonder this world is the way it is. the horror of this is beyond reality. There is no compassion from anyone in this story. They talk about cruelity to animals. This goes beyond even that, and it is to a fellow humanbeing.

No wonder there is so much violence in this world. No one gives a shit, and they write stories like this thinking it is FUN! It is digusting.

I can take a lot, and have read a lot of stories that had some abuse in it, but this simply is way to much. I have friends that are BDSM people, even they would get sick reading stuff like this.

If the person it was done too was a pedofile or a rapist, well that maybe one thing, they would deserve this kind of punishment, but what CRIME has Stephen been accused of.

Was it his fault he was small and weak? The Bullies have their way with him? Just for the FUN of it? What a buch of low life scum. Stephan should get a gun and shoot everyone of them, that is justice, including that lowlife counselor that abuses her position to force people into situations they don't want to be in.

Again, I am very disappointed in Brenda for not seeing the abuse for what it is and protecting Stephen.

Sorry I couldn't go to chapter eight knowing what you are planning on doing to Stephen. It is just too sick.

Comment by Jan Brown on 01/16/07
I enjoyed the story but also understand some of the other comments that there's no one likeable in the story.  I am a voyager with the author and didn't expect some twists.  I also know I would have had a very difficult time if this were to happen to me or anyone in my family.  Thanks for the read and please post additional stories.  Huggs, Jan

Comment by katlo on 01/16/07
Great story..Thanks for sharing with us.

Comment by Dick Dunham on 01/15/07
I finished the rest of the chapters.  I normally wouldn't read a story that long but I thoroughly enjoyed it all..Dick Dunham

Comment by V for vendetta on 01/14/07
You just need to add one line, about how Jill was killed by a micrometeorite as she sat there gloating about stealing Stephan's life..

Comment by publius on 01/14/07
The question I wonder at is WHY?  Why does Jill want to do this? The wierdness of it becomes manifest when we see the types of allies she enlists:  Aaron, Bart and Ms. Carter.  Sociopaths all.  What point does the author think he is exploring.  Is the interest in this all reducible to self-hate?  The mutilation which you are willing to enact on those characters you obviously identify with to some extent, makes it self-mutilation.  Is this the extent of your ability to wonder about the sexes and their differences.  My limit was reached with the second chapter introduced today when Jill is not satisfied after the date with Brenda and wants to really make him more girlish.  Why?  Make her state a reason.  How does physically mutilating this boy satiate her self-loathing at being female.  She seeks to force a male totem to undergo loss of manhood and gets those round hips, butt and breasts.  Why? Here feel what it feels like??? Do you think that would make him "girlish"!!! You really have no idea about girlhood do you???  Do you see the ambivalence she [and you] have to all the femmy trappings?  Are they punishment or reward?  How crazy to suppose that girlish atitudes could result from Aaron's manical tortures?  Adult women have a hard enough time at appearing girlish.  Do you have even a clue about between the masculine and feminine psychology?

The sadists and mascohists who populate this site are often led to turn their story to this sick side of "gender exploration".      

Comment by Mikereader on 01/14/07
Very good story, and what a treat to have such a well written piece to entertain us. Look forward to seeing more from you

Comment by moggicat64 on 01/13/07
i hope he turns around and kills the lot of them,they don't deserve to live

Comment by Marcie Vickers on 01/11/07
Great Story.  I am surprised you have not used the process called penile manipulation during his sexual relief time, which is when a dominant lady fondles the male parts of her submissive charge to arouse him and at the same time suggesting that the reason he is aroused is because he is loving the process of being feminized, when of course in fact he is aroused because the male organ is very sensitive to the human touch.  Making such suggestions while arousing them does tend to cause a whole lot of confusion for the little darlings.  Maybe when you introduce Steph to the joys of wearing makeup, you also add a little more joy to Steph's otherwise unhappy existence.    

Comment by Anita on 01/11/07
WOW. This is just great reading. I was mesmirized from the start and can't wait for the next installments.
I am so curious to find out how his mother can/will help him.

Keep them coming :)

Comment by AmiLamida on 01/11/07
Absolutely the best story I have read in quite a while.  Not all the fetishes are to my tastes (the cock restraint was a bit much), but who cares?  The story and characters are fascinating!  At first I was very skeptical of motivations, and I remain a bit skeptical of the whole broad acceptance of his transformation, as well as the fact that nobody sticks up for him at all, but hell - not everything has to be realistic!

The writing is excellent, and although some punctuation is missing (quotes, mostly), there is almost nothing in the mechanics to distract the reader from the storyline.  The "beating" is perhaps a bit rough for many readers, HOWEVER, I do NOT believe it should be taken out.  I think if the reader can suffer through it, they will get a sense that the beating experience will help him relate better to his potential love interest, Brenda.

My one minor criticism is that any fool would realize that going around looking half-male/half-female is going to get you a lot more odd looks than it would if you were even mildly passable.  He might as well be wearing a bumble-bee costume!  But take that with a grain of salt.  It's your story - and a damn fine one at that.


Comment by Jack on 01/10/07
Well done Karen, loved your story.  I am in the process of searching for a subject to transform like the boi in your story.  My profile, nowmymaster, telling about what I am looking for can be seen at

Comment by Vivien on 01/10/07
OOOOOOOOKay. I am so hooked and hope that sometime soon there will be more!  One thing I hate is getting into a story and find that I have to wait to read either the end or a little more here and there so please, please, please hurry?  It is a good story but like others I plead that there will be no more beatings!  However, since he took the beating like he did and did not find a way to fight back or get even then I feel he deserves or needs to become a female.  I hope though that there will be no more beatings?  I know what it's like to be beaten unmercifully and believe me it is no fun!  
Anyway, like I said I am hooked and hope you will very soon have more to read.


