Informal Name

This is an optional field and does not require an entry. If entered, the Informal Name is used in the Author's Index, in place of the Author's Name. This has caused numerous problems because authors frequently use informal names that don't reflect the name on their stories, so readers can't locate an author's page. If possible, both names should be included in this field. For example, I write TG stories under the pen name 'C. Sprite' so I have 'Crystal (C. Sprite)' in my informal name field. That's what appears in the Index. I've also used an informal name to shorten an author's pen name that was causing formatting problems on the Index page because of it's extremely long length.

With the completion of the StorySite renovation work currently underway, this name will appear at the top of the Author's page in place of the author's name.

This entry can be changed at any time by the author, but new Author Pages will only be created when a new story is submitted, so make sure that you enter it correctly. The Index Pages are regenerated every time stories are posted (almost every day) because the story counts change.