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Hidden Hollow
by Ilean Anne Jerque

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Comment by Sharleena on 12/14/11
And I was just wondenrig about that too!

Comment by Another Brian on 07/16/03
Its worth repeating,Wow! I've come to this gem late; but now that I've found it, I do not want to let it go. Normally, graphic oral sex, male to male, turns me off. Here the description is an intrical part of the story development. Please tell me you are working on a sequel to Hidden Hollow. The story line begs for it. I did not become aquainted with Crystal until 2002, so I've missed the initial chance to read this story. Now that I have learned about Falana & Ilean, I want more of both. There was no way i could forsee the ending of this spdendid effort turning out as it did.
Thank you Ilean for a superlative piece of TG fiction
Another Brian

Comment by aine fea on 11/15/01
WOW!!! What an ending!!!I loved the story!
Please don't leave it there.
:( Aine :)

Comment by Diane Sutton on 08/18/01
Truely a story I enjoyed. I read this story sometime ago when I had downloaded a few to read at my leasure. I finally got to find the story again and have the time to write. I like the way Ilean writes her stories. Yes, they may contain some x ratings but, that should not stop anyone from reading her stories. This one is one of the better stories I've found. I liked the how the author took this helpless kid and turned him into a girl by making out that she would be helping him to hide from the police by making him look like a girl. And then slowly turning him into a girl by hormones and other methods. The ending leaves the reading imagining how she escapes the law again, this time by slight of hand and the possibly destruction of her once false friend and benifactor. I liked it very much, and recommend it.


Comment by Jezzi Belle Stewart on 01/20/01
Wow, what a surprise ending!  Made this typical TG story a not-so-typical TG story.  Congratulations, but I feel so bad for Falana, being betrayed by everyone she had come to love.  I'd love to see a sequal "Felana: Payback is a bitch!"

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