Crystal's StorySite


Before starting my story, I want to credit the author of the X-Virus for inspiring me to write this story. I was a bit hesitant to write another mother-daughter story, but after I read the X-Virus, the story inspired me and I just couldn't help myself. So I hope you all enjoy reading the story. I just wanted to give credit where credit is due.

And now on with the show…..

Karen Michelle.


The Best Un-Kept Secrets

by Karen Michelle


"Listen to this," said Mrs. Williams to her best friend Lisa.

"Dear Diary, today I wanted to die. I prayed last night that God would let me wake up a girl, with a girls body, and this morning, I just couldn't bear to look at myself in the mirror. Why do I have to be a boy? I just don't feel right. I see all the other girls at school and at the mall, and I just get so depressed! Why do I have to be a boy?! Why can't I be a girl? Why can't I be pretty? Oh Diary, one day, maybe one day…"

"I didn't know John was keeping a diary, let alone him writing something like this. What do you make of it? I found it on his floor when I was cleaning up. It was open to this page, and while I don't normally read his private material, this page was staring me in the face and the words just jumped out at me."

"Well, Linda," replied her friend Lisa Smith, "it sounds pretty clear to me. It sounds like your son, John, is very unhappy. It sounds like he wishes he were a female."

"Well, duh, yeah, I can see that. It's just such a shock."

Lisa sat at the table in the coffee shop across from her best friend and thought about Linda's words.

"Is it really, Linda? I mean, haven't you caught John dressing in your panties and your bras on a couple of occasions? And putting on your dresses?"

"Well, yes" Linda replied.

"And didn't you catch him with a 16 Teen magazine in his room? Looking at feminine products ads?"

"Well, yes" Linda recanted.

"And didn't you come in on him one time watching a show on transsexuals – you know – that trashy talk show host?" Lisa asked.

"Well…….. yes."

"And when he's on the computer, on the Internet, and you come in him suddenly, haven't you said he closes everything down quickly? And haven't you said his history file shows he's visiting some transsexual sites?"

"Yes, come to think of it, all those things are correct" Linda Williams said.

"Well, honey, that seems like it might be enough signs to raise a red flag. Your John may just have brain-gender conflict syndrome."

"Brain-gender conflict syndrome? What's that?" asked Linda

"Well, remember when I was on vacation about a month ago?" asked Lisa.


"I was watching a TV show, and they had this doctor on the TV. It just so happens he also had transsexuals on it. I normally don't watch that stuff, but I didn't have anything better to do, so I thought, what the heck."

"So what does that have to do with this?" asked Linda.

"Well," continued Lisa, "first the show interviewed all the guests, and they basically told stories about how they felt. And, interestingly enough, almost every one of them did similar things to your John. They said they couldn't help it. They felt different, they had to do those things. Then, this doctor came on the show and said that a new medical breakthrough has just been accomplished, one that will demystify and take away the shame from transsexuals all over the world. He said that it had medically been proven that true transsexuals have a real medical problem, and its called brain-gender conflict syndrome."

"Ok," said Linda. "I heard the name, what does it mean?"

"Well, basically, when a child is in the mothers womb, the baby's sex cells tell the body how to develop, but there are also hormones from the mother washing the baby's brain.. In 95% of the times, the hormones are the same going to the brain as how the body develops … meaning that a female feels like she's a female in her mind and body, and the same for a male. But, in some cases, the brain gets the wrong hormone wash and develops opposite the body. When that happens, the brain is female, but the body is male, or the brain is male, and the body is female. As the individual grows up, the brain knows something is wrong, something terribly wrong. Apparrantly they've been doing research in this area, and this doctor has proven that this condition really exists. He claimed on the TV that it has been proven to show up as a gene that only exists when the hormone wash doesn't come out right, and that the condition can be tested for with a simple blood test."

"What are you hinting at.. that my John has this brain-gender conflict syndrome?" asked Linda.

"Well, it might explain why he crossdresses, watches shows on transsexuals, and is so apprantly obsessed with wanting to be a girl. You've talked about his activities a number of times… you know… it may not be a phase. He might really need to be a girl."

