Crystal's StorySite


Anne’s Reunion

by Austin Henshaw


The Week’s Later


The vampire with the red glowing eyes was laughing. There were 10 Anne’s screaming falling down dead and flame everywhere. Anne’s scream echoed everywhere. The vampire laughed evilly and burned and faded a way. Anne kept falling down screaming. Then Robert saw darkness and heard screams.

Robert quickly woke up. He was at Merlin’s hut in a bed Merlin conjured up. Just a couple weeks ago Anne had been killed by the vampire he saw in his dreams. He didn’t know how but she was dead. Max was outside visiting her grave. Max was a dog, but a very rare dog at that. He had lived for hundreds of years and could talk. He could also fly. Max was Anne’s dog for a couple years. He felt that he should have protected her.

Kevin was eating breakfast with Merlin. Kevin was the Master Vampire’s son and he hated his father very much. He hates him more now for killing Anne but at least he is gone now. Kevin also could morph into a small dragon and had a long sword.

Robert was one of the chosen ones along with Anne. He had a sword with a blue glowing blade and a gold handle. The sword cut through almost anything even magic. Robert was the one who killed the vampire master.

Outside there was a bird made of fire circling the hut. The bird was once over the master’s control but they had freed it and it hanged around the cabin now. The bird was one of the most beautiful things Robert had ever saw, next to Anne that is.

Robert got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. "Good morning Robert" said Merlin who always seemed happy. Merlin handed Robert a piece of toast. Robert sat down and started eating it. "Isn’t there anyway to bring Anne back?" he asked. "Oh the subject of Anne again" said Merlin while putting butter on his toast

"Merlin, Anne didn’t deserve to die she didn’t choose to be the Chosen one"said Robert. "That’s the Chosen one," said Merlin. "Well I agree with Robert, there has to be a way," said Kevin. "No, it’s to dangerous and hard," said Merlin standing up raising his hands. Merlin sat back down and took a bite of his toast. "So there is a way?" asked Robert.

"Well explain how it all happened to me again," said Merlin. "Well after we all attacked the master he was burning and fading," said Robert. "Then he raised his hands really high and his eyes glew black and it felt like we were being lifted from our bodies"said Kevin. "Then Anne screamed and fell dead" said Robert a tear in his eye.

"The soul rip spell, a vampire as powerful as him can do that, his soul was being lifted from his body at the time, he must of done the soul rip spell on you to try to bring you with him and he got Anne’s soul" said Merlin. "So she is down there with him?" asked Kevin. "Well from what you have told me that is my explanation," said Merlin finishing the last of his toast. "Well there is a way to bring her back then," said Robert. "Yes, there is, but you will actually have to go there" said Merlin. "The only way to do that is to go to the exact spot where both of them got pulled into the underworld and open the portal" said Merlin. "Also you will have to leave your physical bodies" said Merlin taking a drink of coffee. "Well we have to get Anne back" Max had walked inside hearing the conversation. "Alright we will get her back but you will need a potion to leave your physical bodies," said Merlin. "I don’t have the potion you will have to find the ingredients," said Merlin. "What are the ingredients and where will we find them?" asked Robert. "Well I need a jar of blue fire, a drop of dragon blood, a soul bird feather, a little magic sand, and magic water" said Merlin. "All of these will be found in the forest, get the blue fire from the firebird, Kevin you can get a few drops of blood as your dragon self, a soul bird are the birds that glow and fly above the magic lake which has magic water, and I don’t know where the sand is" said Merlin. "I’m going," said Max heading for the door. " No, wait, I have something for you" said Merlin heading for the room which housed Anne’s staff and Robert’s sword. He came back out with a foot long backpack fit for dogs. "This enchanted backpack can hold anything," said Merlin who had Robert’s sword in his hand. He placed the sword inside the backpack and he handed it to Robert. "I don’t see it in here" said Robert. "Just think of what you want and put your hand in there and it will automatically come out" said Merlin heading back for the room. He returned with a flask, 2 bottles, and there were 2 golden suits of armor floating in front of him. He put everything in the backpack except for the armor. "These 2 suits of armor are enchanted to make you both stronger,"said Merlin and he waved his hands and the 2 suits were on Robert and Kevin. "Wow!" said Robert looking at himself. "These suits are amazing I even feel stronger wearing them!" said Kevin. "How come I don’t get anything, huh?"snapped Max. "If you don’t be quiet I will turn you into a cat" said Merlin. Merlin put the backpack on Max and he said, "I’m going to prepare the potion for the ingredients now, go now."



