Crystal's StorySite


The Contest Beginnings

by Sarah Bayen


Part Six

Practice Makes Perfect


I was standing in the middle of Anita's living room, dressed in a short black skirt and light blue sweater. My face was heavily made up, and I had on a long dark wig, tied back behind my ears in bunches. Nikki was just sorting out some jewellery for me to wear. I could hardly believe that it was happening to me. On top of all that I had somehow been persuaded to wear what seemed like a thousand bits of girl's underwear to improve my appearance, and make me feel more like a girl. As I reflected on all this, I shuddered.

I had some impulse to run away, but I daren't move because I wasn't yet used to the knee length boots I had been made to wear. Nikki was coming towards me with a small plastic bag full of jewellery that she obviously intended me to wear as well.

"I tell you what," suggested Anita, "why don't we sort that out in the kitchen. I'll make us all a cup of coffee while we're doing it."

"Good idea," agreed Nikki, and they walked out into the hall, and off to the kitchen. I remained rooted to the spot, not wanting to test my ability to walk in the boots. Obviously they quickly noticed my absence.

"Come on Steve, what's the matter?" asked Nikki, coming back to the living room door.

"Nothing," I mumbled in reply, and taking a sigh to gear myself to begin, I felt my bra hold back the expansion of my chest. Very carefully, I began to walk forward. It was a little easier than I had feared, and I managed to make it to the door without falling over, which I viewed as a success.

"You don't look very natural walking like that," Nikki observed, with something of a sneer. "We're going to have to improve on that before the contest, that's for sure."

"Improve on what?" asked Anita from the kitchen.

"The way he walks. He's walking like a duck," Nikki commented unkindly, while laughing.

"It's not my fault, it's these high heels you've put me in." I snapped.

"They're not that high!" Nikki responded. "Only about an inch or two. You should try walking in six inch heels."

"Yeah," agreed Anita. "Then you'd know what high means."

I rather petulantly walked down the hallway into the kitchen, moving perhaps a little easier than I had before. The kitchen was bright and clean, if a little narrow, and the light shone through a window at the back by the sink.

"Take a seat," said Anita, gesturing carelessly towards the high stools along one wall where there was a breakfast bar. I looked at the tall tubular shape and considered how I might be able to mount it without another knickers show. It seemed an impossible task. "Do you take sugar?" she asked, taking three cups from a cupboard.

"No," I replied.

"Me neither," added Nikki.

Anita waited until the steel kettle had boiled, and then poured water into three mugs. The pleasant smell of fresh coffee filled the room. She slid the cups gently along the kitchen side for Nikki and me.

"Well, shall we get on?" she suggested.

"Yes," agreed Nikki, "sit yourself onto one of the stools Steve, and we'll see what we've got."

I stared at the stool. In my tight little skirt and boots it might as well have been a mountain for all that I thought I could climb it. To add to my dismay, Anita, in her jeans and trainers, mounted one of the others with ease. I moved over to what was obviously going to be 'my' stool, the one in the middle, and sort of reversed at it. I placed one foot on the bar at the bottom, and very gently lifted myself into place.

"Very good," said Nikki encouragingly. "You're beginning to get the hang of sitting down in a skirt at least. I didn't see anything that time."
"Well done Steve!" said Anita, encouragingly. She passed me my coffee, which I moved into position, but felt too nervous to pick up just yet.

Nikki sat herself on the third stool, and began looking into the plastic bag of jewellery. "What we'll need first," she began," is these!" She produced a small card from the bag. "A nice pair of earrings!"

"Oh yes!" exclaimed Anita enthusiastically.

"Oh God not earrings!" I groaned.

"Why shouldn't you have earrings?" asked Anita.

I shook my head. "I'll look silly in them."

"No you won't, you'll look sweet!" responded Anita immediately.

"Yeah," agreed Nikki. "I've even sorted out some screw on ones for you, so you don't have to have your ears pierced." She sounded genuinely offended.

"Let's have a look," said Anita leaning across the front of me. Nikki handed her the card. "Oh they're lovely! They'll really suit you Steve."

I looked at them. They were small enough, but on the gold coloured metal were embossed two pink love hearts, not dissimilar to the one on the front of the knickers I was wearing.

"You can have a fancier pair for the final," added Nikki, perhaps assuming my lack of enthusiasm was due to me thinking these were too plain. "But I think these will be good with the school uniform. You've got special dispensation to wear jewellery, but it has to be modest, whatever that means."

"I'm not sure I know," said Anita. "It's not as if you can be immodest with a pair of earrings is it?" She giggled at the thought.

