Crystal's StorySite


And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder

by Darkside



8. Trinity

Friday woke from a restless sleep, her mind full of painful images and horrific memories. She was about to get out of bed when Steve knocked on the door," You awake? I've made a coffee for you."

Ensuring she was decent Friday called out, "Thanks. Come in."

Steve walked in, dressed in a smart grey suit and tie, "I thought I'd see how you were doing before I went to see Heinlein," he gave the coffee to Friday which she took and immediately sipped.

"Last night was one of the worst I've had for a while. Oh Steve, I've done so much evil. I have so much blood on my hands, nothing I can do will wipe it away, and the thing is I will kill more before I'm finally allowed to go free," Friday flicked her long red hair away from her face.

Steve studied her face, her eyes were red with the tears she'd cried overnight and her face had taken on a manner of someone who'd given up on life. "None of us like that part of the job. But it's what we have to do to protect the lives of the innocent. If you killing one tyrant can save hundreds then is that death worthwhile?"

"I don't know anymore. I used to think so, but Steve, there's so much blood, so much of it! My parents are dead, the only friends I ever had think I committed suicide and most of the world remembers me not as someone who stopped a war, but of someone who is the responsible for the deaths of millions."

"For what it's worth I think of myself as your friend," Steve said softly.

"Thanks. Look, we'll talk more. I'm late for work," Steve's words had given her some comfort but at least it was a start.

--- oo ---

By now Friday was almost teaching by autopilot. The material she was being asked to present was so basic she knew it in her sleep. The challenge was presenting it in such a way that even the dumbest kid could understand it.

She was in the middle of explaining the difference between DNA and RNA to her 'book ripping class' when suddenly there were two loud gunshots. Kids looked around in puzzlement, and then terror. There was another gunshot and a loud scream, which induced panic amongst the class, "Class! Stay here and get down under your desks. Do not open the door to anyone except me! Put desks behind the door and stay away from the doors and windows. Do NOT stand up. Keep down until I come back and give the all clear!" Friday explained, her voice full of calm and reassurance.

This was a very delicate situation, she couldn't go charging in as there were way too many possible witnesses, and yet she needed to save the lives of the kids and teachers. Was it an attack on her by some foreign government or agency? Or something more random?

Carefully she opened the door and peered outside, nothing. The gunshots seemed to have come from just down the hallway. She concentrated on her wrists and a small tube grew from each wrist, she formulated a neurotoxin which would disorientate its victim and placed it inside an organic dart which would fire from each tube. She was grateful she'd worn a long sleeved blouse as it help to hide the tubes to any casual onlookers. Carefully, she inched along the wall until she reached the junction between her corridor and the main entrance.

"Shoot her again!" A juvenile voice called.

Friday could just make out a feminine whimper of fear. Good at least the victim was still alive.

She peered around the corner and saw two boys, both with jeans and black T shirts. Around their heads they wore red bandannas, obviously it was some kind of gang uniform. Friday could just make out the legs of the girl they had shot, but couldn't tell how badly she'd been wounded. They boys were out of range of her dart and in the way of her assessment of the girl. Stealthily she crept around the corner and ducked behind a locker.

"We've already shot her twice, why'd we need to do it again?" The other boy protested.

"Cus you missed once already, Hurry!" The other one called out.

Clearly there was no time for stealth. Friday walked out from behind the locker and called out, "HEY!"

The boys whirled round to face her and instantly fired two shots. Friday dodged one but was nearly slammed off her feet as the second shot smashed her shoulder blade to fragments. Instantly she stopped the internal blood loss, sealing the smashed bone would come later. She was still too far away to use her dart weapons, she had to get closer. "Put the guns down!" she ordered.

The boy's eyes widened, they expected this young woman teacher to be crying in agony and begging for mercy. Friday saw them raise the guns once more, Fuck!

She was ready for the next two gunshots, but one just grazed her thigh, drawing blood as it did so. Now she was within range.

She leapt high into the air and pushed off the side of the wall with her legs to change direction in time to dodge another two gunshots. She extended an arm on the way down and fired a dart the boy on the right.

The dart struck him cleanly in the chest and he immediately started to convulse as the poison took effect. Their victim, a young blonde cheerleader screamed as the boy started to foam at the mouth. His compatriot knowing he was outclassed turned to run but Friday was too quick she overtook him as he sprinted down the corridor and landed a devastating punch to his ribcage, she felt his ribs crack under her fist and he went down writhing in pain.

She turned her attention to the first boy who was now recovering from the poison, before he could find the gun he'd dropped, Friday was onto him and delivered a low sweep to his legs. The boy screamed in pain as her low kick splintered his ankles and he dropped to the ground shouting "Fucking Bitch!"

The girl was screaming both in pain and in fear and was almost hysterical. Friday walked over to her and knelt down beside her, "Shh it'll be fine. I'm a Doctor!" The girl ignored her and carried on shaking in fear. Pools of blood had started to form under her legs, and a quick glance at them showed that she had been hit twice, once in each leg. "Don't worry about them," she nodded towards the boys who were still on the ground writhing in pain. Friday put her hands on the girl's legs and used the pressure points to slow down the bleeding. The girl looked at the blood seeping from the wound in Friday's shoulder and fainted.

Friday took hold of the girls skirt and tore two long thin strips and bound the wounds, tight enough to restrict blood flow, but not too tight to kill the leg. She put the girl into the recovery position and turned her attention to the two boys.

The nearest boy looked on Friday in fear, "I shot you bitch!" he spat.

Friday studied the boys ankles, his feet were twisted in two different directions, clearly he wasn't going anywhere. She walked over to the second boy, still clutching his shattered ribcage, he was finding breathing difficult and Friday suspected a lung had collapsed. She knelt down beside him, his eyes wide with dread, "Hurts doesn't it! Maybe I should have killed you! She hissed.

"No, please," the boy breathed.

"You feel that rasping in your chest, that's your lung collapsing against your shattered ribcage."

"Please," the boy sobbed.

Friday stood up and ribbed her sleeve off of her blouse, "Today you were lucky," She bent down and as a precaution bound the boys legs together just in case he decided to run.

The situation now under control she retracted the tubes in her wrists and examined her clothes for damage and blood. The shoulder of her blouse had a hole in it, surrounded by a large blood stain on where the bullet had entered. She wriggled her arm and winced in pain. It felt as though the bullet was still in there, it had obviously been stopped by her shoulder blade. Apart from the mess her blouse was in she was fine. She debated whether to heal the injury and leave the wound or to leave it as is, but again the need for secrecy won out. She'd leave it alone. The graze on her thigh however could be safely healed, and within a matter of moments all trace of the wound had gone.

She walked over to the girl and made sure the bleeding had stopped. Both boys had passed out under the pain of their injuries so she put them in the recovery position and made sure the one with the collapsed lung was ok. There was nothing left to do, but to wait for the paramedics and police.

She didn't have to wait long as within three minutes black suited figures appeared at the end of the hallway and called out, "Police! Stand up and put your hands against the wall."

Friday did so and within seconds was being frisked by a lady officer, "Hey I'm wounded!" Friday protested.

"Turn around, still keeping your hands up!" A male cop ordered.

Friday complied, ignoring the pain in her shoulder.

"Who are you?" The cop demanded.

"Friday Carrell, the science teacher. Can I put my arms down now?"

The cop noticed the blood stain on her blouse, and nodded. He immediately got on the radio "Paramedics, we have four wounded get in here, the area is secure, repeat area is secure.."

Friday lowered her arms, "The girl has two bullet wounds to the legs, which I've dressed, and she's ok. The guy there has two broken ankles, with compound fractures and the guy over there has at least two broken ribs and a collapsed lung. It feels as though I've got a shattered collarbone and I suspect the bullet is still in there."

The cop gave Friday a suspicious look. "Stay here!" he demanded and indicated for the cop on the right to cover Friday with his police issue .38.

Moments later the paramedic team arrived and carefully assessed the wounded on the floor, two other paramedics came over to Friday to asses her injury. "It'll be ok, what about them?" she asked.

"Not sure yet, they're pretty beat up. Let me take a look at that," The paramedic offered. Friday undid the top two buttons of her blouse and allowed the female paramedic to look at the wound, "Look's pretty clean, and it's stopped bleeding which is good. How do you feel?"

"My shoulder hurts like hell, and I'm sure I can feel the bullet still in there."

"Ok, we'll need to get you to hospital to get that X-Ray'd."

Fuck! "Sure, as soon as the cops have finished with me," Friday stalled for time.

