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Last Summer
by Vickie Tern

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Comment by Linda on 01/02/16
I loved this story because, She didnt' divorce her Scottie and leave him like in so many stories. She Feminized him so she wouldn't feel guilty about her affair.  yet, he was up on her all the time. In the end, she's still planning. but I envision that Scottie is also plotting. As "She" has already gotten a kind of revenge on Mandy. by having sex with her girlfriends.  which is why they keep telling her to approach Scott and tell him what's really going on.  My opinion, loved the story.

Comment by LYNN on 07/31/06

Comment by little girl ( i wish) on 07/27/05
WOW that story was awsome. I only WISH my wife would do that to me.. if anybody would get her to do that to me for real I would loveit.. the story reached who i feel i am god i loved it

Comment by Michelle on 10/18/04
I liked the story, a lot of in depth POV.  Can't imagine that there are really people like that, but then again this is fiction.  Will definately read more.  Thanks.

Comment by Dede on 08/15/03
nice insight into the 3 main characters.
somewhat predictable but that increases the cntrast and tension.
I learned to hate the lying bitch who destroys 2 men with her denial.

Comment by NDC on 08/07/03
Wow his wife should get the Cold Hearted BITCH of the year award.

What a cold hearted bitch she has a loving husband who she cheats on so to make herself feel better she changes him into a woman. As always you have him excepting this crap with him being happy to still be near the bitch at the end of the story.

Comment by kathleen Phillips on 08/02/03
Now this is  the kind of woman i would want for a wife.
A very good story, well writen, first class igot to say.
More please

Comment by willow619 on 08/01/03
What a wonderful story. Well-written, with nice charcter development, and a good sense of the psychology of the characters involved. Nice twists in the plot. And still quite erotic, nonetheles.
My compliments. It certainly outshines my stories by a great deal.

Thank you,


Comment by deathsheadx on 08/01/03

your doing it again.
this is the same story youve written loads of times before the same premise wife wants to screw around, changes husband so she can. it doesnt matter how well its written its getting to predictable. please try using a different framework once in a while. i mean tottaly different, i'm begging you!

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