Robert, Kevin, and Max walked outside and 10 meters above them the firebird was flying. "Come down bird," said Max looking up. The bird didn’t come down. It’s tail extended a couple inches bigger and so did its wings and it started flying a way. "I’ll catch it," said Max flying up towards the bird. The bird noticed it was being chased and swooped down and so did Max. " Stupid bird is trying to confuse me I’ll show it" said Max growling at the bird. The bird then flew above the treetops deeper into the forest. It was gaining speed and was getting a way. "God! Here birdie birdie birdie" said Max who was very angry. Max then had an idea. He flew up as high as he could and flew as fast as he could. He waited until he was about 10 feet in front of the bird and flew down to eye level with it. The bird made a sound like an eagle would make and fire flew towards Max. Max yelped and flew down to the ground. " That stupid worthless some of a…" Max was cut off. "Now that is very inappropriate language Max" he heard a voice say in his head. It was Merlin’s. "The bird is playing a game with you" said Merlin. "Besides you can’t even touch it because of the fire" Merlin said again in his head. That was the last thing Merlin said. "Well I guess I will just play back," said Max to himself. Max flew up and scanned the forest for the bird. He saw it flying over a tree. Max flew down again and stopped directly above the bird, which was flying in circles. Max barked at it and the bird flew up over his head and he almost got burned. "Maybe I should lead it back to Robert and Kevin" said Max.

"I don’t see any of them in sight" said Kevin looking around. "Maybe we should start looking for the sand or water," said Robert looking at the sky. "No, if Max comes back with the blue fire he won’t know where we are," said Kevin. "I suppose you are right," said Robert glancing up.

ax was chasing the bird around in circles, which was making him dizzy. "After I get the blue fire from you I am going to kill you!" said Max very aggravated. The bird then blew blue fire at him, which almost singed his fur. "Oh yeah sure, Now you try to give me blue fire" said Max growling. Max flew up higher into the air and the firebird flew up also. Then the bird flew straight at him. Then Max remembered a spell that his old owner taught him. "I call upon the god of fire to make me resistant to your power" chanted Max. A blue light went around Max. Then the bird flew straight through him. Max suspected to start burning but he didn’t feel a thing and nothing happened to his fur. "Now who is the best?" asked Max growling at the bird. The bird made a cawing noise and started flying a way. Max flew on to the side of it and made it move over a little in Robert and Kevin’s direction. Then the bird turned around and flew directly over his head and ashes fell into Max’s eyes. Max stopped to clear his eyes and then he looked and the bird was gone. "Stupid bird" said Max looking up.

Max flew up and saw the bird again heading deeper into the forest. Max flew down again over the bird and flew next to the side of it. The bird then completely turned around to where Kevin and Robert were. Max kept barking at the bird making it fly a way.

"Is that them over there?" asked Robert, shielding his eyes from the sunlight. "It looks like it," said Kevin looking in that direction. Merlin walked outside from the hut and waved his staff. The firebird flew towards him and then it blew blue fire into the cauldron Merlin had outside.

" Now I’m not fetching the other ingredients, got it!" said an aggravated Max. "Now, perhaps you should get the souldbird feather," said Merlin. Robert and Kevin took a side-glance at Max. Why did he have to get them the ingredients he thought? Robert was the one who wanted to bring Anne back so badly, he should get them. However he still wanted Anne back and realized he would have to get the souldbird feather.



Sand, Water, and Feather

Kevin was in the lead. His sword was ready just in case anything in the forest wanted to get them. Robert followed closely behind looking up and down. This was the first time he actually went through the forest. There seemed to be lights dancing. There were auras in the sky. Some of the tree leaves were glowing green. He even thought a tree kept looking at him! Max was behind Robert grumbling.

They came for a clearing and then they saw it. It was completely clear water. Kevin, Robert, and Max walked up to it and looked at the water’s gleaming surface. Max thought there was nothing magical about the lake except for it being clean. Robert reached into Max’s backpack and pulled out a brown leather flask. He uncorked it and then put the opening on the flask in the water. Then Robert fell in. It seemed like the water had pulled him in.

Kevin yelled at Robert and then looked in the water. Kevin touched the water and was pulled in also. Why me? Max asked himself. Max decided to touch the water’s surface and then he was pulled in also.

Max then noticed Robert and Kevin sinking along with him. They were breathing however. Max took a breath. The water allowed them to breath! Then they all floated off in different directions and each saw a bright white light.


Robert woke up. He was on a bed. Robert looked up. Was it all a dream? No, it couldn’t have been. Yet he was on the train sleeping in his compartment. Maybe it was a dream. He was on the train he thought Tyler had died on. He was killed by vampires. But vampires aren’t real. He got up out of bed and changed his clothes. He walked to the restaurant like he did in his dream. "Where is the gold?," somebody asked him. It was August! Robert ran out of the restaurant and then back to his compartment. When he got there, Stephen was waiting for him! "Ok, I know you’re a vampire so no trying to fool me," said Robert. Stephen seemed surprised. "I’m not sure how you found out Chosen One but your not living long," said Stephen revealing his fangs. Then Robert saw darkness.


Kevin was in the tower locked up. The water was making him come back to the tower. It was the Master’s tower in the castle. He was the master’s son. He didn’t know what to do. Was it a dream he had? He had escaped from the tower when he found out he could turn into a dragon. Although he couldn’t turn into a dragon. Could he? He realized it wasn’t a dream. Kevin concentrated. He started morphing and then he spun a couple times and the top of the tower fell away. Kevin emerged as his dragon self, swooping downward. Then he saw darkness.


