Crystal's StorySite

Thank you for your comments! This is continued because of them, and for Snowball. Maybe this part will clear up some questions.


Alan's Penance

by Ann O'Nonymous


Chapter 13: The Dice are Cast, and it's a Seven!

A smiling Cathy said, "Alan, yesterday I set up a few things for you to go through, but let's make sure, shall we? Please call your home, and you can have a private conversation with your mother."

"Okay" was his quick reply. <E.sJ. call home. Does this sound like some movie?> "Maybe I'd better tell mom everything's going well! I don't want her to worry – you know mothers can be."

Two minutes later, Cathy was on the phone to Janice O'Shea, and their quick conversation went something like this: "Hi Jan, Cathy Winters here. <pause> Oh, sure! It's just that your son, Alan, would like to talk to you. <pause> Yes, I'll put him on – Alan, dear, here's your mother."

<The emphasis on 'Alan' was deliberate. Cathy was telling Jan that she still had a son, and that wouldn't change.>

Cathy motioned to the others to give Alan some privacy. Nikki and Nancy took dishes to the kitchen for washing and Cathy escorted Vikki on a tour of the house, while Eve moved over to the phone, sat (sweeping the skirt under her in a surprisingly fluid motion) and picked up the receiver. <Hmm, I seem to be getting that little mannerism down pat.>

"Hi momma. How are you doing?" s/he started.

"Hi yourself, sweetie! Are you all right? Are you being treated well?"

"I'm fine! I had a nice dinner that I helped make," he said with more than a little touch of pride, "I assisted Nikki with cleaning – she's such a wonderful girl – we slept together . . . whoops, em . . . oh gee, I think I'm in trouble. That is, the two of us – no, that's not right . . ."

"Try 'you occupied the same bed,' dear," Jan said, adding, "and no, I'm okay with that. At this time I guess I should think of you as 'a girl,' so it was just two girls in the same bed."

"Eh, yeah, I guess – putting it that way. Anyway, everything is great, momma," s/he continued, "but I do miss you so much."

"And I miss you too, dear. <giggle> <giggle> When you work at cleaning, do you wear a maid's uniform? I think you'd look s-o-o-o-o cute in one!"

"Awww, mooooom! Don't go there!"

"Awww, come on dear, one of those pretty maid's black dresses, white frilly apron, black stockings and a little white lace cap pinned in your hair – bustling around with a feather duster. I think I'd enjoy seeing what you look like."

"Ehhhhhhh, aw shucks, mom." <A blush formed on Eve's pretty face.> "I was wearing high heels, and I can walk, well I guess it's more a stroll, in 3" heels, balancing a book."

"No kiddin'! My little girl is growing up! <giggle> <giggle>" Jan's nervous giggles gave her away. In spite of the lighthearted banter and teasing, she was relieved at his seeming acceptance of the present situation.

"Momma, seriously, I'm okay – you don't need to worry about me. Nikki and Nancy are very nice to me, and . . . umm . . . and I think I'm in love!"

Startled into a moment of silence, Janice paused at hearing that statement. <My boy is really growing up! I just hope he is a good judge of character – but, they seem to be nice girls.>

"With whom, dear?"

"Nikki, Nancy, Ginger, Sandra, Julie, oh hell – all of them, mom."

<WOW! He's reeaallllyy growing up!!> "Um, isn't that a little too many," Jan inquired, "after all, you still are a little young."

"They tried to tell us we're too young," s/he sang (in a surprisingly feminine voice). "Oh momma, Nikki – we had the nicest time talking and cuddling in bed; Nancy is smart, and she changes my -- whoops . . ."

"Out with it – what!"

Oh-oh, in trouble! "Well, to prevent accidents – like 'boyish excitement' – Nancy still puts me in diapers, to keep the clothes clean!"

Jan replied, "That's right! I remember seeing you that way yesterday." It was a logical idea; didn't seem to bother him/her; and, well he was being punished – in a way. She continued, "So, you like both girls?"

"Momma, I thought they would be doing all sorts of humiliatingly horrible things to me, but I had fun playing cards with Nancy's girlfriends – me and Nikki won seven dollars, and she's saving for our honeymoon."