"And this doctor said that the presence of this gene is an indicator of the gender disorder?" asked Linda.

"Yes," Lisa replied, "100% of the time. Oh, and he also had people from the AMA on the show, and they said his evidence had been clinically proven. This has been common knowledge for the last 5 years, but they only recently released the knowledge publicly after proving it beyond a shadow of a doubt."

Linda Williams sat in the coffee shop stunned for a few minutes. Her son John was only 14, and yet she had caught him doing all these things over the past few years since he was around 9 years old. What was she to do? Then, Lisa broke the silence.

"Linda, you always said you wanted to get to the bottom of why John sometimes acts the way he does. What if this is the problem? Can you imagine how uncomfortable he must feel if it is?"

"It's hard to imagine my son with a problem like this."

"Yeah, we all want normal kids, but defects happen, you know. Look at kids with blindness, or those that are paralyzed. Nobody likes it, but people deal with it. If you think that there's even the slightest truth to what you found, and with the symptoms and red flags that you've seen over the past few years, I'd check it out. Isn't the goal of good parents to raise healthy, happy, children?"

"Yes, but what if it were your Melinda?" asked Linda?

"Well, I might be somewhat distraught at first, but I'd research it. Life is too short not to be happy. And if it were the case, I'd want my child to receive the treatment that is available."

"Treatment?" Linda asked.

"Oh, didn't I mention that? Gee, a small detail. The doctor said that in the case where this gene is found, there is a medication that can be given which will re-write the DNA, and make the body re-form."

"Re-form?" Linda asked.

"Honey, what it means, for John, is that if this gene was found, they could give him a drug that would re-write his entire body chemistry, his skeleton, his sex organs, his hormones, everything about him. It would re-write his DNA and make his body re-form as female, in every way."

"Change him into a girl?" Linda asked

"In every way. From what he said on TV, the penis reshapes itsself, shrinks, and moves up inside the body. Ovaries and a uterus form, and the penis becomes the vagina. The medication is given over a few days and within a week or less, the male patient is changed into a female. In almost every case, the transformation culminates with the patient having her first menstrual period. But all of this only happens if the gene is present. Although the drug only works on those individuals who have the gene, they don't want to waste it since its expensive, so they give the potential patient a blood test to prove the presence of the gene. That way its not wasted on someone it won't work on.. And from what the doctor said, most patients who receive this treatment are overjoyed with their first period, and they move on to normal healthy lives as girls."

"It's incredible, and yet, if my baby is really unhappy… well I only ever wanted to have a healthy well adjusted child."

"Of course you did. We all do. With all the red flags that John has been presenting you, I'd check it out."

"I will" said Linda, and they got up and left.


Linda Williams didn't waste any time in contacting the TV station that ran the program, and got the doctors 800 number. She was on the phone right away.

"Yes, we have offices in your city, and we can perform that test easily and have the results back to you in 5 working days."

"Good, I'll make an appointment for the day after tomorrow, is that ok?"

"Fine" said the nurse as she jotted the appointment down in her book. "I'll call your local office and set things up."


John Williams got home from school on a Tuesday, and as was his custom, got on the Internet immediately. He was glad his mom was so cool as a divorced parent and was mostly up on the computer age. She had bought him his own PC, and he was connected to the Web with a high-speed connection.

"Ok," he thought, "time to go visit my friends in the TGBudoir. If I can't be a girl, then I can go talk to my friends who have become girls. They'll understand me. Let's see, its 2:30… mom doesn't get home until 5:30. I have some time I can chat."

The computer came on, and it only took a minute and finally he was connected to the Budoir, a chat room where pre-op and post-op transsexuals typically visited. John had been there many times, where he bared his soul and desires of wanting to become a female.

"Hey, here's someone new… Lori03… wanting to talk to me. Well, at least I can be myself in here, Michelle, and maybe I can make a new friend." he thought as he accepted the invitation to chat.

Lori03: Hi, I'm Lori, who are you?"

Michelle87: I'm Michelle… are you new here?"

Lori03: Sort of.. I'm kind of new to the scene.. can you tell me what this room is about?"

