Crystal's StorySite


A Better Solution Than Divorce

by Jennifer Allison


Tommy Brothers

I knew we were in trouble as soon as my dad drove up to Dr. Knox's cabin. I recognized one of the girl's parents standing outside the cabin. It was the parents of Kendra 'Olive Oyl' Watson.

Kendra was given the nickname for her build. She could give Olive Oyl a run for her money for the skinniest person I have ever seen.

"Oh NO!!!!" I screamed.

"What is it Tommy?" asked my mom.

"I just realized who the two girls who volunteered to switch with us," I said. "It's Olive Oyl and the Blimp."

"We know," was my mom's reply.

"How long have you known?" I needed to know.

"For the last week," she answered. "We needed to start switching your stuff with theirs."

"You don't know what you have done?" I almost scream at my parents.

"We know about the promise Kendra and Annie made you years ago," my dad told me.

I remember the promise. It was six years ago when Wally and I started calling Kendra and Annie, Olive Oyl and the Blimp. At the time, they were best friends and still are. We started one day at lunch.

Kendra walked over and made this promise. "Stop calling Annie and I that or one day we will make you pay. I promise."

We didn't heed her advice and by the first period the next day everyone was calling Kendra and Annie by their new nicknames.

For the next six years the only words Kendra and Annie said to Wally and myself were, "one day, one day." As they pointed their index fingers at us.

Wally Claxon

I wasn't as unlucky as Tommy; I didn't see any of the girl's parents. As most of you know bad news runs in bunches, I just wish it would stop picking on me.

The only good, I thought, that would come of this body swap is that I would get a chance at the girls' locker room. I realized I would be in a girl's body but I would still have my memories. That was until yesterday.

Mr. Brown stopped Tommy and myself in the hall between classes again and broke both our hearts. "Starting Monday, and until you swap back, both of you will be going to study hall instead of gym," he told us.

From the looks on our faces he had to tell us why.

"Do you think I would let the two of you in any form in the girl's locker room?"

"Will we ever be treated other than lepers?" asked Tommy.

"Not in my school," replied Mr. Brown. "It was decided by the others that one very bad mistake shouldn't ruin your lives. But you did make that mistake. It is also the one mistake I will not tolerate in my school. If I had my choice you would spend the rest of your life in jail.

*Mr. Brown's only sister was sexually assaulted ten years ago and she has never got over it.



Helen and I are just one small step away from telling Hillary that we don't want to switch back. We have spent a lot of time talking about it, especially during the breaks in our lovemaking.

Another thing that is helping with the decision is little Sam, I have tried and also the family has tried to call her Susan, Sue or Suzy, but we just couldn't stop calling her Sam. I felt a special kinship with her, as do most mothers do with their children; I didn't want to lose it. But that was until the day of telegram.

It was from my mom.


McLean Family Thanksgiving get together will be held in Tolerance this year 'stop'.

Will arrive two days early to help Helen with the preparations 'stop'.


I just stood there and let the telegram slip out of my hand and drop to the floor.

Nurse Sam picked it up and read it. Who then asked, "You never told your family why you moved to Tolerance?"

"No," I replied. "My mom doesn't even know about little Sam."

"It has been over a year since the switch, why?" asked Sam.

"When we first joined the program, it was for six months. Helen and I thought we could get through it without anyone finding out."

"You decided to make Tolerance, your home, and Dean and Jennifer have decided to not switch back. How could you ever not tell a grandmother that she has a brand new granddaughter? I can't tell which one your mom will be madder at the most."

Sam then left me alone. For the rest of the days the only words passed between us were those required between a doctor and a nurse.

At home Helen, Dean and Jennifer were already at the supper table when I walked through the door. As I passed the telegram to Helen, I didn't say a word.

"Any way we can get out this?" asked Helen.

"No, when a selection is made there is no way of getting out of it," I replied. "I think there are two reasons for our selection. We didn't go last year and they get to find out why we decided to move out here permanently."

Dean thought of something but I knew it would be just more problems. "Why don't we just play act like we were each other."

"What happens if I get an emergency call?" I asked. "We will be in more trouble for not telling mom the truth."

"That is the answer," announced Helen. "Since your mom is coming out here early. Tell her the truth and ask her advice on how to handle the rest of the family."



You don't know how long I have waited for this day. When I was inform of the punishment for Wally and Tommy, I was on cloud nine and I am still there.

I did express an interest to Dr. Knox about seeing what it was like to be a boy. But, I knew it was just passing fancy. I knew down deep I was always meant to be a girl.

Six years ago, I made a promise and now I have a way of keeping that promise. All of my girlfriends know what is happening today. Tommy and Wally are the only ones who would wish to know what my friends have planned for them.

Annie and I have talked it over about who would switch with whom. Tommy and I and Annie would switch with Wally. Here are the reasons why. Tommy is an offensive lineman, so he is big, this way he will learn what it is like to be very thin. Wally, who has never had a weight problem in his life, makes him just perfect to switch with Annie. This way they will learn about two problems in one fell swoop.

Wally was left at the main cabin as Tommy was brought to the lab. From the look on his face he knew that it was Annie and myself who had volunteered. All I can say about Tommy was he never flinch as he enters the tub.

As I watched my old body climb out the tub an hour later, I felt and immense pride in myself. I then heard Dr. Knox say. "Kendra go get Wally." I was stopped before I got to the door. "I said Kendra not Tommy."



It was a very long wait. I just didn't have the patience just to sit down and wait. Finally Kendra walked into the room.

"Hi Kendra," I said

"I am not Kendra, I am Tommy," said Kendra.

"You don't mean?" I asked in a worried voice.

"Yes, Annie is in the lab waiting for you," Kendra told me.

My dad then walked into the room. "Dr. Knox thought you might need a little help."

The only thing that stopped me from running away was the thought of being sent to jail and becoming someone's girlfriend. Gathering up my courage I said, "Lets get this over with."

All I can say is that we weren't two happy boys, or I should say girls, flying home that evening.


End of part 17




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