"What! Already! God, she is a fast worker," Jan said, a smile in her voice, "She'll probably have you wearing the wedding gown."

"Ha ha! I can just see it now: me waddling down the aisle in a virginal white gown – wouldn't that be a sight to behold! You could even sell tickets. Umm, momma, I think I wouldn't mind; in fact, I might even enjoy doing something like that. I . . . don't . . . know – mom, I really do like these things. There is something about . . . I just can't explain it."

"Tsk, tsk. <giggle> Those mean old girls have corrupted your morals by making wear soft silks, satins and laces? <giggle, giggle> You mean to say that you like wearing dresses and such? Well, that's a turn!"

"I like the frilly panties, the slip with the lace hem, oh momma – I think I'm turning into a sissy!"

"NO, dammit! You are a kind, gentle boy who loves too much. You are and always will be my son, my loving child. Do you want to come home?"

"Oh no momma!! Nancy explained a lot and I love her for that. I . . . I emmm, I showed off – well, the other girls were showing and comparing . . . underthings. I just felt I should . . . well, you know."

Now this is something different, Jan thought. "So, you joined in showing off what you were wearing?"

"Yes, and I didn't feel embarrassed in the slightest; actually, I felt real proud as they all said how nice I looked – isn't that something? I mean, there I was wearing a diaper and real frilly garments, and all the girls were examining them, and I felt really good about it! Momma, I'm not going – gee, how to say this – gay on you."

"Gay? Who said anything about that! You just experienced a female gathering – we all want to look nice underneath, so we compare things, ask 'where did you get that dress, or slip, or whatever.' Sounds like they accepted you into their group!"

"I sure do hope so!" Nikki's motioning to one side caught Eve's eye as she said, "Mom, Nikki wants to talk with you. I'll say good-bye now, and I love you s-o-o-o much."

"I love you too, dear! Okay, put my future daughter-in-law on!"

"Okay, Nikki," Eve said holding out the phone for her.

Nikki carefully sat on Eve's lap, wiggled a bit to get comfortable (oh yeah!) and said, "Hi Mrs. O'Shea." With Eve playing with her hair -- curling it around the fingers, Nikki listened for a moment then replied, "Okay, Jan. Since Alan is Eve, and . . . Oh, he told you! Did he say he was nursing on my thumb?"

A pause. "Yes, it was a sight! Honest, it was her first night, and mom thought she would be a little afraid – you know how it is with little girls." At "little girls," Nikki gave Eve a sisterly peck on the cheek.

A pause. "No! We were training him in heels, and we won't take him outside, off the grounds that is, until he looks and feels comfortable as a girl."

A pause. "Oh that – Nancy thought it would be necessary. He does look s-o-o-o-o cute, waddling around. We -- that is mom, Vikki, Nancy and myself – are going to start tomorrow in the use of makeup. Vikki owns a dance studio, and Eve is going to learn ballroom-style dances."

A pause. "Oh, we'll go from little girl, to young lady, to teenager. She'll be doing a lot of things, such as assisting at a dinner for the Ladies Auxiliary – I'm sure mom will want you to come, guide at an historic house in costume, model for lessons on makeup use. By the time we're done, Eve will be the perfect young lady – but, more importantly, he'll – emphasis on he – be the gentlest, nicest boy in and out of school; he will understand the girls and be more receptive to their wants and needs; and, my date for all future school functions."

A pause. "No, no Jan. I mean that he will be mannerly, but he will defend himself, if necessary. Neither Nancy nor I want a total wimp – a boy who goes running home screaming, "mama, thothe girlth were ever tho mean to me."

A long pause. "Mom! Why gee! That's so nice of you to welcome me into your family. I promise this – no, I swear this: Alan will not come to any real harm while I'm near him. Nancy and I will protect him – whether he wants it or not!"

A pause, then Nikki laughed. "We both are trained in martial, and marital, arts. When he comes back to you, he will be able to cook, sew, clean house, and so will I."