"No," agreed Nikki, "but I think it's best to keep them simple."

"Oh I agree!" said Anita. "Come on then, let's see them on him."

"Okay," said Nikki. "Turn this way a bit Steve."

I had almost unthinkingly been facing the object of all my desires, Anita, so, reluctantly, I swung myself around in the seat to face Nikki. She reached up to my ear, and put the earring around the lobe, and began screwing some sort of attachment at the back.

Suddenly I felt a stab of pain in my earlobe, "Ouch!" I cried.

"Oh come on Steve, it doesn't hurt that much," said Nikki, unsympathetically.

"How do you know? It's my ear!" I responded.

"I've wore this sort before I had my ears pierced. It doesn't hurt that much, so don't be a baby."

"They have to be quite tight anyway Steve," explained Anita. "Otherwise they might fall off, and you'd loose them."

"Quite right," agreed Nikki, turning the screw a couple of more times. My earlobe really ached from the pain.

"Let's do the other one now," she said. Reluctantly, I turned my head a little so she could get to the right ear. She carefully repeated the process, and, although I grimaced when it clasped my earlobe tight, at least I managed not to cry out this time.

"There," she said when she'd finished. "Very nice. Turn around and show Anita."

I shuffled around on my seat again, and faced Anita.

"Oh Steve they look gorgeous," she enthused, staring at my ears from close range. "You've got nice delicate ears, and they show them off well."

My earlobes were still throbbing. "They're not very comfortable," I grumbled.

"Well there's not much we can do about that," Anita told me. "Unless you want to get your ears pierced."

"Well it's an idea," said Nikki from behind me.

"No," I said firmly.
"Lots of boys do these days," went on Anita, warming to the idea.

"Well I don't want to," I mumbled.

"Well then you'll have to put up with these then," said Nikki, with a note of triumph.

I pursed my lips a little, "All right," I mumbled.

"Well good," said Anita, still beaming, and staring right into my face. "They do look sweet on you. I just hope we can find a fancy pair for the formal round as well."

"I think we can," said Nikki, with what sounded to me like menace. "Right, turn around again Steve, let's try some rings on you as well."

"Oh yes," Anita chimed in enthusiastically.

I shuffled around in the chair again to face Nikki, who coughed. "I'd straighten your skirt out a bit Steve. You're showing your petticoat too much."

I looked down, and saw to my horror that she was right. The lace hem of the petticoat was hanging out well beyond the black hem of the skirt. I lifted my bottom, and pulled the skirt down as quickly as I could.

"Very good," said Nikki, smiling. "Done just like a lady!" She and Anita both giggled at this. "Right, let's see what we've got." She began scrambling in the bag. "This might look all right," she said, and produced a small ring, with a pattern that matched the earrings I was wearing.

"Oh that's nice!" said Anita, leaning over to see. "Gosh Steve, you're having quite a theme with the love hearts aren't you?"

Nikki took my left hand, and slipped the ring onto my index finger. I grimaced as I looked down at it. "It feels a bit loose," she declared, and lifted my hand off the surface to test. "Yes, that won't do, it won't stay on."

"Try it on his middle finger then," suggested Anita.

"Well all right, but I always wear it on that one," said Nikki. "I can't imagine his hands are that much smaller than mine."

"Let's have a look," Anita said, leaning right across the front of me to get to my hand, which she took in hers.

"Oh they are Nikki," she declared. "Look, they're really dainty!"

Nikki peered at my hand as well. "I suppose they are," she agreed. "I hadn't really noticed before."

"No, me neither," went on Anita. "But they are, look!"

"Yes," said Nikki. "They're tiny!"

Both of them began to giggle. "Well Steve," said Anita, "apart from all your other feminine attributes, it turns out you've got girl's hands as well!" Nikki and Anita burst out laughing.

"They're not that small," I complained.

"Oh they are Steve!" asserted Anita. "Look," she held her hand over mine, and to my dismay she was right. Hers was decidedly larger. "But don't worry," she said, solicitously, "It's good."

"Yeah," agreed Nikki. "Quite often when you dress boys in drag their hands give them away."

"That's right," went on Anita. "You certainly won't have that problem."

"And just imagine how sweet they'll look in nail varnish for the formal round!" declared Nikki.

"Nail varnish?" I groaned.

"Yes of course!" said Nikki. "You'll have to have nail varnish for the final, silly. No girl would go to a formal event without it."

