Crystal's StorySite


Amanda's Maid


Anne Marie Bauer

© August 2005


Part V


New Year's Eve I dressed in one of my black evening uniform and Sandi in her waitress uniform. Since the majority of the servers at the country club were going to be other than their employees, they didn't require uniformity and were happy to get what help that they could. We had to be there no later than six thirty to fill out W-4 forms for income tax purposes then to set up the room for the more than twelve hundred guests that had bought tickets.

The young girl taking the completed forms never batted an eye when I handed her mine bearing my legal name; I doubt she even read it.

The next station was a big white board that showed the table layout in the ballroom. These had been marked out in blocks. I followed Sandi.

"Name?" the young man asked her.

"Sandi Martin." He searched the engraved plastic name tags and handed hers to her.

"Pin it on your dress here." He pointed above her left breast.

"What section would you like, Sandi?" He turned to the board.

"Thirty-one, please?" He wrote her name there.

"You have tables forty-six through fifty, Sandi. There is a sample table, set yours up exactly the same way, eight to a table.

"You will be paid by check at the end of the evening.

"Next? Name?"

"Karen Thomas."

"Pin that to you apron strap here." My instruction differed because Sandi only wore a half apron. I picked my section adjacent to Sandi's.

"You have tables forty-one through forty-five, Karen." He repeated the same instruction to me. I went next to Sandi to look at the example table layout we were to copy.

"Serving dinner to forty people simultaneously, it was only twenty-four last year. Are you going to handle that, Karen? I'm a professional waitress, but never had to put in a Hell night like they are expecting from us."

"How come so many?" I questioned.

"They obviously did get enough to sign up to work. We best get started."

I'd almost finished my last table set up when a couple came in and seated themselves at one of them.

"Good evening, Happy New Year. My name is Karen. I'll be your waitress tonight.

"Good evening," the gentleman smiled.

"It is so refreshing to hear we've a waitress tonight instead of a damned server, isn't it, dear?"

"I'm so tired of annoying PC talk these days.

"Gin and tonic, Karen."

"Chivas up, please?" he ordered and gave me a twenty dollar bill as it was a cash bar.

Sandi had brought me a spare apron like she used at the restaurant. It was black and, because it was short and had pockets, it reminded me of a carpenter's apron and I wore it under my white one.

I went to the bar and placed the order. "Fourteen fifty," the barmaid said when she set them on my tray. I didn't understand why the beer I'd ordered the only time I'd been in the country club was seven fifty and their drinks were cheaper.

I served their drinks then offered his change.

"Thank you, Karen. Be a good girl and please don't pester me with coins and small bills again." He pushed my hand back.

I went to introduce myself and take cocktail orders from the fourteen others who'd seated while I filled just one order. Three more couples were seated before I could finish.

No way! I went to the bar first, placed my order then back to take the others including ten more.

Before nine thirty, all of my five tables were filled. It was non-stop, back and fourth to the bar until ten fifteen when I rolled out my first cart with soups, salads and diner rolls. More drink orders then their entrees.

At least there were more bus people than servers. It was eleven fifty when the desert dishes were cleared from my customers' tables.

To save time, I pushed and pulled the two cars with bottles of champagne and ice buckets just like many of the other waiters and waitress were doing.

Once I'd set a bucket by each couple, I noticed that only three out of twenty expected me to open their bottles. I was happy for all the help I could get.

Midnight! New Year's! I had a ten minute break and my customers started ordering more bottles of bubbly and more cocktails. Some were very drunk and the women out numbered the men in that department. At least none of mine threw up. I'd seen Sandi, at the adjacent tables, bring out the mop bucket three times. I was far too busy to help her.

Past one o'clock, the first of mine started to leave. By two fifteen, I was serving coffee to the four couples who'd regrouped and sat at one of my tables. Two of those had come from others' stations. Sandi's station was vacant as were most of the others.

"Karen, slide over a chair and please sit with us." I was so exhausted I'd not noticed Mr. and Mrs. Bodine were seated at my table. Mrs. Bodine introduced me as, 'Mandy's maid, Karen'.

"I don't know if I'm permitted to sit, ma'am."

"Nonsense! Sit!" she pointed and took the coffee pot from me.


"How'd you do last night?" Sandi asked when I started to stir. We were in the bed of the guestroom she'd always used.

"Ooooo, that feels nice!"

"What feels nice?"

"This!" I pressed my bra. Her hand was under it and my breast form fondling my nipple. "That feels soooooo good!"

"Karen! Are you on the pill?"

"Yes." I still hadn't opened my eyes.

"You little twat!" she kissed my lips. "You should have told me!"

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

She rolled me on my back then straddled me to push both of her hands under my bra.


"Two thousand eight hundred sixteen and change after you tipped the bartenders!" she declared when she'd counted the money in the pockets of the apron that I'd borrowed from her.

"That's almost a thousand more in cash tips than I earned and I'm the professional server, Karen."

"That is one of your problems; you are a 'server'. You'd be surprised how many commented favorably when I introduced myself as their 'waitress' and not as their 'server'. Politically correct doesn't sit well with those people." She contorted her face but made no comment.

In addition to our cash tips, both of us had a check for eleven hundred ninety dollar, our net, after tipping the others but before taxes, from the ticket sales at three hundred fifty dollars per couple.

"Sandi, now that we're officially engaged, what do you think about opening joint bank accounts?"

She kissed me again before answering, "That is another reason you are going to be my wife. You are always thinking practical, Karen." She pushed over the pile of her tips then endorsed her check and handed that to me.

"Banking, shopping and bills are your job."

I laughed, "And just what will be your job after we're married, Sandi?"

"Principle cash bringer homer."

"Hey, my pile is bigger than yours!"

"All teasing and kidding aside, Karen, I've no sense with my money and certainly don't use what little I might have. Ever since I've known you, you've managed on a lousy fifty dollars a week and seem quite happy with that."

"You forget, all my expenses are covered," I countered. "Oh, I forgot to tell you Mrs. Buford gave me a thirty dollar raise right after Thanksgiving."

"Let's not fight or even argue. I would like it if you handle our finances, please?"

"Since you are asking nicely, I'll agree.

"May I please wait until my court appearance is final?"

"What court appearance?"

I turned my check from the country club towards her and touched my candy cane painted fingernail to my name on it. "They have me scheduled in two weeks to correct that. I'm more than a little embarrassed about it when I have to use my real name."

"When Mrs. Buford gave me a raise, I started to think about saving all of that too, but Christmas presents for you and her kind of blew that idea out of the water. I'm going to start now though. Can you manage your bills and expenses on just eight hundred a week?" I asked.

