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Come Hither : A Commonsense Guide To Kinky Sex
by Gloria G. Brame
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 0684854627
Publisher: Fireside (March 2000)
Dimensions : 0.82 x 8.43 x 5.50  (in inches)
Average Customer Review:

Description :
Lou Paget, author of How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure

"Finally, a step by step commonsense reference guide for those who want to explore in this arena. Brame's book offers information that covers ALL the compass points of the world of kinky sex."

Review :
Reviewer: A reader from New York

I've finally got around to reading Come Heither - and it was a great trip. Fun and light but insightfull the author covers the basics and shares her experience about d/s in a friendly human way. This is a big plus.

Part of me thinks there isn't a lot new here (Sensuous Magic and Screw the thorns are still the classics for me) what is rare is Brame's idea that if d/s players spent more time on the emotional, psychological and sensual aspects of it rather then the type of toys you use the scene would be full of much happier people. Common sense but not something I've seen a lot in the scene so far. Also her common sense explantion of what makes a good dominant, lifestyle as opposed to role play, and interacting in public are worth buying the book alone. It was very helpful to me in those aspects.A side note. I started to understand d/s better once I read a few vanilla relationship books. A Mistress is still a human being despite all the melodrama. We need more "human" books out there like this one. bravo!




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