"No," agreed Anita, to add weight to the argument. They both looked extremely pleased with the paltry size of my hands, and didn't notice that I was blushing furiously about it.

"Well let's see if we can get the ring on your middle finger anyway," said Nikki, after a pause. She took my hand again, and placed the ring on my middle finger this time.

"Oh that's much better!" exclaimed Anita.

I looked at my hand, now adorned with a girl's ring, and another pink love heart. Even I had to admit that it looked like a girl's hand.

"It looks good," agreed Nikki. "I quite like it on me, but I have to admit that on his delicate little fingers, it looks even better."

"Well it's not a competition," said Anita, by way of solace to her friend.

"No," responded Nikki, thoughtfully. "Just as well really. I'm not sure I could compete with Steve on looking beautiful."

"Me neither!" exclaimed Anita, enthusiastically, and smiling widely. "Have you got any other rings for him?"

"Well to be honest it's a bit of a problem," replied Nikki, looking through the bag. "I didn't realise he'd be so tiny. Hang on, this one might do." She pulled out a bright pink plastic ring, decorated with sparkly bits. "I wear this on my little finger sometimes, but I doubt if it would fit him there."

"Maybe not, but he could try it on his ring finger."

"I suppose so," Nikki acknowledged. She took hold of my right hand, and slipped it onto the targeted finger.

"Oh that looks lovely!" declared Anita immediately. "Nice and simple, but still pretty."

"Yes," agreed Nikki. "Well that'll have to do. I haven't got anything else that would fit him."

"Well never mind," said Anita. "He looks good with those, and we are supposed to be modest with the jewellery aren't we?"

"Yes," acknowledged Nikki. "Well, let's try a couple of bangles on him as well." She took a sip of her coffee, before looking into the bag again, and producing three or four metallic bangles. Lifting my arm, she slid them over the wrist.

"Oh God he's got such tiny little wrists as well!" she complained. "I'm not sure they'll stay on."

"Let's have a look," said Anita, taking my arm to have a better look. "Oh yes you're right. What delicate little wrists you've got as well Steve! Gosh, you've not just got girl's hands, you've got girl's arms as well!"

"He's pretty much got girl's everything," added Nikki. I turned and glared at her. "Well you have," she went on. "A girl's face, and girl's legs. Girl's shoulders, and goodness knows what else." I continued to glare as menacingly as I could. "The only place you're a boy is down there, and you can't see that at the moment. Anyway even if you could, it's all smothered in girly clothes."

"Well it's not my fault!" I exclaimed.

"Fault?" she went on. "Who said anything about fault? It's really good."

"Good?" I stammered.

"Yeah," she went on. "We set out to make you look like a girl, and we've done it. I think we should all be pleased with ourselves."

"I agree," chimed in Anita. "And I think you're very brave letting us do it too!" She beamed her gratitude at me, and some of my anger at Nikki's previous outburst subsided. She picked up her mug, and took a sip of coffee, without taking her eyes from me.

"Well I think we're more or less done with the school uniform round," she continued. "We need to think about the final now."

"Yes," concurred Nikki. "That and how to get his deportment and bearing a bit better."

"Yes," said Anita, still beaming. "You look so natural in a skirt, but I can't say you sit or walk as if you're at home in one. In fact looking so good probably makes it worse"

"Yes," agreed Nikki. "You act as if it's your first time in a skirt."

"Well it is!" I pointed out. "I told you I'd never worn one before. You've had a lifetime of practice in one, I haven't. Even if I wore one between now and the day of the contest I wouldn't be as good as you at it."

They both looked at me deep in thought, and there was an eerie silence for a moment. "Well that's an idea," said Nikki, eventually.

"Yes," agreed Anita.

"What?" I asked, baffled.

"What you just suggested," she went on. "It's a good idea."

"Yeah," agreed Nikki, enthusiastically. "It's a fantastic idea. I didn't want to suggest it myself, because you didn't seem all that keen."

"No. And going to school might be a bit of a problem I suppose," continued Anita.

"Well we can work around that," Nikki said.

I was deeply confused. What were they talking about? I couldn't remember having any particular ideas. "What are you on about?" I asked, as soon as I could get a word in edgeways.

Anita looked at me quizzically. "We're talking about what you suggested," she said baldly. "You know, that you should wear a skirt between now and the contest."

"Yeah," agreed Nikki.

"I didn't suggest that!" I stammered, horrified that they seemed to be taking this ridiculous notion so seriously.

"You did!" exclaimed Anita. "Didn't he Nikki?"

"Yes," she said forcefully. "I heard him."