Michelle87: Well, this is a room for transgendered people… you know what that means?"

Lori03: Isn't that people that are boys and want to be girls, or the other way around?

Michelle87: Yeah, that's it. Is that you?"

Lori03: Uhhh.. not quite… I'm just a genetic girl.

Michelle87: You mean a real girl?

Lori03: Uh-yeah. But someone told me about this room, so I wanted to see who was here and what it was all about. Are you a boy that wants to be a girl?

Michelle87: Yes, I am. More than anything.

And so John (Michelle) began to pour out his soul to Lori as he had done so many times. He related how he wished he was a girl and could wake up one day as a girl, and how he wished his mother knew about his inner struggle. After talking for a while, he had confided in his newfound friend.

Michelle87: "You know, my mother is so beautiful, especially when she wears this blue nightgown, matching panties, and cross pendant. It's so beautiful on her. I wish I was a girl and could wear that. I wish I could look like her."

Lori03: "Well, you better watch what you wish for. Sometimes wishes come true".

Michelle87: "Gee, don't I wish!"

John looked at his watch. It was 5:00 and he knew he better get off the computer or else time would get away and his mother might come in suddenly on him as she had a few times. He wished his newfound friend goodbye and told her maybe they'd see each other another time.


The next day, John was wakened by his mother to get ready for school.

"Come on, honey. It's another day. Time to get ready for school. Oh, and don't forget, we have an appointment with the doctor. There's a virus going around and they want to test everyone for it. I got tested, but you need to be tested and the school wants a note saying you've been tested too. All they have to do is take a small sample of blood."

"I hate needles. Do I have to?" asked John.

"School policy. I'll pick you up at 2:30. I have some vacation coming and we'll make an afternoon of it."

"Oh fun… just what I wanted … an afternoon of getting stuck."

The day went quickly, and before John knew it he was in and out of the doctors office. With how the HMO's were run, and how often doctors were changed, John didn't suspect anything. On the drive home, Johns mother knew the wheels had been put in motion.


It was Friday and the phone had been ringing off the hook at the Insurance agency where John's mother, Linda, worked. It was close to quitting time when the phone rang.

"Guard Insurance, how may I help you?" asked Mrs. Williams.

"Is this Linda Williams?" asked the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, speaking" she replied.

"This is doctor Zukorov's office. You had your son in for the blood test on Tuesday. We have the results."

"Oh, yes, go on." Linda said.

"We checked the blood from 3 different samplings, and the results came back positive."

"Positive? Are you sure?"

"Doctor Zukorov always makes us check them at least 3 times. The results are confirmed. The doctor would like to fly in tomorrow and meet with you for a consultation. He always flies in to meet with the people who are affected by a positive result. Are you available to come in tomorrow?"

"Saturday? Sure, if he can fly in, I can make it." replied Mrs. Williams.

"He'll see you then at 9:00 am sharp at your HMO office.".


The next day was Saturday, and as usual, John had stayed up late and was sleeping in. Mrs. Williams took advantage of the opportunity to let her son sleep and got in the car and went to the doctors office a few miles away from home.

"Hello, Mrs. Williams, how are you?" Doctor Zukorov said greeting her with a smile.

"Fine. I came as soon as I got word. Your nurse said the results were positive."

"Yes, sit down. Let's discuss it."

And so the doctor told Mrs. Williams how he had found the gene while doing research on the brain in transsexual women who had died, and had found the breakthrough that had enabled him to accurately predict the incidence of transsexuality in patients. And, he told her that he had also stumbled onto a drug that was capable, with the presence of the gene, to re-write and reprogram the genetics of the body.

"You see," he said, "for the true transsexual, this is a godsend. It's what they really want, but are often too frightened to tell their parents or loved ones. With this discovery, we have a way to tell when the brain and the body are mismatched, and when treatment is necessary. Every time we've seen it in an individual, we've seen a conflict between the body and the mind. The treatment is to give the patient a drug that will completely re-write the DNA. The drug re-writes the DNA according to the gene in the brain, which is the gene that was deposited when the appropriate hormones washed the brain. In your sons case, or I should say your daughters, it was a female hormone that left its mark, resulting in a female gene. Your son should have been your daughter, but there was a disconnect and the rest of the body and the body developed male. People with this disorder are quite unhappy. We've seen in 100% of the cases, that once treatment is administered, and the body is reprogrammed, the patient adjusts to a happy life. It's the life they wanted anyway."