"What are you going to do with all that money? Just what are we saving for?"

"Our apartment. Remember Mrs. Buford said that furnishing it was up to us. It is going to be bare when we move in."

"Oh, that reminds me. Sam gave me what he called 'bid packages'. They're in the trunk of my car."

"Get them please?"

I counted all our money and added it up while she was outside. Together, there was almost eight thousand four hundred dollars to be deposited in our account after I could open it as Karen.

"When you asked if I can make it on just eight hundred a week, the answer is probably yes. Are you going to ask me to turn over everything in excess of that amount to be deposited, Karen?"

"That was where I was heading, yes.

"Right now, with all we earned last night and a couple hundred I've managed to save and not spend on Christmas, we have eight thousand six hundred and twenty dollars to be deposited." She stood, retrieved her purse from the other room then counted three hundred eighty more onto the pile.

"Let's make it nine thousand."

"We have a lot of expenses in our immediate future. I'd like it if we start with several thousand after we've met them."

"Agreed. Since I let my secret out to my family, a lot's happened I've not had a chance to tell you.

"First, Cindy said that you may have her wedding gown to wear. It should be able to be altered to fit you."

I grinned at Sandy, "My groom isn't supposed to see the bride's gown before the ceremony. Tell her thanks and next time I see her I will too."

"OK, but tradition versus practical and the way you're talking about money, it seems like a good suggestion."

"I've already started working on that idea."

"Karen, I know her wedding day is every girl's dream, but please don't spend a fortune on a dress you're only going to wear for just one day?"

"My dress is going to be the most gorgeous creation you've ever seen!" I pounded the table and tried to sound firm, but ended giggling when I actually frightened Sandi.

"I'm going to wear mom's gown, silly?"

"Your mother's? I don't understand? You told me they disowned you and you've not spoken to them since you turned into a rocker."

"My adopted mom; just take a moment to look around you and imagine what Mrs. Buford's gown might be like, Sandi; gorgeous is a gross understatement."

"Yea, I can imagine. That's great, but what's this about Amanda being your adopted mother?"

"That's all in my head, but it is how I've started to think of her. Forget my past; I never want to go there. Mrs. Buford is my boss and never lets up and that includes that I'm her maid, but our relationship has become much deeper than that. I'm even beginning to think of some of her friends as family too."

Sandi chuckled, "Let me guess, there is your dear Aunt Johanna for a starter. Watching her with you at Christmas, if she'd been introduced as your mother, I'd have believed it too.

"You've cemented ties with some very strong allies in your short career, Karen. I like that. That is one of the very many things I love in you.

"Back to the subject, now that you so expertly sunk my idea about not spending a lot of money on your wedding gown. My sister and Sam just bought a new living room suite and new bedroom furniture too. They said we can have their old things. Oh, toss in that they upgraded to a sixty-inch plasma TV. We can have there 'old' thirty inch one too."

"Gees, no wonder Sam pleaded poverty to me," I observed.

"Trust me, it's not him, it's my big sister. Miss Captain of the Cheerleaders, Homecoming Queen and Prom Queen, demands nothing but the best and gets it. I love Cindy a bunch, but she has perfected materialism to a fault.

"Sounds like more than half our apartment is already furnished," I commented.

"Wait, I bring more for your dowry. You aren't the only one to have cultivated favorite relatives; my Great Aunt Em bequeathed her china, crystal and silver to me. It has all been stored in our attic for years since before she passed, so I'm sure just getting our silver polished is going to keep my little maid busy for many hours."

I pulled Sandi for a kiss, "I know you are teasing, but I'm quite happy to be your 'little maid' and to be kept busy. There is no telling what mischief I might get into if you didn't."

"Now I know why Amanda gave me the crop!"


The month of January was a hectic one for me. Of course, there was no let up on my chores and I didn't expect there to be, nor did I request that there would be. Being a maid was my job and being good at performing had brought me all the rewards that doing one's job well could expect and more!

The corsets that Mrs. Buford had given me for Christmas were quite long and took a lot of getting used too. With all of the excitement and activities on Christmas Day, while I was aware of the corset, it had given me no cause to think that I was wearing it beyond the fact that I could no longer sit as I used to. Even the black ribbon corset, even though I'd laced it tighter to create a smaller waist, allowed a more relaxed posture.

The stiff busk of the Wasp Creations® ones extended from the level of my nipples between my false breasts to very low on my abdomen. It and their heavily boned construction permitted me to only sit on the front edge of a chair and higher ones were more comfortable. If a seat was very low, it just too uncomfortable for me to sit very long.

Honestly, wearing a real corset twenty-three hours a day, didn't hurt, they were just quite restrictive and required that I adapt to them as they were not going to change to fit my desires.

The biggest change I became conscious of was the first morning I'd laced one on and began my morning chores after breakfast cleanup. I could no longer bend over to clean bathrooms, but had to keel to do tubs or showers and the toilets.

When dusting and polishing the furniture, I simply could not lean forward, I learned to bend my knees instead, in order to be low enough to accomplish my tasks. At one time I'd wished I was taller, but my short stature became a plus in my chosen career.

I took solace in my belief from studying costumes and their history that maids, as well as their ladies, were almost all corseted in Victorian households. I used that bit of 'book learning' to resolve that if they could accomplish their work, than I could too! In so very many ways, my job in 2006, with all the modern appliances and conveniences, was far, far easier than theirs. Bending over wash tubs all day to do the laundry by hand had to have been very trying and I wasn't carrying buckets of water from the outdoor well to be heated on a stove fueled by the coal I'd laboriously carried up from the coal bin in the cellar.

Very gradually, I adapted to the restrictions my foundations enforced and they became less encumbering.

Sam had provided eleven 'bid packages'. These included detailed drawings, twenty-four pages of specifications and a contract the bidder was to sign and have notarized with the appropriate blanks filled in: business name, address, principle individuals, the amount of the contract and their terms of payment. I called five more contractors in addition to the five he had recommended.

Though nervous meeting with the men and a little embarrassed that I was dressed in my day uniform, I resolved it quickly. I didn't even request of Mrs. Buford to dress differently. I was her maid; that was my primary job. If the guys thought it strange to be dealing with a servant than that was their problem, not mine.

I rejected six right from the start when they demonstrated they thought with their dicks first, before their business, and whatever passed for brains might be in other than their heads. Their main interest was in 'making' the maid. I found just four more to bid the job and rejected one of those for the same reason.

Before my court date on the last Thursday of January, I squeezed in an appointment with my black hairdresser's to have my nails filled, roots re-dyed and eyebrows waxed again.

"You gonna need this all rebraided, honey-chil', next time ya come." I was advised.

