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The Sins Of The Fathers
by Hypatia

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Comment by Fanny on 12/13/11
Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or icnoheernt. Not this!

Comment by Aardvark on 12/24/02
What a dark story.

I was just a bit too unbelievable to me.  You seemed to have made it a US vs. Muslims story with the world being caught in the middle. the both sides doing or allowing to happen, unspeakable evil, making a kind of weird moral equivalence.

The picture of American 'cowboys' being reckless with something they don't understand is a popular attitude in the UK and Europe, but does the US really have the potential in your eyes to do something so evil as to attempt to obliterate a billion innocent Muslims because several million want to Jihad? would they truly be so incredibly careless to release Damocles on the world and not have an antidote to it? And, on top of that, would they allow such a weapon to be stolen buy Muslims to be used against the world? Come on!

Clearly, one of the basic premises was that stupid Yanks and Muslims can both cause great harm to humanity given the chance.

The moralising at the end was just a boiled-down version of "Why can't we just get along?" and was unconvincing. The message about truth, and that God is not found in a book was the right one and is fine, but you still left ignored the glaring error that Aiesha, the Muslim girl would not have been allowed to marry the protagonist in the story had she really been a Muslim. A proper ending would have been for all the people in the caravan to disavow their organized religions and start with a rational discourse on what makes sense.

Comment by Jeremy on 10/06/01
    Alright story, but you did tend to generalize Muslims and it reached a point of offensiveness. The best homeroom teacher I've had is Muslim, and she's a kind, funny, smart woman.

Comment by Bob Wasaff on 10/06/01
I am surprised that no one has left a comment on this one, as there has been over 500 readers so far.

Well I would like to say that when I read the first part "So this Nation...", I wanted blood! And I wrote Hypatia that that is what I wanted to see in the next chapter.  I know that others out there felt the same way as I did and I wanted to see that happen.

Well when the next chapter in this story came out I was very disappointed to say the least, but when reading on to the third chapter I became more and more encouraged as to my feelings and the future.  Now I see that even if things go badly, there will always be somebody that will fight for what's right even if things get their worst.  Truth and justice will always prevail no matter what.

I know that this is only a story, but in times such has now, people need to be encouraged by positive and creative writings, such as this.  

I also wanted to say that I know we as Americans cannot let such terrorism as September 11th, go unpunished.  We have been standing by for too long as things such as this have been happening all around us in the world for so long and as long as it did not affect us personally we tended to ignore it.  This same attitude existed on December 6, 1941 as people said the same thing about the Japanese and Germans and what terrors they were doing in other parts of the world.  As an American I am ashamed of being so callous to the needs of the rest of the world.  It is time we now stand up for what's right and go after all terrorists of all kinds throughout the world.  And also we need to look within and weed out all the so called pure Americans, the Arian Nation and the KKK and all the other hate groups that I have not mentioned.  As the only 'true, pure' Americans are the American Indians, and you know what we did to them. As Americans we are made up of every nationality of the world, and there is no room for hate.  Lets now be truly Americans and be true to our heritage and country.  Lets show the rest of the world that we are not all talk and no action, we owe it to ourselves and our neighbors.

As I think Admiral Yamamoto said after learning that the declaration of war was delivered after the attack on Pearl Harbor happened. " I am afraid we awoke a sleeping giant and we are doomed."

Let's tell all terrorists around the world that they have "awoken a sleeping giant" and are doomed as well.


Bob Wasaff      

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