Crystal's StorySite


Combined Forces


Julie O


Chapter Thirty-Eight

The battered, mud-splattered RV parked near the barn on the MacAllister farm didn't draw any undue attention. Rob MacAllister told his neighbors that the RV belonged to his cousins from Ohio.

Actually, the RV was the command center for the agency. When approached about using his land for a secret training mission, Rob had been a bit skeptical. The $2,000.00 a day "rent" they paid, convinced him that it might not be such a bad thing to do. He was surprised by the amount of paperwork he had to sign, just for a training mission. The government man who contacted him had emphasized that, if he violated the agreement, he would face prosecution. He suspected it had something to do with the people over at the old Lee place. He had complained to the police about them and their helicopter. The people over at that farm now were very unfriendly and threatened anyone who even came close to their property. Their damn helicopter spooked his cows constantly. Anyway, it was his patriotic duty to help the government, especially at a two grand a day!

Inside the RV, there was a beehive of activity. Tom was conducting a brief on the first surveillance mission.

"The perimeter of the property has a motion detection system installed, but it has been deactivated by them. We saw a lot of whitetail deer in the area, and I imagine they got tired of the constant false alarms," stated Tom. "They have men walk the property several times a day, although they are rather slack in their duties. Two of them this morning just drove a pickup truck along the fence line. I guess they didn't want to get wet."

It was raining hard outside, and the weather-guessers predicted rain all week.

"How close did they pass to your position?" asked Steve.

"Twenty yards. No big deal," replied Madison

"We then approached the main buildings. They all have alarm systems, but they seem to be more interested in keeping people in than out. The main farmhouse appears to serve as the home to the Simons. We identified Thomas Simon as he walked out this morning. He was with another man. We got photos and they have been sent to the ID center. I'm sure I've seen the second man before," stated Tom.

"They just identified the second man. His name is Marcus Castillo, mercenary. He quit college and joined the French Foreign Legion when he was seventeen, and he quickly rose in the ranks. Marcus was discharged and joined a paramilitary group in Bosnia. Within two months, he was the second in command. Then he went freelance and was believed to have participated in several conflicts in Africa and Asia. Most recently, he was part of a company that 'retrieved' kidnap victims in South America. He quit that three years ago, and hasn't been heard from since," read Maggie from the printout she was holding.

"That's where I met him! He was involved in the release of several mineworkers in Columbia. I met him at the US embassy; he's competent, very business-like, and is very dangerous," stated Tom.

"Do you think he was in charge of the kidnappings?" asked Ally.

"I'd bet my next paycheck on it," stated Tom.

"Better wait until you pay me for those horrible wagers you made on the basketball games," quipped Madison.

That broke a little of the tension in the RV.

"The converted barn appears to be where they keep the victims. Beth's signal is coming from inside there. We did a thermal scan and detected twelve people inside, in addition to the guards who kept coming and going," stated Tom.

"Did you see Margo Simon?" asked Maggie.

"Just at the window of the farmhouse. We saw her on the second floor several times. Here at this window," stated Tom, pointing to a computer generated model of the facility.

In addition to their own surveillance, they had the latest floor plans of the house. The present owners had moved in three years ago. The main house had two levels, with a full sized basement. Upon entering the house, there was a large staircase that went upstairs. The room suspected of being the control room was on the left-hand side of the floor, overlooking the barn. The stairs to the basement were in the kitchen, in the back on the house.

"Any indication of a tunnel connecting the two buildings?" asked Maggie.

"No, but we can check, via a thermal scan, tonight. We'll have a Cessna make a flyover tonight. If there's a tunnel, we'll detect it," stated Madison.

Maggie nodded.

"The guardhouse is located here," stated Tom, pointing to a small building to the left of the barn. "There is a large open hanger that serves as a storage area for the vehicles and the helicopter."

"They have twelve guards that we've identified. They seem to work in four man shifts. They're armed with standard nine-millimeter handguns and shotguns. I imagine they have some more impressive hardware in the guardhouse," stated Madison.

"They're lazy and bored. I imagine that they are there to scare away the locals and to keep the kids in line. They shouldn't be any problem. Marcus, on the other hand, could cause some problems," described Tom.

"When will you be ready to launch a strike?" asked Steve.

"We could hit them tomorrow morning just before dawn, although we can strike earlier if you feel the need," stated Tom.

Steve nodded. "You know that I want to get Beth out of there as soon as possible, but I'll go with your suggestion, Tom."

Tom nodded and smiled. That was the highest compliment that Steve had ever given him. "We'll hit them an hour before dawn. The next shift doesn't come on until 0800, so they'll still be asleep and the team on duty will be sleepy. I'll have the plan ready for your approval and review in a couple of hours. We won't let you down."

"Thank you, both," stated Steve.

Maggie and Ally sat down at the table and reviewed the layout.

"When do we bring in Jenna and her team?" asked Ally.

"As soon as we secure the area," replied Maggie. "They'll be in MCU #2 and will be waiting nearby."

"I don't envy her job. In many ways, we have the easy job," stated Ally.

"I know what you mean," agreed Maggie.


Chapter Thirty-Nine

Inside the complex, Margo was watching Beth with great interest. She knew that the girl must be getting very disoriented by now, due to the use of light and dark and the sedatives in her food. She thought about what Marcus had said and again dismissed it. How could this girl be dangerous?