They both stared at me, defiantly daring me to prove I hadn't made such a suggestion. "Well that's certainly not what I meant!" I said. This did nothing to change their expressions.

"But it's such a good idea Steve!" Anita said, speaking quietly. "We all knew you needed some practice, and to get as much as you can in is a brilliant idea. You'll be so natural as a girl that you'll stroll the contest; won't he Nikki?"

"Yes," she agreed. "You already look much more like a girl than anybody else in the contest is likely to."

"More than most of the real girls in the audience!" added Anita, nodding in agreement.

"The only thing that could possibly let you down is not acting the part." Nikki stated. "That's where your idea comes in."

"So what did you have in mind Steve?" asked Anita. "Are you going to take this stuff home and wear it there? I thought you were worried about your Mum and Dad." I stared back at her. She was serious about this.

"I still am," I managed to stutter. "There's no way I can wear girl's stuff at home."

"Well what about here?" Anita volunteered. "You can always come around here to dress up as a girl. It'd be fine."

"Or my place if you want. Or if you need a change," added Nikki.

"What on earth would we tell your parents?" I asked, still not believing that they could be serious.

Anita shrugged. "We'll tell them you're a new girl at school who we're befriending if you like," she suggested. "Or we could tell them the truth, they wouldn't mind, but I suspect you'd prefer them not to know."

"No," I said firmly, "I wouldn't."

"Well then we'll tell them you're a girl. It'd be better anyway. You can have some practice at fooling people then."

"Yeah," said Nikki, obviously liking the idea. "That would be really cool. If you could fool Anita's Mum and Dad, then acting like a girl at the contest will be a piece of cake."

They both looked eagerly at me, while I glanced from one to the other. Were they really serious? "That's all very well," I began to say, "but how exactly am I going to get to your house?"

"By bus?" suggested Anita.

"I didn't mean that. I meant that how am I going to get to your house dressed normally, and still fool your Mum and Dad."

Anita looked perplexed for a moment. "Oh well it's all right. You can come around before they get back from work!"

"Good idea," agreed Nikki. "That way you'll already be dressed as a girl before they get here, and they'll be none the wiser."

I scowled at them.

"Well it's either that or get dressed up at home, and come over dressed as a girl." Anita offered, obviously not understanding why I was pulling faces.

"If he does that every evening before Thursday," Nikki began, obviously considering the matter deeply, "that only gives him three evening's practice. It's not very long really."

"No," agreed Anita. "He ought to have more than that."

They both thought about it for a while. Eventually Nikki broke the silence. "It's a real shame he won't practice at home. That would be the perfect solution."

"Yeah," agreed Anita, shaking her head slowly as if in wonder that I wouldn't. "The most practice we'll get of an evening is about four hours. Assuming we can get back here from school and get him changed by five o'clock. My Mum and Dad will want him to leave by nine, so I can get my homework done."

"Well that'll be twelve hours practice," Nikki said. "It's better than nothing."

"Yeah, but the more we get the better he'll do in the contest," complained Anita. "What he suggested was that he spends all the time between now and Thursday dressed as a girl, and that's what we should really aim for."

"I did not suggest that!" I objected. They did not seem to hear me.

"Well what about this weekend?" asked Nikki. It's not twelve o'clock yet, so there's plenty of time!"

"That's true," agreed Anita eagerly. "Perhaps if he stayed dressed as a girl for the rest of the weekend that would do the trick."

"Yeah," agreed Nikki. "You didn't have anything else planned did you Steve?"

I was flabbergasted by the suggestion, and lost the opportunity to lie. "No," I spluttered, "but ….. "

Before I could complete my objections Nikki shouted a delighted, "Wonderful!" which was echoed by Anita.

"I was supposed to be seeing John this evening, but I can put him off," Anita went on. The sudden sound of that name hit me like a cricket ball: John, the bane of my life. He was eighteen, and had a car, a job, and most annoying of all, Anita. I had always dreamt that one day she might stand him up for me, but not quite as it was happening now.

"Oh well that's settled then!" went on Nikki, oblivious to my internal plight. "He can stay like that all day. Oh, what about tonight? I doubt if he'll go home dressed as a girl."

"No I won't!" I agreed. This was good, I thought. They'd managed to ruin their own plan without any input from me.

Anita thought about this for a while, "Well, perhaps he could sleep over?" she suggested. "That way he gets to stay as a girl all night, and tomorrow as well."

"Brilliant!" agreed Nikki. "That's hours and hours of practice for him. Fantastic! If he doesn't learn to act like a girl in that time, he probably never will."