Max was in a village. It was the medieval ages, he could tell. Then he realized it! He was in Sweet Water about 500 years ago. He had a piece of meat in his mouth and then he saw some people in black cloaks talking to each other. They were Stephen, August, and Christopher! Max began to wonder why he was here. The water had taken him back to the past. Maybe he could destroy them now! However he saw in black and white. He hated these colors. He wondered if he could do that thing he did to Christopher the night the Seer and him imprisoned him in the underground. This happened when he had got very mad. He remembered Anne then. She had fell lifeless. 2 people he knew dead because of him. Max felt the same energy go through him. "Master," yelled Stephen pointing at Max. Max charged towards them and Stephen and August disappeared in the white light. The Master was thrown back and he was in agony. Then Max saw Valurias. She had a shocked look on her face. Then Max saw darkness.


Robert, Kevin, and Max woke up at the shore of the water. "I just had a dream about on the train," said Robert rubbing his eyes. The flask was now full of water. " I had the dream I was locked up in the tower at the Master’s castle," said Kevin wiping sand off his face. " I destroyed the master in the past in my dream," said Max excitedly. They all stood up. " The water made us re-live a part of our lives differently," said Kevin making some hand gestures. " So that’s the magic part of the water, well we got the flask filled up," said Max making marks in the sand below. "Hey, is that the magic sand?" asked Robert. "There’s nothing magical about it," said Max looking up at him. "Well, we did think the water wasn’t magical," replied Kevin grabbing a hand full of sand and pouring it in a jar. Robert then noticed a white glowing feather. It was the soulbird feather. He picked it up from the sand and put it in Max'’ backpack. Kevin pulled out the last empty container from there and put the flask in and the container with the sand. Kevin then morphed into his dragon self. " Lightly tap me with the sword on the tail and catch a drop of blood," Kevin said in a deep voice. Robert drew the sword with the blue blade and put the edge of it lightly on Kevin’s tail. A drop of blood fell into the container on the ground and Kevin morphed back.

"Well that’s all the ingredients, let’s return to Merlin," said Max wagging his tail with great pleasure.





Merlin, Robert, Kevin, and Max stood in the patch where Anne had died. Robert remembered the look of horror on her face as the black light passed through her. She was dead before she had hit the ground.

The potion they made was only enough for 3 of them. Merlin was going to be the one staying behind. Merlin poured the last potion bottle. The potion was bubbling and was glowing white. It was probably from the soulbird feather Robert thought. " Well drinking this potion will allow your soul to exit your physical body," Merlin explained. " Be forewarned that the potion could wear off any minute and you will not be able to enter your body again," said Merlin reading from a spellbook he brought along.

" How long does the potion last?" asked Kevin who was hesitating. " Well it can last for up to five years but can also last just 5 hours, its completely random," Merlin was still reading from his spellbook. " How exactly are we going to do this?" asked Robert concerned. " Well once you drink the potions I will open up the portal in which Anne went through to the underworld. You are to find her there, and then you will all come back through the portal that you entered and enter your bodies again, I will then restore Anne’s body, and she can go in hers," confirmed Merlin. They all thought it sounded simple enough. Max stood up. "What is the underworld like?" Max asked. " Well there are many dimensions, some are like a volcano, some are in tombs and caves, some are endless deserts with no water," Merlin confirmed another detail.

" Are there going to be any demons?" asked Robert. "Demons only exist in the main underworld, not in the individual dimensions," said Merlin. Kevin crossed his arms. It all sounded too simple. Merlin said it would be dangerous but from what they heard it was completely safe. The only problem was the time they had to do it in. They had no idea of when the potion would wear off.


Anne started to slip off the cliff. She grabbed onto a jagged rock, which almost cut her hand. She looked down at the lava below. She could feel the intense heat. Then some lava squirted up at her. She quickly grabbed a nearby ledge and climbed up. The rock that was covered by the lava was no more. She sat down and buried her face into her lap. She didn’t know how long she had been here. The last thing she remembered before she came here was a black light and some screams. She wondered how Robert, Kevin, and Max were up above. She was going to be here forever she thought.

Kevin, Max, and Merlin were looking at Robert with a concerned look on their faces. Robert had fell down to the ground and he wouldn’t wake up. Then Robert opened his eyes. Max licked him. " What the hell happened?" Max asked. " Anne’s in trouble, I just had a vision, she’s in a volcano, we need to go now!" Robert demanded. " You had a vision, hmmm, you and Anne must have a telepathic bond," said Merlin calmly. "I don’t give a (Robert said a word that Merlin didn’t appreciate much). " Robert, stay calm," said Kevin patting him on the shoulder. " Sorry, but we need to go now," said Robert impatiently. Merlin handed them the potion bottles. "Ok I want you all to drink at the same time and I’ll immediately open the portal, jump into it as fast as you can," said Merlin. They all drank the potion and they felt themselves being lifted from their bodies. Merlin chanted some words and a white hole appeared. Robert, Max, and Kevin all went down it.



