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Summertime Pinks
by Little Katie

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Comment by Lost Penguin on 02/12/11
Very good. One of the best stories I've ever read, even out of real books. Keep up the good work and you will become a fantastic writer some day.

Comment by Kylie B on 06/18/10
I usually don't leave comments but I felt that you had such a wonderful story and so well written that anything less of me leaving a comment would have been an insult. I really did enjoy your story and hope that you continue writting

Comment by Kandis on 06/14/10
Absolutely beautiful story. Well written, and so well balanced. Thank you for such a wonderful story.

Comment by Silvia    (from Brazil) on 08/19/09
Hi Katie.
I loved your story, and I hope you write more stories like this one.
You're a good writer, keep writing.

Comment by Ray on 10/19/07
Your story was just wonderful. I felt like it was happening to me. I think you should continue to write about how he becomes a ballerina. I would love to read about that just as I want to dance as a ballerina. Keep up the wonderful story. Sincerely yours sissy Ray

Comment by Matthew on 12/01/05
Enjoyed reading the story and Hope you have a Happier Life Chrissy.

Comment by julie j on 08/27/04
its was  a very good story i imagine it was very hard forbillys father to accept, his son was a girl no matter how hard he took to try i understood the pan & anguish he father was going through excellent story

Comment by julie larue on 04/13/04
i can remeber when i was about 3 or 4 when mother asked what i wanted for christmas, i tol;d her i wanted a doll that i had seen in a stor3e in oregon city.  so on christmas i got that doll my mother said i would play with that doll as if it were really a sister because it was so large, i was only 2 ft tall then mother said she never had to worry about where i was because i took care if that doll very carefully,  she told me later in life that when i was born she wanted a daughter so bad she would dress me in girls dresses, and with snow white long hair the ladies would say how pretty a girl i was, dad made mother cut my hair shortly after  the doll incident but i always had that doll hiding in moms closet.  so i can emopathize with billy about her gender confusion i have always felt that i was in the wrong body, but by the time something could be done about it im too old to change.  i still enjoy wearing girls clothes because they feel right! i just read the first installment and read more later.  keep up the warm stories they make people feel like they should about others like us.


Comment by Francine on 06/29/03
I enjoyed your story very much. Fran

Comment by Anonymous on 06/26/03
Thank you for a sweet story about sexual indeterminacy. It happens in real life more frequently than most realize. Like the story, the person usually doesn't get to pick. The happy ending in your story is the person's opportunity to choose.

Best to you.


Comment by Josea on 06/25/03
I just finished your story. It was very sweet.

Keep writing.

Comment by not to be known on 06/22/03
i am really enjoying this story i hope you get more in soon

Comment by Josea on 06/22/03
I just read the 3 chapters you have so far. A very good story. I only wish this gem had been more polished (less typos; your and you're not used in place of each other; to and too not used in place of each other; and so on).

I look forward to the next chapters.

Comment by Angel O'Hare on 06/21/03
The past jumps back and memories are ignited. FLASH, you were both and now you are one. How about meds? Psychiatrists? The surgeries and those memories will FLASH in the future I am sure. Looking forward to more LK!


Comment by Jimmy on 06/21/03
Well, there are men out there who are hung up on the "need a boy to carry on the male line."

I am wondering if you made a mistake in part three.  At four, the child should have been potty trained, and a lot more articulate in speech.

But it is a good story and memory suppression of traumatic events occurs.  Being forced to change from a girl to a boy would be traumatic to such a young child.

Keep up the good work and I hope to see more soon.

Comment by Beverly Boule on 06/20/03
Why do the mother and the sisters continue to defend the dad when you've shown him to be a crude, coarse and violent monster who is clearly incapable of loving this child?  I don't mean to be overly critical, but the dad isn't a character -- he's a caricature. Of course we know that a lot of intersexed children are pushed onto the wrong track, but usually *both* of the parents (like Billy/Chrissie's mom) are well meaning even while they make the wrong choice.

Comment by Allie on 06/20/03
A good story so far with lots of possibilities to what happens to people in it.

Comment by Paula on 06/19/03
Part 3 provided more character detail and was far more emotional than any of the previous parts. Good work at tugging at our heart strings dear.

Comment by Jezzi Stewart on 06/19/03
So she has a past she doesn't remember.  Intriguing.  Maybe dad should spend some time in dresses????  The only thing negative is I thought nine was a little young for the girlfriend/boyfriend kissing stuff.  You go, girl; keep writing!

Comment by julie on 06/18/03
an excellent begining to a good story it has the write atmosphere and is looking to be very good more please it would be better to put the story into chapters I look foreward to the next installment

Comment by Mardee Louise Prynne on 06/16/03
This is a truly lovely beginning to what I'm sure will be worthwhile reading. This is another story that belies the petticoat punishment mythology. The lure of feminine attire and of girlish activity was a strong incentive, not a punishment at all, for so many of us.
DO write more.

Comment by caroline on 06/15/03
Very nice story.  Please keep it going.  I love the sentiment and feeling you have given it so far.

Comment by Fran on 06/15/03
I enjoyed the story. Please continue it.
Thank you, Fran

Comment by Paula on 06/15/03
a real sweet story I like to read more of the wonderful characters.

Comment by anonymous on 06/15/03
A very nice story. The dad is a nice addition, missing from most similar stories. Also, the variety of responses from the group of boys is a great touch. These touches let you story say more about masculinity than most do. Thank you for this contribution. Hope you write more.  

Comment by Michelle on 06/15/03
<sigh> seems to be the norm for alot of us, having always felt since I can remember(back at about age 5 or 6) the longing inside, to be more like my older sister. But the father part certainly fit my youth. Anyway cute story and closer to the facts than you may imagine. Lookin forwarf to the next chapter<smile>

Comment by J on 06/15/03
excellent story, make more please!!!

Comment by Gwen Brown on 06/15/03
This story is so true. Most of us are simply forced to adapt to being in the wrong body. In later life it reemerged in me, as with many of us. What a challenge it is to begin to be real.


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