Margo examined the outfit that she had selected for Beth. She knew it would fit her, as she had measured the girl while she was drugged. Margo ran her hands over the fine leather of the corset and held it up to her face and inhaled. She felt shivers of joy through her body as the aroma of leather filled her nostrils. There was nothing like the smell of new leather to get her aroused. The corset would look lovely on the girl's body. She loved how the corset was designed. In addition to the laces, it had straps that would allow her to lock it. Normally Margo didn't corset a slave until she broke her spirit, but she couldn't wait for that with Beth.

She then looked at the boots. They were thigh-high leather boots with spike heels. Like the corset they had been fitted with locks. She would enjoy watching the girl's frustration at not being able to take them off.

Margo placed a collar and leash next to the corset, along with a ball gag. They were both good training devices. Eventually she would behave without either, but every new pet needed training, intimidation, and humiliation, thought Margo.

The last piece she examined was a bondage item that would allow her to keep the girl's arms bound behind her back. Both arms would be fitted into a leather pouch. The pouch would then be laced tight, pulling both arms close together behind her back.

The bondage device would allow her to control the girl as she gave her a tour of her new world. She planned to lead the girl around by a leash attached to a collar around her sweet neck. The girl would find it hard enough just to maintain her balance, let alone struggle or resist.


"Having fun?" asked Thomas, as he stood in the doorway.

"Yes, I am," laughed Margo.

"I was just talking to Marco, he's very unimpressed with our security. He would like to bring in some of his men to upgrade it," stated Thomas.

"I don't think that's necessary. We've had no real problems, besides we'll be out of here soon," replied Margo.

"That's true. Maybe, we should put him on designing a security plan for the island. At least there we won't have the damn deer to deal with," suggested Thomas.

"I agree. Oh, Thomas, I'd like to use the playroom later on. I want to do a little training with my new pet," requested Margo.

The playroom was a dungeon, located in the basement of the house. It was connected to the barn by a long tunnel. They had spared no expense in making sure it was fully equipped.

"Sure, I'll make sure everything is set up. What time would you like to use it?"

"I'm thinking around 4:00 AM. That will work nicely with her present sleep cycle," stated Margo as she reviewed a clipboard.

"Do you mind if I watch from up here?" asked Thomas.

"No, not at all. In fact, I'd like you to record it all for me," stated Margo.

"That'll be a pleasure," replied Thomas.


Chapter Forty

Beth knew that she had to stay alert, but she was beginning to slip. The dramatic cycles of light and darkness were taking their toll. Also, she wasn't sure, but she was beginning to suspect that they were drugging her too.

She played mental games to keep her mind occupied. She went through the alphabet and tried to recall as many places she had been that started with each letter. She was halfway through the letter M when the lights went out again. Beth had thought she knew what darkness was, but this was the most extreme darkness she had ever experienced.

She continued with the mental exercise. Beth included places from Ben's past; after all it was her game, so she could make up the rules. Her mind wandered a bit and she wondered how Ben's life might have turned out. Would he have stayed in the Navy? Would he ever have gotten serious with anyone, or would he have used excuse after excuse to avoid a meaningful relationship? Maybe Ally and Mom were right, and she should start dating more, she thought. Yes, when this was over she would start dating!

Hopefully, this abduction and captivity would end soon, she thought. She knew that she would be rescued, but where were they? She then realized that she had lost track of time. That scared her, as she realized that they were getting to her. She rubbed her leg near the bug, as if it was a talisman that would protect her. Sleep came without warning and she drifted off into dreamless sleep.


Chapter Forty-One

"What're you working on?" Maggie asked Ally.

Ally looked up from her laptop. "A little proposal. When we recover the teens, we obviously cannot release them immediately. So we need a place to help them heal. If Bradley is any indication of what they can do, then we must assume that many of the captives have been modified," explained Ally. She picked up her can of Diet Coke and took a sip.

"And what is your proposal?" asked Maggie.

"Sir Nigel admitted that he paid a hefty sum for Bradley. I'm suggesting we confiscate their funds and use them to deprogram and heal the captives. We could buy a sizable facility that would allow them a safe place to recover and to be reintroduced to the world," explained Ally.

"I like it," stated Maggie. "We've done similar things with captured funds, but nothing so grand."

"I think that the facility could eventually become a fulltime clinic for helping kidnapped and abused teens," stated Ally. "I imagine the males transformed into girls will have the hardest time adjusting. Some may not be able, or even want to make the switch back."

"You might be right. And we haven't even gotten to the teens we will have to recover from their depraved 'masters'," stated Maggie.

"That's true. We must secure their computers, so we can find all the abductees!"

"I agree," concurred Tom. He then pointed at Ally. "That's why you'll be assigned to the team hitting the control room."

They called the room they had seen Margo in the control room. Scans had revealed that there was a large amount of electronic equipment located inside the room.

"He means my team," stated Maggie.

"I appreciate that you're including me, but I don't have a lot of experience in these sorts of the things," reminded Ally.

"Bullshit!" exclaimed Madison.

"What my eloquent partner is trying to say is that you have earned a right to be here. The team that backed you up during the MNF killer case spoke very highly of you," stated Tom.

"Yeah! Ally, you have nothing to prove to anyone. You've got balls!" exclaimed Madison.