Anne’s Volcano


Robert rolled down a rocky hill. A lot of the rocks were jagged. Max was lucky since he just flew down it. They landed on some black soil. It was compressed ash. " Well Anne is here then," said Kevin observing the area. " My back hurts," said Robert rubbing his back. " We don’t have time to complain, the potion could be wearing off now," said Max urgently. " Max is right," said Kevin. " A month ago I wouldn’t believe I would actually be listening to a dog talk," said Robert. " Well your going to hear a whole lot of talking," said Max. " Well if you two are quite done might I suggest we try to find Anne," said Kevin who was very annoyed. They all looked up and then they heard Anne’s scream.


Anne started kicking her feet. Something had grabbed her. She looked down at the black clawed hands holding her around the waist. She heard the flapping of wings. " Let go of me," she retorted kicking furiously. She looked down at the lava below. " Don’t let go of me," she changed her mind. Whatever it was started flying around in circles. Anne was getting nautious. Then she felt the energy being drained from her. She felt very weak then. Then whatever it was whispered in her ear, " You are the reason I am here, you must die." The voice was very faint. She could barely hear it. Then she felt a pressure against her back and cried out. She was pushed down onto another ledge. She looked up at the creature. Its eyes were pure black and its teeth, no fangs, were very sharp it appeared. Then it revealed a black blade. Anne knew who it was. It was the master.


"It’s Anne!" Robert yelled. Kevin morphed into his dragon self and told Robert to get on. Robert jumped on him and they flew over the volcano. They noticed Anne on a ledge and floating nearby was a creature with torn up wings and a black blade. " That’s the master!" exclaimed Max. Kevin flew down and breathed fire on him. Anne looked up and then she smiled when she saw Robert. Robert was also looking at her. The master emerged from the fire and landed on Kevin. Kevin started to drop down a little. He could barely hold them on. " Hold on Robert," yelled Kevin. Kevin turned upside down and the master fell a little but he flew up again. " This is my demonic form, you ruined me," he said and then he flew straight at Robert knocking him off Kevin. " No!" Anne screamed. Robert started falling down but then he started floating back up. Anne was concentrating very hard. This was the first time she had to use her levitation magic. She saw the master coming for her but then Kevin flew into him knocking him away. He roared in anger and flew towards Kevin. Max was watching from the top of the volcano and the same white light went around him again. He flew down towards him and hit him. He screamed and fell into the lava and emerged again. He grabbed hold of Max. " You were the reason I was sent to the underworld," he said and then drained his energy. Max started to drop down but Kevin caught him. Robert had levitated to the ledge where Anne was. Kevin breathed fire at him again but it didn’t do any good. " Anne," Robert said hugging her. " This isn’t the right time to hug," she said. She held out both her hands and pointed them at the master who was trying to stab Kevin with his sword. Then he screamed and was surrounded by white light. Anne was extremely angry with him. He had sent her here and had attempted to kill Robert. She used all her energy on him and collapsed. He then exploded in white light.

Robert picked up Anne and looked at her precious beautiful face. " Let’s get out of here," motioned Kevin as his dragon self. Max was on Kevin looking very joyful.



A Month Later


It was a rainy night. Robert, Anne, Kevin, and Max were driving in a white Cadillac. Anne and Robert had made enough money to buy a used one at a car lot. Unfortunately they found out why it was at the car lot. " Why do they have to call us in the middle of the night to pick it up?" said a frustrated Anne who was riding in the back with Max. " I agree it was dumb for them to call us at night, but at least we don’t have to walk home," replied Robert. " We wouldn’t have had to walk home if we just stayed home instead of coming to get it," added Max. They had Kevin fly them all this way. They had to walk a little since they flew in a forest to keep Kevin from being seen. " Can you just stay quiet, I’m trying to read," said Kevin reading a book about dragons.

Anne, Robert, Max, and Kevin were all staying at the same apartment. Unfortunately they had their car fixed at the cheapest place they could find. It was a couple hours drive from their apartment to the Workshop. It was worth it however sense they saved almost five hundred dollars.

" All the stuff they say about dragons in here is untrue," exclaimed Kevin slamming the book down on the dashboard. " Well some books say untrue things about talking dogs," Max said. " I hate it when they make dogs be dumb," Max added. " I highly suggest we quit complaining, Robert is trying to drive," exclaimed Anne motioning to Robert. " That’s right," said Robert.