The paramedic turned to the cop "She needs to get that X'rayed it's not life threatening but the sooner she goes the quicker it'll heal."

The cop nodded, "We'll take this up at the hospital."

FUCK! Friday swore inwardly, an X ray would reveal her unusual internal makeup and blow her cover. Why in hell did she get involved? Maybe Steve could help. "I need to use a phone to call my husband," she smiled at the cop.

"Sure go ahead, use mine," the cop said and pulled out his cell phone.

Friday dialed Steve's number, it rang a few times and was then picked up, "Steve Grayson."

"Steve it's Friday. I'm ok but there's been an incident at the school."

"I've just seen the newsflash, some kind of shooting. Tell me you didn't get involved.!" Friday could hear Steve's resigned groan down the phone.

"I couldn't let those kids die! I've been shot in the shoulder, it's not bad but the police and paramedics are demanding I go for an X Ray," Friday tried to keep her voice calm and reassuring. No doubt she was being overheard.

"FUCK, What do you want?" Steve swore.

"I want you to come to the hospital and sort it out, do whatever you have to but sort it out!"

She heard Steve sigh down the phone, "I'll be there within 30 minutes. Try not to make too much of scene. Don't worry!"

"Bye Steve," Friday said and handed the phone back to the cop.

"Come with me Mrs. Carrell," the paramedic said and put an orange fleece blanket around her. By now the other casualties had been loaded onto gurneys and were being prepared for transport.

The scene waiting for Friday as she stepped out of the main entrance was that of pure chaos. Police cars lined the sidewalks, their lights flashing making the scene appear even more chaotic. TV crews were everywhere looking for that elusive scoop. Her students and the others were probably on the sports field undergoing a roll call and she was in deep shit.

The paramedic gestured for her to go into the ambulance which she did so and the door closed behind her.

Again the question arose, should she repair the wound or let things take their course? As soon as she took the bullet and the blood seeped onto her clothes the X ray was inevitable, however there was a chance they wouldn't do a full chest X-Ray only one of her shoulder, but she couldn't take that chance. She'd considered a few options such as absorbing all her spare organs, thus leaving a normal looking body, but one thing couldn't be disguised, the extra pancreas sized organ where her appendix should have been. Any doctor worth his pay would spot it right away.

"That was a brave thing you did!" The paramedic spoke to her for the first time.

Friday pretended to doze and ignored him.

Twenty minutes later Friday, now sat in a wheelchair was being wheeled into the X ray department. She had only got half way there when she noticed Steve dressed as a doctor. He walked over to the orderly and whispered in his ear, he then stood behind Friday's wheelchair and started to push.

"Steve?" Friday queried.

"Shh! We've got it all planned. I'll direct the X-Ray scan, shoulder only. Heinlein is livid at you!"

Friday smiled inwardly, "That's the best news I've heard all day!"

"It's not funny!" Steve hissed, "He's seriously pissed at you!"

"For what, saving some kids lives?" Friday snapped.

"Your secret is worth more than that! Anyway, it's just through here," Steve pointed and wheeled Friday inside.

Steve's manner changed as he entered the room, "Now Mrs. Carrell we need examine you properly. Please lie on the bed and let us take off your blouse."

Friday shot Steve a look that would have killed several people. There was no need for her to take any clothing off he just wanted to see her semi naked! The nurse undid her blouse for her, revealing her smooth tanned skin with a ring of bloodied and damaged flesh about an inch wide.

Steve gave Friday an approving wink, the bastard! She suspected this was Heinlein's way at getting back at her!

The bed was wheeled under the X ray machine and over the next five minutes several exposures of her shoulder were taken. The results were instantly processed and displayed on a screen behind her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Steve press the nearby intercom and talk into it.

Two minutes later two proper doctors walked in and examined the prints. Friday sat up and wrapped the blanket she'd been given around her, "Mrs. Carrell?" one of the doctors asked.

"Yes," it wasn't worth arguing the point about her marital title.

The doctor explained, pointing at the newly developed X-Ray prints, "You were very lucky, another two inches and the bullet would have hit your lungs. Saying that, we will need to perform surgery to remove the bullet and fragments of bone as soon as possible, meaning now. We'll give you a local anesthetic here and take you down to theatre right away. Although your condition isn't life threatening, if we leave the bullet in there and the bone fragments it'll only get infected, thus causing further complications."

Friday nodded, she understood the drill, and she knew she could perform the operation with her eyes closed.

The other doctor walked over to her, with a pre prepared dose of local anesthetic and injected into her shoulder, "Ow!" she protested. It didn't actually hurt but it helped maintain the show. From now on she couldn't use her abilities at all in case anything unusual was spotted.

She was helped by Steve into her wheelchair again and by the time she had reached theatre her arm and shoulder felt numb. When she arrived at pre op she was helped into a green surgical gown and she obediently lay down on a gurney waiting to be bought into theater.

It was then just a simple matter of lying back and ignoring the prodding and poking she could numbly feel as the surgeons worked to remove the bullet from her shoulder. She heard the plunk of the bullet being put into a dish and smaller clinks of the fragments of bone. By the sensations she could feel the bullet had made a real mess, but at least the surgeon was efficient.

Half an hour later her wound had been stitched up and dressed and she was being wheeled to a ward where she was sure the police were waiting to interview her.

She was not disappointed, as ten minutes after she'd stretched out on the bed, the police officer who had promised to interview her walked in, "Mrs. Carrell? My name is Detective Jackson, I'd like to ask you a few questions. Are you feeling up to it? I realize you're just out of surgery, so just let me know and I'll come back when you're ready."

She'd have to get it over with sometime, "Yeah my shoulders a little sore but otherwise I'm ok. How's the girl?"

Detective Jackson glanced at his notes, "She'll be fine, she's a little shaken up but her family are with her and the doctors say she's in no danger."

"And the boys?" Friday asked.

Again more consulting with notes, "As you said, one has multiple compound fractures to his ankles, the other has two broken ribs and a collapsed lung. They'll live. So what happened?"

Friday paused, "I was teaching my 12th grade class when I heard two gunshots, and then another followed by a scream. I instructed my class to get down and barricade themselves in."

"So what did you do? All the other teachers stayed in their classes, why did you leave yours?"

Friday recognized the implied criticism, "Because I couldn't stand by and wait while those kids murdered people at random."

Detective Jackson scribbled some more notes on his pad, "What made you think you could stop it?"

"Like I said I couldn't stand by and wait while innocent children were killed."

"One of the boys said in his statement that, and I quote "She was like that chick from the Matrix, she was just a blur, next thing I knew she'd punched me in the ribs and nearly killed me!"

Friday just gave the officer a smile, "He was probably high on drugs, or too hyped up to take much notice. Look, I know my martial arts pretty well. To anyone who's not seen anyone really good at them it can look pretty spectacular."

More note taking, "And then the girl, she says she saw you being shot in the shoulder but you didn't even slow down. You just took the bullet and carried on as though nothing had happened. The other boy said you shot him with something that made him froth at the mouth, before you smashed his ankles to bits."

"Your point officer?" Friday asked.

"Something here doesn't add up. The doctors have had a look at the boys injuries, the amount of damage isn't consistent with what a woman of your size and weight could do.."

"Look, detective. You should know I had nothing to do with this, except using my skills to save the lives of several students," Friday wasn't going to be goaded into saying anything rash.

More note taking, "Mrs Carrell, I'm sure hundreds of people across this nation are grateful for your actions today, as are we all. All I'm saying is that things don't quite add up and I hate mysteries."

"The human body is a wonderful thing Detective, it can mask shock and pain to carry on regardless, it can use muscles in ways that are beyond what they are normally capable of. I would look to that as the answer to your supposed mystery," Friday explained.

The detective shrugged, "I suppose so. That's it for the moment. Oh by the way, the parents of the girl you saved wanted to thank you personally I promised I'd ask you."

"Sure, I guess they're still here?"

"They're just outside I'll send them in. Oh and good job," His job over the detective could finally give Friday a smile.

A few moments later there was a knock at the door, "Come in," Friday called.

In walked a middle aged man, slightly balding and dressed in a suit, next to him was his wife, a small lady about 5'1 with bleached blonde hair and dressed in a mauve tracksuit. "Are you Mrs. Carrell?" the man asked.

Friday nodded, somehow them being here helped restore her faith in her own ability to do good, "Yeah."

"We're Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. We've come to thank you for saving our daughter," the man's voice was tinged with emotion. It had been a rough day.

"I hear she'll be fine," Friday smiled.