I debated what to wear to court and asked Mrs. Buford for her advice. "Dress conservatively, but attractively, Karen. Have you anything resembling a dark suit?"

"Yes, Cindy..."

"Hold up a sec', please?

"You and I have a very good relationship. Nearly every morning at breakfast and many other times we chat, with you in your girl-in-girl mode. Now is not one of those, you are in uniform and on duty. Karen, it would please me if, when you are on duty, you discipline yourself to address and refer to others by their proper names. Cindy is properly, 'Mrs. Wallace'.

"I'm not being a bitch about this, it's just that I'm afraid you'll get in a bad habit and slip in front of others. I'm not expecting too much, am I?"

"No, ma'am; it is proper for me to do as you've instructed." She gave me a nice smile.


"Mrs. Wallace gave me a nice black wool suit. Its skirt is a little short to be called conservative though."

"You are young enough and have the legs to wear short skirts. I'd suggest you wear black pantyhose, moderate heels, not your boots, and a white blouse. Your makeup and hair as they are now for evening duty are fine."

"Thank you for your advice, ma'am. I'll follow it in the morning."


I was very nervous when I went through the metal detector entering the courthouse and tripped it because of the steel bones and busk in my corset. The deputy ran his wand over me and, of course, it picked up the corset too. A female deputy was summoned and after a pat down, I was asked to go with her behind a screen.

"Remove your jacket and open your blouse." I saw very little choice, but to do as she'd told me.

She found it hilarious when she discovered what filled the cups of my bra.

"You can get dressed, sissy-boy." Of course she announced her discovery to everyone within earshot. Nearly everyone in the lobby seemed to be laughing at me when I retrieved my purse from the other deputy.

"Miss." I turned to the gray haired man with a silly handlebar moustache and red polka dot bowtie next to me. "Jonathan Klein, of Schwartz, Jacobson and Klein. My card. I'm an attorney.

"Being held up to public ridicule gives you grounds for a lawsuit."

"Thank you, sir. I'll give the matter proper consideration. I've your card." I pretended to put it in my purse and he left me alone as I walked away. Passing the first waste container, I deposited his business card where it belonged with the rest of the trash.

It was almost an hour before my case was called. There was some laughter when the bailiff called me by my male name and I'd stood to approach the bench, but the female judge tolerated no nonsense in her courtroom.

Ten minutes later she rapped her gavel and I was legally Karen Amanda Thomas. Fifty dollars poorer and fifteen minutes later, I walked away from the window in the clerk's office with the papers in my purse to prove it.

As the Social Security office and Motor Vehicle office were fairly close. I settled those matters before returning home. Getting a replacement card from Social Security went well. The woman handled the matter in a pleasant and professional manner.

For the men and women in Motor Vehicles, I was their entertainment and highlight of their day. I gave serious thought to finding a phone book and calling the offices of Schwartz, Jacobson and Klein.

The last stop was at the bank branch office in the supermarket shopping plaza to open a bank account. When I took out my new cards to present to the clerk in order to open our account, I discovered that the real joke was on Motor Vehicles. Whether the clerk made a simple typo or was laughing at me too hard to pay attention, didn't matter, the space above 'Sex' contained an 'F' and not an 'M'.

Back home, I changed into uniform and reported to Mrs. Buford to inform her of my return.

"How did everything go, Karen?" she asked.

"I accomplished everything that I'd hoped to while out today, ma'am." I'd not been invited to sit, so kept everything formal. "My petition was granted by the court and I am now legally Karen Amanda Thomas."

She raised her eyebrow to me. "Thank you very much, Karen. I'm sincerely flattered."

"You are welcome, ma'am. It was something I wanted to do to thank you for everything you've done for me."

"Did you accomplish anything else while you were out?" I told her I'd a new Social Security card, driver's license and had opened a joint back account.

"The best part is that Motor Vehicles were laughing so hard at me that they entered female on the license, ma'am."

"Good for them. Let's hope the error also makes it to the central computer so when you get a new license in a few years it's the same."

"It will be a new one in several months, ma'am. I plan to take, San ... Miss Martin's surname when we marry."

"What?" she raised her voice. "You are going to make me change all my records and re-file with the IRS and State Tax Office twice!" Mrs. Buford giggled.

"Good for you, Karen.

"Best you get going on your chores now."

"Yes, ma'am." I curtseyed to leave.

"Oh, Karen. You are going to need your birth certificate to get a license to wed Cassandra. Don't forget to file with Vital Statistics."

"Thank you for reminding me of that, ma'am."


As a favor to his future sister-in-law, me, Sam had reviewed all the bids from the contractors and prepared a spread sheet along with his recommendation and reason for it at no additional charge to my employer.

"Amanda, when your schedule permits, I have all of the data to recommend a contractor to perform the expansion work." We were seated at breakfast, so I was permitted to use her first name.

"Two o'clock today would be fine. That way you'll not hurry your chores because you are eager for my decision," she grinned.

"Thank you. ...And you know darn well, your maid takes her job too seriously to permit that.

I was just finishing the downstairs that morning when Mrs. Buford found me.

"Want to play a little game with me this afternoon, Karen?"

"Certainly, if you'd like, ma'am."

"Actually, it is not so much of a game, but a training exercise for you.

"Let me explain. Sit for the moment.

"I've given you both the responsibility and the authority that goes with that to deal with the contractors. When you get married, you will find that comes with even more responsibilities. This exercise I've thought up will hopefully prepare you better for dealing with things that will arise in your future.

"What I'm suggesting is that when you come for your presentation, I want you to interact with me on a professional level. That includes having studied the proposal and delivering a formal presentation. If I play hardball with you, try not to lose your cool, but remain the professional.

"Are you with me, Karen?"

"Yes, I think so, ma'am." I was not only with her; I sincerely believed I was ahead of her for our upcoming meeting.

"Good. For your appointment, dress appropriately and pretend we will be meeting for the first time."

"Yes, ma'am."

"OK, finish up and remember you've an appointment at two.

I finished that morning's chores just after eleven and went upstairs. I was unsure just what to select as appropriate attire, a plan began to form and I put on an evening uniform then redid my makeup. The remainder of the time, I studied all of the paperwork I had and arranged it in order to find any of it, as quickly as possible, should I need it.

At one forty-five, I restrained a giggle as I walked towards Mrs. Buford's den. She wore a white blouse over a black bra that was unbuttoned to nearly her naval, a very short black skirt that exposed flesh above her black stocking tops and very high-heeled black pumps.

I couldn't keep from grinning when I saw her chewing gum and blow a bubble. She was playing a bimbo secretary.