Pause, then, "Okay, good-bye – we'll see you for dinner some night, I hope?" <pause> "Fine, mom will look forward to seeing you, and how your job is going. Emm, Mrs. O'Shea, Alan is really a nice boy – and, emm, he's taking this really well. I just wanted you to know what a genuine treasure you have there! Good bye!"

Nikki hung up the phone, turned to Eve and with a kiss on the cheek proudly stated, "Well, Jan said I'm part of your family now so I can call her 'Jan.' "

A slight frown wrinkled Eve's pretty face as she asked, "Nikki, why me? I mean, you are so pretty, every boy in your school must be running after you, but you seem very intent on getting me – why?"

Nikki smiled, stating, "You remember the real estate office, where you opened the car door for your mother, then the office door and waited till your mother entered. You sat quietly, while your mother inquired about homes in the area."

"Yeah, I remember – but I always open doors for ladies."

"Well, I was helping in the office, a side room, filing some papers. I was taking a break, looking out a window, and I saw you. How mannerly you appeared, holding your mother's hand walking up to the office. You were just so different from the other boys around here. You see, the school gets a lot of money for the sports program – a lot of jocks live around here, so the teams get emphasized. We had a new Gymnasium and a new running track put in, while the school struggles to get up-to-date history books. The teams win and everyone's happy; lose and no-one wants to hear about it."

"So, the jocks think they're hot stuff, is that it?"

"About ninety percent of them do. Some are really nice guys."

"And you want . . . ?"

"Basically a person to share a life with. Nancy wants the same thing, and I once said to her, 'If he's really the kind of guy we want, we can share him – whether it's legal or not.' If I seem to be rushing things, Alan, it's because we don't want to lose you."

Alan had to know one more thing – a question that recently came up, "Those guys – you didn't put them up to this. I mean, getting me to steal those panties."

"Why would you even think such a thing," Nikki stated, a pained expression wrinkling her brow. "That was a coincidence; a real stroke of pure luck! Do you know what those bastards did to me once? They caught me from behind, and I was pushed face down into a muddy ditch, then stepped on. At the time, I was wearing a newly purchased slip and dress, and both were completely ruined. No amount of washing could remove the odor from the clothes. When the boys' parents brought them out to the house to face me, one of them walked away with a twenty dollar bill, taken from a pocketbook, and a camera of mine."

"I apologize for even thinking such a thing, Nikki."

"Not necessary!"

…- …- …- .-.- ..-. ..- ..- ..- ..-. ..-.

". . . and that's about it – we found Alan upstairs," Cathy said to Vikki as they re-entered the room and walked over to the couch, where Nikki and Eve were wrapped up in each other's arms.

"So, he agreed to it?" replied Vikki, smiling at the couple.

"Well, for Nikki's sake, I admit to applying a little stratagem. Eve, dear – as Alan, you did agree to this 'punishment,' didn't you?"

Alan thought for a mere second, forming an answer, before replying, "Yes, ma'am. I did an improper thing, as a stupid prank, but I was caught. I was in the wrong!"

Vikki half-smiled then asked, "So you are okay with this?"

"Emmm, why do you ask?"

"Because if you were forced into this, coerced in some way, I would've walked out of here and . . . ," leaving the implications unstated.

"No – Vikki, ma'am, I was taught that there are always consequences when you make an error in judgment. This was my decision, my choice. I guess this is . . . well, I'm 'paying' for that mistake. But never in my wildest thoughts did I think it would be so . . . so . . . so enjoyable."

"Well, there are many days of this to come," Vikki said, "and you might not like some of the things that will happen."

"Wait 'til you're laced in a corset," Nikki whispered and contorted her pretty face into a weird grimace. She opened her eyes real wide, wrinkled up her pert nose, stuck the tip of her tongue out and said, "Gaaa – hits toooo tiiigghhhtt!" <And now the great Nikkini will do her facial contortions act.>

<Should he ask, forget it, or . . . > "Ah, Vikki, what will be your part in this," Alan asked, hurriedly adding, "if I may ask."

"Certainly you may. Tomorrow, I will be helping you and Nikki with make up lessons. I am a licensed beautician. Also, there is ballroom dancing at my studio," she stated, "and I wanted to get acquainted with my pupils. Size them up, so to speak."