"She will, look if there's anything we can do?" the man replied.

"You've done more than you know," Friday replied. The depression bought on by the dreams earlier on that day had been lifted. Here was someone who thought of her as a good person!

"Are you sure, thank you seems such a small thing for the gift you gave us today," the wife spoke for the first time and Friday noticed her mascara starting to run with fresh tears.

"No really. It's ok!" Friday was getting a little embarrassed at all the hero worship.

"I heard you were shot!" The man asked.

"Only in the shoulder, it'll mend. Thank you for coming, but you must excuse me I'm feeling really tired and my husband wants to see me," Friday stated.

"Of course! He must have been very worried. Thank you again," the man's voice tailed awkwardly off.

"I'll look forward to seeing your daughter at school," Friday smiled and lay back on the bed so as the send a clear message to the parents.

"Thank you again," the woman said awkwardly.

Friday said nothing and waited for the couple to leave.

There was another knock at the door, "Friday?"

It was Steve. Now what!

"Come in."

Steve walked in, this time without his doctors coat, "Hi, Are the cops all done?"

"Yeah. I don't think they suspected anything amiss, I was careful not to let anyone see anything really outrageous. How are things here?" Friday knew that Steve had gone out on a limb for her.

Steve casually sat down on the end of the bed, "The X rays we took showed nothing of your unique anatomy. The surgeon's who removed the bullet stated that there was an unusual lack of internal tissue damage but nothing to make them look any deeper. I'd say we dodged a bullet. Well your secret did, even if YOU didn't!"

"Steve come here a moment," Friday beckoned him closer.

Steve obliged and sat down on the chair next to her bed.

Quicker than he could react Friday raised a hand and slapped him hard across the cheek, "That's for making me take my blouse off!"

"OW!" The blow had nearly stunned him! Steve rubbed his cheek, trying to dull the pain, "I guess I deserved that!"

Friday left it at that, "Thanks for clearing things up back there. It could've got really nasty. Do we know why the kids did it?"

Steve shrugged, "Not really. They did mention something about a death pact they'd made but they're still being interrogated, nothing to do with you or us as far as we can tell."

"I expect I'll be national news soon, how are we going to handle that?" Friday asked. She'd only just got used to being Friday Carrell, and didn't particularly want to change aliases just yet.

"We've got a handle on it, to the media you'll be the heroic teacher who saved the lives of her students. In any case if we send you on missions that demand anonymity you'll be given another ID anyway. So I'm afraid we're still married and you're still working as a teacher."

Friday decided to change the subject. "They'll want to take the stitches out in a few days time so I have to let it heal the old fashioned way. I guess that counts anymore training out."

Steve nodded, "Well the physical side anyway, for a week or so you'll need to study. It'll take that long for your celebrity status to die down from the national press. I suspect you'll be a local hero for a while longer."

"Yeah s'pose so."

"I'd better get going, Heinlein needs to be briefed on events here, hopefully that'll reduce his blood pressure," Steve stood up to leave.

"On a scale of one to ten, how pissed off is he?" Friday asked, hoping it would be off the scale.

"About a six, it'll be fine. You need your rest, I'll see you in the morning," Steve gave her one of his cute winks and left the room.

Friday dimmed the lights in the room, saving the girl and sparing the lives of the two boys had made her feel more at peace. If by working for the government she could save more lives, then surely her path back to humanity and redemption wouldn't take that long. That night she dreamed happy dreams.

--- oo ---

Friday woke to the smell of flowers, in the night the medical orderlies had moved several bouquets of flowers into her room and a pile of get well cards stood at least two feet high on her bedside table. She must have been sound asleep not to hear them. She sat up and started to open the cards.

An hour later there was a knock at the door, "Ms Carrell?" it was Principal Collier.

Friday put down the envelope she was about to open, "Come in?"

The door opened and Principal Collier walked in, "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Much better thank you, it's amazing what a good nights sleep can do. How's the girl?"

"Angela? She's on the mend. I must confess to being highly skeptical about having a government agent as a teacher in my school, your book defacing act on your first day did nothing to help your cause. I dropped in to thank you and to apologize. If you hadn't have been there, then a terrible tragedy would have struck our school. We've had to draft in a substitute teacher while you get better, but I want you to know that you are welcome back as soon as you feel able."

"Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that. Is my class ok, I left them alone so that I could go after the gunmen I'm sorry that I exposed them to danger."

"They understood why you did what you did, even though they were terrified at the time. A few of them wanted to come along and wish you well. I hope you don't mind?"

This hero business was getting a little out of hand, but if it helped the kids then why not, "Sure, send them in."

"Adrian, Jason, Sandy?" Principal Collier called out.

In walked three of her 12th grade class. To her surprise Adrian Follett, one of the trouble makers at the back of her class walked in, followed by a smaller kid in glasses and ill fitting jeans, and followed in by a pretty blonde girl in hipster jeans and a halter top. They took positions around her bed and looked lost for words.

"Hi, glad to see your ok," Friday broke the ice.

"We heard all about what you did, You rock!"

Friday smiled, typical Adrian comment, "Thanks Adrian."

"Ms Carrell, We'd, we'd all like to thank you. It's all around the school how you took on Greg and Shane single handed, even though they had guns n all." Jason's eyes showed respectful awe thru his thin rimmed glassed.

The girl didn't say anything, but she was staring at Friday's sling, "It'll be ok Sandy. It'll heal just fine!" Friday knew what she was thinking.

"When will you be back Miss?" Adrian asked.

"Probably a week or so, I'll be out later on today, but I need to give my shoulder time to heal properly. I'm sure whoever they bring in will do fine."

Principal Collier interrupted, "Come on let's go. I'm sure Ms Carrell needs her rest," he stood up and ushered the students out leaving Friday alone once more.

Friday sighed and checked the clock on the wall, only another three hours before Steve came and picked her up.

--- oo ---

Some four hours later Friday was laying on her sofa, at home and drinking a glass of cold OJ. She'd managed to avoid much of the news crews that had surrounded the hospital and at last was in her own home and away from the media circus that was encamped outside.

"I've got a whole load of technical manuals for you to study while you're on the mend, everything from weapons specifications to combat techniques," Steve gestured to a large cardboard box propped up against the far wall.

Steve's tone suggested that he was going away while she convalesced, "Sounds as though you won't be around?"

Steve nodded, "Yeah we've got some more info on the shooting down of our chopper and I need to follow it up. I'll need to go New York for a few days and then on to Seoul. Don't worry it's not anything dangerous."

"So, basically I kick my heels around here for a week while you go off on some mission for Heinlein?"

"There's no other option, you're supposed to be wounded remember. No doubt people will drop in to wish you well and you'll be needed here to maintain our cover. In the meantime you have a lot of studying to do. So far you've got as far as you have on raw talent and ability, as you saw I pushed you pretty hard because my training and experience was almost able to counter everything you did."

Friday had to admit Steve had a point, "Ok, point taken. How's the shoulder?"

"I had it checked at the hospital while you were in surgery. It's just bruised and nothings broken."

"Good. When do you have to leave?" Friday asked.

"Within the next hour or so," Steve turned to go to his room. He had

a lot to do

"Steve," Friday called out.

"Yeah?" He turned to face Friday once more.

"Take care," Friday said softly. In spite of his annoyances she was growing fond of him.

Steve smiled, "I'm not gone yet. I suggest you start with 'Jane's gun recognition guide. I've thrown in some books on the tissue damage caused by certain types of round, so that'll help you know what to avoid being shot by."

"Thanks. It's more trouble trying to convince everyone I'm just a normal gal than it is taking on the threat itself!" There had to be away around all this hassle every time she got injured.

Steve smiled and said "Tell me about it! Maybe you should learn to try not to get shot in the first place."

Friday got off the sofa and went to the box of books, the sooner she started the sooner she finished. She'd always found study easy, having a photographic memory helped enormously and in what appeared to be mere seconds Steve was calling out, "Right I'm off, see you in a week."

Friday put her book down and escorted Steve to the door, "Be careful," she whispered.

"I will. It's mostly sitting in offices listening to briefings anyway."

"It's the other bits I'm concerned about," to her surprise she gave Steve a kiss on the cheek. Where had that come from?

Steve was equally surprised, "Now I've got something to come back for?" He grinned.

"Don't bet on it! You'd better go" She was still puzzled by what made her kiss Steve on the cheek, she thought she'd had more control of her emotions.

"Cya," and Steve gave Friday a single fingered salute.