"Yea, whatcha wants?" She didn't raise her eyes from the magazine on the table and cracked her gum.

"Good afternoon, mizz. I'm Miss Karen Thomas. I have a two o'clock appointment with Mrs. Amanda Buford to discuss building alterations." She slid the magazine over to look at the appointment book from her desk.

"Whodja say ya was?" She popped another bubble.

"Miss Karen Thomas."

"Oh yea, sos ya do."

"Park it over der and I'lls call ya when she's free." She pointed to a straight chair facing away from the den and returned her eyes to her magazine. Once I'd sat, I heard her get up then the door open and close. It was ten to two.

It was it two thirty five when I heard the door open. "Yo der, Karen! Mandy will sees yas now. First door on the left," her voice informed. The 'receptionist' wasn't in sight when I stood and turned.

I gave a very formal curtsey. Mrs. Buford had changed into a gray pin-striped suit and lost the bimbo receptionist demeanor.

"Good afternoon," she'd stood. "I'm Amanda Buford." She came around her desk and motioned to the table I used when on my computer. That had been pushed to the side and the tabletop cleared.

"Good afternoon. I'm Karen Thomas, housekeeper for Mandy Manor." She giggled slightly. "Thank you for fitting me into your schedule on short notice. Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Buford."

"Be seated, please?" she invited.

"Mrs. Buford, I have reviewed the eight proposals that have been received from the contractors with your architect and have come today to present our recommendation for one to accomplish the work on the addition you desire." My mention that I'd consulted with Sam caused her to stare at me in question for a moment. I ignored it.

"Go on."

I opened the spread sheet and explained it to her. "Across the top are the contractors and down the left side are the various parameters that we used to rate them, Mrs. Buford. At the top of the column is their bid cost and ending at the bottom the results of the references that I communicated with."

"Allow me to review this for a few moments, Miss Thomas." When she looked up from the large printout of the spreadsheet, I continued.

"It is our recommendation that the job be awarded to J & T Construction, ma'am, even though they are not the lowest bidder." They were the third lowest out of the eight.

"This recommendation is based upon their professionalism in dealing with me, the completeness in following the bid instructions and, most importantly, the quality of their work and favorable recommendations from their previous clients, Mrs. Buford, as well as, Mr. Wallace's prior experience working with them."

"What method did you use to access the quality of their work, Miss Thomas?"

"I first telephoned each of their references and asked questions from a pre-developed list I'd prepared, ma'am. I have the results of the interviews for all the contractors should wish to review those."

"Not at this time. Go on."

"During the course of those conversations, I asked if I might be permitted to look at the previous construction and did so at two sites each of the four lowest bidders. I have summary sheets for each of those inspections."

Her hand stopped me from finding the papers. "Based upon my review of data, I will concur with your recommendation.

"Prepare a contract for my consideration." I took the one from the bottom of the pile, it had been part of the bid package and had already signed, witnessed and notarized by Jim Zimmer, the president of J & T Construction.

"I will ask my attorney to look this over prior to signing it, Miss Thomas."

The next stapled papers I placed before her was the contract with a cover letter from Mr. Bodine whom I knew to be her lawyer. "I have addressed that concern, prior to my requesting the appointment this afternoon, Mrs. Buford."

She responded by picking up the very thick stack of papers beside me and tossing them at me.

"Girl-in-girl-mode, Karen." She started to laugh as I started to pick up everything.

When her laughter began to subside, she said, "It seems I've again, greatly underestimated your abilities, Karen. I apologize."

"You've done an excellent job with this."

"Thank you, Amanda."

"Once he receives the contract and deposit, did Mr. Zimmer state when he could begin and how long it will be until completion?"

"He indicated that he would place an initial order for some of the materials immediately which will commence a day or two later and that construction would take between five and eight weeks depending on weather and the workload, at the time, of his subcontractors."

"Do you know Cassandra's work schedule for this week, Karen?"

"She is working tonight through Sunday night then free Monday through Wednesday night," I answered.

"I was hoping she might join us for diner."


Mrs. Buford gave me the signed and notarized contract and the check for the deposit the follow morning when I was invited to sit with her for lunch. Jim stopped by about three thirty and I introduced him to Mrs. Buford.

"Please sit, Jim. May I offer you a beer, cocktail of other refreshment?"

"A cup of coffee, black, would be nice. Thank you, ma'am."

"Karen, we will take coffee here" They were seated at the kitchen table.

"Please, it's Amanda, Jim.

"Karen, please listen as this concerns you?

"I wish to make it clear before the start, that my maid has full responsibility and authority for the administration and execution of the contract. Please communicate only with, Karen.

"I do not wish your men in the house for any reason."

"Yes, Amanda. Unfortunately, it will be necessary for the plumbers to be in the basement to make the sewage tie in. That job should take no longer than one day."

"I see. Very well, schedule that portion at least two days beforehand with my maid."

"Certainly, Amanda."


"Go see what all that noise is outside, Karen." Mrs. Buford directed as we were finishing our breakfast Monday morning.

"I believe I can tell you what it is without looking, but I will look to confirm it if you wish me to. It's the Mr. Zimmer and his crew setting up to begin the work, Amanda."

She shook her head, "Just how much extra did it cost me for my architect to teach you how to do that bid presentation and be prepared to know things like this?"

"It cost you nothing extra," I answered.

"Don't lie to me, Karen! You didn't put all of that together by yourself."

"I made no statement nor even intimated that I had, Amanda. Mr. Wallace made the spread sheet after I'd done all of the legwork. I did the telephone interviews and those reports myself and the inspections of their work."

"Sam told me his standard fee is one hundred fifty dollars an hour. Why do you expect me to believe that there are no extra charges?"

"Amanda, you seem to be forgetting that I'll soon be part of the family." My statement gave her reason for pause. She sipped her coffee and her eyes occasionally glanced at me as she did.

"Yes, it seems I have." It was said softly.

"Best get started on your chores, Karen."


"Karen, please come to my den?" I'd shut off the vacuum and followed her there.

"I realize that this is rather short notice." I remained standing before her desk. "I will be away early tomorrow morning and do not expect to return until Tuesday, the 23rd." It was Thursday, the 9th of February. "Since I'll be on a little skiing vacation and not require your services until my return, I thought you would like a little vacation too.

"Unfortunately, it will only be three days; not because I don't wish to spend the money, but because of Cassandra's work schedule. She requested more time off at the restaurant and her request was denied. Apparently, they are short handed.

"In any event, I've booked both of you on a red-eye special to Key West International and a return flight mid-morning Thursday, the 16th. There will be a rental car awaiting your arrival there.