"You're not going to require me to . . . ."

<giggle> <giggle> "It may not be helped, dear! After all, you do make a rather attractive girl – and I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it."

Nikki chimed in with, "If any boy makes a pass at or fondles my little Evie, he is going to regret it for a very long time!"

Nancy, finished with her kitchen chores made an appearance: "Well, kiddies, Eve's had a long day, and it's about bedtime for her. I'm a little tired too, so say your good nights girls."

The kiss and hug brigade started – first Nikki then Eve kissed (holding it a little too long in Nikki's opinion) Vikki and Cathy, then Nancy; holding hands, like two sisters, Eve and Nikki scampered up to bed, with Nancy following close behind.

Back in the family room, Vikki eyed their ascent then remarked, "They really do make a cute couple! He does seem to feel comfortable in his new surroundings."

"He is a nice boy," remarked Cathy, "and should make Nikki, and/or Nancy, a good husband."

"One who takes orders," queried Vikki.

"Definitely not! She's not going to marry some 'yes' man, but one who accepts reasonable requests," Cathy returned. "Nikki is not going to be his mistress, Vikki – unlike some people I know. Neither is to be the master or servant of the other."

"Cathy, you know that was only for college, they agreed to the terms, and I was paid. Put me through my last year, tho," Vikki replied, smiling at some long-dormant memories.

. . . - . . . - . . . --- . . . . . . ---. . . . . -- . . -- . . .- .-

Upstairs, Nikki went to her room to shower and dress for bed, while Nancy took care of Eve. In the bedroom, Eve carefully placed her wig on a stand, closed her eyes and lovingly hugged her gift locket then placed it gently in a drawer. Moving to the bathroom, there s/he stripped, placed her clothes (and removed diaper) in a wash hamper, and showered. After drying off, an all-over moisturizing body lotion was applied and rubbed in.

As he enjoyed the coolness of the cleanser on his face, 'Alan' looked at the person staring back from the mirror – there was no apparent discernable change, yet he knew there was a giant step made, one that would affect his whole future in a very positive way.

Returning to her room, Eve got on the bed and awaited Nancy's pleasurable scented powdering. "I said it before and I'll say it again: if this is a punishment, then I'm Caligula," s/he muttered.

. . . - . . . - - - . . . . . . - - - . . . . . . - - - . . .

As Nancy pulled up the elastic pants, after the night time diapering and powdering, Eve asked, "I'm kinda puzzled, Nancy."

"How so, dear."

"Well, Nikki has seen me only once, maybe twice. She really knows very little about me, and yet she seems to want me as her future . . . emm 'bride' I guess would be a good term. Why? Oh, don't get me wrong – I am getting to like her more and more."

Finished with the panties, Nancy said, "Let's put your nightie on," holding pale lemon nylon, ankle-length creation.

Holding up her arms, Eve let the gown slide sensuously down over her body. There was a feeling of electricity running through her body as the gown settled into place.

"When Nikki gets something into her head, she goes after it with a vengeance, Alan. Look how well you've adapted to what we are doing to you. You don't fuss a lot, ask a lot of silly questions, and you match up rather well with Nikki. There's a something in you that I think both Nikki and I awakened – sort of a sense of adventure, and you really are nice to be around."

"Honestly, I never thought of it that way – I am venturing into a place where few men have trod. But I still have problems with that word 'sissy'."

"Bunny slippers are under the bed, there's a pink robe hanging on back of the door, and you dear heart, slide under the sheets – Nikki will be in soon. I'm going to shower, and put on my gown." <S/he noticed she avoided answering.>

"Nancy, that 'sissy'."

"Oh for Goddess' sake! Sissy, sissy, sissy – see, it's only a stupid word, Alan. You are what you believe you are, not what someone else says you are," Nancy replied, her voice going up in tone then softening as she said, "Because you take pleasure in those things a girl wears doesn't mean you're a sissy, dear heart. It means others don't like seeing you enjoying them. Wait till you walk into school, on the arms of two of the prettiest girls there, and two or three others following close behind – won't that be a kick, especially if you know that you can be just as pretty!"

