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My First Time Completly Dressed
by Sally Ann

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Comment by laura on 10/11/13
what a lovely gentle story of feminine longing keep writing

Comment by elaine on 10/11/13
lovely gentle story of feminine longing, thanks

Comment by Andrea on 01/19/12
Your story describes heaven, absolute heaven. I honestly can't imagine anything better.

Comment by Sharon. on 05/14/11
What a lovely story,it is wonderful when a mother helps her son turn into a beautiful girl,my mum did and I loved her so much for it.

Comment by pixie on 01/10/11
   I have now read all of your stories, and I really enjoyed the First time Dressed 1 & 2 series, I only wish that I had had the same first time experience to dress as a girl in a "friendly" environment as you did!
( My main fetish "was and still is", to wear girls "tights and leotards") as one of my sisters was taking ballet classes.
If you could create a story along those lines, I would love you forever.
   Kind regards, Pixie. xx

Comment by Missy-Susan Pauline Bauer on 07/25/09
Dear Miss Sally Ann,

The comment I wrote before should have been on the, "First Time," story; not this one. I thoroughly enjoyed reading both stories. Since Jamie's mom had a bad experience with her husband, she was more open to see the changing needs of her son. Perhaps, she might get the daughter she's always wanted after all.

You haven't written that often. Perhaps you've been too busy looking into YOUR mirror in your newest dress?

Your story flows quite well. Please do write soon.

Missy Susan

Comment by Missy-Susan Pauline Bauer on 07/25/09
Dear Miss Sally Ann,

I just finished reading your pretty little story. You did well to bring into the story, the reactions of other family members. I just wish that I had a friend or a sibling to put me into dresses, when I was that young. You did a nice job in describing Jamie's clothes changing. Since girl's shoes are my basic fetish, I noticed that you didn't write about little Jamie's girl shoes. It was good that you wrote about Jamie's mirror-time. It was important.

Missy Susan

Comment by Margaret Samson on 06/08/09
This is a well told story with all the feelings of child and mother. If this has any resemblance with real life then I must admit that I'll have to adjust my concept of "mothers"! :-)

Comment by patty on 02/22/08
As a senior I can still rember a blue velvet dress which was a start of years of love and hate. I wish every young TV could have that kind of support from his/her mother

Comment by rone welles on 12/01/06
   Dreams are made like this story .... IF   IF  only ....
the family that understands thier kids is a loving family..
especily when they are differnt .... thank you for a loving story ..


Comment by sissu phyll on 02/16/06
Hi Sally Ann    I loved your story and I felt so girlish reading it.  What a wonderful and understanding moomy she had to do all that for her, that was really sweet.  We all wish we could have had that attention when we were growing up and needed it so much.  How many years Ive had to hide my femme desires Ill bet youve felt the same.  please hurry and add to this story with more chapters.  I cant wait to read more.  go girl go.       Your new sissy freind.   XXXXXXX  OOOOOO   Sissy Phyll.

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