They drove for 5 more minutes before anybody said anything. " Something’s not right," said Max. " What’s wrong?" asked Anne. " I don’t know, it’s just one of my senses," replied Max looking out the window. They heard thunder and it started hailing. " Oh perfect the windshield is cracked," exclaimed Robert. There was more thunder and lightning and it started pouring. There were some people on the side of the road jumping up and down waving. Robert stopped on the side of the road. Anne handed him her umbrella and he went outside. " We need some help, our car broke down a couple miles back there. We were wondering if we could get some shelter in somebody’s car and if you could drop us off at the nearest gas station," said a man who was all dressed in black and shivering. There was another man all dressed in black also. " Sure, but its going to be at least another hour before we get to one," said Robert. He opened up the back door and Max sat down on the floor. The other 2 men sat down in the back seat and if Max were allowed to talk when they were there he would be complaining.

" So where have you been going?" one of the men asked. " We are going to our apartment which is a while away from here," replied Kevin. They drove for 10 more minutes and they heard a pounding on the back of the car. Anne looked back and didn’t see anything. There was another pounding and everybody looked back. " Maybe it’s just the hail," said Max. Anne immediately held out her hands and a blue light went around the men. " Max, you’re not suppose to talk," said Anne in an angry tone. She had cast a sleeping spell on them. When they woke up they wouldn’t remember what happened 5 minutes before they fell asleep.


The 2 men dressed in black were actually not asleep. " So she is a sorceress and the dog talks, reminds me of some people," one man spoke telepathically to the other. " Yes, the Chosen One’s," the other answered. " Valurias will be pleased we found them," the other answered. " Should we get them now?" one asked. " No, we don’t know how powerful they are, afterall that sleeping spell did make me rather tired," the other answered. " Hey what is the pounding on the car anyway?" the other asked.


The pounding continued. It was a steady pounding. About every 10 seconds they would hear a sound as if somebody was hitting the back of the car. The hail had stopped and it was just pouring really fast. Robert stopped the car and opened the door. He saw a black light and ducked immediately. A person with a black cloak with gold lining and green robes was standing there with a golden staff with a skull on the end. Anne, Kevin, and Max noticed and walked out of the car. The back end of the Cadillac was all black and scratched up. They ran out by Robert and Anne held out her hands and her staff appeared and Robert’s sword appeared in his hands also.

" Well I see you have met my servants," the man said clapping his hands once. It was too dark to make things out really good. The two men walked out the car and joined him. " You’re the Chosen One’s, Valurias will pay us a lot to kill you," he said gripping his golden staff firmly. " Valurias?" Max asked himself.

All 3 of the men brought their hands back and pointed towards the sky. Robert, Kevin, Anne, Max, and the 3 men were surrounded by light. " Now we can see," one of the men dressed in black said. Anne pointed her staff at the man in green robes who appeared to be their leader and he was surrounded by white light. He bent down and held out his hand and the white light was a glowing ball in his hand. " That is a primitive spell, you really are an amateur, let me show you how it’s done," the man said. The white light turned black and he threw it at her. Robert ran in front of her and it hit the tip of his sword. He thrusted his sword forward and the black light went back and hit one of the men dressed in black and he screamed as he faded away. The other 2 were shocked.

" Perhaps you guys are better then I thought," the man with the green robes said tightening his grip on the staff. A blue light, which went through him, surrounded him, and his eyes started glowing. Anne took the time to throw a fireball at him but he held his hand out and it disappeared. The man in green robes took a step forward and a black orb appeared in his hand. Robert was surrounded by black light. His silhouette could hardly be made out under the brightness of the light. The light seemed to be consuming him. Then it went back and the other man all dressed in black was consumed by it and screamed in agony as he disappeared. Robert was still standing there his sword outward. " It appears to be you underestimated us," said Kevin.

The sorcerer seemed to be angry with himself. How could he let these people get the better of him? No, they had got the better of those other 2 ignorant fools. They were stupid enough to actually get in with the chosen ones. His fate was not to die by the chosen one’s hands. He would make sure they wouldn’t succeed.

He raised his hands and then an orange light went towards them. It was directed towards Robert. Before he had enough time to raise his sword to protect him from the blow it had hit him in the chest and he cried out as he was thrown back onto the Cadillac. " Robert!" Anne screamed. " He is pretty much dead by now, hahahaha," the sorcerer in green robes said raising up both his hands in victory. Kevin jumped towards him and before he could say anything he was impaled by the sharp blade through the stomach. He looked down to see a stream of warm blood pouring onto the street. He felt life drifting away. Kevin pushed him back and pulled the sword out. The sorcerer fell down lifeless.

"Robert!" Anne said desperately shaking Robert’s body. " My healing spell didn’t work on him," announced Anne to the others. Kevin and Max ran over to Robert and Anne. Kevin felt his heartbeat and pulse. " He’s perfectly ok," said Kevin. Anne opened one of his eyelids. " Maybe he’s just unconscious," said Max who was deep in thought. Valurias? Could it be his Valurias? No, she was killed. Besides, if it were her she wouldn’t be sending sorcerers to kill them. Would she?

" I think we should go see Merlin," Anne said. Everybody else agreed. " I think we should do something about him first," said Max motioning to the sorcerer which was now in a puddle of blood. Anne walked over to him and pointed her staff downward. A white light appeared at the tip of hit and it shot down. The corpse then disappeared. The blood was gone also. " Let’s get out of here," Kevin said and they all agreed it was a very good idea to leave.


