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Is This What I Wanted?
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Comment by crorkz matz on 08/04/14
bLNpky Thanks a lot for the post. Fantastic. Comment by crorkz matz on 08/03/14 Vy5zay Im thankful for the article.Much thanks again. Comment by thisisme on 12/24/13 The short answer is that he was deprived of what he wanted and the ones purporting to give him what he wanted intentionally misdefined words to manipulate the situation in such a way as to get what they selfishly wanted taking advantage of his self-abasing submissiveness. I can't sympathize with him too much because he let tactile stimulation overrule his wishy-washy sense of fair play. Being a maid and being a slave are not (necessarily) synonomous. I can't (refuse to) relate to him because he lent himself to demotion (degradation/denigration). Comment by ashley on 03/29/12 loved it. kinda jealous so have a new fantasy - - Comment by Silvia. on 06/22/10 How you wrote something like this? Comment by "Missy," Susan Pauline Bauer on 05/29/10 I had a few moments before I need to got to my second part-time job. Comment by Mistress Meredith on 09/25/08 Hmm . . . I think sissy andi is learning some lessons he/she will never forget. Mistress Jenny and her wonderfully strict mother have done wonders in feminizing sissy andi. And the addition of Mr. Walsh -- well, what greater humiliation than having to serve a MAN while dressded as a French maid, hmm? Of course, it stood to reason sissy andi would end up as maid to Mistress Jenny's mother while Mistress Jenny enjoys the charms of one REAL MAN or another. I would love to hear about sissy andi's experiences as maid to Mistress Jenny's mother. Whether we get to hear about that or not, sissy andi DID GET just what she asked for and in spades. Comment by john on 06/19/08 a real fantasy of mine. Well done and well written as well. thank you for giving me some personal excitement , you know what i mean. Comment by Priscilla Ann on 11/12/07 The sissy's mother-in-law is the real protagonist of this wonderful tale. She has the heart of a dominatrix and uses it well. Poor andi is bound to suffer greatly now that he (she) is mother-in-law's maid. It would be interesting to see how. Very good story, more please. Comment by juliej on 03/24/07 the story is good incontext and is very enjoyable but needs more to it well done Comment by sissy on 11/16/04 Best bestest sissy humiliation story in a long time!! i feel so much bound to the poor hubby experiences.... Comment by julie on 01/31/04 well andy got far more than expected i pity him having a mother in law like that but he wanted the life i wonder how long it will take for him to regret this and try to run away this story has great potential for a few more parts it would be very intresting to read what happens next more please Comment by Diane on 12/05/03 yes this is what I want, I loved it and would love to be the man changed to the sissy maid for both his wife and mother in law. I have been a maid on several occassions for other males, but my wife will never let me be her maid which I really want. I enjoyed the story keep up the good work! Comment by Johnny on 06/27/03 I just cannot believe that there is no comments concerning this story!! It is excellent!!! I loved it!! My personal fantasy is to be turned into a sissy maid just like your main character. Your story kept me excited and aroused throughout it's length. The imaginative way of transferring the sissy to the perusal of other women for humiliation was really good. |
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