"I guess I'd rather be a sissy and be with you and Nikki, than a macho man and have no-one," 'Alan' stated firmly.

"You'll have us and a lot more," returned Nancy.

A few minutes later, Eve was cuddling up with Nikki: there was one leg draped over one leg, one arm wrapped around her slim waist, and kisses being liberally applied to ears, neck, and shoulders. "Nikki, do you think I am a . . . a, umm, pansy?" Eve asked plaintively.

"Are you still worried about that!" she replied with a bit of annoyance evident in her voice.

"It's more how others at school might see me. You know in many schools, those who are 'sissies,' or thought to be one, have a rough time – I don't like to fight."

"Sweetheart, I don't like to either, but there are times when you have to, and it's not a matter of principle. I said I'll protect you," was Nikki's reply.

"No, that's not it! Mom took me out of my previous school because I got into fights."

"And you got hurt?"

"No – Vince, my father, taught me to fight back. 'If you fight to protect others smaller or weaker than you,' he would say, 'you can't be in the wrong.' You see, this boy started on a younger kid – I went to protect him by pushing the kid away. He fell and hit his head."

"The kid?"

"No, the bully! It was really hilarious, as the jerk was a head bigger than me. He went off screaming that I attacked him. I was almost suspended, but another teacher witnessed the whole thing."

"I think I know what happened next – you got challenged by every jerk in the school, right?"

"That's it! I don't like to fight, never wanted to fight anyone, but it just happened. After that happened, I couldn't go anywhere without stirring up trouble – so we moved. Pop's death, the house and memories, the fighting – mom couldn't take the aggravation."

Nikki stopped for a minute before saying, "And so this softness, the frilly clothes and panties are a change?"

"Yeah! At school, I usta have a kinda tension running through my body, always looking out, watching for a sneak attack. My grades went down, and I spent a lot of time explaining the whys and wherefores."

"Oh, so now you feel a bit, I guess calmer, right?"

"The frilly things have an oddly relaxing effect on me – it's as if I'm me, but not."

"Good, I understand," replied Nikki. "What I don't understand is why you selected John and Bobby to be friends with in the first place, but that part of your life is over and done with, Alan."

"Yes Mistress Nikki," Alan returned with a grin hidden in the darkened room.

"Put on a light, willya – please," came from Nancy in the doorway, "and move over." The illumination from the hall made her light blue nylon gown transparent – showing off all her beautiful youthful attributes.

'Alan' lay back for a minute, turning his head to admire what he saw. He was very happy to be where he was now situated.

Nikki put on a reading lamp (yes, they are that smart, wise guy). Nancy crossed over to the bed and slid in, making Eve into a sandwich.

"Okay, out with the light, " said Nancy.

Pulling up the sheet, Nancy snuggled up to Eve who re-wrapped with Nikki. Nancy asked Eve, "Are you okay – not too uncomfortable?"

"Hell no," was Alan's emphatic reply. "So, what's on for tomorrow?"

Nancy replied: "Morning, breakfast – we do that; housework, beds made up, clothes in hamper down to wash; Make-up lessons – that's you, Nikki and I'll be there, too; and, in the afternoon we'll take you out for a walk on the grounds. Sound okay?"

"Emm, in heels?"

"Not really, Mary Janes. Some of the flagstones are a little uneven, and in heels you could fall and twist an ankle. The dress will be as a young lady, and you will still be in a diaper."

"Evie wuv mommie Nana an' Neenee."

The trio giggled a bit then Nancy answered, "We love our little Evie so much that there aren't enough words in enough languages to say exactly."

Right now, Alan didn't give a damn what happened to John and Bobby. He was at peace, snuggled between two of the prettiest girls he'd ever known!


Chapter 14: Charity and Chastity go hand-in-hand

Brrrrrrrg, brrrrrg – went an alarm. Three mixed bodies disentangled themselves, went for robes of various pastel colors, and slippers, tossing unmatched pairs to each other in imitation of some insane ball game.

"7:30! Time to make the breakfasts," Nancy said with a slight yawn. <No donuts in this house.>

"Pancakes?" Nikki asked.