Things are Coming Together

Merlin walked past Robert a couple times examining him. Robert was still normal except for the fact that he was in a coma. " Magical sleep," Merlin announced scratching his goatee. Merlin raised both his hands, which were very wrinkly, over Robert. A blue aura appeared over Robert’s chest. It was a beautiful light. Anne felt like it was drawing her. It spread supreme happiness. The aura dissolved and it turned to strands of blue light. Anne was disappointed but figured it was somehow doing something for Robert. The strands of light went around Robert’s body. His limp body was levitated off the table. The light was entangling him. They were like ropes wrapped around his body, preventing him from a slight movement. His body was only suspended for a couple more seconds and then the light released. The blue light shone everywhere but him and they heard a thump of a body hitting the ground. They heard a roar as the light raced past them and everything was clear. " What the hell happened?" Max exclaimed looking to see where the light went.

Anne dropped down next to Robert. A trickle of blood was running down his forehead. Kevin walked up to Merlin who was pondering something. " What did you do?" a slight tone of anger was obvious in his voice. " I tried to break the enchantment, the enchantment however interfered and then it released," Merlin explained. He walked off a couple feet then went deep into thought again. A light went around Robert while Anne was doing her healing spell. The blood on his forehead was gone. " It seems to me that particular spell of yours is utmost effective," Merlin commented. Anne just gave him a look. " I’ll consult my books, Anne lay Robert on the table again, I shall be back shortly," Merlin walked into the other room. Anne started to lift Robert up from the back and then Kevin dropped down, " I’ll help," and they hoisted him back on the table.


Merlin pulled the second book from the shelf and scanned it with a spell. The book had no useful information. He scanned the rest of the books on the shelf and to no avail. He sat down and thought for a moment. He had a huge selection of books here but so far they were all useless to him now. Robert was lucky. Merlin imagined the sorcerer intentions were to kill Robert but his sword must have given him some magical protection. Merlin sighed and then looked at the books on the next shelf. Nothing. The next shelf. Nothing. After Merlin looked through every book he had found nothing to his interest. There was a place however that might have what they need. The Library of All Knowledge. He only knew one person who knew its location. The Seer.


Merlin walked back into the other room. Anne was standing above Robert looking at his face. Anne seemed to have an interest in Robert. Merlin smiled to himself. Kevin was sitting on the couch next to Max who was scratching his ears.

" I didn’t find a solution but I know a place where the solution could be at," Merlin said. Anne didn’t bother hiding the hopeful look on her face. Kevin and Max adjusted their ears wanting to hear every letter Merlin said. " The library of all knowledge, the only person I know who would know the location of that is the Seer," Merlin justified. Max looked surprised. " What is it Max?" Kevin asked. " I met the Seer before we were the ones who sent the master to the underground originally," Max said. He explained everything about his past.(Authors Note* Max’s life story before he met The Chosen Ones is explained in Before the Chosen if you want to know) " Valurias," Merlin said to himself after Max was done. " The sorcerer said she was their master," Kevin said to the rest of them. " But it could," Max was interrupted by Merlin. " That is it the Master’s prophecy," said Merlin who seemed to be interested with the subject. " What?" everybody else said in unison. " The prophecy was his evil would be brought back into one that he has slain," explained Merlin. " And that would be,"Kevin started, " Valurias," Max finished.





Merlin, Anne, Kevin, and Max appeared in front of the Seer’s place. It was in a different place now. They were standing in front of a big mansion. There were crosses and emblems on the windows. Anne knocked once and the door opened but there was nobody there. " She does that at times," Merlin said and they walked in. The room smelt of candles and Anne noticed some chandalices on some tables. She also perceived three stone altars on one side of the room. Each of them had a book on them. They were leather books with golden lining. " You wish to see me?" said a woman all dressed in red that materialized in front of Merlin. " Good to see you again Lecrecia," said Merlin. Anne looked back. " You have something on your mind, I know something you don’t," said Lecrecia rubbing Merlin’s ancient face.

" Ahem," Max motioned for the both of them. " Ah yes, Max again, so the Surents were right," Lecrecia stated. " Surents?" Max asked. " Ancient people that can see everything almost," said Merlin examing a crystal in Lecrecia’s crystal collection. " Don’t touch- but it was too late. A white light surrounded Merlin and then he faded away. " What happened?" asked Kevin. He was surprised as the others. " He has been sent to Meralosa’s valley," Lecrecia said looking up at the ceiling. A white light appeared in the center of the room and then they saw Merlin standing there again. " What was the idea in that?" asked Merlin. His robes were all black and his wrinkly hands were glowing green. " That was a telepo crystal to that awful valley of curses," said Lecrecia. " You will be alright in a couple of hours though," she noted. " Oh great," stated Merlin. He waved his hand and he cursed when the spell didn’t work. He then laid down on the sofa in the room looking at his hand.