There was a deafening silence. Everyone stared at Madison and then at Ally, wondering what her reaction would be. Madison, realizing what he said, tried to speak, "That's not what I meant…. I mean……"

Ally interrupted him. "Don't apologize, I know what you meant and I take it as a compliment." She then broke out laughing and got up and hugged Madison.

Everyone else began to laugh. It ended up being just the tension breaker the agents needed.

"Okay, now that my partner has gotten everyone's attention, we'll be holding the initial assault brief in twenty minutes."

The RV was crowded as the assault teams arrived for the brief.

"This will be a coordinated strike. All teams will be in position at 0500. Tom's team will hit the guards, striking both the on-duty guards and the guardhouse simultaneously. Jackson, you'll take out the helicopter and all their vehicles," stated Steve.

The man called Jackson nodded.

"Who's he?" whispered Ally to Tom.

"Our sniper. He has a 50 caliber sniper rifle that can cut through an engine block like a hot knife through butter," answered Tom.

"Madison, your team will secure the hostage area. Avoid direct contact with the hostages if at all possible," continued Steve.

"Maggie, your team will take the control room, and my team will take the rest of the house. Deadly force is authorized, if necessary, for all guards. However, we need to take these three alive, if at all possible," stated Steve, holding up photos of Margo, Thomas, and Marcus.

"We'll be getting our confirmation on the tunnel shortly after dark," stated Tom.

"If it does exist, we must identify it quickly," replied Steve.

"Who's going to be in the MCU?" asked Maggie.

"That would be me," stated Robert Ledyard as he squeezed through the crowd. Ally was very pleased to see him.

"Steve, who will be covering the perimeter?" asked Robert.

"That would be Kate's team. They are already in place," stated Steve. "No one will escape.

"Good choice," answered Robert.

Kate was the newest team leader on Steve's squad.

"Jenna's team should be arriving shortly and will be standing by in MCU #2. They'll be there within ten minutes of the facility being secured," stated Robert.

"Okay, we'll hold another brief at 3:00AM. Until then, make sure everything is ready to go, eat and get some rest. Team leaders, report to me when everything is ready," stated Steve.

Maggie took Ally and two other agents aside and conducted a separate brief. Their job was to secure the computer area and protect the data from being destroyed.

"Jo, take Ally and get her outfitted," stated Maggie.

Jo was a young woman with short red hair and beautiful green eyes. "Come with me, Ally, I've got everything that you'll need."

They went outside. It was gray and raining. The temperature was hovering in the forties.

"I feel sorry for Kate's team. This is crappy weather," stated Jo.

They walked across the muddy yard to the tractor barn, which had been taken over by the agency. Rob MacAllister didn't mind as the "rent" had increased appropriately.

In twenty minutes, Ally had been totally outfitted. The insulated, dark blue coveralls were designed to lower her thermal signature, and they were also fire resistant. The boots had steel toes and had special soles to reduce sound.

Ally didn't argue with having to wear a vest this time. Jo explained that the vests had a new ceramic plating to make them bulletproof up to very high caliber rounds.

"What's new about them?" asked Ally.

"They're sixty percent lighter than the old ones," explained Jo.

Jo asked Ally what kind of sidearm she was using and provided an appropriate holster and belt. There were all sorts of accessories, including a flashlight, knife, flash-bang grenade, gas mask, and a two-way headset radio.

"These gloves are great. They're really flexible and will protect you from slash wounds," stated Jo.

Ally tried everything on and was impressed with how comfortable she felt.

"Here's some extra clips for your nine millimeter," stated Jo. "The gas mask is most comfortable on your hip. Trust me!"

"Thanks," replied Ally as she placed the spare clips in the holders on the belt.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Here's your hat," she stated, as she tossed Ally a plain, dark blue ball cap.

"Thanks for everything," stated Ally

"We've got some cots set up in back. It's not too bad, you should try to get a few hours of sleep," suggested Jo. "There's a Portajohn out the door to your right.

"I will, but I have to finish something first," remarked Ally. She had brought her laptop and she finished up her proposal and sent copies to Jenna and Robert. She then found an empty cot, laid down, and grabbed a few hours of sleep.


Chapter Forty-Two

Beth slowly woke up. Her mind was foggy. They must have drugged me again, she thought. She tried to move her arms but couldn't. They were stuck behind her back. Her mind slowly cleared and she became aware of the rest of her outfit.

Her waist was very constricted and her legs were snugly covered with something. She struggled to sit up and found that she was dressed in some sort of leather outfit. Beth glanced over her shoulder and confirmed that her arms were bound behind her back. There was no way she could get out of it by herself. Then she looked down at the corset that surrounded her waist. It made her waist was much smaller and it also pushed up her exposed breasts, making them look even bigger.

She had to admit that the boots were pretty cool. They were thigh high, black leather boots. The heels looked a little extreme and she wondered if she would be able to walk in them. The locks on the boots were a little bit of overkill, she thought. She decided not to try to walk in the boots, because if she fell she would be as helpless as a turtle on its back.

Beth sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the cell. There was now a chair in front of her bed. Sitting on the chair was a black leather collar, a leash, and a gag. Beth focused on the gag as it was a red ball gag and the red was the first bright color she had seen since her abduction. She shuddered, knowing that the gag would probably soon be in her mouth.

Beth found that the corset, while restrictive, wasn't too uncomfortable. She tried to take her mind off what was happening and played another mental game. This time it was books she had read in the last year, in alphabetical order.

Suddenly, the door opened up and a very tall woman dressed all in black leather walked into the room.

