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The President Addresses the Nation
by Rosie

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Comment by whyguys on 04/01/09
This kind of speculation is SOOO-O-O exciting!  Good story!

But Gee Whiz.... I wanted to vote for a nice Female Supremacist so the country could have a little proper sex role-reversed gynarchy as in  this story....

and all we get is this deceiving socialist Obama....


Comment by Peggy on 05/15/06
Wonderful story. Would love to se more like it. The future looks like an interesting place

Comment by jasmine on 07/27/04
i guess we can expect the Nuremberg laws to be reenacted for males. males will be blamed for all everything that went wrong and businesses owned my males will be attacked. kristallnaucht. next Dakau for those that dont agree with this vicious government. after a few years i guess we can expect Sobibor and Auschwitz.
Terrifying future that is seems like everyone wants. i guess like 1920 in munich, everyone wants what is the worst. once they have it will they relize their mistake. by then it is too late.

it was well wrote. i only wish i was as good.

Comment by Jane Hudson on 07/24/04
Loved it mad but very fun short story TG would love this new world but the Hommer J Simpsons out there Ahh that another story !!!

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