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Story Comments by Readers

by Jason argo

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Comment by pixie on 03/09/11
 I just adore stories about sissy girlie-boys. (being one myself), dancing in their pretty, skimpy dresses, this one is a "winner".
 I've only just read the first chapter and have already messed my frilly knickers!!
I'll have to put on a fresh pair before I continue with the next chapter!
Keep up the good work.
     It's keeping "me up" very nicely thank you.
                      Huggs, Pixie. xxx

Comment by Honey on 02/19/09
Like Tranton51, I am completely amazed that no comments have been posted. As a longtime fan of tg fiction, I have to say that this collection of stories ranks among the very best that I have ever encountered. The narrative structure, the cast of characters, the esoteric references and especially, the author's delicious, tongue-in-cheek sense of humor makes Showtime so much more than just a right-hand read (though American, I am a confirmed anglophile and couldn't help but keep a running list of all the priceless British buzz-phrases). As erotic literature, it is head-and-shoulders above  most of the stuff that is on the net; the sex scenes, with their attention to detail, are put together with the eye and ear of an artist and with the patience of the Marquis de Sade. Kudos.

Comment by Honey on 02/18/09
Like Tranton51, I am absolutely amazed that there are no comments about this collection of stories. As a long-time fan of tg fiction on various websites, I have to say that this writing ranks among the very best that I have read. The narrative structure, the cast of characters, the esoteric references and especially, the author's delicious, tongue-in-cheek sense of humor all combine to make Showtime so much more than just a right-hand read (though American, I'm a confirmed anglophile and couldn't help but keep a running list of priceless British buzz-phrases). As erotic literature, it is head-and-shoulders above most of the other stuff that is on the net;   each sex scene is developed with the eye of an artist and the patience of the Marquis de Sade. Kudos.

Comment by Tranton51 on 12/09/06
I am amazed no comments have been posted.

This is a delightful fanatsy, quite well told. Moves between different scenarios with ease.

But is so damned sexy. Those wanton little sissies are pantie stretching, cock hardening and just so fluid erupting.

Each character has 'his' or 'her' own erection forming moments.

Keep up the good work  

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