"Doctor," Mrs. Williams asked, "I've seen how unhappy my son is, and how much he wants and needs to be a girl. I love her. How can I help her?"

"I'm glad you're open about this. Some wouldn't be. You're sure you're ok with what I'm proposing?"

"Yes, I realize how she feels. What can we do?".

"I filled out a 5 day prescription of this drug. You notice it only contains 5 capsules – it's a very potent drug. It may take up to 5 days, or it might take less, but it never takes more than 5 days to work. Each morning, break one capsule and put it in her food. Nature will take its course."

"What can I expect?" she asked.

"You're a woman, right?"

"Of course." She replied.

"Then you know. She'll have mood swings, cry, and she'll experience cramping as her female organs begin to develop inside." Dr. Zukorov said. "As her uterus and ovaries form, they'll release the normal hormones you'd expect to see in a female. That will cause her nipples to thicken and her breasts will develop as would be expected."

"My child will develop breasts, ovaries, and a uterus?"

"Yes" replied the doctor, "just as you would expect a normal female to do so. That will take about a day for this to start. This will all accelerate, and as time goes on, the penis will start to shrink and descend to the base of the pubic area where the vaginal opening is. The scrotal sack will begin to lengthen and begin to divide, and engulf the penis which will be traveling up inside the body, and basically inverting itself to form the vagina. The urethra will shorten itself and reposition itsself to the normal female position, and when its all done, your daughter will have a normal set of female organs. When the scrotal sack is finished dividing, it will run the length of her pubic area and will form normal labia covering all the internal organs as would be expected. When you see the penis about to disappear inside the body, the end is fairly near at hand. The penis will eventually fuse with the uterus and the transformation will be complete. And of course, as all that is happening, the bones will be re-architecting themselves into a normal female pattern, You'll see the pelvis starting to widen and the pelvic tilt will develop. She'll have that distinctive female shape in the front which will allow her pubic area to slope back towards her vaginal area. Her face will also change, and the vocal chords will shorten. When your daughter is done, I suspect she'll have many of your features – and turn out to be a very pretty girl.

"It sounds like a complete transformation" said Mrs. Williams.

"It is, including menstruation."

"Menstruation? Yes, I heard that was part of the process."

"Your daughter will experience cramps as the female organs begin to form. They will be forming to be operational as you'd expect in a normal teenage girl. Once the penis fuses with the uterus and becomes the cervix, menstruation will proceed within the next few hours. Part of the cramping is the uterus filling with blood. It's preparing itsself for a normal lifetime."

"So, when I see the penis starting to go inside, I should get her ready for her first period."

"Yes, you know what to do. Just have a pair of panties and a sanitary pad nearby. Her old underwear won't fit her anymore."

And so the interview was over, and Mrs. Williams left. Tomorrow was a new day and a new start.


Monday rolled around, and John got up and breakfast was ready as usual. He ate hurriedly as he usually did, and didn't notice anything in particular when he rushed off to catch the bus. He was feeling a bit strange, but he didn't give it much thought. As with most days, he thought a number of times how he wished he was a girl, and when he got home, he began to cry softly at the thought of his situation – a reaction he hadn't had before at these thoughts.

The next day, he felt even stranger. He noticed his chest was a bit sore, and he had a slight stomachache. He thought maybe it was something he ate, and went off to school again. By the end of the second day, he was feeling very strange and told his mom that he thought he was sick. He described how his stomach and chest hurt, and how his arms and legs felt strange. Although he didn't notice it, Mrs. Williams noticed that his face had started to change also.

"Well, dear," said Mrs. Williams, "perhaps you're coming down with something. Perhaps you should stay home tomorrow."

John didn't argue very much. Even though he was feeling a bit strange, he always looked for opportunities to stay home by himself. It was his best opportunity to watch the TV talk shows. Sometimes they had shows on transsexuals and when they did, he was glued to the tube like a magnet. It also gave him an opportunity to crossdress while his mother was gone at work.