Friday closed the door behind him and went back to her study, she had the whole place to herself for a week and she meant to enjoy it.


9. Mission 2: The Don

The first two days dragged, she was almost housebound as she was constantly dogged by phone calls and callers asking for an interview or to offer their gratitude.

TV provided a welcome distraction, albeit a brain numbing one. The books Steve had given her were informative, but to be honest she was sure most of it was just to give her something to do.

The swimming pool was another method she employed to amuse herself. Of course she still had to swim one armed, as she couldn't risk healing the wound before her stitches were due to come out. On the face of it, her wound was healing nicely by itself and whoever had done the stitches had done good job of reducing the possibility of scarring. Not that it mattered in her case, but the surgeon wasn't to know that.

The rest of the week flew by and before she knew it she was driving back from the hospital after being given a clean bill of health. The doctors were more than pleased with her progress and she was told that her stitches would slowly dissolve over the next two weeks. Her collar bone, she was told would always show signs of damage, but it would heal up nicely, and she was to come back in 3 months to get it checked. She had enquired about the boys she had taken down but was politely told it was now a police matter. To be honest she had expected nothing less, but it was worth a go.

She parked the car, and moved the pile of thank you letters that was blocking the door and walked inside. After closing the door and curtains she took off her blouse, she waited a week for this moment.

Seconds later, the sensation of healing bone and flesh had passed and Friday casually picked out the remains of the stitches from her shoulder. She rotated and stretched her right arm. No pain and no twinges, as good as new, and no sign of scarring on her shoulder. Excellent!

She put her blouse back on and settled down on the sofa to read a paper on the recommended method of dealing with hostage scenarios. The sound of a key being turned in the lock put her on full alert, Steve wasn't due back for two more days.

She silently got off the sofa and positioned herself behind the hall doorway, the fingers on her left hand fused together to form a serrated cutting blade and from her right wrist she grew a dart throwing tube loaded with a deadly neurotoxin. She re-enforced her ribcage and chest and put additional bony armor around her spare set of organs.

She heard the footsteps coming towards her and took a quick glance around the door. She smiled, it was only Steve back early from the mission. However, there was no point in wasting the energy she'd used. She absorbed the tube back into her wrist, but kept the blade hand. Now fully in attack mode she waited for Steve to walk thru the doorway.

"Friday, Honey, I'm home. You there?" Steve called out and walked thru the doorway.

Instantly Friday was on him, her blade hand to his throat, "Don't call me honey!" She hissed. Steve immediately dropped the briefcase he'd been carrying. Steve's body relaxed and Friday knew what was coming next. He was trying to catch her off guard. His elbow slammed into her ribcage, but it did no damage thru the additional armor she'd grown. She pressed her razor sharp bone blade closer to his throat, "Don't call me honey ever!"

"Alright, Sorry. Look we've got work to do let me go," Steve protested. What was she playing at?

Friday released him and was just in time to catch hold of Steve's fist as he swung it at her face, grabbing hold of his knuckles and pressing them inwards she forced Steve to his knees, "Submit?"

"Ow, don't break my hand, Yes whatever!"

Friday let go of the fist and gestured to Steve with her blade hand to sit on the sofa. Moments later the serrated blade was a feminine hand again.

Still rubbing his hand, Steve got up and sat down on the sofa beside Friday, "You sure missed me!"

"Sorry, had to be done!" Friday smiled, and told her changeling organ to remove the armor she'd grown over her vital organs.

"As much as I enjoy our play fights I've come back early for a reason. We've got a job for you," Steve gestured to Friday to take a seat at the dining table.

"What kind of job?" Friday asked, coming so soon after the last one and bringing Steve back early it must be an important one. She followed Steve's gesture and sat at the dining table.

"An important one. What do you know about Doctor Yuri Abramovich?" Steve asked as he retrieved his briefcase from the floor.

That name rung a bell, Where had she heard it before. Got it! "Geneticist? He published a few papers a few years ago, interesting ideas, but totally wrong!"

Steve nodded, "We've had information that he's been captured by the Russian Mafia."

Friday looked puzzled, "For what reason? Last thing I heard he was at Moscow State University. After the Fury directive banned all research on the human genome he went back to teaching. He's not bad as far as it goes, not in my league of course but very competent."

"We believe the Russian mafia has obtained the section of the changeling organ you pulled out of a Guild agent and that we sent to Russia," Steve said solemnly.

"Fuck! And they want him to tell them how it works?" Friday guessed.

"That we don't know. In any case it's your job to get him out alive and obtain the remains of the changeling organ section before it can be sold to the highest bidder," Steve explained.

Friday thought for moment "I don't get it; you couldn't get anything useful from the sections we sent out. We made sure of it, and with all due respect to Doctor Abramovich, he isn't me. Anyway he specialized in bacterial modification. So where's the danger?"

"No idea, that's what we agued but this came straight from the top. We can't trust the Russians to deal with it, the mafia own most of their security services. So it's down to us. We can't take the risk that either Doctor Abramovich or the changeling organ section falls into the wrong hands," Steve said earnestly.

Friday had to agree, the danger however unlikely was obvious, "So what do I do?"

Steve placed the briefcase on the table, and moved the latches to a combination that Friday couldn't quite see. With a click the briefcase opened and Steve pulled out a brown manila dossier and placed it on the table. "This," he said showing Friday a photo of a middle aged man, with dark black hair and thin angular face," is Doctor Abramovich."

"He's dyed his hair, it was gray last time we met," Friday commented.

"Anyway, Dr Abramovich was taken two days ago by men belonging to this man, Alexi Ivanov," Steve showed Friday a faded photo of a younger man in his thirties, the man had blonde hair, cut military style. The man's eyes were a striking steel blue and his thin mouth gave him a look of obvious power and menace.

"Do we know where he was taken to?" Friday asked.

Steve shook his head, "We think he's been taken to Alexi's main compound and that's where you come in. We need you to infiltrate Alexi's organization and find out where Dr Abramovich is, and then get him and the changeling organ out of there and back to our embassy in Moscow. We'll then take it from there."

"I don't speak Russian, I can get in no problem but the language barrier is an issue."

"We've thought of that. One of the businesses Alexi's organization is into is prostitution and the white slave trade."

Friday's heart sank, she knew what was going to be asked of her, "No I won't do it! There must be another way."

"There is. We need an operative inside Alexi's organization long term. So you'll pick up this lady," Steve showed Friday a photo of a young woman in her twenties, her attractive face was framed by tumbling black hair and her deep brown eyes gave off the impression of helplessness, "This is Susan Mstislavich. You'll act as her 'owner' and will bring her to Alexi."

Friday was disgusted, "That's terrible! Won't Alexi be suspicious of a female slave trader?" She didn't relish the thought being in a male body.

Steve shrugged, "We do this sort of thing from time to time. Actually, women traders are trusted more than men are, less risk of damaged goods. Susan is fine with it, don't worry about her. She'll stay inside Alexi's organization and keep us informed as to what's going on there. You'll be welcome there for a few hours so you'll have time to find out where Doctor Abramovich is being held."

"Then what?"

"You get him and the remains of the changeling organ out in anyway you can. If anyone sees you change, kill them. I don't have to say how important this is to us."

Friday nodded, but she didn't feel anywhere near ready, "So how do I get in?"

"After flying into Moscow, pick up a bag from locker 965 in the lost property area, then rent a car and pick up Susan from here," Steve showed Friday an address and a photo of a block of drab concrete apartments, "She's being held in apartment 247. We've already built your cover story and arranged for her to be sold to Alexi. All you need to do is pretend to be her seller, leave her there and you know the rest. You'll need to identify yourself to her, so the phrase to use 'the rock cried out no hiding place'."

Seemed simple enough, "Quick work?"

"Actually we've been working on getting Susan in place for months, this came up at just the right time. We believe Alexi's compound is located within the Serebryany Bor suburb, located to the North West of the city centre, "Steve pointed to the location on a street map of Moscow.

"Nice place," Friday commented. The area was heavily forested and had several large lakes criss-crossing the area.

Steve nodded and pulled out a detailed satellite photo, "The compound is one mile up this private road here. It's the only way in and out unless you want to try and get past the razor wire electrified fence and guard dogs. As you can see he employs a small army to guard the place and ensure his privacy."

"Friendly guy, what's that there?" Friday pointed to a separate barn shaped building to the right of the main complex.

"We're not sure. Notice the ventilation ducts on the roof and storage tanks next to it. Our best guess is that's where Dr Abramovich is, as its profile fits that of a small lab; but to be honest until you get there we won't know for sure," Steve pointed out the features on a close up of the building.

