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Student Life
by Lauran Travis

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Comment by Sanne on 07/21/11
Pin my tail and call me a dkoney, that really helped.

Comment by Marlien on 07/20/11
You've hit the ball out the park! Incrdebile!

Comment by Briar on 05/09/07
Have to agree with the others about the end bit being rushed, and the disappearance of Neil, but I think the biggest problem is the switch from Mother to Father as the prime force behind his switching from male to female presentation - this just is not believeable, and if you decide to revise the story you ought to reconsider that one.

Never mind all these niggles though, you have written another really good story, with the main character coming across as someone one can empathy with and admire.  Not many "normal" sons would be willing to dress up as daughters to help their confused and sick mothers.  Of course, it brought out his latent transexuality, and that is far more common in young males than is generally thought.

Comment by Jezzi Stewart on 05/08/07
I really enjoyed this story, but felt the first two-thirds were much better than the last third where it seemed you were getting tired of the story and just wanted to hurry up and finish it.
A couple of things:
1)  So mom was faking her condition all along and she and dad conspired to turn their son into their daughter even though he did not want to do it in the beginning?  And you just kind of gloss over that.  That sounds so nasty, selfish, and unloving.  And Lauren is so enamoured of her new state that she just shrugs off having parents so lacking in morals that they would do this.  While she was happ[y with the results for herself, I would think that there would be some disappointment and anger at the loss of loving parents replaced by coniving selfish ones.  Were the brothers and sister-in-laws in on the plot?  
2)  what happened to Neil?  He was the best friend, then the boyfriend and then, apruptly, he was completely gone from the story with no reason as to why.

Comment by TinaC on 05/08/07
Wow Lauran,

I can't believe you are the same writer!  Your plots have come on in leaps and bounds as has your writing style.  

This was a very original narrative with a plot-line I have not encountered before and for what is quite a long story for one sitting it seemed to have plenty of pace;

If I was to be hypercritical, I thought the last third could have been better edited and a few spellos were appearing.  If there were any in the first half I missed them as I was too excited by what what going on.

I wasn't sure what happened to Neil and a few other bits and pieces seemed to just happen, but really in all seriousness this was not far off being one of the best I have read.

Take care and congrats again

TinaC xx

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