"The Carriage Suite has been reserved for you and your fiancé at The Gardens Hotel® and I have prepaid the room charges."

"This is very generous of you, ma'am. Thank you very much." I curtseyed deeply.

"You are most welcome and have more than earned this. You well deserve a vacation, Karen."

"Take this please?" Mrs. Buford offered an envelope. "Since I'll not be here, use your time to buy yourself some new clothes for your vacation. That contains your tickets and all of the details regarding what I've just told you along with a little spending money.

"One thing you'll not need to buy is a new bathing suit. I've put one on your bed."

"Again thank you very much, ma'am."

"You are again most welcome. I do hope that you and Cassandra have a most pleasant Valentine's Day.

"Now run along, you've been neglecting your work for far too long this morning, Karen," she smiled and waved me out.


Sandi arrived at four AM Sunday morning. I'd been napping on the couch after a fairly decent night's sleep having gone to bed very early the arising at two thirty to get ready for her.

"Well don't you look the perfect little Miss Tourist," Sandi joked when we broke our embrace. I wore a white, mini length, shirt waist with small red flowers printed on it over a moderately full petticoat that was sold with it as a set. It had voile, balloon sleeves and I felt very pretty.

"Love your shoes," she complimented the white platform sandals with thongs that crisscrossed up to my knees over red, sheer stockings.

In contrast, due to the February cold, just five above zero that morning, my fiancé wore a thick black knit turtleneck sweater, very tight, white designer jeans and boots.

"Ready?" She helped me into the leather jacket she'd given me and I put on the white cartwheel hat as I went to set the security panel. With her carrying my bag, I pulled on white mittens. Thankfully, her car was warm. My stockings offered no insulation for my exposed legs during the short walk after I'd locked the house.

Our flight was scheduled to take off at six, but we arrived early, anticipating that we'd be delayed when my corset triggered the metal detector. Fortunately, we'd plenty of time to eat a surprisingly decent when I was passed with just a pat down and the agent determined I was no threat.

We both managed to nap on the plane and felt refreshed when we landed at Key West International. Even though well before official check-in time, our room was ready upon our arrival at The Gardens®.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Mrs. Buford has booked the best for her maid." I didn't even want to think about how much the gorgeously appointed suit might cost.

"Let's put on our suits and go by the pool, Karen," Sandi suggested. "I didn't get much sleep last night and could use a bit more."

"Sure, but I'm going to warn you, the new one Mrs. Buford bought for me, is more than a little bit kinky."

Sandi helped me out of my white corset after I'd undressed and she'd tied on a skimpy, white bikini. I retained the tight rubber thong that I wore all of the time and opened my bag.

"I love it, Karen, but kinky is understated, while there is nothing understated about that. I think the British would say, 'rather over the top'. I needed her help to stretch the thick black rubber that formed a 'corset' about my waist and torso then fasten the shiny stainless clasps up the front after I'd struggled into the latex bathing suit.

"You look incredibly sexy in that," Sand hugged and kissed me.

I redid my lips in red after Sandi requested then put on my sandals, pool jacket, hat and sunglasses before we picked up our purses and walked to the pool, hand in hand.

Quite a few heads turned when we clicked onto the pool patio. I heard admiring comments spoken between those seated together.

"I want to take pictures before you get wet, Karen." Sandi had her camera out after we'd picked our lounge chairs and set down our bags. Sandi must have taken ten thousand pictures of me by then. Long before, she proclaimed me to be her favorite model. As much as she loved to do that, I'd developed a fondness for posing and modeling. Since becoming Karen almost six months previously, I accepted that I'd also discovered my narcissistic streak. I loved to look at my reflections and to pose; not just for her, but for myself too.

After massaging suntan lotion on each other we lay down to soak up the rays.

"I've a little surprise for you, love, but not sure if I should tell you."

"What, Sandi?"

"Well, do you remember the day we went to the motorcycle shop?"

"Of course, that was fun."

"The dealer paid me five hundred dollars to use two of your picture in their local ads."

"Why didn't you tell me and show them to me?"

"Because I was hoping something better would come of it."

"Yea, well it didn't, so you could have told me." I was becoming rapidly annoyed.

"Don't be like that."

I propped up to glare at her. "You should have told me!"

Sandi reached in her beach bag and took out a magazine then opened to a page she'd bookmarked with a tri-folded paper. It was a motorcycle magazine.

"Something bigger did come of it, Karen." She turned the periodical to me. There was a Harley Davidson® ad. It wasn't a full page ad, but a two page one! I was the model.

"This issue won't be out until next month, but they sent it to me two weeks ago along with this." She handed me a check from Harley Davidson®. It was for five-thousand dollars!

I hugged and kissed her. It didn't matter to me who might be watching.

"It gets better, love." Sandi unfolded the paper bookmark.

"Dear Ms. Martin," she began to read. "Blah, blah, blah... We would like to offer your model in the April issue Harley Davidson® advertisement the opportunity to come to Chicago for a photo session in our studios at our expense. Blah, blah, blah... Should we select her..." Sandi turned the magazine pages to the middle to reveal the centerfold, "as our Biker Broad of the Month we will pay her the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars."

"That's wonderful, Sandi, but you've overlooked something big."

"Don't deny it. You love to model for me, Karen. I just won't be the one taking your pictures. This may not be Playboy® bit might lead to something like that!"

"Playmate® of the month or Biker Broad of the Month, it doesn't matter, I can't do it!" I felt like crying.

"Just give me one good reason why you can't?"

"I won't give you one, I'll give you two. I can't do it!" I answered her question my touching the model's breasts with the tips of my long nails.

"Hi, girls." A guy walking towards us with a pretty woman startled both of us. He was probably forty-five and she looked half his age with a figure to die for.

"Excuse us, but we couldn't help overhear parts of your conversation," the woman said. "I'm Marci Renee and a model. This is my husband and my photographer Charlie Goldstein." Sandi introduced herself and me as her fiancée.

"We were watching when you were doing your private photoshoot earlier. Karen, you're a natural model. Easily, your pictures could be sold for publication."

"I've already done that," Sandi stated. She picked up the magazine to show them the Harley Davidson® ad.

"Great! Congratulations!" Marci offered. "So why not shoot for the moon and send some pictures to Playboy® or that?"

"Because I'm not ready to pose nude or even semi-nude ... yet." He chuckled.

"OK, Karen. A lot of girls say that when they start. When the big money starts to flash and the bills stare at them, they soon change their mind. It just takes a few more published pictures to change their minds.

"What do you say to me treating you girls to lunch and we can discuss it further?" Sandi squeezed my hand and nodded when I glanced.