"You will only talk when addressed and you will address me as Matron or face severe punishment," she stated.

Beth felt a chill run up her spine.


Chapter Forty-Three

The second brief started on time. Ally looked around and saw that everyone was dressed as she was. She had to admit to herself that this was pretty exciting.

"The flyover confirmed that there is a tunnel running between the barn and the main house," stated Steve, as he pointed to the computer display screen.

There were symbols marking the present location of all people in the facility; red for known bad guys and blue for those presumed to be hostages.

"We'll be updating the locations of the personnel, if there are any changes. The rain is keeping the on-duty team here," stated Steve, pointing to a truck, located 100 yards from the farmhouse. "They've been there for the last hour."

"What's the latest weather report?" asked Maggie.

"Rain, rain, and more rain," stated Steve.

"Good," stated Madison. "That'll muffle any noise we make."

"Will the rain affect your shooting, Jackson?" asked Robert.

Jackson cracked a thin smile and shook his head no.

Ally couldn't ever remember seeing him talk. She wondered if he could.

There were a few last questions and the teams were ordered out. "Be in position by 0500," reiterated Steve.

"Ally you want one of these?" asked Madison, holding up a submachine gun. The gun had a long silencer on the barrel.

It was tempting, but she shook her head no, "Don't think I'll need it, after you get done with them," she replied with a smile.

"We'll have a cold one after this is over," he stated.

Ally looked outside at the cold rain coming down. "I'd settle for a big cup of hot coffee."

"Nope, gotta be beer, it's a tradition!" injected Tom. "And you don't mess with tradition!"

Everyone in the RV laughed at Tom's comment as they walked outside.

She was a little relieved to see that they had waterproof parkas for them. Maggie told her team that they would conduct a weapons check and then head out. Ally noticed that Jo and the other agent, named Miguel, were carrying submachine guns. Like Ally, Maggie just had her sidearm.

Jo tossed Ally a pair of goggles. "These are our latest in night vision. Try them on."

Ally stepped outside, put on the goggles, and turned them on. It was like midday instead of 0330. The main difference was that everything was green.

Ally looked around and watched as the other agents moved off into the darkness.

"Ally, you ready?" asked Maggie.

"Yes, let's go get them," she replied. The only regret Ally had was that she couldn't call Carol. I'll call her afterwards, Ally told herself.


Chapter Forty-Four

"Do you understand, GIRL?" threatened Margo.

Beth fought back her temper. Play it calm, you've been in situations like this before, she thought. "Yes, Matron."

Margo smiled slightly, "Very good. Cooperate and your training will be much easier."

Beth studied the woman. She was tall and quite beautiful. Her black hair was pulled back into a long braided ponytail. There was something odd about her hair, thought Beth. Her hair looked too perfect.

The woman was dressed in a leather top and short skirt. She was also wearing thigh high boots. Her makeup made her look quite stern and dangerous, thought Beth.

She also looked like the woman in the drawing Dad had shown her. So this was Margo Simon.

"I am about to give you a preview of your new life. Do yourself a favor and forget your previous life. From now on, you are my property, and I will shape you to serve me," stated Margo. "Stand up."

"Yes, Matron," replied Beth, as she struggled to stand up.

Margo felt chills of excitement as she watched the girl try to stand up. Eventually the girl was standing on her heels, although she was a bit wobbly.

"I expect you to move faster in the future, slave," exclaimed Margo. She wanted to keep the girl off guard and confused.

"Yes, Matron," replied Beth.

Margo walked over and inserted the gag into Beth's mouth. She was surprised that the girl wasn't resisting more. Maybe she was actually enjoying this? That would be too good to expect, thought Margo.

Next, Margo slipped the collar around Beth's neck, locked it, and attached the leash. She then inspected the girl. Yes; she would make an excellent slave. Margo reached up and began to gently touch the girl's nipples. They began to harden to her touch.

"You like that, don't you?" asked Margo.

Beth nodded yes.

Margo then pinched both of them hard. Beth winced in pain and buckled at the knees, but stayed on her feet. Interesting, this girl has a pretty high tolerance for pain, she thought.

"That's just a taste of the pain, my sweet," whispered Margo into Beth's ear. She then slipped her tongue into Beth's ear.

Beth tried to pull back, but couldn't, as Margo held the leash close.

"Well, I see that my touching you bothers you. Soon, my sweet, you'll beg to pleasure me. You will willingly offer your body to me without any resistance."

Beth struggled to maintain her composure as Margo continued to touch her.

"You look so much nicer with your vagina smooth and hairless. The chemical I treated you with will leave you smooth down there for months. A second treatment will leave you permanently smooth down there. I like my lovers smooth and hairless all over," explained Margo, as she ran her fingers through Beth's hair.

Beth's eyes opened wide in fear.

"That's right, my sweet. I will soon be shaving and treating your scalp too. You will look like such a doll - make that a mannequin," laughed Margo. "Don't worry, you'll have a lovely selection of wigs to wear, when I permit them."

Beth began to send her parents a mental message. Please get here before this psycho bitch shaves my head!

"Let me show you one more thing, before I start your tour. Look at these lovely rings," stated Margo, as she held out some steel rings. "I will soon be inserting these into your lovely body. These will pierce your nipples, and these will pierce your labia."

Beth was genuinely frightened now.

