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Swimming Instructor Boaster
by Helene Ciel

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Comment by thruholewizard on 01/29/15
sorry but the English was so bad that I did not understand it .....practice your English .

Comment by ashley on 03/14/14
Not good at all. Needs a better command of the english language. But one can only hope this will come with continued practice.

Comment by DarbyCrashofTheGerms on 06/13/08
well this story sounds like its been through a online translator and i cant make head or tails of it fail

Comment by Dianna on 03/25/08
I did find the ending sort of...forced, as often is the case with forced feminization story's.

Comment by juliej on 11/30/07
as per my previous comments

Comment by juliej on 08/15/06
i stand by my other comments

Comment by julie j on 07/08/04
as short storys go not bad more explanation would be better a lesson taught by 4 girls intresting twist it will teach him not to boast and take the micky out of the females along the beach

Comment by CZ on 07/30/03
The author's nom de plume and the syntax of the story yell "francophone!"  While some readers may become impatient with the idiosyncratic vocabulary (mefiez-vous des faux amis, cher auteur!), I believe that Helene Ciel (charming name) is to be congratulated, rather than censured, for having the courage to write and post a story in her second language.  Bravo!


Comment by Pervette on 07/29/03
This story needs editing for grammar & sentence structure. I don't
think English is the author's native tongue. Ordinarily, I don't
fault writers for this, but in this story it interferes with the
narrative by distracting the reader's attention. Did I like the
story otherwise? I might well have; the theme seemed promising; but
I found I could not continue with it.  Sorry...

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