"No," agreed Anita.

"Hang on," I said, having managed to compose myself enough to speak. "This is all very well, but I've not said I want to spend the whole weekend as a girl."

"It was your idea," insisted Anita. "You said you should spend between now and the contest dressed as a girl, so you could get good at it."

"Yeah," asserted Nikki in agreement.

"We've just been working out the perfect way for you to do that." Anita went on, with a hurt tone to her voice. "You should be grateful."

"That's right," put in Nikki.

I looked from one to the other. There was no doubt in my mind now; they were deadly serious. I had to think up a good reason to get myself out of this before it was too late. One false move, and I could find myself wearing a skirt until the evening of the following day.

"My Mum won't let me sleep over," I decided to say.
"Why not?" asked Anita, incredulously.

"Well, she likes to check with whoever's Mum to make sure it's all right first." I went on, improvising as I did so. "And if she did that with yours Anita, they're bound to realise that one of them thinks I'm a boy, and the other thinks I'm a girl."

"What do you mean?" asked Anita.

"Well," I went on; I was on a roll now. "My Mum will say 'is it all right if Steve stays over?' And your Mum will say, 'Of course she can' And then my Mum will say 'she? What do you mean?' And then the whole game will be up." I stopped there, feeling pleased with the little play I'd managed to put on.

The two girls stared at me for a moment. "Well that's all right," Nikki said, after some consideration. "I'll just pretend to be Anita's Mum, and speak to yours on the phone"

"Oh yes!" agreed Anita. "That would work perfectly. Oh well done Nikki, that's exactly what we'll do."

I was absolutely flattened by this turn of events. From my moment of triumph by proving it what I thought was impossible for me to dress as a girl all weekend to this had taken such a short time. I cursed silently, and clutched at straws.

"Well I really don't think I can do it," I said quickly, and with more confidence that I really felt. "I'll never fool your Mum and Dad Anita, I just won't"

"Oh you will!" she insisted. "You look perfect, and we'll teach you how to act the part."

"Yeah," agreed Nikki.

"Anyway," went on Anita, "We won't see much of them. They'll leave us pretty much to ourselves."

I was painted into a corner, and could see no way out. Suddenly I saw a glimpse of light. "But they're bound to find out I'm a boy!" I declared.

"How?" demanded Anita.

"Well, as soon as you start calling me Steve!" I went on. "It'll be a give away."

"Steve can be a girl's name as well." Nikki pointed out, unhelpfully.

"Yes," agreed Anita.

The light had proved false, but I drove on regardless. "But they'll have heard you talking about me from school," I said, more in hope than belief. "And they'll put two and two together from that."

They both looked at me, and then at each other.

"Shall I tell him?" said Nikki.

"Okay," said Anita.

"Tell me what?" I demanded.

"Well," began Nikki. "We had to fill in an application form for you at school yesterday. I think we told you."

I shook my head in reply, but began to worry where this might be leading.

"And the thing is," went on Nikki, looking a little sheepish, "we had to put down a name for you."

"Yeah," put in Anita.

"So we had to choose one without asking you," Nikki continued, "we hoped you wouldn't mind."

"What do you mean? You didn't put down my own name?" I asked.

"Oh no," said Anita quickly. "We had to put that down as well! We mean a special name for the contest."

"Yes," went on Nikki, "A girl's name."

My mouth fell open at this. I'd been given a girl's name, and I hadn't even known.

"Do you want to know what it is?" asked Anita, also looking a little contrite. I dreaded what they might have chosen. It was bound to be preposterously feminine, and excrutiatingly embarrassing. Shutting my eyes to cope with the shock, I nodded my head.

"It's Sarah," Anita announced. "Sarah Sweetheart to be precise."

I opened my eyes and looked at them. I had, to be honest, been expecting something far worse.

"Do you like it?" asked Anita, smiling sweetly.

"No," I mumbled.

"Oh but it suits you!" insisted Nikki. "You look like a Sarah, especially now!"

"Yes," agreed Anita. "Anyway, the point is, we don't need to call you Steve in front of my Mum and Dad. We can call you Sarah!"

"Yes," agreed Nikki. "It'll make you feel more like a girl anyway."

"That's right. In fact, we ought to start calling you Sarah now, so we've all got a chance to get used to it." Anita went on.

"Good idea," agreed Nikki. "So there you are Sarah, all your little problems solved!" They both laughed, and looked at me for my reaction.

"Why Sarah?" I mumbled, still in shock.