"So how many men and how are they armed?" Friday asked. A plan was formulating in her mind, but she needed to know what she was up against.

" Last estimates state Alexi has between 50 and 60 guards, armed with a mixture of small arms, AK47's and RPG-7's. Enough to put off rival gangs from attacking. We know between 10 and 15 of these are ex Spetsnaz so they'll be very good, probably at least equal to the Guild Fedayeen you went up against in Australia."

Friday took a deep breath, that encounter had nearly killed her! "Which is why you need me, to infiltrate in and get out without starting a minor war."

Steve nodded, "That's the idea. If it all goes to hell, kill Dr Abramovich and destroy the changeling organ, even if it means you die in the process. We have to stop them falling into terrorist hands. Here's your ticket, and passport," Steve passed Friday an airline ticket and a German passport.

Friday opened the passport, "Katharina Weber," her eyes flicked across to the photo. The face was very similar to her own, copper hair, blue eyes, a smaller nose and slightly fuller cheeks. She read the bio details, age 33, slightly taller than her at 5'10 and no distinguishing marks as such, "You don't have to make them all look like me," Friday commented.

Steve smiled, "Katharina's from the old GDR side of Berlin. Germans, especially those from the old GDR tend to arouse less suspicion than Americans, and besides I'm sure your German needs the practice."

"So when do I leave?" Friday asked. Steve's information had confirmed her plan, for sure it was audacious but the only way she could get Dr Abramovich and herself out alive.

"Tonight, it'll take a good twelve hours to get to Moscow so make the most of it. From the moment you leave this house you're on your own. Don't expect us to come get you."

As she thought, they wanted deniability for her very existence. "I guess I'd better go pack."

"Good luck. As long you as you're careful it'll be ok," Steve said encouragingly

Friday didn't reply. That's what they'd said about the North Korea mission.

--- oo ---

Friday collected her meager luggage from baggage collection and once again sailed thru passport control. She'd adjusted her features before she'd reached the airport and as usual the ID she'd been provided was watertight. She felt at home being two inches taller, 5'10 was her old height when she was in the original body she was born with.

Casually she collected a small but fairly heavy bag from the lost property locker, handed over her passport to the Hertz rental desk, and collected the keys to a yellow sub compact Fiat Punto. She only needed it to pick up Susan from the apartment and to drive to Alexi's compound. Once she was sure she couldn't be seen she opened the bag and investigated the contents. Much of the bag was taken up by a small stub like machine gun, which from her reading she recognized as a CZ-61 Skorpion. Perfect for close quarters fighting, light in weight and ideal for the mission ahead. She quickly pulled out 3 magazines and deftly loaded it and ensuring the safety was on stowed it under her seat.

On the flight over, she'd wondered what kind of person would offer to do the sort of things Susan was being asked to do and wondered if she could ever to the same. Probably not, she'd always been very careful as to who she gave herself to. She'd only ever had five lovers, of which only Matthew and Cathline had been serious. The other three had been at college and she'd been young and naïve. Now it would have to be someone special, really special to even get beyond first base. What was it she'd told Matthew? 'All love is requited Matthew, all of it'. It was a belief she held onto at the core of her being. As her dreams had proven, in her heart there was only room for the screams of the dying and for ghosts of the past. All hope of love, true love had been just about extinguished.

On reflection it made her current job easier, and somehow her being able to take on different bodies and personas was a way of ignoring the loneliness and of hiding the past. When she was someone else the pain went away.

She'd only driven a mile on the M3 from Sheremetyevo Airport when she heard a siren wailing from behind her, followed by red and blue flashing lights, "Fuck!" she breathed to herself and pulled over.

One cop got of the car, and walked over to her. He tapped on the window and spoke something in Russian which she didn't understand. As casually as she could she wound the window down, smiled and said in her best German, "Yes officer."

The cop then replied in English. "Passport!"

Friday nodded and slowly reached into the glove compartment and retrieved her Katharina Weber passport. She handed it to the cop and asked in English "What have I done officer?"

The cop double checked the photo on the passport with her face and then handed it back to her, "You were speeding!"

Like fuck I was! Friday thought. Best thing to do was swallow her pride and pay the bribe, "I'm very sorry," another sweet smile, "How much officer?"

"One hundred dollar and we'll forget it," the cop offered.

"Ok, it's in my purse," Friday said, inwardly fuming at the corrupt cop. She reached under her seat and pulled out her purse, a few seconds later she handed the cop a hundred dollar bill.

"Thank you, drive safely," The cop put the money in his top pocket.

Another flirting smile, "I will," She tried not to show relief that the cop hadn't searched the car, "Bye officer."

Friday watched in the mirror as the cop took the money from his pocket and showed it to his partner in the car. The only thing that was pleasing about the whole sordid affair was that it was Heinlein's money. She started the car and drove off.

Navigating around Moscow was a nightmare, not only were the roads crammed full of maniac drivers in beaten up Ladas and Trabants but occasionally a new Mercedes or BMW would barge its way thru. The city itself was an eclectic mix of the old and new. The most famous areas such as the Kremlin, Lenin's tomb and the various palaces had been cordoned off to traffic. Therefore she was left looking after street after street of concrete and post communist decay. It was tragically sad that this once beautiful city had been scarred by the Second World War, and then subjected for over 70 years to the unemotional development of the Soviet regime . Occasionally she saw flecks of beauty thru the highways, hidden parks, secret gardens and majestic buildings. It was just enough to lift the city from its concrete gloom. She would have loved to explore it on foot; no doubt it would have changed her whole view of the place.

After making several wrong turns she finally parked outside of the apartments and was greeted by two men, suited in black and standing at least 6'5 apeice and weighing at least 300lbs. From the bulge in their jackets Friday knew they were armed. They must be the goons guarding Susan. She saw one of them pull out a photo and point to her.

Ignoring her nerves, she collected her passport and purse from the glove box and casually walked up to them and heard one of them call out in English, "Katharina?"

Friday nodded. By now she'd adjusted her body to be on full alert.

One wrong move or word and the whole mission would be blown. "Where is she? Alexi is waiting?" Friday asked. It was better she had decided to act confident and keen, she knew from experience that the more timid one was the more people grew suspicious.

"Upstairs, 247," the man on the right uttered and gestured upwards. Friday caught a glimpse of a SR-2 9mm machine pistol tucked casually in the man's belt.

"Bring her down then," Friday said impatiently.

"First the finders fee!" The one of the left demanded.

Time to play hardball, "When I see her and that she's unharmed!"

The one on the right nodded, opened the door behind him and disappeared into the building.

Friday decided to at least show some good faith, opened her purse and pulled out two 500 dollar bills. The goon on the left eyed the money and relaxed a little.

A minute or so later the door opened and out walked the other goon, with a petite brunette over his shoulder. She'd obviously been drugged, Friday pointed towards her car and the girl was thrown into the front seat.

Friday walked over to her car and checked the girl over, the face certainly matched that of Susan's and apart from being unconscious she looked fine. After fastening her seatbelt she rummaged inside her purse and took out 5000 dollars in cash and handed it to one of the goons, "Nice doing business," she said in her most professional manner.

Satisfied the money was all there, the two men walked away, presumably to their own car.

Friday reached down under her seat and pulled out the Skopion and tucked it bedside her seat where she could easily reach it. After making sure the coast was clear she started her car and headed towards Serebryany Bor, night was drawing in and she still had an hours drive ahead of her. She had just got on to the M5 when Susan started to stir. She pulled off the freeway and into a tree lined Side Street.

She saw Susan's eyes start to flicker open as consciousness returned, "Susan," she said softly.

"My head," Susan put a well manicured hand to her head, closed her eyes and apparently fell asleep once more.

"It's ok. It's just a side effect of the chloroform," Friday gently shook Susan awake.

"Where am I?" Susan asked sleepily. Friday waited a few more moments before replying. Susan's drowsiness would soon wear off.

A minute or so later Susan was nearly fully recovered, "Susan, my name is Friday. I work for the same people you do," Friday explained.

Susan blearily looked at Friday, "I don't know you!" an element of fear crept into her voice.

Friday nodded, "I know. There's been a change of plan. We're on our way to Alexi's compound."

Susan blinked a few times, and rubbed her eyes, "So what's the new plan?"

Friday explained. She knew what Susan must be feeling, "The same as it was, except I take you inside rather than the other guy that was arranged. I have some business with Alexi, which I'm not authorized to say at this time."

