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Young Sam
by S1var7

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Comment by Stephen on 06/22/12
great story wish there was more to it , a wonderful beginning

Comment by rolly on 12/27/11
i know you haven't written in awhile but i would like to encourage you to get back to writting

Comment by Joshua on 03/18/09
would like to here what comes next

Comment by Reneetv on 03/03/09
I would love to see the continuation of this story.

Comment by becky on 01/30/09
I could see myself in the story.  Sooo embarassing but such a thrill.  Soo sweet...what a teaser of a story.  This story needs 5 more chapters.  I am left always...but maybe for the best. How could you leave us hanging so????/

Comment by Pat on 08/01/08
This is one story I've read many times since it's been posted.  I find it "Sweet and Sentimental" every time.  I only wish the author would grace this site with more.

Comment by Beth on 06/01/08
So sweet and simple; lucky Sam to have such lovely mentors in the realm of "the feminine."

Comment by Jeff on 05/29/08
There is a "joke" circulating the 'net, that is more like an outcry of hurt and frustration than any expression of humor, or even of satire. There is one little bit of it that is oh so relevant to the condition of the main character in this story:

Why Do Men Die First?

This is a question that has gone unanswered for centuries...... but, now
we know.
* If you appreciate the female form and frilly underwear... you're a pervert.

* If you don't... you're gay.
Men Die First Because They Want To!

In this story, we have a main character who is tied up in knots, so to speak, because our society has brainwashed him into believing that any interest in females' bodies, in their things, or in anything sensual, makes him a pervert. In class, his teacher catches him peeking at Heidi's underwear. Will he get his face slapped off? Will she publicly humiliate him in front of the whole class? At Heidi and Beth's house, he scarcely dares to touch their things even when asked to, lest he be accused of "fingering" or "fondling" it -- with his filthy dirty slimy contaminated perverted male fingers, of course. When Heidi asks him to help her clean up Beth's room, and then Beth come in just in time to catch him picking up her panties and hose, she immediately suspects him of bad intent, even though Heidi is right there in the room with him:

>>Sam turned to Heidi holding her sister's panties and pantyhose. "Ok. Where would you like for me to put these?"

>>Just then, Beth appeared in the doorway. Sam realized that she must have just finished cheerleading practice because she was wearing her uniform – a sleeveless crop-top with the traditional cheerleader miniskirt.

>>Seeing Sam standing in her room, with her underwear in his hands, she asked, "What are you doing with my panties...and pantyhose?"

Will Heidi fake a gasp, and repeat the question in an accusing tone? Will they both scream for their mother, and have dirty filthy pervert Sam thrown out of their immaculate house?

As it turns out, this story is as sweet and sentimental as promised -- not to mention, sensual. None the less, it also contains a lot of truth: Instead of raising our boys to regard girl's and women's bodies as NATURAL, and sensuality as being a part of nature, we make it hidden and forbidden, a perversion to feel any interest, so that titillation and voyeurism are the result. This, to me, is a human tragedy, and the main character's constant terminal embarrassment and fear make my blood boil.

My father did many hurtful things to me, but he also gave me what I think is the single most important and influential experience of my life: when I was a child, he heard about a nudist's beach, he tracked it down, and then he took me there. Seeing all those people (both men and women), myself included, walking around on the sand in the nude, OPENLY, impressed something of paramount importance on my developing brain: IT AIN'T NO BIG DEAL! As much as my life hurts, and as much as I hate my maleness, it could have been worse...

My thanks to the author for writing female characters who treat him with kindness, and want to extend his horizons. I can't help but respond, though, to this accurate portrayal of how our wretched and insane society damages its own.

Comment by june on 05/13/08
is'nt it nice to see a story where the mind&body was'nt being raped..

Comment by lipstickgrl on 02/18/07
I love it please write more i had to read all of i tin one sitting ,so beautiful .What a dream situation!

Comment by juliej on 12/17/06
further to my previous comments i have just read the other parts of thge story &it goes far but it would be better to take on some ideas but is a great story more please

Comment by juliej on 12/17/06
again a wonderfull sweet story that is crying out to be finished all sort of things like how hwe got on during the week what did he get up to was he playing with the panties belonging to heidi did he try any on was he caught if so what was his punishment that is the sort of thing that need to be put in to continue the story i know when i stayed with an aunt i was in my cousins room and the urge was their and i did try on the panties under the blanket but didnot get caught well worth it they were very tight this is the sort of thinh that needs to be added otherwise a reasonable story but needs to be finshed properly

Comment by Jeanie on 09/14/06
Wonderful story so far, looking forward to Sam going to bed and unable to resist trying on a few of Heidi's panties, slips and on saturday because of the bad weahter outside, playing dress up with Heidi and having a tea party, then Mrs Gray suggesting that Sam-antha and Heidi come down to lunch still in their tea party clothes. Maybe Beth and a school friend come home for lunch also. Sam loses a bit of his embarrassment but still gets red faced whenever he meets someone new. Of course Sam has a hard time with his thingie.
Sept. 14/2006

Comment by Patti on 08/02/06
Panties in pink, blue, green, red, prints (roses, flowers) and more than anyone could remember.  The of one's fantasies saying please, let's share my closes.  Her mother owns a lux lingerie store and want him to wear bras, panties, slips and more as lacy as can be.


Seriously though, a well written story, with a decent plot going for 60 k story and wonderful cast who I can only imgaine as the most caring, loving, and beautiful women I would be pleased to meet.

Thank you very much,

PS:  I would love to read more chapters.

Comment by Stefan on 07/10/06
Delicious - Silk panties - O My! Author more - please

Comment by denny on 07/03/06

Comment by mikie on 07/01/06
This story has a fantastic plot line.  I always enjoy a story that has an unwilling boy accepting feminization in what appears to him as one logical but insignificant step at a time.  Can't wait to read more.

Comment by Natalie on 01/12/06
Loved the start, can't wait for the next instalment. Your description of the slip was so well done. Thank you... Natalie

Comment by Greg on 01/12/06
Great start, really looking forward to following this story.

Comment by christi on 01/08/06
what a wonderful start  I am intrigued and now I can hardly wait for more of this story I do hope there is  some cause  for beautiful opportunities to happen for the (our) budding soon to be  beautiful new girl( girls school, church,prom,bridesmaid ?)  thank you please keep up the wonderful work

love & kisses

Comment by silly girly on 01/04/06
Lovely start can't wait to hear more. Make it lots of frillys and maybe being caught in a school grils uniform!

Comment by mikie on 01/03/06
A great start.  I am looking forward to the boy's adventures.

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