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Little Jackalina And The Wedding
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Comment by stephanie on 07/16/14
great story but where is part 2 ? or part 3 Comment by Silvia. on 11/06/10 Very bad story. Comment by Leia on 04/11/10 Really good start, can't wait for part two,..:-) Comment by Ann on 03/16/09 Good start, but I guess we will never know how it turned out. Comment by JB on 12/06/08 Having just read this tail I am also disapointed that there is no follow on. Hope is that it comes soon a year is a long time to wait. Comment by Maggie on 10/10/08 Guess Part II is never coming. Sad, since this had potential. Comment by Abby on 03/15/08 Belladonna, when is part two gonna be out? You said in November "next week". It's MARCH now lol. Please, it was a good start, and I really want to read the rest. Comment by juliej on 11/10/07 a good start to the story Comment by Belladonna on 11/09/07 Ok OK I hear youNext week by Thursday I will submit the second instalment Its slow going for me sorry please be patiant . I will sumbmit shorter instalments to make it go faster. Comment by jamz on 11/07/07 part two onegai~!! Comment by jamz on 11/07/07 part to onegai~!! Comment by J-Lynn on 11/06/07 Interesting story as it goes; I do feel that a nine year old boy would not be calling his older sister a "B", but in this day and age who knows. Does seem like the sister over reacted to everything. Am wondering how the next segment of the story will be. Comment by jeannette on 11/06/07 Great story, girlfriend! The cursing could have been toned down a little. I can not wait for Part 2. (Maybe, Jackalina goes to tap dancing/ballerina classes with the girls... ) Comment by Bella on 09/29/07 WOW! I didn't expect such a response. I worte this on a whim and forgot I even submitted it. I want to thank all of you for your commints the good and the bad. I will try to incorperate your sugestions into part two. And seeing the demand for it I will start that today. I didn't excpect that people would be clamering for it. Anyway to answer your questions there so many I hope I get them all. Comment by H R on 09/28/07 WHEN IS PART TWO COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!........ Comment by Rone Welles on 08/28/07 Well done you could have done as well with out the cuss words from a nine year old that was a little much ... Jackie would be a Comment by suejrz on 08/24/07 It was a very nice part one..cute and sentimental in its own way....let's keep her in dresses for many more chapters...hugs. Comment by Sarah H. on 08/24/07 Kind of ok, I think it might be better if the two girls knew she was a he and have some fun with him. Terrible name. Comment by pansyamy on 08/24/07 i loved the first part of your story,please write next part very soon and email me when you do ok,love pansyamy Comment by Valentine on 08/23/07 This is another one of those, why doesn't Jack just go find some adult and tell them what is going on. Sure it wouldn't make for a good story, but it would be a whole lot more realistic. Or he could just act like himself, let his sister try to explain that, no boy that wants to dress like a girl is going to act like a boy while dressed. The adults would then be all over the sister. Comment by hippie cheerleader on 08/23/07 I agree with Jezzi. Although I am not a parent, I don't think nine year old boys would express themselves that way. And although Jack seems to be rambunctious, as young boys are, I did not read anything anywhere in your story to indicate he deserved this kind of punishment. Interesting though and I want to see where you're going with this, so I'll continue reading.I've never seen the term "Whippier Snipper" before either-- did you make that up? Comment by Abby on 08/22/07 Not to sound dumb....but what is a Whipper Snipper? I have never heard the term before. Girl Scouts, yes. Girl Guides, yes. Whipper Snippers, not so much. Comment by Sharon on 08/22/07 Where did Pam get the chloroform? Comment by Jezzi Stewart on 08/21/07 Pam apparantly is quite short sighted. Although I believe that Jack asked for much of what he's getting, he also sounds way to adolescent to be nine. it doesn't matter, though, because Pam is making an enemy for life out of her brother; she may think she has control, but she'd better watch her back after this is over. I'm sure she'll go the "I've got pictures." route, but she may push him to the point where she was at where he just wants to get even and doesn't care about the future. Things will simply escalate into outright hatred on both their parts and that will affect the whole family. If I was Jack, I would just go along with Pam's plan, bide my time, act like, "OK, it wasn't so bad; we're even.", wait about six months, and then, when she least expects it ... Comment by Mr. Ram on 08/21/07 This is not an Altered Fates story. It is only a nine year old boy made to dress like a girl. |
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