"It will hurt initially, but you'll learn to love them," explained Margo. She stepped back and lifted up her skirt, showing her vagina. It was also smooth and hairless, like Beth's. There were several rings through Margo's labia.

"I might even pierce your nose, so I can lock you down here," Margo laughed as she pointed to her vagina.

Beth felt sick at the thought of sexually pleasuring this woman.

"Well, let me show you my playroom. You will get to know it quite well by the time your training is finished," explained Margo. "Now come with me."

Margo led the leashed Beth out of her cell and down a long hallway. There were many locked doors. This must be where the others are kept, thought Beth. They exited the cell area and passed an armed guard. Margo then led Beth down a flight of stairs and through another door. Beth struggled to maintain her balance as she walked down the stair. Margo led Beth through the door into a long tunnel. The sound of their heels clicking on the tile floor echoed down the hall. It was the only sound. Beth wondered where she was being led.

Margo opened up the door at the end of the hallway and led Beth into a large room. Beth's eyes opened wide as she absorbed everything that was in there. Directly in front of them, on the far wall, was a large four-poster bed. Beth glanced up and saw that the ceiling was mirrored.

Beth scanned the room and saw all kinds of bondage equipment. There were hooks and pulleys on the ceiling and walls. There were two racks, mounted on the walls, on either side of the bed. The floor was marble and polished to a high shine. There were several sawhorses in the center of the room, along with a large table. The wall behind them was covered with whips, canes, chains, cuffs, and sex toys too numerous to count.

"It's impressive, isn't it?" stated Margo proudly. "You'll eventually crave coming in here." She then picked up a remote control and turned on a stereo; soon the room was filled with classical music.

Beth felt herself trembling slightly from fear. Please, get here soon, she thought.

Margo walked around her and smiled a smile of pure evil and lust.


Chapter Forty-Five

They came out of the woods and slowly worked their way across the wet muddy fields. The rain was still coming down and it muffled any noise they made. They approached the farmhouse on the opposite side from the guard truck. Ally looked out and saw that there was one light on in the house. It was on the second floor, and it corresponded with the room they had seen Margo in earlier. Ally looked over and saw that one of the teams was slipping around the barn. That must be Madison's team. She looked beyond them and saw the guardhouse and figures surrounding it. She was very glad these guys were on her side. They were good!

Over the headsets, they got an update from Robert. He told them that Beth's signal now showed her to be in the main house with one of the abductors. Ally couldn't imagine what was going through Maggie's mind at this moment.

Ally glanced at her watch. They had fifteen minutes until the operation began. They would enter right after Steve's team. Ally pictured the stairs in her mind and the location of the door. She was convinced she could find it with her eyes closed.

They moved up closer and were soon in position. Ally looked over at the guard truck and it looked like two of the four were sleeping. One was standing outside smoking a cigarette. He wasn't wearing any night vision gear and might as well have been blind. He had no idea that there were armed agents less than twenty feet from him. Ally watched in fascination as the agents crept up on the guard. It reminded her of watching the Discovery Channel and seeing a lion creep up on an unsuspecting gazelle.

Ally felt a bit stiff from the cold and dampness. Her right shoulder was aching, but she wasn't about to complain. In a few minutes, they would be inside and it would be all over.

The last five minutes passed very slowly. At 0500 sharp, the teams went into action. Ally moved with her team, glancing over to see the agents neutralize the guards in the truck. Steve's team had the front door of the farmhouse open in a flash and poured in. Maggie and her team quickly followed and moved swiftly up the stairs.

Ally's headset was filled with short, calm, concise reports of the teams' actions. She heard "Target neutralized, area secured." many times. She focused on the task at hand and burst into their assigned room. There were two men inside.

Ally immediately recognized them as Thomas Simon and Marcus Castillo. They both looked as though they were caught completely off guard.

"Freeze. You're under arrest!" exclaimed Maggie. All four members of the team had weapons drawn on the two men.

Marcus smiled and, in a flash, reached for a gun in a shoulder holster. Maggie put two silenced rounds in him and he fell to the floor, his gun falling to the floor next to his lifeless body. Thomas made a lunge for the computers but was blocked by Jo and Miguel. They knocked him to the ground, but he refused to give up. He struggled to get away and was about to reach Marcus' gun when Ally stepped on his hand and aimed her gun at his head.

"Move and you're dead!" she exclaimed.

Thomas stared at her and surrendered. He kept his eyes on Ally as Jo and Miguel cuffed and searched him.

Ally looked at the monitors and saw what had the men so distracted. Beth was in some bizarre S&M dungeon with a woman dressed all in black leather. "Maggie! Look at this!"

Maggie stared at the monitors and her eyes opened up wide. "That must be the basement. I'm going down there. Ally, secure this room and these computers!"

Before Ally could say yes, Maggie was gone.


"Marcus is dead," announced Jo, crouching down by his body.

"I'll report it," stated Ally. She was pleased to hear that all the guards were either captured or dead. Madison's teams had secured the hostages and were waiting for Jenna's team to arrive.

"Steve, Maggie is heading to the basement. Margo has Beth down there," reported Ally over the headset. "Marcus is dead, Thomas is alive and secured."

"Roger," replied Steve.


Ally looked at the monitors and saw that they had several cameras in the room Ally also noticed they were recording the events. Next to their chairs were an open bottle of wine and some cheese and crackers. It was as if they were watching a show. She glared over at Thomas. "We've got you, you sick bastard."

