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The M and M Club
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Comment by Silvia. on 03/25/12
Ridiculous. Comment by juliej on 12/30/06 an interesting begining but i needto read the retbefore further comment Comment by Beardy on 04/11/06 Nothing new to say... Comment by suna on 02/16/06 I enjoyed the first seven but eight was a crock. This is what happens when you cease to care about the story. Falling into the femdom 'the only good man is a sissy' trap. ugh! Suddenly the women HATE him *sigh* Comment by Sheryl S. on 12/18/03 Add me to the disappointed list. I understand your reasoning Rob, but definitely not my cup of tea -- have the Skivvy bring me some chamomile with honey at once please! Comment by J. Drake on 12/15/03 I liked the first seven chapters, I really did. But chapter eight is anouther story altogther, literally. Not only does it leave the reader feeling a more than a bit negativly stuned, it really does not fit either the writing style of the previous seven, or the theme of the rest of the story. You are obviously a good writer. but this ending left me cold. Comment by Rob Willson on 12/15/03 To Sharon: I hope you come back to this page, so that you see my answer to your comment. Comment by Anon on 12/13/03 Thank you for the story, and I think the guy was nuts to get involved with those women in the first place. Comment by Sharon on 12/13/03 The first 7 chapters were good but I don't like the last one, number 8 Comment by Sheryl S. on 12/03/03 Very good start, well-set-up, and lovingly executed. I can hardly wait for the next installment. |
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