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Story Comments by Readers

by Susan Fraser

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Comment by pixie on 01/10/11
 Hi Susan,
I'm sorry to say, but this story is without any feeling, too short, too fast, and too matter of fact,
  Pixie xx

Comment by Bruce on 10/23/09
another story where the punishment is way over the top and makes the readers believe women are mainly vindictive bitches.  he may have cheated but she went insane and now they both are DEAD in mind and soon for him in body also...not recomended

Comment by Mistress Meredith on 12/24/08
My maid priscilla ann is correct -- Susana should be made to recall her past more clearly and more often. Mistress Donna would reap even greater enjoyment at Susana's utter humiliation; and Susana; well, needless to say, she would definitely spend much of her time in tears of remorse. As for priscilla ann -- she knows exactly who she was and why she is now a fully femized sissy maid with her former manhood kept tightly caged -- yes, so much her her past macho attitudes!

Comment by Priscilla Ann on 01/31/08
Nice revenge tale; though if Susanna remembered more often of her past life, the revenge might be that much sweeter for Donna and thatmuch more phorrible for Susanna. Nonetheless, a nice foray into getting even

Comment by juliej on 09/16/05
as per previous comments

Comment by julie j on 11/12/04
is this the begining of the story i have just read about the clinic short &sweet

Comment by leah on 01/18/04
Revenge may be "sweet," but what has Donna gotten out of it other than a brothel-employed girlfriend with whom she goes lingerie shopping?

It's true, the hypnotist has arranged for Dave to remember what has happened to him during intercourse, but it is all wiped out as of orgasm. He retains no recollection until the next customer. Is this revenge carried to the extreme? Is it revenge at all?

In this ultra-short treatment, the story does not have enough breadth, not enough facts of the case for us to reach an informed opinion. On the face of it what Dave did is blameworthy, but this revenge is so sweeping as to take over the remainder of two persons' lives. As such, it reaches a depth of some kind of evil.

Based on the smattering of facts given here, I'd suggest that Donna (and, of course in all likelihood, Dave) would have been much better off had Donna gone immediately to a good divorce lawyer.

I note that Susan's other contributions are considerably longer.

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