He stared back at her with pure hatred. Ally just smiled back at him, which only made him angrier.

"Ally, this is Maggie. I'm just outside the basement. Is there anyone else in there besides Margo and Beth?"

"No, the room is clear. Madison's team has the tunnel side secure."

"Okay, I'm going in."

"Steve will be there soon," informed Ally. She knew telling Maggie to wait was pointless.


Chapter Forty-Six

Margo had run a rope, through a pulley, down from the ceiling, and had attached it to the leather sleeve securing Beth's hands. Beth was standing on her toes, fighting to maintain her balance. This position kept the girl in place as Margo played with her.

Margo then pulled out a sawhorse with a strange saddle on it. There were both a butt plug and a dildo mounted on it. Beth's eyes opened up wide as she realized what it was for.

"The nice thing about this is that both the dildo and the butt plug vibrate and can be controlled by this wireless remote," Margo explained to Beth. "I know it looks scary, but you'll crave it someday– after I take your virginity."

Ally watched as Margo mounted the device and slowly slipped down onto the sexual toys. Beth was both disgusted and amazed by the device. Margo balanced on the saddle and turned on the sex toys. Beth noticed how Margo was soon in a state of sexual bliss.

"Hmmm, this feels so good," moaned Margo, as she adjusted the vibration of the plugs.

Beth just stared at her and tried not give away the fact that she could see her mom, dressed in agency field gear, standing in the doorway behind Margo.

Maggie had her weapon drawn and slowly inched her way silently across the floor.


Beth felt as if she was watching some sort of bizarre movie. Margo was pleasing herself, oblivious to the fact that an armed agent was creeping up behind her.

Maggie was only a few feet away when Margo finally sensed that something was wrong. Margo turned around and saw Maggie.

"Who the fuck are you?" screamed Margo as she struggled to get off the device.

"I'm her mother, you twisted bitch," replied Maggie.

Later, Maggie wrote in her after-action report that she just reacted and that her actions were not premeditated.

Margo was trying to get off the sawhorse when Maggie kicked it, causing it to fall to the side. Margo fell to the ground and struck her head on the marble floor, rendering her unconscious. The devices were still in her and the impact caused them to shift to high speed. What shocked both Beth and Maggie the most was that, upon impact, a black wig came off Margo's head, revealing that her head was completely bald.

Maggie quickly checked that Margo was still alive, then she cuffed her and turned off the devices. Then she shifted her attention to Beth.

Within a few seconds she cut Beth loose and removed the gag. Beth was crying tears of joy as her mom released her.

"Is she okay?" asked Steve, anxiously as he entered the room.

"I'm okay, Dad!" cried Beth.

"I've secured the room. Don't worry, no one else will see you like this," stated a much relieved Steve.

"Steve, Maggie, this is Ally. I found some clothes up here that should fit Beth. Jo will run them downstairs to you," stated Ally over the two-way radio.

"Thanks," replied Steve.

Beth's arms were now free and she was trying to remove the corset. "Damn, she locked it!"

"I have the key," quipped Maggie, who pulled out her knife and cut the leather straps and laces off.

"Oh! That feels so much better!" exclaimed Beth, as she flexed her arms, stretched and breathed deeply.


"Here, let me do the same to the boots," stated Maggie.

"Too bad, I kinda like them," remarked Beth.

"There is no way I'm going to let you wear something like that, young lady," quipped Steve.

Once free from all the bondage gear, Beth hugged her parents. She didn't care about being naked.

Jo dropped off the clothes, a mismatched collection of sweats, but it was better than nothing.

As Beth dressed, Steve examined Margo. "She's alive. We'll take her out of here shortly."

"Did we find all the captives?" asked Maggie.

"Yes, Jenna's team is getting ready to make contact. Fortunately, Margo had charts for each captive by their cell doors. So we can tell who's who and which kids have been here the longest."

"She insisted that I call her 'Matron'," stated Beth.

"That might help, I'll pass that on to Jenna," stated Steve.

Once Beth was dressed, Margo was placed on a gurney. The agency medical people had to first inject her with a muscle-relaxant to get the sex toys out of her body. They quipped that they had another strange story to add to their collection.

"I have some of your own clothes for you back at the MCU, Beth," stated Maggie. She was sitting next to Beth on the bed, her arm around her.

"I'm okay. How long have I been here?" asked Beth.

"How long do you think you've been here?" asked Steve.

"A week, maybe longer," replied Beth.

"Less than two days," replied Steve.

Beth looked to Maggie for confirmation, who nodded in agreement.

"Damn!" exclaimed Beth. She watched as they wheeled Margo out of the dungeon.

Now that she was in the arms of her loved ones, Beth could relax and the stress was released in a long, satisfying cry as Maggie held her.


Chapter Forty-Seven

Up in the control room, Ally watched the rescue of Beth and then turned her attention to the computer on the desk. From what she had heard about Margo, she knew that the woman was extremely self-confident, bordering on arrogance. So Ally wasn't that surprised to see that the computer lacked a password and that the files weren't encrypted.

As she looked at the files, she was stunned by the information that she was accessing. The Simons had money in three banks, two in Switzerland and one in the Bahamas. Their account numbers and passwords were all in the files in Margo's computer. A quick look showed that they had over 40 million in the three accounts!