"That would be very nice, Charlie. Give Karen and me a few minutes to change and we'll meet you in the lobby in fifteen minutes."

"I'd like both of you to keep your suits on. Do you have cover-ups?"

"I've a wrap skirt and this." I slipped on my white sheer jacket.


The hotel in located in a botanical garden and they knew of a beautiful secluded spot.

"Remove your diamond, Karen. That is a killer if we get the chance to sell and of these." Marci told me.

After taking hundreds of me, Marci suggested that we do a lesbian scene together. I was very reluctant, but Sandi was agreeable. When Charlie extended ten hundred dollar bills towards each of us, I changed my mind.

While I stayed fully covered by the latex, Sandi ended up naked over the course of the following hour.

Our photographer and his wife had a flight out that evening and we parted after we'd signed model releases and promised to stay in touch.


"Let's get on the plane and go back to the Keys, Sandi." I shivered as we walked through the falling snow to her car. Six inches covered the ground and by the time we'd cleaned snow off of it, I was frozen.

"I can't say I'm sorry to hear that the restaurant is closed," Sandi said as she clicked off her cell phone once we were in the warm house. There had to be a foot of white stuff covering the ground by the time she'd slowly driven there.

"I'm sure Mrs. Buford won't object to you spending the night, Sandi," I offered.

"If you think she might, I'll call her cell and check."

"It might be best if you do," I told her.

"Amanda has no problems with us at all, Karen," Sandi stated once she'd finished the call. "She thanked me for thinking to ask her permission before we just did it. We're invited to use her bed."

"No, I'm not comfortable with doing that at all, Sandi."


For me, March was a very hectic month. In addition to all of my maid duties, I oversaw the construction of our apartment. On Wednesdays, Sandi joined the tour and we were both extremely satisfied.

The contract specified that everything would be painted white, typical for most new construction. From our own bank account, we paid Mr. Zimmer to paint it to the colors we'd selected, hang curtain rods and window shades along with much more decorative ceiling fans and light fixtures that we'd bought.

"Karen, go girl-in-girl mode and dress casually this evening; I'd like to talk with both you and Cassandra, please?"

"Yes, Amanda. Thank you."

I changed into my white leather skirt, a white cotton, turtleneck and high-heeled white knee boots I'd recently bought.

Before I joined them in the living room, I was told to bring a pad and pen.

"Sit here on the couch, Karen." Sandi was seated on Mrs. Buford's right. "I'd like to discuss the lease and a few rules that I'd like you girls to abide by as long as you choose to live here. But for the amount of the monthly lease payments I desire, most of the rest of this is currently open for negotiation." We were each handed a sheet of paper.

"Please take notes, Karen."

"I've had three realtors look at your new apartment now that it is nearly completed. They've advised me that it could be rented for eleven hundred fifty to fourteen fifty a month, or an average of one thousand three hundred dollars a month. All were very interested in handling the listing. From the start, Karen accepted her job with room and board as part of her compensation. Considering that, I've concluded that eight hundred fifty dollars a month is a fair amount for the monthly rent." I thought that it was fair for the huge apartment even if it was only three rooms.

"Utilities... The addition adds almost seventeen percent to the area of my home. The extra area will increase me heating and air conditioning costs by an equal amount. Once Cassandra moves in, the occupancy of my estate will increase fifty percent. Therefore, the water and sewer usage will also. Then add in fixed costs for cable HDTV and computers and basic telephone connection. Trash removal is another fixed fee. The last utilities I've considered are pool privileges, garage parking for your car, Cassandra, and use of the washer and dryer.

"Karen's current use of the car I've provided will continue, as it is primarily for the errands she performs on my behalf as well as her personal use. If both of you wish to visit your friends, go out to the movies or dinner, or go on a trip, I'll expect you to use your vehicle, Cassandra."

"Certainly, Amanda."

"For all that, I believe you'll concur that one hundred twenty dollars a month is low. We can review my current bills if you wish to confirm that, girls.

"Combined, your monthly rent payment will be nine hundred seventy dollars per month with utilities."

"Which is more than a hundred dollars less than I pay my parents now, Amanda. I think that's more than fair," Sandi stated.

"Any problem there, Karen?" I told her I concurred.

"Rules... Once you move in, Cassandra, you will be my tenant. As such, I think your presence in my house should be by invitation only. I've become quite accustomed to Karen's presence and the daily sounds she makes in the course of doing her chores. I do not want to question any new noises or be startled by encountering you in a room or in the hallways unexpectedly."

"That's understandable and not a problem," Sandi told her.

"Good. The washer and dryer are here and their use is included in your monthly payment. I will permit Karen to wash your clothes and linens for your apartment while on duty, however, I do not think that ironing them here or while on duty are chores that I should pay for." I certainly agreed.

"What else?" Mrs. Buford questioned aloud. "Yes, the pool. In the beginning, I stated that its daily cleaning and routine maintenance would be among my maid's responsibilities, but never implemented that. As it will soon be time to remove the cover, I want that to be up to my tenants, in part for the privilege of using it. I really do not care which of you performs the tasks, but think Karen has more than enough to do here and you have more than enough free time, Cassandra. Work it out between you." She looked at my pad before I'd turned to begin a new page.

"Now that I've mentioned time, I'll discuss it in more depth. Karen currently is on duty about sixty hours per week. I am going to adjust her hours in order to give you more time together. That does not mean that they will be significantly reduced. She has attained a standard of cleanliness and service that I've come to enjoy and will expect her to maintain. The hours required to achieve that are not going to magically diminish.

"Karen, this is the new schedule, I've worked out for you." I was handed a paper. "The biggest change will be from early Tuesday at twelve thirty until Thursday afternoon at four thirty. During that time, you are relieved of all chores and other duties. I can make my own bed one day a week."

"Thank you, Amanda." I passed the schedule to Sandi.

"That will give us about forty-eight hours together, Sandi."

"I see," she said with a smile, "but it also means four days a week will be more than ten hour ones for you." She placed the sheet on the table.

"Karen, order a pizza then open a bottle of wine; I think we'd all like some, please?"

"Yes, ma'am," I stood, curtseyed and left for the kitchen.


Our apartment received its Certificate of Occupancy the following day and Sandi moved in on Monday. Mrs. Buford excused me from duty until the following morning to help when my fiancé arrived with her car packed with her belongings.

The biggest changes to the plans that Sam had made where the addition of an enclosed foyer on the garage level because it would be nearly impossible to heat or cool our apartment with the open stairwell. With the only access to the second floor being the beautiful oak, spiral staircase, the opening above needed to be enlarged so that furniture could be lifted with a manual hoist. He has the men temporarily covered the treads with plywood to protect them once the stairs had been installed.