The Endless Library

Lecrecia looked at the others. " You are looking for the library, follow me," Lecrecia said and started walking towards the stone alters. Anne, Kevin, and Max followed as Merlin lay on the bed. Lecrecia took a book from the middle altar and flipped through some pages. " Move," she said to Anne, Kevin, and Max. They all went to the left 5 feet. Lecrecia chanted some words and they all saw darkness for a couple minutes and a strange sound. They saw themselves in the same room again. However there was a black portal in the middle of it. " Follow," was all Lecrecia said as she walked into the portal. Anne stopped when she got next to the portal. She still couldn’t believe she had seen anything she had just seen. She still couldn’t believe in vampires, demons, the firebird, or herself. She sighed and walked in. Right after she walked in she felt like imploding. She felt her self-crumpling up. She felt like throwing up. She saw a white light and they passed through. She noticed herself on a stone ground. Kevin and Max were by her. They looked like they went through the same experience also. " The teleportation portal was cursed a while back don’t worry nothing bad happened," assured Lecrecia. She walked down 2 stories of stairs and the others followed. There they saw an endless hallway going in all directions of books. " We lost her," said Max. He ran down the corrider to the left. " Wait," Kevin and Anne called. " I’ll go look for Lecrecia," said Kevin and headed down the corrider running. " Wait," called Anne.

Idiots, Anne thought to herself. She ran down the corrider and then stopped and noticed more shelves of books. She ran down the right but noticed more and she didn’t see anybody. She ran down another hallway but didn’t see any of them. She cursed then looked around the cornor. She saw a red cloak going behind a shelf of books. Anne ran over in that direction and looked around the cornor. There was a young looking lady reading from an ancient book. She was muttering some words. Anne caught a few of them. Ressurection, Seraph, Chosen One’s, prophecy, sacrifice. Then she looked in Anne’s direction. Anne took a step back. There was something about those black eyes. Like they shouldn’t be black. Her eyes flashed brown for a second. Anne realized who it was. It was Valurias. Valurias looked at her and said, " Run, in a very weak voice. Then her eyes turned black again and an invisible force threw Anne back. Valurias looked at her then and she was surrounded by black light. " Anne," somebody yelled. The next moment Max jumped on top of Valurias. She turned around and then Max was too shocked to move. Max was also throw back by an invisible force. Valurias then flew up and grabbed onto Anne. She was paralyzed. Valurias then muttered some words and Anne and her disappeared.




Max, Kevin, Merlin, and Lecrecia were gathered at a table. Lecrecia had found the book for Robert’s cure. They needed 3 mages to do an unsleeping spell on him. Merlin and Lecrecia were the only ones there that could do magic. Anne was gone to who knows where.

Kevin pats Max on the head. " That wasn’t Valurias," Max stated. He was in sorrow. He should have put up more of an effort to save Anne. They had lost Anne once. They didn’t want her to die again. " We know," Merlin said. Lecrecia’s eyes started glowing. " Lecrecia?" Kevin asked wondering what was happening. " She is trying to see, she is the Seer afterall," Merlin explained. Lecrecia held out both of her hands and a red book appeared in them. She opened it up to page 5,649. " Um, that’s a thick book," Max stated. " This is the page she was reading from," Lecrecia said reading some of the writing.

To resurrect a Seraph one must have 2 sacrifices. These 2 sacrifices shall be 2 of the Chosen One’s. The one to resurrect the Seraph shall be one who has fallen victim to him before. Their mind shall suffer as their body does terrible things to defeat the path of light and resurrect a Restored Seraph. The Ceremony shall take place on the date of death of the one brought back to resurrect and restore Seraph. At this time when the Ceremony begins dark magic will flow through the 2 sacrifices killing them. Once they are dead Seraph will be brought forth to restored power and the portal to hell shall be opened releasing all darkness.


" Damn," Max muttered. " This is… might I say bad," Merlin inquired. " What is a Seraph?" Max asked. " The Vampire Master," Merlin answered. " 2 of the Chosen One’s aren’t there only 2?" Kevin asked. " To my studies there is at least 3, Tyler was one of them however, perhaps we should exercise bringing him back," Merlin stated. Tyler was Robert’s best friend but he was killed by the vampires for having the firebird egg.

" Today is the date of Valurias’ death," Max said alarmed. Kevin and Merlin’s eyes widened. Lecrecia’s eyes glew again. " She has taken Robert now also, the ceremony will begin at the Seraph’s castle," Lecrecia said. Without a word from anyone Kevin and Max walked up to Merlin and they disappeared.



Ceremony of Seraph


The sleeping Robert and Anne were floating in midair. Valurias was muttering an incantation from a dark spell book. Valurias, the real Valurias, was trying to stop saying the words. She was thinking about Max and the poor girl’s eyes who were suspended in air. The girl was struggling. Valurias noticed that at times she had tried some kind of magic to get her down. The man suspended a couple feet away from her was suffering from some type of magical sleep. For a moment she gained control of her body again. She turned around. " I am trying to help," she said to the girl who was looking at her with hatred.