Ally then found something more valuable than money, the identities, owners, and locations of all the teens they had sold into captivity. Ally was stunned as she reviewed the names. Many were in the US, and several of the owner's names were well known men. Others were located in Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and the Middle East.

She turned around and glared at Thomas as he was led out. "There's a special place in hell for scum like you."

"We have friends in high places, and we'll be out before you know it," replied Thomas with a laugh.

"Your friends are going to have enough troubles of their own without worrying about you," replied Ally.

Cathleen and her team arrived in the control room.

"You mean that they had all this out in open files? What am I doing here?" laughed Cathleen.

"You got a nice drive in the country, what else do you want?" quipped Steve as he joined them in the room.

"My god! Did you see these names?" asked Cathleen.

Ally nodded and felt a bit ill thinking about it. She walked out of the room and downstairs.

Steve followed and put his hand on her shoulder. "We'll do our best to get them all back."

"I know that. What sickens me is that these bastards just filled a need. The real monsters are the ones buying these kids."

"I just talked with Jenna. You'd better not go into the barn. Some of those kids are really damaged," stated Steve. "There's also an adult who was one of our missing Primus representatives. He was worked over pretty thoroughly by the Simons, both mentally and physically."

"What will happen to the Simons?" asked Ally.

"We'll try to hold them incommunicado until we can recover all the abducted teens, although that will require a judge's order. Then they'll be charged with a litany of offenses, just beginning with kidnapping. There's almost no chance of them being granted bail. Unless they plead guilty, the trials will become a media circus. I imagine they'll spend the rest of their lives behind bars," stated Steve


"That's not good enough," grumbled Ally.

"I know. I wish we could just take them out back and shoot them. But we can't."

"How's Beth?" asked Ally.

"Tired and a bit shaken, but okay. She's downstairs with Maggie," answered Steve, pointing towards the stairs.

"Do you think they'd mind if I stopped by to say hi?" asked Ally.

"Ally, you're her big sister, she'd love to see you," smiled Steve.

"She told you that?" asked Ally.

Steve nodded. "Don't worry, you don't have to call me Dad!"

Ally laughed and walked down the stairs to the dungeon.

Maggie and Beth were still sitting on the bed. Beth saw Ally and smiled and began to get up.

"Stay there," stated Ally who walked over and hugged Beth.

"It's so good to see you again," cried Beth as she held Ally tight.

Ally didn't say a word and let Beth hold her for a long time.

"You haven't forgotten about our day out on the town, have you?" asked Beth.

"Nope, I'm looking forward to it," replied Ally. "I think you'd better get out of here and unwind."

"Sounds good," replied Beth. "I'm so tired."

"The doctors will need to see you first, and then we'll leave," stated Maggie.

"Okay. See you later, Ally," stated Beth.

Ally smiled and nodded. She walked over to the tunnel entrance and walked down the long tunnel to the cells. She saw Jenna talking to her staff and waved.

"I heard you were here. How're you doing?" asked Jenna.

"Mixed. I think I'm over my earlier doubts. I'm sickened by what I've seen here," replied Ally.

"I know what you mean. Some of these kids will need a lot of therapy and even then I doubt they'll all return to normal. Especially the boys. Some are so feminized that I doubt they could return to life as a male," replied Jenna.

"Did you get a chance to read my e-mail?" asked Ally.

"Yes, and it has already been approved. Robert Ledyard passed it up the Director, who approved the plan. We'll use an off-season resort up in the Pocono Mountains for now, but it will be wonderful to have our own facility," explained Jenna. "Thank you."

"I didn't do anything. I just wrote it up," stated Ally. "Oh, we have the locations for the other teens."

"They will be very difficult to help," stated Jenna.

"You don't sound optimistic," observed Ally.

"I'm not. They might not get the happy ending they deserve," remarked Jenna.

Ally nodded. "I'll see you later." They hugged and Ally walked outside. It was now light out. It was still raining.

Ally walked over to MCU #1, now parked in front of the barn.


"Ally, good to see you. The Director just called and wanted to me pass on that he's very pleased," stated Robert.

Ally sat down and, for the first time since the operation started, she felt real fatigue. She rubbed her right shoulder. "Does he know about the teens and their owners?"

"Yes. Steve briefed him and we're already making plans to recover them. Rich's team will start on organizing that task this morning," replied Robert, as he handed Ally a steaming mug of coffee. "It may be necessary to do a number of the recoveries simultaneously, given the likelihood of publicity on some of the arrests."

"That's good. What about the overseas cases?" asked Ally. She took a sip of the coffee and then looked up in surprise at Robert.

"Rich figured that there was a slight chance you might have been bitten by a snake," smiled Robert.

"Thanks," smiled Ally, who took another sip.

"A bit more touchy. Europe shouldn't be a problem, but the Middle East and Japan may be difficult. Don't worry, we'll eventually get them all," stated Robert.

"By the way, thanks for forwarding up my idea. Jenna told me that the Director already approved the use of the funds," stated Ally.

"It was a very worthwhile proposal. When you're done debriefing here, you're ordered to take the rest of the week off," ordered Robert.

"Yes, sir! As soon as I make sure that Donna has everything under control. I want to make sure that Donna gets credit for this case. She's the one who initially made the connection between the missing teens" replied Ally.

"Don't worry, Ally. I know what Donna did and her name will be prominently mentioned in the final report to the Director."

She nodded and set down the half-finished mug of coffee and got up. "Thanks for the snake bite medicine."