"No, sausages and French toast for each, with OJ, an English muffin and tea or coffee – how's that sound," Nancy retorted.

"Great," a duo replied.

In gowns and robes, as they padded downstairs to the kitchen, 'Alan' said, "Em, I'm sorry about last night: the 'sissy' stuff an' all."

"I think you were worried about how we viewed you," Nikki said, followed by Nancy's reassuring, "If you think we view you as a weakling, think again. You owned up to entering our house, accepted your punishment gracefully, and did what was asked of you. That shows a lot of inner strength. I'm proud you are the girl you are turning out to be, Alan."

"Um, the em girl thing, Nancy. I don't really want to be changed into a girl," said a worried 'Alan.'

"Aw, not even a teensy-weensy tiny bit?" Nancy said then quickly added, "We don't want you to, Eve. Think on this: If two men in suits can make love to each other and two women in dresses also, then why can't a man in nice lingerie make love to a woman in equally nice things?"

In the kitchen, on a side table, sat a plate with a pile of stale bread that would become the breakfast.

"Nikki, take care of the sausage, please. Eve, I'll show you how I make French toast."

"Oui, mon petit chou – sorry, that's the best I can do."

"Oh great! Nikki's rubbing off on you," Nancy replied, "and you rhyme, also!"

While the grill was getting hot, Nancy piled the bread on one side, and had Eve mix vanilla, eggs, milk and a pinch of salt with an eggbeater. She showed Eve how to dip the bread, and use tongs to put the bread on the grill then it was his turn. With her help, Eve found it was surprisingly easy to do. "Is that how hard it is?" s/he asked.

"It's mostly correctly following a recipe, and having the ingredients on hand," was Nancy's reply. "If you keep a home, it's usual to plan all the meals for one week, and in that way, you can shop for the freshest foods. Sometimes when a store has a sale on some non-perishable items, you buy a lot and store the cans or bags. You save money that way."

"There does seem to be a lot in keeping a home," Eve remarked as s/he flipped over a batch of toast.

Nancy added grated nutmeg, shook on powdered sugar, placed a dollop of strawberry jam and a squirt of maple syrup on each batch of toast as it was plated. Nikki added three sausages and two strips of bacon. An aroma of brewing coffee filled the air.

"C'mon, Eve! Need some more toast."

<Wait a minute: Nikki, Cathy, Vikki, Eve, and Nancy. Five plates, six cups.> "Another guest to humiliate, to castrate, to run me down – oh, when will it ever end," Eve said in her most plaintive voice.

"Cut the histrionics, girl. This is no David Wark Griffith production," came from Nancy.

"Oh surely you, you of all people can have pity on our poor Eve," was Nikki's entry in the award for bad acting category, "She has NO one else to turn to, no place else to go – oh kind sir, have pity."

"Sheesh – cut! Print that."

Later, assisting Nancy in bringing the food out, Eve noticed that indeed there were six settings. <Hmm, I guess someone else is coming to help Vikki.>

At the same time as Nikki and Eve were setting the table, Cathy and Vikki entered the dining area, followed by a third person. Seeing Eve, Cathy said, "Oh, Eve, I want you to meet someone. Julia, this is the one I was telling you about, Miss Eve St. John. Eve, dear, this is Mrs. Julia Martin. Julia is here to measure you for some clothes. We'll do that a little later."

Now Julia seemed to be older than the others. She had sparkling blue eyes, brunette hair done up in a bun, and a flowered dress that appeared to be from a different time. Still, at 5'8" and about 140 or more pounds, she could be called another Amazon.

Eve made a curtsey, and said, "I am most pleased to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Martin." It was said in a perfect young girl's voice.

"My, what a charming young lady," Julia replied, "Please, dear, call me Julia."

"May I assist you with your chair?"

"Please! And I do know about you, dear, so please relax," Julia said smiling.

<What happened! Did Cathy put an ad in the paper? Why do all of these people know about me . . . Oh, that's right – she told them what to expect. Hmm, I guess it's necessary that they do know.>

. . . - - - - . . . - - - - - - . . . - - - - - - . . . - - -

It was a later while enjoying her coffee that Julia remarked, "My that was very good! I especially liked the strawberry jam – it's a nice added touch."