Anne noticed her eyes were brown again. Anne realized that Valurias could gain control of her body at times. Valurias raised her hand and started to do a spell to get them down but then her eyes turned black again and she turned around. Anne tried her fireball spell and threw it in front of her. The fireball diminished when it hit something she couldn’t see. It was probobly the magic field holding her up. She threw 7 more fireballs and after the seventh one she lowered a couple feet. She threw 3 more and then she lowered another foot. Valurias or the thing controlling her noticed then pointed her hand at Anne and Anne went up 20 more feet. " Try the fireball again and the shield will break!" Valurias yelled from above. Anne couldn’t though since the fall would kill her. Then she looked at the book Valurias was reading from.

Anne held up her hands and then the book started to float up. Valurias looked at her and growled. It wasn’t a human growl though. It was more like Max’s growl when Anne stepped on his tail once. The book went back down but luckily she lost the page. Anne quickly realized she shouldn’t expect to get out. She should have suspected she wouldn’t live a full life since the day they found out they were the Chosen One’s. She looked at Robert. She looked at his hansom, strong, muscular body. If they got out of this she would have to tell him her true feelings for him.

Then Valurias stopped the incantation and turned around. She cupped her hands and opened them up. A black orb appeared in them. The thing that was in Valurias had explained what it was going to do to them before it had suspended them in air. This was the part where they died Anne thougt. She closed her eyes waiting for death…again. She had died once but she was afraid neither she or Robert could be brought back.


Then she felt herself going down. She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw the scaly back she was on. It was Kevin as his dragon self. She noticed Max and Merlin were on with her. The sleeping Robert was also with them. Anne held onto Robert then. " Luckily we got here just in time," said Merlin. Max was just staring at Valurias who had hatred in her eyes. Valurias threw the black orb at them. Kevin swerved out of the way of the orb. " Don’t hurt her," said Max wondering on what they were going to do. Valurias screamed and another black orb went towards them. Merlin was muttering some words. " Hold my hand," he said to Anne holding his hand out. Anne held his hand and looked at Valurias. Anne knew what Merlin and her were going to do. It dimishes whatever is controling a person. Valurias was surrounded by white light and she collapsed. They noticed a dark figure flying towards them. Merlin and Anne both threw a white orb at it. The figure flew back screaming in pain then it dissapeared and they saw darkness. The darkness dimished light. There was no hope. They felt like all was lost. Then they heard the same scream again and they saw again. Valurias had her hand out and the dark figure was screaming in pain. Anne and Merlin both threw white orbs at it again and the figure diminished.





Robert, Anne, Kevin, Max, Merlin, Lecrecia, and Valurias were gathered in Lecrecia’s living room. It wasn’t much. Merlin had to make some chairs appear. Max was laying on the couch with Valurias steadily petting him. Kevin, Anne, and Robert were sitting on 3 chairs next to each other. Merlin and Lecrecia were standing up.

" Blue is much better," said Anne. " You think so?" asked Valurias. She was trying to choose a good cloak color. " I personally like gold," said Max. " Nah, it’s to shiny," Kevin said. While the others were talking about cloak colors Robert and Anne were having a conversation of their own.

" Let’s go to someplace private,’ said Robert to Anne. " Ok," Anne said getting up and following Robert. They went to a different room and Robert looked at Anne. He had a loving look in his eyes. He hugged Anne and Anne kissed him on the lip. Robert pulled Anne closer and started massaging her back. Anne pushed Robert a little. Her lips pressed against his so hardly they almost hurt but she didn’t care. Robert sat down on the chair with Anne still kissing him. Anne pulled her head back. " I love you," Anne said and kissed him again. " I love you too," Robert said. He pulled Anne towards her and it was his lip’s turn too almost hurt.

Max, Valurias, and Kevin walked in and gasped. Robert looked up from kissing Anne," Ah!," he yelled and pushed Anne off. Anne started to tumble but noticed the others. " Um, maybe we came at the wrong time," said Max. " I agree," said Kevin and they marched out.

Anne looked at Robert when they left. She had feelings for him since the first time she saw him on the train. Anne and Robert just stared at each other for a couple minutes then started kissing again.


The mayor sat down in his chair. It had been a hard day and he was exhausted. The lights in the room went off. He figured it was a blown fuse or power outage. No big deal. Then he yelled when he saw the man walk in the door. He was holding a black blade. . The mayor quickly got up but the sword impaled him. The mayor looked down and saw the blood running down his suit and onto the ground. The mayor fell down dead. The person with the blade smiled and revealed a black box. He put the box over the mayor’s body then a white light came from his body and into the box. The man shut the box and then the box glew black. The mayor’s soul was no more. He suffered a fate worse then death. The man knew who his next victom’s were now. Robert and Anne. The barrier had been crossed by Anne. Both she and Robert had to die. The man walked away a few steps and then faded.




© 2002 by Austin Henshaw. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.