Ally walked outside and was spotted by Tom and Madison.

"Hey, I heard that you did pretty well in there!" exclaimed Madison.

Ally nodded.

"You're welcome on our teams any day," stated Tom. "Debrief is this way. Afterwards, we'll have a beer together by MCU#3."

The debriefing lasted two hours and Ally would have been content to just slip quietly away, but Steve walked over to her.

"You have to attend the post-mission party. It's a tradition."

Ally yawned but nodded.

"Just so you know, you impressed the hell out my teams tonight. They're not being polite by inviting you here, they see you as one of them now," explained Steve.

Ally blushed. "I'm honored."

The rain let up as they walked over to MCU#3. A trashcan was set up with ice and beer. Steve explained that this was a necessary event to allow the agents to "come down" after the mission.

"Here she is!" exclaimed Miguel. He tossed her a beer. "MOVE ANDYOU'RE DEAD!"

"It worked, didn't it?" laughed Ally. She was pleased with the genuine acceptance by these elite agents. She opened the beer and took a sip. It did taste good going down.

"Too bad he didn't move," uttered Madison.

They all nodded, as they all understood the severity of the Simons' crimes.

After a few beers, Ally was ready for bed.

"We have rooms rented at a local motel. Maggie and Beth are already there. You can ride back down to DC with us later," offered Steve.

Ally didn't argue.


Chapter Forty-Eight

The motel room was nothing special but that suited Ally just fine. She had changed back in the MCU and was wearing jeans and a sweater when she checked in. The first thing she had done was to pick up the phone and call Carol. Granted Carol was at work, but even getting her voice mail would be wonderful. Luckily, she caught Carol in her office.

"Hi," greeted Ally, who was suddenly at a loss for words.

"Hi there! I can't tell you how good it is to hear your voice!" exclaimed Carol.

"I feel the same way. I'll call when we leave. I'll be riding home with Steve, Maggie, and Beth. Beth is okay, but I can't the say the same for the others," explained an exhausted Ally.

"I understand. Look, get some sleep and you can tell me about it when you get home. I miss you and love you," stated Carol.

"I needed to hear that. I love you too!"

"Sweet dreams, dear," replied Carol.

Ally hung up the phone and decided to take a long hot bath before going to bed. As she soaked in the tub, she thought about the case. It wasn't over, but at least the Simons had been stopped. Ally also thought of the monumental task for Jenna and her team. Sometimes, it was better to be ignorant and to not know about the real evil in the world, thought Ally. Then she thought about the satisfaction she had felt seeing Thomas Simon on the ground. Like it or not, she was on the frontline and there was no way she could walk away.

Ally got out of the bath, dried off, and climbed into the bed. She was asleep within seconds.

Early in the evening, Ally woke up and got dressed. She felt refreshed and very hungry and was about to call out for a pizza when Maggie called.

"We saw your lights on and wondered if you wanted to go home tonight or stay here?" asked Maggie

"I vote home," Ally replied quickly.

"That's what we thought. Meet you in the lobby in ten minutes," stated Maggie.

Ally was there in five minutes and eager to hit the road. She was pleased to see Beth and they hugged again.

"I just have one request, that we stop for something to eat along the way," remarked Ally.

"That sounds good," stated Steve.

They picked a truck stop diner on the way home. Ally ordered breakfast, as she always did when eating in a truck stop. The scrambled eggs and bacon really hit the spot.

Back on the road, Ally and Steve talked a little about the case while Maggie and Beth slept in the back of the car.

"How long do you think we can keep the story out of the press?" asked Ally.

"I hope that we can recover the teens first. I don't want to think about what might happen to them if their 'owners' know that they're about to be exposed and arrested," stated Steve. "Rich's teams are already moving out to recover the teens here in the United States."

"I'm available if he needs help," stated Ally.

"I was hoping you'd say that. I'm leaving for New York City to recover a teen tomorrow. You want in?" asked Steve, knowing the answer.

"What time are you leaving?" asked Ally, feeling immediately refreshed.

"We'll be flying up tomorrow afternoon. I can pick you up in the office," smiled Steve. "I thought that Robert told you to take the rest of the week off?"

"I don't think he'll mind," stated Ally.

"I know he won't," replied Steve. "Now, tell me about The Protector."

Two hours later, Ally was dropped off at her home. She could ride in with Carol in the morning. She hugged Beth, Maggie, and Steve.

"Call me anytime, Beth," offered Ally.

"Same here, big sister!" replied Beth with a smile.

Ally walked into the house and was greeted by Carol. They hugged and kissed for several minutes before either said a word.

They walked into the kitchen and Carol put the kettle back on the stove. Once they had their mugs of tea, Carol let Ally release and tell what had happened. It was far worse that Carol had thought, and she felt nauseous over the idea of the rich and powerful doing things like that.

"How do you feel about this?" asked Carol.

"This transition is hard enough to go through when it feels right. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a forced gender change. It's different making the change to the gender you feel you were born in. These kids have been mind-raped and that will be hard to overcome. From what Jenna said, some of those kids have been dramatically changed physically and it will make going back very difficult, if not impossible. She said the changes are pretty extreme," explained Ally, fighting off a yawn. "Did that make sense?"

Carol smiled. "Yes, it did. Let's go to bed."

Ally smiled and nodded.

Carol took Ally's hand and led her to bed.

To be continued




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