"Ok mom, maybe that would be a good idea" he replied.

The next morning was the third day, and Mrs. Williams had decided to take some vacation to be there with her child. She woke up hearing John calling to her from the bedroom.

"What is it honey?" she said?

"Something really strange is happening, I feel really weird. Tingly all over, especially in my chest and my…." John said looking down toward his penis.

"In your penis?" she asked.

"Uh.. yeah.. it feels sort of strange."

"Maybe you have something. I've heard something is going around. Here, let me give you a drink. Maybe you'll feel better, and let me take a look."

She left the room, and got one of the capsules and broke it into the glass of water and told John to drink it down.

"Honey, lie down and get undressed so I can take a look at you. Maybe I can see something."

He shrugged his shoulders, stripped to his birthday suit, and did as he was asked. Mrs. Williams could see that the changes had started. John's penis had started to get smaller, and it had descended in position slightly. It was starting to move down towards the base of the pubic area as predicted, and in its former position, she could see folds of skin starting to form that would eventually become the lips of the labia. She also noticed at the base of the penis, the scrotal sack was starting to divide also. Slight, but it was definitely starting to transform as predicted. Then she looked at John's chest, and she could see the small knots starting to form behind the nipples.

"What's wrong with me, mom?" John asked.

"I'm not sure. Let's wait and see if you feel better tomorrow."

Of course, John's condition didn't get "better".

At the end of the day, mom came in and asked John how he was feeling, and John replied that his muscles ached, and he still had the stomachache. Mrs. Williams told John that she wanted to take a look again to see if things had improved any. When she looked, she noticed that the penis had moved about halfway down the pubic area, and the formation of the lips was more pronounced. John's nipples had also gotten larger, and the breasts behind his nipples were starting to expand. John asked what was going on with his penis but Mrs. Williams said she didn't know. Then Mrs. Williams noticed that the hips had started to expand slightly, and it also looked like fat was beginning to move away from the waist, even though the changes there were slight. A hint of the pelvic tilt had also started to form. She told John to get some sleep. Maybe he'd feel better in the morning.

The fourth day came quickly, and once again John said he was feeling strange all over. John asked his mom for a drink, which she was very quick to give him… laced of course with another of the capsules.

"You say you're still feeling strange.. let me take a look again.. maybe I can see something now."

By this time the changes were dramatic. The penis had shrunk even more and had moved to the base of the pubic area and was surrounded by the labia. It was small now, and was just poking outside of the lips, and the head was barely visible, having moved inside the penile shaft on its path to inverting itself and becoming Johns vagina. The labia were quite noticeable now, running the entire length of Johns pubic area and positioned where a normal girls labia would appear. If the penis weren't visible, you wouldn't know that John was once a boy. Much of the pubic hair had fallen out, and it was reshaping itsself in the classic inverted triangle that all females have. Mrs. Williams also noticed that her baby's breasts had grown some more. She was probably up to an A cup by now. The hips had spread even more,

which made the waist appear even more in the hourglass shape and the pelvic tilt was quite pronounced. Mrs. Williams decided it was time to let her daughter know what was happening.

"Mom, something's going on. Things just don't feel right, and things are changing down there. What's happening to me?"

"Honey, let me answer your question with a question, and promise me you'll tell me the truth. It's important. OK?"

"OK mom" John answered.

"First, I want to ask you a question. Are you happy as a boy?"

"Huh.. " stammered John. "What do you mean?"

"Honey, I mean exactly what I asked. I want to know if you're happy as a boy. Have you ever wanted to be a girl?" she pressed.

John couldn't believe his ears. He DID want to become a girl, but his mom had never asked him anything like this.

"What do you mean?" he asked, trying to avoid the question. He wanted to answer the question, and yet, he was scared to tell her the truth.

"Honey, let me ask it this way. One morning, I was cleaning in your room, and I found your personal diary. It was open on the floor. I guess it fell on the floor. I didn't intentionally read it, but it was open to a page, and so I looked at it. It was obviously written by you. I recognized the handwriting. You wrote that you wanted to be a girl, isn't that right?"

