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Learning By Experience
by Caitlin Rose

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Comment by WannabeGinger on 06/28/12
Back again!!!  Still missing you darling!  I've been away and now write for myself (and others) and the traffic at Big Closet is quite a bit better than dear old Storysite,  so that's where I'm posting now.... Please,  come on over and pick up with your writing too!  Love you!  Ginger xx

Comment by adraine on 08/08/11
what awonderful story , I hope you continue to write stories for us thanks again its refreshing to see a well thoughtout story where the charactors are nice to each other instead of vindictive again thanks ADraine

Comment by Silvia. on 05/19/11
Good work.

Comment by WannabeGinger on 03/19/10
Back again, near another anniversary...... I JUST LOVE THIS STORY!!.....PLEASE CAITLIN,  IF YOU'RE THERE... WRITE SOME MORE... DEVELOP THE CHARACTERS... WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!!?? Love Ginger xx

Comment by mike on 03/27/09
i totally loved your story.well experience has been close to your story.i dressed before i got married.started again after about ten wife slowly decided that i needed to see the other side on her has taken awhile but now we both so very happy with the change.

Comment by Jeff on 05/03/08
Sorry, but I'm not buying it. There's no way that the shrill, sexist, vindictive, self-involved little snot at the beginning of the story can possibly be the same woman who admits to having learned anything from her husband, or confesses to having said anything "snide" at the end of the story. And all she has to say to his subterfuge is "You little vixen!"? Mission: implausible. "Good luck, Mr. Phelps. This tape will self-destruct in 5 seconds." Nope, sorry. I'm not buying it...

Comment by marcus on 02/20/07
I enjoyed it, thanks. Nicely done.

Comment by wannabe ginger on 02/20/07
Just re-read your story (on its "anniversary" and I loved it just as much as the first time....... What a perfect scenario you paint,  Caitlin......  Many, many of us would ove to be in John/Joan's position.....  I specially like the willingness both characters show and so there's no forced or pressured aspect from either side..... wonderful, sensitive writing.
Love Ginger

Comment by juliej on 05/19/05
reread this story again it s very god &written all that fuss over dressing up when he wanted it anyway

Comment by juliej on 04/22/04
an excellent story wellwritten and thought out my suspicion was that carrie had suspected for a long time and this was an excuse to try it out as if it was a form of lesson learing intresting that he admitted he had done it all before i feel it was not much of a shock i wish mine was like carrie

Comment by Kristi Fitzpatrick on 09/27/03

   Very nice story.  It is fun to have a change of heart for the wife Carrie.  I loved the fact that she realized her biases were based on a total lack of knowledge and changed her mind.  No Forced Fem rather manipulation and trickery by the man using what are normally considered women's wiles.  Hey what's a crossdresser to do?  Very cute sweet story.  Your writings are getting more polished all the time.  



Comment by SassySue on 03/01/03
A wonderful upbeat story.  How I wish I could experience something like that in real life.

Hope it comes true for you.

Comment by Nellie D on 02/27/03
A very nice story of two loving people working through a situation.

Comment by Tamara Rand on 02/21/03
Caitlin, Dear:

When I saw your name among the "What's New" listings, I had to come right over, and I wasn't disappointed.  You have always had such a wonderful appreciation for the magical place that hair care and makeup  have in our twisted little hearts (smile).  You're one of my favorite writers of TG themed stories.  Best wishes, and thank you for your unflagging generosity in sharing your gifts with us.

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