Nancy replied, "Eve cooked the toast, Nikki did the sausages and bacon, and I just sort of supervised."

The conversation was fairly muted until Julia said, "Eve, dear, the reason I'm here today is to measure you, and Nikki, for clothes for the Founder's Day celebration. Nikki and you are to be measured for training bras, and you, Eve, for your costume."

"Emm, training bra, Julia? Both of us?" Nikki inquired.

"You've been wearing hand-me-downs, Nikki," Cathy said, "and both you and Eve need a proper fitting."

Eve blushed a bit, then added in a squeaky voice, "Me . . . me too. But I'm . . . I'm a . . ."

"Oh, you think you're a little too young, is that it?" Julia said with a sly grin. "Now don't go but-but-but-but on me like some weird outboard motorboat. You, dear boy, get fitted too." She then further stated, "A girl your age should have some breast development, and a well-fitting padded bra will help in your posture, confidence, and ability to pass as a member of the gentler sex."

"Hey, that's great! We can get our training bras together, Eve. We'll be just like sisters," Nikki said, fluttering her lashes like a silent screen heroine.

"Julia, ma'am, just what does this costume consist of?" 'Alan' nervously asked.

"Bonnet, hoop skirt, chemise, corset, petticoats, pantalettes, and outerwear, as necessary. It's a three-day weekend celebration, and you'll need four complete outfits."

"But why me? Isn't there someone else who can play the role – oh, I'll do it, only I'm curious," 'Alan' said.

"Fair enough. You are her size, physically; about her height, from what the records say; strikingly similar facial characteristics – from the one portrait we have; and, her age. And, strangely, the same hair color."

"That's why I thought that you would be a perfect 'Chastity,' Eve," Cathy added.

"Who was this . . . this Chastity Chapman, anyway," Eve inquired.

Cathy started: "Some time ago, two young girls saw their parents killed and, fearing for their lives, Charity took her 10-year-old sister, Chastity, and 11-year-old brother, Willie, on a long trip, about 150 miles, to where she thought they would be safe. She was 14-year-old Charity King. A farmer, Thomas Niles Chapman, a former big city teacher, took her in. She cooked for him and took care of his house while he worked the fields. At sixteen, she married Thomas, and he adopted the boy and girl. Soon other farmers moved into the area; a town catering to them, with a wheelwright, plow maker and repairer, seed and grain store, general store, church and bank, sprung up almost overnight; later, a railroad station for freight was built. As Thomas owned much of the land, he became quite rich. At 18, Chastity was a beautiful woman. One day while walking on the farm, she spotted three men camping down by a creek that ran through the property. She recognized them as the ones who killed her parents. She went back to the house, got her gun – she was a very good shot – returned to where the men were and shot them dead.

"Now what she didn't know was that they had robbed a bank in one city, and was planning to rob the one in town. Well, seeing they were dead, she went to town, told the sheriff what she did and took him out to the bodies. When he brought the bodies into town, a marshal identified the dead as a wanted gang of robbers and killers, and Chastity was to get a reward."

"Wow, she did that!" Eve said.

"Chastity said to the sheriff, 'I don't want to be rewarded for killing them. That's just plain wrong, sir.' She insisted on a trial, and was found not guilty, since all of the men were armed. The sheriff quietly put the reward into a trust fund. When Thomas died from cancer, Charity took over the farm and ran it quite well. The town grew, and was named 'Chapman' after her. The date of her coming was officially named 'Founders Day' in her honor. And I have the honor of administering the trust fund that is used to send promising students to schools of their choosing."

"And I am honored to play her?"

Nikki added, "You are new to town – who else would be better?"

"Just where was this farm?"

"You're standing on what's left of it," Cathy replied. "Chastity was my great-great grandmother. That's why I own much of the town, and why you get to play her in the celebration."

"Gee Ms. Winters, I don't know what to say!"

"Cathy, this house in town," Vikki started.

"This part of the farm is the southern part. The late 1870s stone house was built on the northernmost part. This house is from the 1900s," replied Cathy.


Will be continued.

Annie O




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