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Plumbers Mate
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Comment by Tamaa on 01/05/13
This past year, I attended the Thirteenth Angel Foundation anunal gala with family. It was an exceptionally organized event, which offered great items to bid on, all of which was donated to charity, good food, drinks and entertainment.  The night was inspirational!  Although I did not have the opportunity to meet the late Angela Mazzaferro, I did have the opportunity to speak with friends and family who have been touched by her presence, spirit and dedication to an unbelievable cause.This will definitely not be the last time that I attend the Thirteenth Angel Foundation anunal gala  I only hope that others will take this testimonial as an opportunity to attend the gala and see for themselves! Comment by Andrew on 05/22/08 Great story. I wish this can happen to me in reality! Comment by Chaz/Chay on 09/10/07 This story has scared me straight. Thank you for that. I too have a family, but I will not put them to any risk just to satiate some pethetic sexual urge. Comment by Early June on 02/09/05 I kept waiting fo the worm to turn. Even as i read the last sentence, I had hopes of the victim being rid of the kidnapper, rapist, and murderer. Yes, William is a murderer. He killed the old identity and grieved a mother and children, not to mention the victim himself. In my mind, it is unreal for the victim not to have great resentment for the treatment, no matter how pleasant a life style has been created. Comment by leah on 09/15/04 Intriguing and compulsive for the readership generally found here at Crystal's. (Pardon, if I have overspoken on anyone's behalf.) Comment by Michelle on 09/08/04 Can't wait for part three! Very erotic and spellbinding! Comment by leah on 09/07/04 Right now, at the end of chapter two, it's scary as hell. Comment by Annabel on 09/05/04 After part 2 Comment by alison on 08/25/04 Wonderful short story, wish i could find a plumber like that. Keep up the good work! Comment by Michelle on 08/25/04 Short and sweet. Very nice! |
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