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Seventh Period
by Jennifer White

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Comment by Diane Morrill on 10/11/09
As soon as "...Mark began to rise from his chair..." I began to smile. What Magic!!!
What a story!
And stories can be anything, go anywhere, end however they might. Why? Because they're just stories.
What an imagination this author has!!!

Comment by Chelsea on 01/14/08
This is so horrible, that teacher, that stupid witch lied to him. She said she'd change him back, obviously she better GET HERS. I hope the council punishes her to an eternity far worse than any hell ever imagined, times ten. She deserves that, and more >< Stupid lying ERGH! ><

Comment by Angel O'Hare on 03/27/06
Hm, well, the story began well and ended horribly. A boy has been murdered, his mother brainwashed and magic has been used for the negative side. Evil done in the guise of good!

No lessons learned, the witch is a bitch that uses her magic for selfish reasons. She will pay for this in the end, they always do you see.

Margaret appears out of nowhere, she has no memory of being a girl or a past of being a girl, but she has one, only others know about! CRUEL, very cruel and now he/she has a date with a boy? GEEZE this is a sadistic story.


Comment by Jill Micayla on 01/27/06
I like reading the majority of your stories. this one is particularily good as it gives us a perpective of a boy knowing thathe is not going to ever be a boy again.  I was derided for character assassination of taking away the memory of a characted in one of my stories. However; as in my story it makes it interesting, why have bad memoies of being a boy when one can have good memeories of being a girl.
My story was a revision of one here on this site "A solution to noise pollution" it is posted on Big Closet.  Again Well Done

Comment by Sissy Baby Paula on 01/09/06
I not a big fan of magical transformation stories, but I liked this one. Mark the bad boy turned into Margaret the good girl is perhaps a very basic story line, but it is nicely told. And I have always liked the good girl aspect eventhough it isn't very realistic. Still why couldn't a bad boy become a good girl? Not every girl is a bitch. Of course this magical teacher could have turned him into a good boy, but this is a TG-story...

Hugs from Sissy Baby Paula and Snowball (my toy puppy)

Comment by Jezzi Stewart on 01/02/06
Yet another sadistic murderess.  My comment was going to be that there was no reason now for Mark to be a good girl, as the only hold the teacher had on her was the threat to keep her as a girl and he had found out she was going to do that no matter how he behaved.  I thought "She" was going to decide to be the baddest bitch in the school.  Of course, my scenartio became moot when in the end she killed Mark..  Slowly.  Would she enjoy watching him in class as he realized that he was being killed and replaced?

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