"Mom, you read my diary? My most private thoughts?" John replied in a shocked manner.

"I didn't mean to, it was just lying there. You wrote that you wished you were a girl more than anything. Am I right? Was it true?"

John could see had been discovered. He sat there in silence still trying to evade.

"And honey, I've caught you dressing in my clothes a few times, and I even found one of my womens magazines in your room. I also caught you looking at a teen girls magazine, looking at the feminine products. Remember? It made me start to question about how you felt. Whether you were happy as a boy."

John sat there taking it all in.

"And sweetheart, you like getting on the Internet, right? I never understood why you seemed so surprised when I came home, and would shut everything down so quickly, but now I think I do. You didn't want me to discover what you were doing. Do you remember going into the Budoir chatroom one night and talking to a girl named Lori03?"

"How do you know that, mom?" John asked.

Linda Williams avoided the question for a minute.

"Honey, its not important how I found out. What is important is you and that I did find out. Remember the blood test that we went to get for you?"


"Honey, I had suspected something was wrong, but I couldn't figure out what. I heard about a doctor who had made a discovery about transsexuals. He explained why some boys wanted to be girls, and why some girls wanted to be boys. It's a genetic problem. He said that with a simple blood test he could detect a gene in the brain that indicates transsexuality - if a person who exhibited signs like what you exhibited, wanted to be a girl rather than a boy."

"That's what that blood test was about?"

"Yes honey. I was worried. I had to find out if there was something wrong with you. I had to find out if you wanted to become a girl."

John sat there in his bed reeling from what his mother was telling him. She had found him out. He was horrified, and yet he wanted to be discovered. Could all of this be really happening?

"Honey, the gene that the blood test reveals showed up when they examined the blood sample. The test came back positive."


"Yes, positive. Honey, it means you have a problem, a known problem, and that it's ok if you want to be a girl. It means you were supposed to be a girl, but your body malfunctioned. Your brain is female. That's why you have had these strong feelings. That's why you've done the things I mentioned. Honey, be honest with yourself. At least admit to yourself the truth. Do you want to be a female?"

John saw that there was no more need to hide any of this from his mother, and let out a sigh. "Yes," he said. "I do wish I were a girl. Mom, I've ALWAYS wanted to be a girl."

He paused in thought, having let out his innermost thoughts. Then he looked at her and asked:

"Ok mom, now you know. But what's happening to me?"

"That's easy to answer honey. Let me show you."

And with that, she started taking her clothes off. First her jeans and top. He saw her shapely body in her panties and bra, and he couldn't help stare. Then she unclasped her bra, and sat down on his queensize bed.

"I want you to look at my body, honey" she said as she took off her panties, bent her legs, and spread them apart.

"Mom, what are you doing?" he said protesting like he thought he should. He wanted to look at her naked body, but society had trained him well to not look at his mother in the nude.

"Honey, look at me. It's important for you to look at my body. It's OK for a mother's daughter to look at her. Trust me."

John heard her say that he was her daughter and a shiver ran through his soul as that was exactly what he wanted to be. He turned his head back facing her. He could see all of her sitting naked on his bed with her legs spread apart revealing her labia and vagina.

"Honey, look at my body. Look at my vagina. See how the folds of skin envelop it? See how it runs in a straight line between my legs? See where it's located?"

"Yes," John said, starting to tremble. She had given him permission to look at her, and now he couldn't stop.

She picked up a mirror she had brought with her into the room.

"Take a good look, sweetheart, and then look in the mirror at your body. Compare your body to mine."

She held the mirror so that John could see his pubic area and waited for him to examine himself. John could see the penis had descended completely to the base of the pubic area, exactly where his mother's vagina was located.

With its new position, he needed to have the mirror since it was out of sight. He could see the penis had shrunk almost to nothing, and the head went almost inside his body. By this time, the labia were completely formed, and except for the small shaft and head that protruded slightly from the lips, his body looked exactly like his mothers. He sat there, not believing what he had just seen and felt. Then he looked at her body, and back at his and gasped.