Sandi and I had used our own money to cover the bare concrete with smooth flagstones and finish the foyer to the same degree as the upstairs was. Mrs. Buford had desired the same hardwood floors as were in the house and we'd not yet bought rugs to cover it; wall-to-wall carpeting was not and option.

The moving men Sandi had hired complained loudly about the staircase and the necessity of using the hoist, but shut up once I had asserted my authority as the maid and told them to.

Mr. Zimmer had loaned me web slings to rig the furniture and taught me how to use them when I was watching the workmen lift the lumber, bathroom fixtures and the kitchen appliances up.

Though hand-me-downs, the furniture that Sam and Cindy had given us was beautiful and of very high quality. When I saw the pieces for the walnut bedroom suite carried in, I seriously questioned why Sandi's sister had felt any need to replace it. There was a king-sized bed, triple dresser, armoire, two bedside tables, three framed mirrors to go above the dresser and a large cheval mirror.

The living room set consisted of a couch, love seat and two upholstered chairs covered with soft black leather. The six end tables and two coffee tables were medium finished oak as were the large bookcases. Seeing the furniture, I remembered the quality of the clothes that Cindy had given me. I concurred with Sandi's statement that her sister had perfected materialism. There were nice table lamps to compliment the furniture for both rooms too.

My employer joined our efforts by carrying up some of my uniforms and clothing after the men had left. Sandi and I unloaded her car of the linens she'd bought and other household items. Nearly everything was new and still in the packaging.

"I've been shopping," she grinned at me when I questioned, "but a lot of it is engagement presents from my family and friends, Karen."

After looking at her watch, Sandi announced, "Mom and dad should be here soon and Sam and Cindy later this afternoon with the rest of the stuff."

"Do you have a table and chairs to use, Cassandra?"

"No, not yet, Amanda."

"You can borrow them from my entertainment room. Karen, go help Cassandra carry them up, please?"

As predicted, Sandi's parents arrived with an SUV while we'd been in the basement. Mrs. Buford had introduced herself and invited them in.

Sandi and I set up the folding table between our kitchen and living room then went down for chairs. Her dad helped us unload his vehicle that contained Sandi's clothing along with used everyday dishes, glasses, tableware, pots and pans are other things for the kitchen plus a big box of groceries and a case of beer.

While my fiancé put her things away, I served our guests a round of beer then attended to getting our kitchen in order. It was a busy afternoon for us. Before my future bother and sister-in-law arrived, we'd emptied all my things from my former room.

"Why don't you sit with the others, Sandi, while I set my things up in the bedroom and bath."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure; we'll just get in each other's way trying to do it together." After finishing the necessities; leaving packed boxes in my closet, I fixed my makeup and changed into a denim skirt and yellow pull-over with my black knee boots.

"May I get anyone anything before I sit?" I asked with a curtsey.

When Cindy and Sam arrived, Sandi and I helped unload his pickup. They'd brought us more food, a long wood table and two office chairs to place our computers on. Sam set those up after they'd carried both Sandi's and mine upstairs while I kept busy in the kitchen.

"Edie and I are going to leave our girls to get settled in their new home," Mr. Martin announced by standing about six thirty. They all said, 'good-byes' and left together following his cue.

Sandi embraced me for a long, tight hug and intimate kiss. When be broke, we went to the love seat.

"Hey, the upholstery is firm enough for me to actually be almost comfortable," I pronounced with a happy smile when I sat.

"Which is exactly the reason that Cindy hated it," she chuckled.

"Karen, I've looked at your schedule that Amanda worked out. Those twelve hour days are going to be rough."

"Rougher than you might imagine, Mrs. Buford has already warned me that she had backed off a lot with her entertaining of her friends at the beginning, because she didn't wish to be embarrassed by her new maid," I laughed. "That was a real blessing for me, now that I look back. I'd have been embarrassed, for sure."

"I don't think I ever told you how well you handled it the first time me met and I carded you at the restaurant." Sandi kissed my cheek. "You did very well then and ever since, love.

"Anyway, what I want to talk about, are the chores here. I've given them a lot of thought and will try to do them, because your schedule is double mine and I believe that I need to bring more of myself to our relationship than just my paycheck. I'll also do the pool.

"Amanda told me she expected you to maintain your quarters to the same standard as she expects in her home."

"That's correct," I affirmed.

"You may have to follow up with my work. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that mom did nearly everything at home, and my performance may not be up to snuff."

"Where's that crop?" I joked then gave her a kiss.

"Thanks for your offer. We'll work it out."

I made us sandwiches and we sat to eat at our makeshift dining room table.

"Are you on your new schedule, Karen?"

"Yes, Mrs. Buford told me that I am over breakfast, but I didn't finish chores this morning, so I may be a bit later than twelve thirty. She expects that my work be completed when I'm given extra time off. Tomorrow is laundry day too.

"My scheduled hours were never carved in stone, just as yours aren't. If the customers aren't done at your tables, you stay until they are, even though the kitchen has been closed, Sandi."


"After you get off tomorrow, what would you like to do?" she asked.

"We still need a lot of things to get our home set up, but I'd like to do that shopping Wednesday when we have the whole day. I think one our priorities should be to try and work out a budget then try to stick too it."

"Give me a kiss." I needed no further encouragement to lean over and kiss her lips.

"That's part of the reason I asked you to be in control of our money, love. I'd never have thought of that."


I'd asked Sandi to prepare a detailed list of her expenses for her car, her medical insurance and all else she could think of so I could work out or budget while I was at work. I basically had no necessities to spend money on, beyond my portion of the lease. With the data she provided, I created a spreadsheet showing or income, estimated taxes and then listed our known and estimated expenses.

"Sandi, come here please?" I called.

"Pull your chair over so you can see this. We have a big problem."

"What?" she questioned.

"It appears that our expenses exceed our income?"

"Huh? How's that possible?"

"Look at this and you'll see."

She read the screen. "Since when does Amanda pay you a hundred dollars a week?" she questioned. "You told me it was eighty."

"This morning; she was paying for my personal care items and cosmetics up until now, but no longer wants our things included on her grocery receipts and informed me that she'll check to make sure they aren't.

"With minor exceptions, our weekly shopping is to be done on our time and not hers. That bothered me at first until I'd thought about it and concluded that she's justified.

"I don't spend twenty bucks a week on those things, so it's a bit of a raise for me too."

"OK. Scroll down." I did.

"Savings ... ten percent? Life insurance?" she questioned.