Comment by Linda C on 01/09/07
Fantastic story!! Definitely one of the types of love to see: forced fem.

The only critique I have is to use more descriptions of the clothing and stuff. For example: what does his purse look like? Color, style, etc.  Please don't skimp over on that stuff!

Thank you! Please keep writing!!

Comment by Laura on 01/09/07
Hi Karen,
I just love your story and can't wait for the next installments. The idea of a corset is a good one to further enhance Steph's figure.
You have another new fan!!

Comment by H Steves on 01/09/07
I love the story, cant wait for more. I like that he keeps resisting the changes.

Comment by mayuri varma on 01/09/07
hi karen , i was desperately waiting to read this story, it was thr on u r website site but since u site is not working, i was desperate,
as i told u i hv a sissy brother, but one of my friend actually his girlfriend is in charge of him now. since we r in bangkok, shemales are very common so she donminates him & sissyfies him like a hell , more than me, she was so happy to read this story, since they r in college, situation is same.

i have a suggestion please make him wear jills sanitory pads or tampoons & transperant dresses to make his bra visible , also some lace short tops,low rise jeans, create a situations like she orders him shaving his underarms & midrif, its so erotic to order sissy to shave his pits
but please dont beat him thats so poor, give him sexual punishments ,traget his penis & balls for punishment, since every men deserve punishment to their balls & dick.please ask any suggestion u want for story m not good in writing but atleast i can suggest, m finding myself  as only indian real female having dominant nature.

Comment by tony on 01/08/07
Liked your story very much ..
looking forward to see the other chapters soon

Comment by sezial on 01/08/07
Good plot idea, the problem I have with it is that it would be so easy for Steph to just walk out and go to the Principle or his Mum or anyone for that matter for help. What the story lacks is a solid reason to keep Steph on his path to feminisation.

Comment by Jezzi Stewart on 01/08/07
There are no likable characters in this story.  Jill and her friends are classic sadistic bullies who pick on a blameless person for their own amusement.  But the worst bully is Ms. Carter an adult who is using her position of power to encourage the young bullies; what a disgrace to the education profession.  Nobody gives a damn about Steve, he's just "the project".  Even Brenda is only friends with him because they are making him what she wants; she knows he hates it and doesn't care.  They all know he hates it and don't care. Are these people living in the United States?  Nobody seems at all concerned that basic rights are being violated; they might as well have been brought up in Nazi Germany, as they certainly embrace the might makes right philosophy.  But, then, even Steve is becoming less and less likable as well, as he simply puts up with it.  Any enjoyment of the process of feminization is taken away by the despicable, heartless way in which it is being done.  This story reminds me a lot of "Prom Princess" by Linda C over at Fictionmania.  The character Karen in that story is a lot like Jill.

Comment by Scrambler_J on 01/07/07
I picked this tale to start today having first notice it while looking for something else to read.   I know...not a great praise there, but from chapter one I was HOOKED!

Steph's little adventure is a fun tale to read.   Number one I like the idea that he isn't 'in' to the whole crossdressing thing or the domination game.   Second the pace you sent for his transformations are a blast to read.   And sure, he uses the term 'Jill' a lot more than Miss Jill and perhaps that is because she tells him at school it is okay to use the term 'Jill' but around the house she is 'Miss Jill'  either way for right now he is going to THINK of her as Jill and not Miss Jill.   But I'm sure that will change!

With all the talk about his lack of feminine shape I enjoyed the tight jeans rather well.   Yet I kept wondering if someone was going to hint Jill towards a corset and Steph would soon find himself always in a corset.   he would have a 'day corset' for under his jeans or dresses.   And a 'night corset' to sleep in...both shaping him up so his body was more feminine.  

Brenda is a perfect touch and I look forward to their first 'date' as girlfriends!   Just as I look forward to a make-over that no doubt will be coming.   Shaping of those brows and perhaps a dye and haircut.   With each I hope you keep the slow pace so that this tale and his transformation grows and grows!

I sure hope that his aunt is a blast to read!

Here is to hoping that the next chapter is up soon!   A new FAN!!!


Comment by Rita on 01/06/07
I think the pacing is just fine. And since this is a "love story" all will work out for the best. Just no more beatings please. Too much real violence in the world today.


Comment by Dick Dunham on 01/06/07
I really enjoyed your story.  Looking forward to the next chapters.

Comment by Jane Hudson on 01/06/07
Fun story but maybe he and his mum might wise up and sue the guts of Jill and co any lawyer would love this case or would Jill have an ace up her sleave by getting him to write why I like being a girl as a get out of jail free card. I hope that Bredna and him become good friend and he dont do something silly but if he let himself go feminine and say I am me in a skirt or pants so there. but I like the story maybe the lawyer could get a cut of the new belt for him if it sells well.

Comment by Zomba on 01/06/07
Your story is a real page-turner! I lke the way you haven't moved things too far too fast. That seems very realistic. I, too, would like to see Jill work on his level of obedience in things that are not related to his clothing a bit more before moving Steph into a more femine role, but you have been doing a great job thus far and have every confidence that you will continue to do a great job in the future. You are off to a great start.

Comment by Barbara Jo on 01/06/07
I love the way this story is going so far.  I'm really interested in seeing Stephanie want to change to look more feminine.  You might say that a bit more prodding by Brenda or maybe even one of the boys she/he is attending classes with might help.  Plant the seed and watch it grow.


Comment by Valentine on 01/06/07
For someone who is supposed to be referring to Jill as Miss Jill, he never seems to do it. It is always just Jill. The story is good, but you might want to think about that.

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