"Mom, my body is changing. It's looking exactly like yours."

Then, a realization occurred to him. He touched his newly forming labia, and then touched hers. They felt exactly the same. He then touched his forming breasts, and felt the nipples and small soft mounds of flesh, and then he felt her breasts. They felt the same too.

"Mom," he said looking in her eyes, "am I becoming a girl?"

"Yes, sweetheart."

John sat there fixed on the mirror.

"I'm becoming a girl? Mom, I'm getting my vagina, aren't I? And my chest, its been tingling and sore. Those are my breasts, aren't they?"

"Yes honey, you're body is changing completely"

"Yes, completely. But if all this is happening, what about the stomachaches? What is that about?"

"Well, honey, you know how every month I get the cramps, and complain about the pain I have down here?" she asked pointing at her body where her ovaries and uterus were.

"It's because my uterus is contracting, filling with blood, preparing itsself to receive an egg, and if I don't get pregnant, then menstruation – my monthly period – occurs."

John looked at where him mom was pointing, then realized that the pain he was experiencing was coming from exactly the same general area.

"Mom, are you saying…" he trailed off. Then he finished his question.

"Mom, am I getting female sex organs inside my body too?"

"Yes, honey, that's exactly what's happening to you." She replied.

And then at that point, he felt another "pop" in his pubic area. When he looked down with the mirror, he could see the head and shaft had completely disappeared. All he could see was the inverted triangle of hair and the lips running the entire length of the pubic area with an opening at the base forming the opening to his vagina which his penis was changing into.

As this happened, he finally got to experience what it really felt like to be female. He had imagined what it must have felt like to be female down there, to have a vagina, so many times, but now it was happening to him.

John closed his eyes and began to feel and rub his new lips. Mrs. Williams noticed he relaxed, and was enjoying what was happening. His other hand moved up to his breasts, and as he lay there, he began to sob softly as he felt his new body.

"Oh, mother," he said as he sobbed and opened his eyes, "I'm finally a girl. I've wanted to be a girl for so long and now it's finally, finally happening. Finally!!! No… more… penis!!!! Mom, its FINALLY GONE This is how I should have been my entire life."

"You don't miss seeing your penis? Having your penis?" she asked.

"No mom, I hated it. So many times I thought about ripping it off, or it being gone. Now there's nothing there. Finally, finally, there's nothing there. Oh God, my vagina feels so good! Just like it should have been" he said sobbing softly.

Mrs. Williams could see she had made the right decision, and that the doctor had been correct. After sitting there for a minute, Mrs. Williams broke the silence.

"Honey, I need to leave the room and go get something for you. I'll be right back" Mrs. Williams said.

She left and returned with a box.

"What's in the box, mom?" John asked.

"Honey, remember I asked you about the night you were in the Budoir chat room earlier?"

"Yes" John answered.

"When you were in there, you mentioned to Lori that you liked my blue panty and nightgown set, and the cross pendant I often wear with it. And it was that night that you told her everything about yourself, remember?"

"Yes… but how do you know that, mom?" John asked her.

"I bought this for you honey… or maybe I should say, Lori03 bought this for you."

John gasped. He realized he had been talking to his mother that night.

"That was YOU I was talking to? I told you everything, didn't I?" he asked.

"Yes, honey, you did. You didn't exactly cover your tracks on the computer. It was easy to find out what you were doing once I started looking. But honey, it was the right thing for you to do, even though you didn't know it was me. That made me setup the appointment to get the blood test, and now look what's happening to you."

"Well, mom," Mrs. Williams child said, "I'm glad you found out everything. Look at me now. I'm a girl now, aren't I?"

"Very shortly now, honey. Let's put this on you."

Mrs. Williams removed the panties from the box set. John saw they were a soft blue, and they looked so pretty. He took them from her and put them on.

His body offered no resistance, and the panties hugged his body.

He could see they were flat where they were supposed to be, where once his penis had been, and he noticed that the panties made the classic "V" like he had seen so many times when he put his legs together, like he had seen with women in panty ads in the magazines. Next Mrs. Williams got out the matching nightgown and helped her new daughter slip it on. And finally, she put the cross pendant around her daughters neck.