"How do I know who you really work for?" Susan asked, there was still an element of suspicion in her voice.

Friday suddenly remembered she'd not yet identified herself to Susan

"'The rock cried out no hiding place'," Friday stated.

Susan nodded and smiled, "Good to know I'm in safe hands. How much further?"

"About another 40 minutes. Did they treat you ok?" Friday asked, referring to Susan's 'captivity'.

Susan nodded, "Yeah I'm fine. The worst bit was just now. I guess we'd better get going."

Friday nodded and started the car.

--- oo ---

It was nearly dark by the time Friday drew up the gates where Alexi was. Heavily re-enforced and guarded by at least 20 men it would take some serious firepower to break in. She took the Skorpion from the side of the seat and placed it on her lap, her left hand on the trigger and it pointing at Susan. This had to look convincing.

A small, wiry man in combat fatigues walked up to the car, and although he wasn't obviously armed the six other guards were. The man said something in Russian, which she didn't understand. So she replied in German, hoping the man would then revert to English.

"Identification!" The man demanded in guttural German.

Still aiming the Skopion at Susan, Friday's other hand passed her passport to the man, "Katharina Weber, Here to deliver a present for Alexi," Friday gestured to Susan who was doing her best to look terrified.

"Wait!" the man demanded, called another similarly dressed guard over and whispered in his ear. The other guard then pulled out a small radio and spoke for a few more seconds.

The butterflies returned to Fridays Stomach. This was it! There was no way she should take all of them on at once, so she had to do things by guile.

What seemed like an eternity later, the other guard nodded and gestured to the one nearest to her. She was in!

The wiry guy opened the rear door of Friday's car and sat down. She felt a dull pressure to the back of her head. Should anything go wrong she would be dead, a headshot would be enough to kill her and at this range no amount of armor she could grow would be able to stop the bullet, "Drive where I say" the man ordered, again in rough badly spoken German.

Friday started the car, waited for the gates to slowly slide open, and drove up the path towards Alexi's compound.

Thru the twilight she could see figures moving among the trees, although the occasional bark of a dog alerted her to them more often than she could see them. She'd just turned a bend in the road when she caught a glimpse of two T-72's guarding another set of gates. What concerned her most was that these tanks hadn't shown up on the satellite photos, and if they could miss something as obvious as that what else had they got wrong!

She passed the T-72's without incident, but did notice that the engines were running. Were they expecting trouble? She drew up outside the gates and a tall guard, in full body armor approached the car, saw the guard sitting behind her and just waved them on.

Again Friday had to wait for the gates to open and then drove carefully into a large compound surrounded by razor wire. The main house was large, even larger than her parents old mansion was although this was on a single floor with a low sloping roof. To the left was a series of large garages and room for several cars to park. Parked in pride of place was what looked to be a black Mercedes limo. She heard her escort say "Park to the left and stay in the car."

Friday obeyed and parked up in a spare bay next to the Limo. Her escort got out and gestured for them to follow. Friday got out, still pointing the Skopion at Susan and gestured for her to get out also.

Susan said nothing but meekly obeyed, Friday had to give her full marks for her frightened captive act. Her escort demanded the Skorpion and in a way she was pleased to give it up, she hated guns and besides, she was more deadly without them.

"This way," her escort pointed towards a large set of double doors flanked on either side by more bodyguards.

They were escorted thru a long wooden floored hallway, with the occasional glitter of some gold plated Russian orthodox icon , or a marble bust of some Roman emperor. Compared to Hassan, the Guild leader she'd killed a few months ago the hall was sparsely decorated. Clearly Alexi came from the 'less is more' side of the interior decorating fence. After passing numerous rooms, they were shown a door on the right, and Friday opened it.

The room was huge, its light oak floor was polished to almost a mirror finish and the walls were oak lined with a light gray wallpaper. Clustered around a large oak fireplace were a series of antique sofa's and chairs, which were occupied by several large men. Each one was dressed in dark Armani suits, and what looked to be Gucci shoes. Clearly this was Alexi's inner circle.

A tall man, around 6'4 and build accordingly walked into the room thru the door at the other side of the room. The men on the sofa's and chairs stood to attention, as he walked past them. The man's short blonde hair was precisely cut, and his steel blue eyes bored themselves right into Friday's heart. Friday took a deep breath and gave a smile as Alexi walked closer to her and Susan.

"You must be Katharina?" Alexi's English was heavily accented. He took hold of Friday's hand and kissed it in chivalrous greeting.

Friday withdrew her hand. From her extensive dealings with the Guild she'd learned that to be too subservient was as dangerous as being too outspoken, maybe more so. A healthy respect was the key to survival. "Alexi Ivanov I presume."

Alexi took a step back and inspected Susan, who was trying to avoid his gaze. "Not bad," he commented as he studied the curve of her ass, "But I'm tried of brunettes," Before Friday could react he pulled out a silenced pistol and fired. Susan's head jerked back as the bullet smashed into her skull and exploded out the other side.

Susan crumpled to the ground, with most of the back of her head missing and gurgling thick red blood.

Inwardly Friday swore, what a waste of life! "Hey. I've just lost 5 grand," she protested.

Alexi studied Susan's fallen body, "I suppose I'll have to have that polished out!" he clicked his fingers and two of the men walked over, picked Susan's body up and carried it out of the room.

"What about my 5 grand!" Friday protested.

Alexi turned to face her and pointed the gun at her head, "As I said I'm tired of Brunettes. I haven't had a red head in quite a while.."

Friday glanced around, maybe she could move faster than Alexi could pull the trigger, but then she would have his entire small army onto her. There was only one thing for it, plan B. She still held firm, "What about my 5 grand?" she demanded.

Alexi gave a deep laugh, "I like you, you have guts. You'll get your 5 grand once I get my red head," his tone of voice and body language left Friday in no doubt he meant her.

"The price has just gone up to 10 thousand," Friday said and turned to walk out.

A small section of wall just to the left of her head exploded as she heard the ppphhtt of the silenced pistol. "10 it is!" Alexi gave another laugh.

As Friday had calculated, Alexi preferred women who were not afraid of him. It gave him greater satisfaction when he finally broke them. "Where?" She asked.

Still smiling Alexi said, "In my room upstairs, you'll be taken up there where I expect you to wear the 'decorations' I have prepared for you."

Friday smiled inwardly, Alexi had given way more than maybe he intended. Her and Susan were different sizes and to have prepared something for her would mean that she, not Susan was the target all along. But how did Alexi know she was coming? Probably from the protracted escort up the driveway, or even from the goons she'd met at the apartments, and possibly she'd been tracked from the airport itself. What ever method it was, she wouldn't underestimate him again.

She felt a gun in her back, obviously Alexi wouldn't take no for an answer. She was escorted up a flight of marble and wood stairs and after being groped for hidden weapons told to go into the room.

She noticed the guard's shadow block the light under the door as she closed it. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the semi darkness of the room, but she could make out the shape of an emperor sized bed in the middle of the room. Sitting on the bed was a full set of black lacy lingerie, complete with garters and teddy. Friday sighed, men had so little imagination. Maybe not, under the teddy she spotted a leg spreader bar and handcuffs. That figured!

She had no intention of putting them on, and instead waited, just behind the door for Alexi. From the top of her hand grew two hollow talons that projected an inch above the knuckle. She heard the heavy footsteps on the stairway. Alexi was coming, she readied herself as the door opened and Alexi walked in, "Katharina," he called and closed the door.

Before he could react Friday rammed the larger talon into his neck, and without a sound he collapsed onto the floor. She directed the blood sample into her changeling organ where in a matter of moments she would be able to copy Alexi's body right down to the genetic level. It took much of her considerable strength to lift the unconscious gangster on the bed, he must weigh over 250lbs. As quickly as she could she stripped Alexi naked, and couldn't help but admire how well toned his body was. He obviously took a lot of pride and trouble of it. She put his clothes into a pile on the floor, separating out the silenced pistol he'd just shot Susan with. She checked his pockets and found a wallet containing several thousand dollars in cash, his Russian ID card and an American express centurion card.

Friday then stabbed Alexi in the neck with her second talon and started to strip herself. As she was taking off her pants she glanced sideways, Alexi's transformation into a copy of her was progressing nicely. Already his legs had thinned out and were becoming more shapely. She had considered keeping Alexi conscious during this part, but the risk of him alerting someone was too great.

