Crystal's StorySite

The Bad Little School-Boy       by Sissy Demi

Chapter Five

As lunch neared an end, Chris sat disconsolately at the table, picking at yet another salad. Cristina had seen the boy's dean and sat at another table talking to him. The poor boy could only wonder in fear at the content of that particular conversation.

Just before the bell, the blonde girl returned to the table, smiling widely. Chris was about to ask what that was all about, but one of the girls cut him off before he could.

"Cristina," she began, "The other girls and I were just discussing how you can't really see Chrissy's new Mary Janes and his cute socks because of his slacks." His tormentor nodded sagely at this.

"But," the other girl continued, "We have a solution!" With a flourish, she pulled a pair of cuffed shorts, the same color as the uniform pants, from her knapsack. Cristina giggled and told Chris to go put them on...

The ever more feminized school-boy slunk into his fifth period class and made it to his seat without too much incident. The class was going smoothly and he felt a bit better than he had in the last few hours.

Suddenly, there was a tap on his shoulder. Chris glanced back and saw one of the girls from the lunchroom. He groaned. She handed him a small paper bag. As Chris turned back around, he saw the teacher standing before him, arms crossed.

"What have we here?" the old biddy wheezed as she snatched the bag from Chris' fear-weakened grip. "Ah, let's share this with the whole class, shall we, young... err... man?"

The ancient crone looked into the bag and chortled as she pulled out a folded piece of paper. She smiled toothlessly at Chris as she prepared to read the note...

The class thundered with laughter as the old teacher read the note. Chris stood up and stammered that he didn't write it. The old biddy cackled and replied that it sure looked like his handwriting.

A forgery, Chris realized!

The teacher tipped the paper bag into her hand and a few pieces of jewelry slid out. She held them up for the class to see: A pair of clip-on heart-shaped earring dangled from one withered hand, a golden charm bracelet from the other.

The teacher asked the class if they thought the blushing boy should go ahead and wear them. She received a resounding YES!

Julie helped Chris fasten the earrings on and hooked the bracelet around his wrist. She moved her head close to Chris' and whispered, "A last minute idea of Cristina's..." before she sat down.

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