Crystal Crystal's Story Site
A Woman's Passion
by Alan Barrie
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 1931391149
Publisher: (April 2001)
Dimensions : 0.94 x 8.62 x 5.56  (in inches)
Average Customer Review:

Review :
Reviewer: Deniece Edwina Rose from Los Angeles, CA

This is a truly remarkable piece of fiction, by a very courageous author. Mr. Barrie has brought this reader head-on into the glamorous (yet somewhat dangerous) world of changing one's gender. How many males have fantasized, even a little bit, about wanting to be the opposite sex? What number of you would want to be just like your wives, girlfriends, or female colleagues at work...even if just for a day or a week? This book, written with the most exquisite of love and passion, explores that very subject. It's a bit frightening, yes, but also very compelling, arousing, and a must-read. I truly felt that I was inside the author's main character, the further on which I plunged into the book. Soon enough, my body and mind had changed to match the metamorphosis of the author. The passion and joy of that new life was now mine as well, as I raced through the pages. At the end, I was sad that the experience was over, yet joyful in that it could happen again and again. And, it has.Yes, this is escapist fiction. It doesn't profess to be anything else but that. However, "A Woman's Passion" is a wonderful read. I recommend it to all gender-gifted people, to those enlightened folks who enjoy a good fantasy story (and this one is probably the ULTIMATE fantasy!), and even to those who are curious at heart and open-minded enough to enjoy something different.




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