By now her changeling organ had analyzed Alexi's blood and she able to use his DNA. She closed her eyes and felt her flesh reform and grow. Full body changes always left her feeling a little disorientated so it took 30 seconds or so for her to open her eyes. She flexed her now muscular hands and started to put Alexi's clothes back on. By now Alexi's transformation was all but complete, his short blonde hair was rapidly turning copperish red and growing accordingly.

"You said you liked redhead's," Friday smiled as she started to put the garters onto the now female Alexi's legs.

Within a few minutes Friday had put the lingerie on Alexi and secured the spreader bar on his legs and handcuffed his hands to the bed. She then proceeded to bounce up and down on the bed, making a variety of orgasmic sounds for the next ten minutes or so. She then got off the bed and picked up Alexi's silenced pistol, "This is for Susan you bastard!" she swore and fired two shots, one to his head and another in his chest. Alexi's body twitched and then was still. She waited a further five minutes before ensuring that she had dressed the same way Alexi had and opening the door. The guard was still at the door, "Go clear that away," Friday said in the same heavily accented voice Alexi had.

The guard nodded and went inside.

The swap now complete, all she had to do was find Dr Abramovich. Bluff her way past a small army and make her way to the US embassy..

--- oo ---

She walked downstairs as casually as her still unfamiliar body would allow. Alexi's personal guard didn't even double take her as she walked to the sofa nearest the fire. The nearest guard said something in Russian and laughed. Friday held up her hand as if to say 'enough' "English please, you need the practice!" she said with a smile.

The guard laughed, "What was she like Alexi. How'd she compare to the last one?"

Friday shrugged and gave a so-so gesture, "She was ok. Now tell me, how is our good doctor Abramovich getting on?"

"He's nearly packed, we got a good price for his services no?" the guard to her right said.

Friday smiled, he must still be on site, "It was a good price. I've had my pleasure, now for some business. I would like to see how Dr Abramovich is getting on?"

"Now?" the guard to the right asked.

Friday nodded, "Da!" and beckoned to the Guard to lead on.

Friday strode outside in the chill night air, by now the massive floodlights had been switched on making the pitch black almost daylight. She couldn't help but give a smile, all this elaborate security had been useless against her changeling abilities. Unknown to them their leader was dead and she had taken his place. Small wonder the Guild had been able to infiltrate the inner circles of world leaders with such ease. With everyone believing that all the changelings were dead no installation was really safe anymore. Guards on patrol snapped to attention as she walked past and she nodded in greeting to each one.

She was taken to the large building she'd spotted on the satellite photo. It looked much larger in real life. Her escort knocked on the door a few times and then using his key unlocked the door, "Wait here!" Friday ordered in heavily accented English and opened the door.

Doctor Abramovich was huddled over an electron microscope as she walked in. Clearly Alexi had been meaning to do more with Abramovich than just sell his services on. She recognized a whole bank of state of the art gene sequencers, impressive! It was nowhere near what she had, had at Tgen but then nobody ever had. "Doctor Abramovich," Friday said in the same commanding tone she'd heard Alexi use.

Dr Abramovich looked up from his electron microscope. Friday noted that the years had not been kind to him, since they'd last met at a convention some 8 years ago. Sure he'd dyed his hair, but the slight wrinkles in his face had widened and spread out.

Dr Abramovich spat something in Russian, he was obviously irritated at the interruption.

"Now, now doctor. English please. I need the practice," Friday stated coldly.

"You made me ruin this whole sample," Dr Abramovich stated angrily.

Friday glanced at the electron microscope's monitor. It was some kind of bacteria. She then remembered how Hassan had tried to deal with her and who she was supposed to be, "Never forget who you are dealing with doctor. It's time for you to go."

"Go? Go where?" Dr Abramovich.

"With me," Friday stated.

"And If I refuse?" Dr Abramovich asked.

"Then I take you anyway," Friday said menacingly. From what she remembered Dr Abramovich didn't seem the sort of person to put up much of a fight.

"Will I be coming back?" he asked. Friday took this to mean 'are you going to kill me?'

"No, but you will be safe. We need to hurry, and take the changeling organ sample with you," Friday decided to soften her approach.

Dr Abramovich gave Friday a puzzled look, "It's not here. You were trying to secure it from the Americans or did you forget?"

Friday tried hard not to swear, she was too early! Never mind at least she had a lead on it. From the Americans he'd said! The last thing she was told was that the sample she'd obtained for them had been incinerated and destroyed. Fuck! The sample she'd given to the President was much more complete than the ones sent abroad. It would take a lot of work, but it could theoretically be used to produce a working version.

"Of course," she said, "come quickly," Friday pulled out Alexi's silenced pistol and waved it at Dr Abramovich.

"Don't I get time to pack?" Dr Abramovich complained.

"Just move," Friday ordered and aimed the gun directly at Dr Abramovich's head.

On walking outside the guard was still waiting for Friday to emerge, "Get me the keys to my Mercedes," Friday ordered and walked Dr Abramovich over to the black Mercedes limo.

About 30 seconds later, the guard came running over and handed Friday the keys, "We're going for a little drive," Friday said to the guard with a knowing look. Friday pressed the remote and gestured for Dr Abramovich to get inside the drivers seat.

Friday got in the other side and training her gun on him, said "Drive to the main gates."

Gingerly Dr Abramovich set off down the road, clearly he wasn't used to the car and was extremely nervous. Friday was tempted to let him in on her little scheme but she needed a natural reaction from him, at least until they were outside the compound. They stopped at the first set of gates and Friday ordered Dr Abramovich to let the windows down. On seeing Friday's new face the guards just waved them on. There was a similar check at the main gates, this time a guard actually took the time to make sure it really was Alexi in the passenger seat. But after a few seconds the gates were retracted and they were out.

"Where now?" Dr Abramovich asked worriedly.

"The American Embassy," Friday replied.


"Just drive!" Friday snapped.

They carved their way thru the thick Moscow traffic, Friday kept checking the rear view mirrors to see if they were being followed but there was no sign of pursuit. To the rest of Alexi's gang he was out teaching Dr Abramovich a lesson and would be back soon. "Why are we going to the American Embassy? What about my family?" Dr Abramovich asked on several occasions.

Friday thought it best to remain silent and make the point that she was still in charge by re-aiming the pistol every so often. Fifty minutes later they were at the gates of the US Embassy. "Wait here!" Friday ordered and wound down the window as the Embassy soldier walked over.

"My name is Friday, I have someone who our government would like to meet. The validation phrase is 'the rock cried out no hiding place."

The soldier's thick southern accent drawled, "Wait here sir!"

"Friday?" Dr Abramovich queried.

"It's long story which you'll never know. Just let's say you're better off here than where you were originally going."

"I don't understand?"

The soldier walked over to the car once more, "You're clear come on in. Welcome to the USA."

Friday nodded in thanks and waited until the gates opened and drove into the extensive Embassy complex. She was immediately relieved of her pistol and shown to an ornately decorated side room. Dr Abramovich was taken, under armed escort to a separate room and presumably debriefed ready for his enforced defection to the US.

An hour later a suited embassy official knocked at the door and offered Friday a phone, "For you sir!"

Friday took the phone, made sure the secure option was on and said, "Hello."

"Friday is that you?" It was Heinlein.

"At the moment yes, Dr Abramovich is here." Friday stated. She would change back as soon as she could. She hated being male.

"So I heard. How'd we do?" Heinlein asked.

"Susan didn't make it. Alexi wasn't after her, he was after me. He used her to ensure he could get to me," Friday said angrily. Such a waste of life.

"How do you mean after you?" Heinlein sounded concerned.

"Not after me as Friday, but after who I was supposed to be, Katharina Weber. He shot her just like that. I'm sorry there was nothing I could do," Friday swallowed back a tear.

"I see. What about the other objective?" Heinlein asked.

"It wasn't there. They hadn't managed to secure it. Look I don't want to talk about it, even over a secure line. But this is bigger and messier than we all thought," Friday explained.

It went quiet for a few moments and Friday wasn't sure that was a good or a bad thing. She suspected Heinlein was consulting some other party, maybe Steve or maybe his superior. "This is most disturbing. Still, in denying this third party the use of Dr Abramovich we have bought some time. Report to me in Washington as soon as you get back."

"Aye sir," Friday had expected to be on the receiving end of blast from Heinlein and in some ways this was worse. Professionalism couldn't completely mask the disappointment in his voice, "There's one more thing?"

"Yes, what is it?" Heinlein asked.