"Well we needed something nice and girly," explained Anita. "Especially something that couldn't be shortened to a boy's name."

"Yeah," agreed Nikki, enthusiastically.

"And lot's of the other contestant's have picked really silly names, like Fifi, and Carmen,"

"Carmen Gettit," said Nikki, expressing her disgust.

"So we thought you'd be better off with something nice and sweet and simple. Like Sarah."

"Yeah," agreed Nikki. "Anyway, you're stuck with it now. The application form has gone in."

"You don't really mind do you?" Anita asked me sweetly. "It could have been a lot worse."

I shuddered, and thought for a moment. "I suppose so," I agreed, reluctantly.

"Good," exclaimed Nikki. "Then Sarah you shall be; at least between now and Thursday. Agreed?"

"Yes!" replied Anita enthusiastically. "Is that okay with you, Sarah?"

They both giggled.

I shrugged my shoulders in resignation. "I guess so."

"Wonderful!" exclaimed Anita, and then leant over to peck me on the cheek again.

"Careful," said Nikki, still giggling, "People will put you two down as lesbians at this rate."

"No," said Anita, taking my hand in hers. "We're just good friends. Aren't we Sarah?" They both giggled again at this.

"Well I suppose it's time for something else," began Anita. "I've got you a little present. I hope you don't mind."

I shrugged my shoulders again, and Anita walked across the kitchen, and opened her handbag, which was lying on the side. She got out a small brown bag, with the name of a well-known jeweller on it.

"This is for you," she said, handing the bag over to me. Puzzled, I took it, and opened the bag. Inside was a small blue plastic box, which I took out.

"Well open it then!" Anita urged me, enthusiastically.

I turned it around to find the clasp, and then lifted the lid. Inside was a small silver chain, quite long, but twisted around. On it hung five letters, again in silver, with a jewelled effect on each. They spelt out 'Sarah'. Anita had bought me a necklace with my new name on it. I blushed scarlet.

"I thought it would be so sweet for you to be able to have your name around your neck at the contest," Anita explained. "It's perfect!"

"Yes," agreed Nikki. "Put it on for him."

"Oh. Okay," agreed Anita, a little taken aback. She held out her hand for the box, and speechless, I gave it to her. She removed the necklace from its mounting, and undid the clasp on the chain. Leaning forward, she put both ends around my neck, and after some difficulty, reaffixed the chain behind my neck, all the while, gazing electrically into my eyes.

"The perfect gentleman always does that for a lady when he's bought her a necklace," Nikki said, with glee in her voice.

Anita hesitated for a moment, and then pecked me on the cheek again. "It looks adorable Sarah!" she declared. "I do hope you like it!"

I still could not speak, but lifted my hand to feel the chain around my neck. Looking down, I read it and blushed further. I could also see the heaving of my new bosom under Anita's jumper. Still feeling dazed, I felt a tear trickle from the corner of my eye.

"Oh poor Steve!" declared Anita as soon as she saw this. "Is it all getting too much for you?"

I still couldn't speak.

"What's the matter?" asked Nikki.

"He's crying!" declared Anita caringly, but much to my chagrin.

"Well it has all been a bit strange for him," Nikki said to excuse me. "Never mind, you're doing really well."

"Yes," agreed Anita, her hand still around my shoulders. "Poor Steve."

"Poor Sarah," added Nikki, placing her hand on my other.

"I know!" said Anita brightly, "let's just finish our coffee for a minute, and think what we've got to do next."

"Yes!" agreed Nikki.

I nodded my acquiescence, embarrassed at my outburst. Sniffing, I took a sip of my coffee, while the girls did the same. As I glanced up, they were both looking at me solicitously.

"Are you okay?" Anita asked.

I nodded, "Yes," I managed to say, although my voice sounded hoarse and squeaky.


"Well now we really ought to start thinking about your formal costume," Nikki began. Anita nodded in agreement. "Yes," she almost whispered. "You're going to look just so good in something long and pretty."

I stared back at her, and then sensing this was wrong, looked down at my coffee cup again.

"Don't you flutter your eyes at me young lady!" she said, with a giggle. "I mean it. You'll look adorable in a long frock, won't he Nikki?"

"I'm certainly looking forward to finding out." Nikki smiled as she said this.

"Well once we've all finished our coffee," Anita went on, "we'll go around to your place to see what we can do."

"Yes!" Nikki responded enthusiastically.

"Your place?" I asked timidly.

"Yes. Didn't we tell you?" Anita explained. "I was sorting out your school uniform, and Nikki was going to sort out your costume for the final."

