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Wendy Goes To Neverland
by Tammy Wilson

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Comment by Beth on 11/12/04
Love your story Tammy, especially the way all the Neverland characters correlate to people Wendy knows at home. My one criticism might be - where's the dog? If your story wasn't transgendered enough for some people, you could have made Nana the dog a boy! LOL
Anyway I enjoyed your story and hope you write more.
Pixie Sex - now thats original!

Comment by Kim West on 11/10/04
Get off it people.

Get off of what? Expressing an opinion about how much I hated this story? I didn't just say the story sucked and left it at that. I attacked the particular points I felt were deeply wrong with the story.  A writer should be able to take tough criticism as well as kind words of appreciation. That goes for any writer, whether they be tg or not.

This is only a story. It's amazing how many of you have no problem with other stories on this site dealing with rape and incest.

I will always attack a story that involves incest, sexual abuse, and rape of underage children. This isn't the first story I've written a review in regards to that sort of thing. Such scenes where children are made to suffer, is not, nor will it ever be erotic.

If you like, you can list those other stories and I shall be glad to give them a negative review as well. I don't usually go looking for such stories if they are supposedly about adults. A well known children's fairy tale like "Peter Pan" does tend to draw my attention, and I shall give my opinion of those types of stories if I happen upon them.

But when myself and other GGs write stories on this site you suddenly have a problem with it. You want more GG involvement, and then when you get it you turn into total ASSHOLES.

Let me be blunt, I don't bloody care what you are or what the author of this story is for that matter. I would've have given the same review regardless. Get over it dearie.

Either stop bitching abut the few of us who write stories here or start getting on the case of all stories that have rape and incest. My daughter's babysitter is a "close" friend of the girl who wrote this story so anyone attacks her like this I take it as an attack on me. If you want those of us who are GG to continue writing here then stop being such assholes.

Personally, I could care less if you find my own review is a personal attack. If you like stories about child molestation then get used to such criticism because I will continue to express my opinions.

I was just wondering something. Why is it that those who attack Tammy and her story and leave comments here do not leave their email address?


What? You think I am intimidated by the likes of you?

If this story is as bad as you say, then when did you read all of it?

I happen to love stories like "Peter Pan" and "Harry Potter." In fact I have written my own version of "Harry Potter."

Why did I read the entire story? Well, it was my fondest hope that there would be no tg element to this story. If there was no element of tg, then I could have petitioned to have the story removed, and don't think for a moment I would not have done so. The author waited until the very end of the story to throw in something at the last minute. Since I had read the entire story at that point I felt it was only fair that I share my thoughts on it to anybody who reads reviews.

As for saying it is just one orgy after another, seems to me that there are several stories here that are of a similar nature. These people who left the negative feedback sound like hypocrites to me.

You've already mentioned this point before and I have answered it. Oh, by the way dearie, at least I left a review. Both of your attacks were complaints about negative reviews and did not attempt to review the story in question. People always complain they never get any reviews at all. They complain that they want to hear more than just a simple "I loved it" or "It sucked", but when they happen to get a full review that isn't all that flattering they cry and whine.

My review was fair and honest. It concentrated on the story; it compared the original and pointed out the flaws of the new story. Tammy should be thrilled her story is enjoying such attention.

Comment by Kim West on 11/10/04
Seems there is no pleasing some people. I read several other stories here based on children's stories and you don't say anything about it.

If I see something, then I will comment on it. Child abuse is wrong and should not be celebrated. I do not read all that many stories, but when I do, I will at least make an attempt to leave a review.

You people must really be jealous of us real girls or something. You want us to accept you as one of us and then you get all uptight because a real girl writes a story here.

Don't really care if you, Jenn or Tammy are real girls or not. If Tammy wrote a story about consensual adults, then no problem; write to your hearts content. I am not against hard-core adult literature. I am against literature that involves children being sexually abused.

Just like when you idiots did the same thing when Jenn wrote her story.

I do not recall giving a review to Jenn, but I will do so if she wants one.

No one she doesn't know if she wants to write here again.

That is entirely up to her. My review had nothing to do with Jenn and I do not see why this has anything to do with her or her stories.

Tammy ignore these idiots and just keep writing. Maybe I'll write something about close minded TGs who are jealous of us real girls.

That is entirely up to you, but just remember; you're the one who is name calling here, and that is regardless of what your gender happens to be.

