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The Great Shift: Be Thy Neighbor
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Comment by Tiffany Taylor on 02/27/09
It was a decent story though it could do without the love nuggets and the description of him taking a shit at the beginning. The progression to having sex came to quickly, and the lesbian stuff at the end made it go from a decent read to a wtf why did that just happen type of thing. Its one thing to have the relationship but not starting at the funeral. You've got some talent because its well written and keeps someones attention but the kinds of things i pointed out could make the difference from being readable to being a good story. Comment by Eric on 07/24/02 well done with good characters and the setting is well realized. But for me it falls apart in the end. The hero goes from sorrow to happiness in a lesbain relationship at the drop of a hat! Comment by Morpheus on 07/23/02 Definitely an amusing story. I'm glad that the Great Shift hasn't been entirely forgotten and more good tales are still being added. |
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