"That's right," agreed Nikki. "And I've found something that I think will be wonderful."

I looked from one to the other. "Well I'd better get changed back before we do."

"What do you mean?" asked Anita.

"Well," I began. "I can't really walk around to Nikki's house dressed like this can I?"

There was a silence as my reply, and I found myself panicking. Surely they didn't really expect me to walk the streets dressed as I was?

"Well I don't see why not" Anita responded.

"No, and it'll take for ages to get you dressed as a boy again," Nikki added. "Anyway, it'll be the start of your practice."

"But someone might see me!" I blurted out.

Anita smiled at me. "Yes, they might."

"Well what are they going to think if they see me dressed like this?"

Anita looked at Nikki, and giggled to herself. "Probably what a pretty girl you are."

"Yeah," agreed Nikki. "Don't worry Steve, you don't look like a boy at all."

"No," echoed Anita, "not at all."

Fear and panic began to rise up in me. They were serious about me walking about outside dressed up as a girl. If any one recognised me, my reputation would be ruined.

"You won't stand out at all Steve, believe me," went on Anita, with a kindly voice. "You look exactly like a girl, and having to go about outside will help you concentrate on acting like one."

"That's right," agreed Nikki.

A thought began to formulate in my mind. I had to get out of this; it was too much. "Well I don't know about not standing out," I said. "People are going to think it's funny if I'm strolling about in a school uniform on a Saturday morning, even if they do think I'm a girl."

There was silence again, as they both looked at me. I felt a moment of triumph at having outwitted them for once.

"That's a fair point." Nikki conceded.

"Yes," agreed Anita. "It will look a bit odd if he's wearing the school uniform won't it?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "Well it doesn't matter. I can easily get changed back. It won't take long."

They both frowned at me for this comment. "Well you still need lots of practice wearing a skirt." Nikki asserted. "It's a shame if you have to put trousers back on just because it's a Saturday."

"Yes," agreed Anita. She paused for a long time, and then continued. "Well actually it's only the skirt that really looks like school uniform. He'd be okay with the top and the boots and stuff."

"Yes," agreed Nikki. "If it wasn't for the skirt, people would just think he was dressed normally."

"For a girl anyway," added Anita, giggling. There was an awkward silence again, and my mind frantically raced to try and make the most of my temporary advantage. Before I could formulate anything to say, however, Anita's face suddenly lit up.

"I know!" she exclaimed. "All we have to do is find him another skirt."

"Oh yes!" agreed Nikki. "And if it's about the same length, it'll be just as good for practice!"

"Yes," agreed Anita. "I think I've got one that would do the job. Let me go and find it." With this, she leapt off her stool, and rushed up the corridor to the stairs. I was entirely crestfallen. I had really believed that I had got out of having to walk to Nikki's house dressed as a girl, but with one sudden thought, Anita had dashed that hope.

"That was good thinking to realise that you'd stand out a bit in school uniform Sarah," Nikki said, bringing me back to my senses. "Well done. I'm glad you're taking this so seriously." She beamed at me, and I stared back.

"Seriously?" I mumbled. "Of course I'm taking it seriously. I'm going to have to walk around to your place dressed as a girl without anyone realising it's me."

She nodded enthusiastically. "I know. It's good, isn't it?"

I heard Anita's footsteps coming back down the stairs. As she turned the corner I could see she had found what she was looking for.

"This should do the job!" she exclaimed, holding up a denim mini skirt for our inspection.

"Oh yes that'll be fine!" agreed Nikki.

"It's about the same length as that one," Anita went on. "So it'll be almost as good practice for him."

"Yes!" agreed Nikki.

"All right then Steve," began Anita.

"You mean Sarah," corrected Nikki. "We're going outside soon, so we'll have to start using his real name."

"Oh yes. Sorry. Well Sarah, let's get this on you, and then we can go."

She held the skirt out in front of me. I stalled for a moment, and then, rather clumsily, got off the stool. Anita put the denim skirt on the kitchen side, and unfastened the back of my school skirt. "Right, step out of it. It'll be a bit awkward in your boots, but you should be able to manage."

I shuffled the skirt down my legs, and then the boots. All I could see was the silky smoothness of Anita's slip that I was wearing. I had sort of forgotten about it with everything else, but taking the skirt off had brought it back into view and into my consciousness.

"Step out of it then."

I carefully did as she asked, and bent down to pick it up. Nikki guffawed loudly behind me. "Knickers, Sarah. Be careful of showing your knickers." I stood up with a jolt, and nearly fell off my boots. Anita and Nikki giggled again.

