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Little One 2
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Comment by Silvia. on 07/17/11
What work are you talking about? Comment by Tish on 03/03/07 Well, we KNEW you weren't Paul. He can write, you can't -_- Comment by Mastermind on 02/13/07 The comments I get say that the story is all over the place. However, these tiny parts are just dummy story ideas I have written. My quality and idea system are a way for me just to write without much consequence. Grant you it is full of loop holes, horrible grammar, and other things; nevertheless, I care little for what others think of my work. To say again, I care little for what others think of my work... Comment by Mysti on 02/11/07 This story is a total mess! After seeing the lack of a coherent story line in part 1, not to mention the poor spelling, confusing use of tenses, miserable grammar, and faulty sentence construction, I thought that Mastermind would surely correct these problems in part two. Instead, the second part is even worse. I had to read both parts twice before I could figure out who "Daniel" was- is it too much trouble to let the readers know what's going on, and who's who? Also, to give but one of numerous examples of bad spelling, I think the author was trying to say that children can be "angels", but instead said that children are "angles". Not outside geometry class, they're not! Somehow I suspect that Mastermind is either an alias of Paul Jutras, or has been heavily influenced by him. Please- go back to the drawing board and get a competent editor to make sense of this train wreck! Comment by Sissy Baby Paula on 02/11/07 This one turns around so much that my head spins too! As an adult baby I love diaper stories, but could you please slow down a bit? Tell us more what the little darlings do. And why is doctor Lin doing all this? Has she lost her children or are these three going to be sold or something? Comment by Erin on 02/11/07 Please, for the sake of humanity, either get an editor or deep six this story. Good premise, poor execution. Comment by Jezzi Stewart on 02/11/07 The most evil of the bad girls wins. To continue with AC/DC, Dr. Lin is definitely on the "Highway to Hell" |
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