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Sunshine of My Life
by Shelley

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Comment by Shelley on 08/23/11
Thanks for the comments. Sorry I havn´t written more.

Comment by teriterry on 07/09/10
I loved the story and to sum it all up, I'm jealous!  Wish I could write as good as you!

Comment by Annie on 05/30/10
Reads very familiar

Comment by Janet on 08/13/09
What a lovely story, as I, too, lived it.

Comment by MaryLou on 06/21/09
Reads very much like the story of my life

Comment by MaryLou on 06/21/09
If wishes were horses...

Comment by leelee on 11/11/08
A lovely story  I wish all of us could find such a woman..My secretary loved me as a girlie sissy   and bought my clothes for me and even introduced me to a few men   ( she liked to watch) but when my wife discovered all of this she was not amused  to say the least  and would gladly have castrated me  ( little did she know that I would have loved that)   anyway  I can relate to this story and it was wonderfully told   thank you

Comment by Jane Bond on 10/07/08
You do nice work.

Comment by Audrey on 05/29/08
Lucky Sam!

Comment by juliej on 11/08/04
its a good love story that anyone would want a part in well done it was amazing the changes were not noticed untill to late but he just let her carry on without any arguements intresting

Comment by islebeyours on 11/17/03
I read many stories of this kind, and read them carefully. I can tell when someone is simply expelling a long time fantasy with the prerequisite number of hot-buttons or whether there is something "special". I believe very strongly that you are the later. You are eloquent, savvy and have that special gift that other aspiring writers can not help but notice.

If there are other stories circulating about (other than the two that are here) I'd love to hear about them.

I consider your two stories posted here to be some of the best of it's type I've ever read. This is not praise I dish out very often I assure you. Thank you.


Comment by Shawnee on 11/14/03
Enjoyed you story, it brings to mind the saying "careful what you wish for, you might get it". The main caracter mentioned that he'd prayed to be in a relationship with the girl who was the sunshine of his life. And when he eventually did get into that relationship she feminized him, what an interesting twist. Thanks for not having him/her sadomized by some male stud afterward.

Comment by Kristi Fitzpatrick on 11/13/03
Was a little tough to accept someone with so conditional a love as Katherine, but she was obviously who Sam wanted. The times with the girls were weak in description but you obviously wanted to gloss over those. Well told and an enjoyable read. The relationship between Sam and Katherine was very vivid. I do worry about the basis for their relationship, so you see, you got me to care about them. Obviously Sam has everything to lose, but your follow up allows us to hope they really are compatible. I guess that is a lesson if you wish to marry an obsessive-compulsive. Maybe more inner dialog from Sam would really add some more punch to your story. Thank you for sharing, I did like your tale very much.



Comment by Jill on 11/12/03
Nice story, well told. You did a wonderful job explaining he emotions of the main characters. Naomi was a little confusing.

You should never have more than one person's dialogue in the same paragraph.

At times you may have gotten too familiar in your telling. However, that is a matter of style. It does jar the reader out of suspended disbelief.

Keep at it . . .


Comment by Anthea on 11/12/03
Beautiful storey. I am now very jealous as I would have loved to be Sam.

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