"According to the Russian Mafia Katharina Weber is dead. I rendered Alexi unconscious, turned him into a copy of Katharina and then shot him. There was no other way to perform the switch and get close to Dr Abramovich. Alexi's gang think I'm off torturing him or something, but I've got no way of getting back on a commercial flight as I've no passport and only the clothes I'm wearing.."

"I see. I'll send an emergency ID thru tonight and arrange for you to sleep at the embassy I take it you didn't lose all the money I gave you?" Friday could almost hear Heinlein's smug smile on the end of the phone.

"Not at all and thanks," Friday replied.

"See you in Washington," Heinlein stated and hung up.

--- oo ---

Heinlein was as good as his word. When Friday awoke the next morning a new passport and a single British Airways ticket to Washington was waiting for her. The face on her new passport was nearly identical to her own, except for longer black hair and brown eyes. She would have to be careful when and where she changed. If she changed here then it would arouse suspicion amongst the embassy staff, change too late and Alexi's enemies would see an easy target.

Using the phone in her room she called a cab to take her back to the airport, ignored the requests for breakfast and waited in her room until the cab arrived.

She knew the cab ride would be the most dangerous part of the trip, so she instructed the cab driver to take her to the nearest set of apartments; they were only a short distance away so although seeming a pointless expense it wouldn't be as risky as changing at the airport.

The cab driver dropped her off just outside the concrete apartments and she paid the cab driver a handsome tip and got out. She'd spotted the ideal place to change, a small alleyway, overgrown with trees and not overlooked by many of the apartments. She ran to into the alley and was about to instigate the change when she heard a 'click' and a voice call something out in Russian. The only words she understood was that of her covers name, 'Alexi Ivanov'

She put up her hands and turned to face the voice. Three men dressed in dark suits and each holding a silenced SR-2 machine pistol stood at the end of the alleyway. How in hell had they followed her? She needed to buy a few seconds while she prepared for the inevitable.

"Who's this Alexi Ivanov?" Friday shouted out in her best American accent. Hopefully that would provide the distraction she needed.

The three men looked confused for a second, which was all Friday needed to treble the depth of bone in her skull and grow armor all over her chest and back. At the last moment she allowed the jacket she was wearing to slip to the ground, she would need it clean to cover up any blood on her shirt.

"Don't waste your breath, you made it too easy for us to follow you and I don't see your bodyguards," the one in the middle taunted in English.

This was going to get messy very quickly, "Look I don't know what you're on about. If It's money you want.." Friday called out.

Friday heard a voice from behind her call something out, she was surrounded and bottled in! She noticed the three guys in front tense up a little, they were getting ready to fire!

The changes to her body were nearly complete. Although it wouldn't stop a bullet at close range, her now thickened skull would stop a glancing blow and her armored chest would ensure that the majority of bullets would be stopped before they drew too much blood, or did too much damage.

She caught the guy on the left glancing behind her, thus helping her pinpoint the one at the rear's location. Time to end this, "My name is not Alexi Ivanov. It is Friday and I'm the last living thing you will ever, ever see."

No sooner was the last syllable from her mouth than the two men at the front opened fire with their SR-2's the silencer making sinister wheezes as it spat bullets at her, but Friday was ready for them and leapt into the air, turning her arms into vicious scythe shapes serrated blades as she did so. The guy behind was slower to react and had no time to bring his gun up to follow her movements.

Friday landed and immediately dived to one side as bullets chewed up the pavement where she had been moments before. Using the full power in her legs she leapt up at the guy at the rear and before he could react rammed her blade arm into his chest. The man scream died in his throat as still impaled on Friday's blade arm she turned his still twitching body around to face the three remaining assailants. The body jerked as bullets struck it, and Friday withdrew her blade from the man's chest and the man's body dropped to the floor like a stone.

Now in full flow Friday could almost see the bullets coming at her as she dived and swerved closer to the three men. She felt four or five bullets strike her chest but shrugged them off as though they were mere insect bites. The eyes of the men in front of her were wide in terror and one of them turned to run.

The hail of bullets stopped, they needed to change magazines. Seeing her chance to finish this Friday ran between the two men who where frantically trying to reload. At full speed she ran between them, and in one open and closed scissor movement decapitated them. The two headless men dropped to the ground, blood pouring from their open necks. There was no time to survey the damage, the runner was almost out on the main street. From her left blade arm she grew a neurotoxin dart thrower and sprinted after him.

To his credit the man almost made it, in one last desperate lunge Friday jumped at the man and fired her dart. It struck the man in the neck and instantly he went down.

The situation over with Friday turned her blade arms back into the hairy muscular arms and hands she'd had before and surveyed the carnage around her.

She walked to the guy she'd shot in the neck and retrieved the poison dart from his neck. She didn't need to check if he was dead or not. Poison Arrow frog venom is always fatal. The other three men were equally dead, she had decapitated the two in front of her with so much power she could only find the one head, its lifeless eyes still bulging in horror. Picking it up by the now bloodied hair she placed it on the chest of it's now dead owner. By now the alleyway was running red with blood and gore, she would need to find a puddle or a tap in order to wash it off herself before going on to the airport. She walked over to the last guy, her blade arm had ripped a three inch wide hole in his chest, exposing his ribcage and lungs. Definitely a fatal wound.

Her body armor had done its job well. No bullets had managed to punch thru it, and apart from small tears in her shirt there was no sign she'd been shot several times. If she did her dark jacket up one wouldn't notice at all. Her hands and arms however were a different matter, covered in blood and the remains of internal organs they would need to be thoroughly cleaned and the shirt would have been ruined. She couldn't keep her jacket done up for long periods so she would need to go and buy a new shirt.

She heard a wail of sirens coming closer, obviously all the gunfire had attracted attention.

She looked quickly around and found a small puddle of water under one of the trees, she scrubbed the blood off her hands as best she could, changed her face to match that on the passport, absorbed the armor she'd grown and sprinted out of the alleyway before the police arrived.

She managed to hail another cab which took her to the airport just in time for the check in.

She'd managed to find a clothes store in the main airport terminal and was soon the proud owner of a new unknown brand of white shirt, A Nike branded bag, and a female Friday sized set of clothes for her to change into when she finally landed. She also took the opportunity to duck into the bathrooms in order to fully clean the remains of the blood from her hands and arms and dispose of the soiled shirt she was wearing.

The adrenalin didn't stop flowing until she'd checked in and was sitting in the departure lounge waiting for her flight to board. Inwardly she hated herself for killing those four men in such brutal fashion, but they'd left her no choice. They were obviously from some rival gang or Faction send to kill Alexi should he ever make the mistake of appearing unguarded.

She wondered what the Russian police would make of the crime scene, no doubt it would make some newspapers the following day; however, what she did know is that no one could connect her to the massacre, and although the blood on the shirt she'd just thrown in the trash would match those of the men she'd killed she would be long gone by the time the test results would be in and collated.

Her main concern was the rogue changeling organ in America. In spite of the grave warnings of both the Fury Directive and that of recent events, people were still determined to obtain it for their own ends. Regardless of her playing down of Dr Abramovich's abilities he was still the one most likely to crack how it worked. No doubt a few others could do so given a few years, but by then the changeling organ would gave decayed beyond use. She wondered if she should have killed Dr Abramovich instead of letting him go free, but he was an innocent trapped in the world of the guilty and her conscience would not allow her to kill anymore innocents. The last thing she needed was more victims screaming her name in her dreams.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her flight being called, within an hour or so she would be on the way home.

--- oo ---

It was early in the morning when Friday finally landed in Washington and hired a cab to take her home. Heinlein would wait. It was nearly 4am by the time the cab dropped her off home, she lifted the flower pot next to the door, took the key and let herself in.

During her absence another large pile of letters had been carefully stacked by her bedroom door. No doubt Steve had been collecting them for her. As quietly as she could manage she crept into her room and turned on the lights. On her bed was a large bouquet of flowers, she lifted them up and smelt their sweet aroma. After the horror of the past few days they were a welcome reminder that beauty did still exist and somehow it made her feel so much better.

She looked at the inscription on the card, "Get well soon Ms Carrell," it was signed from her 12th grade class. Feelings of welcome normality flooded over her, and she put the flowers into the nearby sink and ran some water.

She put her Nike bag on the table and stripped off Alexi's Ivanov's clothes. She hated being a man, all craggy and clumsy. She closed her eyes and concentrated, relishing the feelings of her flesh reforming her into femininity once more. Seconds later she'd finished the transformation into her Friday Carrell body. She lifted her pillow, found her silk pajamas and relishing the silky touch against her now smooth skin got into bed.

Seconds later she was fast asleep.






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