"What do you expect to live on if we make it to retirement age; Social Security isn't going to enough? I had it at twenty percent until I saw the bottom line then cut it to ten." I explained. "We also have our wedding expenses coming and I'd like to think that we can have some sort of a honeymoon. I'd also like to think that we can exchange presents on our birthdays and at Christmas. Where is that money coming from if we don't start saving now?"

"You're right. OK explain the life insurance, Karen?"

"It is self explanatory. If I die ten years from now, are you moving back in with your folks or Cindy? If Mrs. Buford passes on, what am I supposed to do if you aren't here either?

"It stays!" I declared. "The premiums are just a guess, for now, but it is something we need to do." Sandi kissed the tip of my nose.

"Alright already... Now what do we do about it, Karen?"

"That's why I asked you to look at it. I just got a twenty-five percent raise. I can't very well ask for another one. There certainly aren't enough hours in the week for me to get a second job."

Sandi lifted my long plait and tickled my face with its tassel. "No, of course you can't. I'd never even think to ask you too, silly."

"Karen, I'd like to see you again without the braids."

"Not for now, Sandi. Mrs. Buford told me when I had them redone last week with the longer tassels that she wants me to continue and let them grow. My appearance on duty is at her whim, not mine. I'm not permitted to change it any more than you and I may change our uniform styles.

"She pays for me to go to the salon every two weeks and what they do is her decision, not mine." Sandi made a face, but didn't pursue it.

"Back to the budget." I tapped the screen with my long pink nail. "I need some input.

"How about your car; that's a biggie?" I suggested.

"How about I keep my car?" she seemed a bit annoyed that I even suggested it.

"They've been trying to get more servers for lunches. Let me see if I can do Sundays and maybe pickup other hours. That should resolve the problem for now." It was my turn to tickle her face with my hair.


Wednesday morning, I put on my yellow tartan kilt with a white blouse, black sweater and black boots to go shopping while Sandi dressed in her favored tight black, designer jeans and a pullover.

"May I ask you a personal question? It's a subject we don't talk about much." We were both putting on our makeup before the mirror above the double vanity in our bathroom.


"Do you ever think about being a ... being a guy, Karen?"

I chuckled. "Of all things you might have asked me, that isn't one of them.

"I used to question just what the H I was doing dressing pretty, putting on my lipstick and working as a maid. I guess a more proper way to phrase it, Sandi, is that my thoughts were more like 'pretending' that I'm a girl.

"I'm no longer pretending. Today I'd have to work hard and use every bit of my skills to try and act like a man.

"You told me once what your thoughts were when we were locked together in the cage ... I never told you mine." I capped my mascara and set it down to pick up my blusher.

"I was as helpless as you that night and neither of us could change that situation. My thought was that I really liked being that way. If Mrs. Buford hadn't taped me so tightly, I'd have had a very un-girl like bulge in my tights. It wasn't so much the bondage; certainly that was part of it, but that you were there to protect me."

Sandi burst out laughing. "Right, some protection I'd have provided. You just told me I was helpless as you. We couldn't even touch much; collared and with our leashes locked to the cage."

"That's beside the point." I paused to coat my lips a creamy red. "My point is that as a girl, I didn't have to be the one providing the protection ... I guess I'm trying to say, if I were a guy, it was expected; I'd be obligated to.

"Anyway, it was a turning point. I began to really get with the program; not that there was any program." I picked up the brush and began to tease the six inches of my hair that had been left unbraided at the end of each of my one hundred twenty plaits; of course I'd counted them, more than once. "I began to look forward to doing things like I'm doing right now and becoming the best I could at them.

"I wanted to be the prefect pretty girl, for you, Mrs. Buford, the public in general. It was solely my decision to take the testosterone blocker when I went on the pill... God I wish they'd hurry up and grow..."

"I've not regretted that decision once. They not only killed any male displays, it also killed male type thoughts."

"What exactly is a male type thought, Karen?"

"I don't know if I can explain it since you probably never had any. Just let it go. I'm Karen Amanda Thomas and will be her until I'm Karen Amanda Martin."


"I really like this dining room set." After nearly filling the trunk of Sandi's car with an assortment of miscellaneous things we needed for our apartment, we'd gone to one of the largest furniture stores in the area to look at a set or our dining area.

Sandi turned over the tag, "At almost four thousand dollars you should. I think we'll start looking for ads in the paper and used furniture stores, Karen, as Amanda recommended.

"There's one about a mile from work that I pass on the way there. Let's go there."

The store had nothing for our dining room, but I found an antique, silver plated tray that I liked and wanted. All it needed was a good polishing and, for five dollars, I bought it.

"Let's stop at the supermarket and stock up. We'll not get another chance to do it together until next week. Besides, I want to cook you a nice supper," I suggested.

Between food and cleaning supplies plus things like bath soap and paper products, we spent a hundred seventy-three dollars at the check out. "I was going to question the figure you put in our budget for weekly groceries, love, but kept quiet when I remembered mom always does the shopping and I never really paid attention when I'd gone to the store for a few things she needed.

"How much do you spend when you do the shopping for Amanda?"

"You really shouldn't ask me questions like that, Sandi. Mrs. Buford's affairs are nothing you should concern yourself with."

"I was just curious. What's the big deal?"

"My job is the big deal. I love doing what I do and working for her. Asking about anything that happens in her house or about her goes hand-in-hand with my pretending not to hear conversations she's on the phone or with her guests even though I might be only two feet away. You've seen that demonstrated more than once. I'm certainly never ever to repeat what I've seen or heard. In a way, I'm supposed to just serve her and her guests as if I'm deaf and blind.

"Sandi, you're treated as a close friend of Mrs. Buford's. Unless she puts me in girl-in-girl-mode, you are Miss Martin to me even though you are my fiancé."

"Yes, you're right, of course. I'll try not to ask again."


"Karen, next Sunday is Easter. I'll be having overnight guests beginning Thursday night and some will stay until Monday morning."

"Yes, ma'am. May I take a moment to get my pad to make notes, please?" She waved me from the room.

"I'd like you on duty from seven thirty in the morning until I dismiss you in the evening Friday through Monday morning. You may have Monday evening and Tuesday morning off to compensate."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Those are new aprons," She pointed to pile on a nearby chair. "Be sure to iron them and hang them in your old quarters so you always have a fresh one handy. I'd like you in a black uniform during the weekend. Consider that standard whenever I have overnight guests.

"One couple and a friend for diner Thursday then another couple will arrive Friday afternoon. I expect that everyone will stay through until Monday morning.

"Karen?" I looked up and our eyes met for a moment. "I do not expect that my friend will need a separate guest room."

I curtseyed, Yes, ma'am.


The End Chapter V




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