Comment by Jenn on 11/10/04
I was just wondering something. Why is it that those who attack Tammy and her story and leave comments here do not leave their email address? If this story is as bad as you say, then when did you read all of it? As for saying it is just one orgy after another, seems to me that there are several stories here that are of a similar nature. These people who left the negative feedback sound like hypocrites to me.


Comment by Lisa on 11/10/04
Seems there is no pleasing some people. I read several other stories here based on children's stories and you don't say anything about it. You people must really be jealous of us real girls or something. You want us to accept you as one of us and then you get all uptight because a real girl writes a story here. Just like when you idiots did the same thing when Jenn wrote her story. No one she doesn't know if she wants to write here again. Tammy ignore these idiots and just keep writing. Maybe I'll write something about close minded TGs who are jealous of us real girls.

Comment by Jenn on 11/10/04
Get off it people. This is only a story. It's amazing how many of you have no problem with other stories on this site dealing with rape and incest. But when myself and other GGs write stories on this site you suddenly have a problem with it. You want more GG involvement, and then when you get it you turn into total ASSHOLES. Either stop bitching abut the few of us who write stories here or start getting on the case of all stories that have rape and incest. My daughter's babysitter is a "close" friend of the girl who wrote this story so anyone attacks her like this I take it as an attack on me. If you want those of us who are GG to continue writing here then stop being such assholes.


Comment by Pippa K. on 11/07/04
It's hard to buy into a story that's based on an entirely false premise: "After the birth of Michael, Mrs. Darling decided she had enough of having babies and started adhering to the only method of birth control accepted and condoned by the church, abstinence! Now Mr. Darling was not a bad man at heart, after eight long years of sexual depravation it seemed only natural that he would begin to lust after his own children."  Actually, that's at least two premises, and a really ironic homonym slip.  Depravation instead of deprivation.  Depravation is related to depravity, while deprivation is the state of being deprived.  Obviously, a bit conflated here.  Anyway, the street sex-trade was booming in Victorian England, and mistresses were all the rage in middle-class lives, that is if they weren't getting into the hired help.  In any event, there's certainly nothing "natural" about Mr. D. lusting after his children.  And, as far as birth control, although coitus interruptus doesn't actually work that well, people
back then THOUGHT it did, so would have happily used it.  Besides, Victorians were into some sexy stuff in the bedroom, at least judging from some of the erotic fiction of the era and quite a lot of it would never make a baby.  I find it hard to buy the premise that Mr. and Mrs. D. couldn't find a way to satisfy each other, and even harder to believe that Mr. D. wouldn't have easily found an outlet outside the home if this were the case.

Once you start on such a false note, it's really hard to build a story that the reader is going to want to stick with.  I didn't.

Comment by Kim West on 11/05/04
You have taken one of the most beloved CHILDREN'S fairy tales and twisted it into some adult nightmarish vision. Rape, incest, and sodomy involving under age children is not erotic. It is reprehensible! If you had not thrown in that last bit about Peter Pan really being a female, then I would have strongly petitioned to have this story removed at once. As it is, I can only give the following review.

J.M. Barrie created "Peter Pan" which symbolizes the wondrous magic of childhood dreams and fantasy. Peter will never know what it is to be man because he has trapped himself in a world that is beyond reality and reason, but this is not the case with Wendy. It is true, in the original story she was on the verge of womanhood, and she was to be taken out of the nursery. She had to make a choice to live forever as a child with Peter, or grow up to someday have her own children. She ultimately chooses to give up on Neverland and to become a woman, wife, and mother.

The story that Tammy Wilson writes is far from beautiful in that it replaces the plot of "Peter Pan" with something more akin to "Lord of the Flies." The Lost Boys want to mindlessly copulate with anything remotely female, and they convince Wendy's brothers into raping her. The Indian's commit sodomy, Hook rapes at least three girls (which does include Peter), the mermaids almost drown Wendy in an effort to make her part of their group, and then finally Tinker Bell goes down on Hook (that was truly bizarre by the way). Almost the entire story was simply one rape orgy fest followed by another WITHOUT a plot to speak of. That was bad enough, but to explain that pixie dust was the reason for all of debauchery would probably make Mr. Barrie roll over in his coffin in disgust. You've turned a simple magical element into the equivalent of crack cocaine, and you have taken children and twisted them into performing sexual acts for your own perverted sense of pleasure. Your story has no element of good; it only has a lack of morality and goodness.

I do not recommend this story for anyone.


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