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The M and M Club
by Rob Willson

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Comment by Silvia. on 03/25/12

Comment by juliej on 12/30/06
an interesting begining but i needto read the retbefore further comment

Comment by Beardy on 04/11/06
Nothing new to say...
The first 4 were good, and then it did get a bit monotonous,
but chapter 8 was just plain wrong.
Not really enough cross-dressing in it, given the website,
so perhaps a few more partners should have been drawn in to add variety.

Comment by suna on 02/16/06
I enjoyed the first seven but eight was a crock.  This is what happens when you cease to care about the story. Falling into the femdom 'the only good man is a sissy' trap. ugh!  Suddenly the women HATE him *sigh*
It wont be long before he scoops up a knife in the kitchen and begins to kill them one by one starting with the chef.

Your explanation of not wanting to leave the story hanging was a poor excuse.  

Comment by Sheryl S. on 12/18/03
Add me to the disappointed list.  I understand your reasoning Rob, but definitely not my cup of tea -- have the Skivvy bring me some chamomile with honey at once please!

Huggles anyway,
Sheryl S.

Comment by J. Drake on 12/15/03
I liked the first seven chapters, I really did. But chapter eight is anouther story altogther, literally. Not only does it leave the reader feeling a more than a bit negativly stuned, it really does not fit either the writing style of the previous seven, or the theme of the rest of the story. You are obviously a good writer. but this ending left me cold.

Janice Drake

Comment by Rob Willson on 12/15/03
To Sharon: I hope you come back to this page, so that you see my answer to your comment.

I understand your reaction to Part 8.  It wasn’t planned like that originally and it happened like this.

M & M was originally written some years ago (about 6 - 10) on an old Amstrad word processor with an unorthodox three-inch disk drive.  I had parts 1-7 printed out and part 8, and possibly part 9, still on disk when the drive gave up working.  I replaced it with a standard 3½ drive and couldn’t therefore recover the missing chapters.

This year, I decided to have it published in a monthly online magazine, but found that the seven dot-matrix printed chapters were not of good enough quality to scan and that meant retyping about 22 thousand words.

Then the editor suddenly announced that there would be only one more edition of the magazine, before it went belly-up.  That left me with four options, that I could see.

1. Do nothing and leave the story hanging in mid-air.

2. Try to re-create a chapter 8 on the original lines, which would still leave it in limbo.

3. Try to think of an ending that would fit the storyline, but it seemed far too early in the life of the Club for that to be feasible.

4. Introduce a twist, which unfortunately makes the ending very dark and a bit unsatisfactory – especially for Jim (and Sharon.  Sorry)!

I wondered if this would be the reaction of some readers.  As for me?  Well I’m sitting firmly on the fence 50/50.  I was a little bit bored with this very old story.  I suppose, as an afterthought, I could have tried to continue the story in the original vein for storysite, but it was written so long ago that I didn’t feel too keen on trying.

Also, I already had another story (The S) buzzing around in my head, which was itching to be downloaded from my brain and demanding priority.  

So, that is how it happened.

Comment by Anon on 12/13/03
Thank you for the story, and I think the guy was nuts to get involved with those women in the first place.
  It would now seem that Skivvy is a prisoner, slave, a nothing -- and would seem to be no more a husband to whatever, so he SHOULD'VE WALKED out on her!

Comment by Sharon on 12/13/03
The first 7 chapters were good but I don't like the last one, number 8
as you have taken a very dark turn here, You started out showing that they initiated the club with fun and care for EACH of the club members but in the last one showing nothing but cold cruelty.
Why the turn? I enjoyed the first 7 but have a very distinct rotten taste in my mouth about number 8.
If there is a nine I'll read it and hope that Tressa wakes up and returns Jim to his former status.

Comment by Sheryl S. on 12/03/03
Very good start, well-set-up, and lovingly executed.  I can hardly wait for the next installment.

Love & Huggs,
Sheryl S.

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