"You certainly do need this practice," Anita observed. She picked up the denim skirt from the kitchen side, and held it in front of me. "Step into this then Sarah, that's the idea."

Holding on to the kitchen side for balance, I lifted one foot up, and into the open neck of the skirt.

"That's the idea. Good girl." Anita said encouragingly.

"I'm not a girl!" I insisted, which caused even more laughter. "Well I'm not!"

"Shall we tell everyone we meet that while we're out then?" asked Nikki, between giggles. "That should be interesting, if anyone believes you."

I blushed furiously.

"Don't be so touchy Sarah," Anita said, "You'll have to get used to us calling you a girl. Try not to react so much to it."

"That's right," agreed Nikki, with a hint of triumph in her voice.

"Now come on, let's have your other leg," Anita urged.

Still holding on to the side, I did as she asked. As soon as I had stepped in, she pulled the skirt up my legs, and fastened it up at the front. At least it did up like a pair of jeans, I thought to myself by way of consolation.

"That looks really good," commented Nikki. "I like that."

"Let's just sort it out," said Anita. She pulled up the zip, and then lifted the hem to straighten out my slip. "There, that's better. Let's have a look at you." She stepped a couple of paces back to get a better view. "Yes that looks fine. Do you like it Sarah?"

I looked down at myself, and although I had imagined that the front fastening fly might give me a more butch appearance, I was sorely disappointed. I looked just as girly as before, more so if anything, with what looked like acres of black silky thigh terminating in my tight clad knees, just above my black boots.

"It's a bit short," I mumbled ineffectually.

"It's the same length as the other one," Anita pointed out. "It's fine."

"Well we're about done then," said Nikki. "Shall we get a move on?"

"Yes," agreed Anita, picking up her handbag, and walking into the hallway. Nikki followed her through, and reluctantly, I did so too. We stopped by the door, where Nikki retrieved a jumper from the coat rack, and a shoulder bag.

"What shall we do with all the stuff in the living room?" she asked.

"Leave it," replied Anita. "We can sort it out when we get back."


Anita turned to look at me. "Are you ready then Sarah?" she asked.

I stared at the floor to try and hide my terror. "I suppose so," I mumbled.

"Good. Oh I've just thought, you'd best have this!" She took another shoulder bag off the coat rack and handed it to me. "No girl worth her salt would go out on a Saturday morning without a bag! Slip it over your shoulder, like Nikki."

I glanced at Nikki, who had put her bag over one shoulder, and did the same. It felt strange to carry something in this way, and I could feel the weight of whatever was in it pulling into my skin.

"That's the idea," said Anita. "Okay, here we go."

She opened the door, and a flood of light entered the hallway. I could smell the outside, and see the pathway leading through Anita's front garden to the small wooden gate and the road. Luckily there didn't seem to be anybody in sight. Anita stood aside while Nikki and I went out. Immediately I felt the cool air on my legs, even through the tights. I was a sensation I was not used to.

Before I had time to react, Anita had shut the door behind us. This was it. I was outside, dressed as a girl. I closed my eyes in fear and shame. I was bound to be found out.

"Come on then, let's go." Anita said cheerily. We walked up the path, and I could hear the 'thwap' of my skirt against my legs, restricting my stride. Every breath I took reminded me that I was wearing a bra, as its straps resisted any expansion of my chest. My boots clicked on the path as we walked.

We all passed through the gate, which Anita shut behind us. "Okay?" she asked. I nodded mutely. She turned to the left and began to walk.

"Hang on," said Nikki. "I told my Mum I'd pick up a few things in the High Street. Do you mind if we go that way?"

"No," said Anita, and reversing her direction, walked back to us.

"Hang on!" I blurted. "The High Street?"

Nikki paused, and looked at me. "Yes."

"But there'll be hundreds of people there!"

Ours was not a huge town, with a thriving mall, but the High Street would be busy enough on a Saturday, and I was horrified at the thought of going anywhere near it dressed as I was.

"You'll be fine," assured Anita. "Just smile!"

"Yeah. Girls smile a lot you know," said Nikki, admonishing me with her voice.

"I don't want to go to the High Street," I exclaimed in panic.

"You'll be fine," Anita repeated. "Just keep calm."

"Yeah," agreed Nikki. "It'll be better with more people anyway. You'll not be noticed so much."

"That's right." Anita agreed. She took my arm in hers, and before I could protest further, we were walking up Anita's road on the way to the High Street and the hundreds of people who would see me dressed as a girl.




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