"Get up honey. Let's look in the mirror" Mrs. Williams said.

"Oh mom, look at my body, it looks so perfect!" he exclaimed. He lifted the nightgown and noticed his hips and smaller waist. Then he noticed his face had changed. It wasn't male anymore.

"Oh mom, look at my face too. I look like a girl! I'm finally a girl!".

As he said those final words, he noticed his voice was starting to get higher. He also noticed that over the past few days, his hair had gotten longer, something that Mrs. Williams had noticed, but hadn't given much thought to compared to the other changes that were happening.

"My voice.. it sounds.." he said listening to himself.

"Like a girls voice?" completed Mrs. Williams. "Yes, your vocal chords are shortening and your voice is getting higher."

"But how was all of this possible, mom?"

"Honey, the doctor that found that gene that tells if boys want to become girls also developed a drug. I've been giving it to you over the past four days. Honey, it only works if the gene is present, and well, you can see that its been working in every way.

"Oh, mom, thank you. I love you." he said and hugged her.

"I'm glad you're happy. I'm glad I found out. Now there's just a couple of things that are left to do."

"What's that, mom?"

"Well first of all, we can't be calling you John anymore, can we?" she asked.

"No, I guess we can't."

"If you had been a girl, I was going to name you Rachel Anne. How would you like it if that were your new name?"

"Rachel Anne", Mrs. Williams daughter said musing it over in her mind.

"I like it mother. I'm Rachel Anne… mom, and now I'm you're daughter. And mom, I love it. I love being a girl and your daughter so much."

"Yes honey, now you're my daughter. And that just leaves one more thing to talk about, to prepare you for. Your penis is making its final changes into your vagina, and when it does, it will join your uterus. As I said earlier, the pain you feel is your uterus contracting, just like mine."

"Mom, " Rachel said interrupting her. "You're telling me I'm about to have my first period, aren't you?"

"Yes, honey, and I have something for you".

She reached into the box that she had brought the nightgown and panties in, and pulled out a maxi pad.

"Honey, this is a maxi pad, and it goes in your panties like this. You need to learn to use this, because every month, you'll be having your period just like other girls. Here, sit down on the bed and pull your panties down to your knees. Rachel did as she was told, and she saw her mother putting the maxi in the panties like she had seen her do sometimes while sitting on the toilet.

"Now pull them up honey." Mrs. Williams said, instructing her new daughter.

Sliding them up her legs, she felt the maxi sitting next to her body.

"Oh mother, the maxi feels so nice."

"Well, your period won't be the most pleasant experience all the time, but it is part of being a girl. You'll get used to it, and when you have your first baby, I expect you'll be thankful its part of your life. When your period happens, you'll need to change the pad every few hours, and you'll learn from how your body feels when you're about to have your period."

The doctor had been right, once the penis went out of sight, the vagina formed very quickly. Within a couple of hours, Rachel was menstruating, but she didn't complain at all. Mom stayed with her and showed her how to change the pad.

Mrs. Williams also showed her daughter how to use the toilet when she had to pee. Rachel commented that the sensation was almost exactly as she had imagined, and that it felt so much better this way.

Later that day, Mrs. Williams told Rachel she needed to measure her, and to her surprise, found that Rachel had grown to a bit larger than an A cup. Mrs. Williams then left and returned later with some new panties, bras, jeans, and tops. As a boy, John had hated trying on new clothes, but now, as Rachel, she loved how the clothes fit her, and she loved how she had a bustline and a curvy waistline and hips where she had once had a disgustingly flat and straight body.

After Rachel's first period was over, Mrs. Williams contacted the school and told them what had happened. By that time, in the year 2020, the doctors finding was common knowledge, and the treatment for true transsexuals was common knowledge. The school changed Rachels records and nothing much was said about it. Rachel was simply introduced as a new student, and both the girls and boys simply treated her as a new student.

Rachel had a lot to learn from her mother, but she was a good student, and she never looked back. She never thought once about being a boy, because this, after all, is truly who she was inside.

And what lies ahead for Rachel? Well, only time will tell….





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