Crystal's StorySite

Synopsis of previous storyline:
Jean Marie Philippe Batiste d'Armagnac, a high class Parisian bourgeois, independently wealthy, is suddenly abandoned by his beautiful wife.
He feels desperate and lonely and the cleaning woman Violetta is trying to console him.
Soon they reach an agreement and she (Violetta) will be taking his ex wife's position as a bourgeois lady and he (Jean Marie) will be taking up her cleaning obligations as a female substitute and maid for at least a year.
His(her) name is now Maria and he (she) will be posing as a Portuguese cleaning woman/maid.
Angelita da Silva a concierge in one of Paris rich apartment buildings is taking up Maria's transformation and education.
Mme Violetta, is taking Maria to a uniform shop to supply her with her new working clothes as a domestic.
Maria the new maid is moving to the maid's room in her old house. She serves dinner properly dressed to some of Mme Violetta's friends.
The next morning she works as a cleaner at Orly Airport, accompanied by Ginette, one of Mme Violetta's friends and colleagues.
Back in the house Maria talks on the phone to the family Notary, Maitre Gareau and signs papers which give full authority to Mme Violetta for a year.
Maria feels more and more trapped to her new role, but also more and more fascinated because of her submissive nature.


The Domestication Of A Parisian Bourgeois

by Monica Graz

Part 4


Previous Chapters:

Part 1

Chapter 1 – Initiation, or how I become a substitute female and maid,

Chapter 2 – Meeting Angelita (the concierge),

Part 2

Chapter 3 – Changing my looks, speaking Portuguese,

Chapter 4 – My first cleaning job,

Chapter 5 – Getting my new working clothes, new living quarters,

Part 3

Chapter 6 – Adjustments

Chapter 7 – Serving dinner properly dressed,

Chapter 8 – End of Day 1

Chapter 9 – Day 2 - Cleaner at Orly Airport

Chapter 10 – Signing papers – new status



CHAPTER 11 – New status confirmed and finalized

It was well after seven in the evening when Madame came back. I was sitting in the kitchen table thinking about my predicament, if I could call that, the confusing situation I created for myself, on my own will!

She let herself in with her own front door key and I barely had the time to stand when she emerged to the kitchen full of energy and good mood. I managed to curtsey awkwardly saying, "God evening Madame, I am glad you are back, I was getting a bit confused sitting here on my own."

She looked at me with an amusing, but also critical look, I sensed she was checking my appearance, but also she was thinking how to proceed verbally from now on.

She opened her big leather bag, one of my wife's practical but expensive items and removed a plastic folder and put it on the kitchen table, "Those are copies for you, of the documents you just signed Maria." She paused and looked at me in a more austere manner, "You are a clever enough person to realize that I virtually control all of your assets now including you personally, because I see you as an asset also Maria, you are completely under my authority now, certainly for the next year!"

I looked at her with a worried look of the 'what have I done' type and in her usual quick manner she picked it because she decided to lecture me once more.

"Please, bring me a glass of white wine and serve one for yourself and join me to the sitting room. We might as well have a final chat before you really and truly start being a domestic." She said that with a finality that frightened me, but I had no choice anymore, my fate was in her hands and the sooner I adapted to that fact the better.

I was sitting rather uncomfortably at the end of a chair trying to keep my knees together in a feminine manner and resting my hands on my aproned lap. She was sitting comfortably in the sofa sipping her wine and smoking a long cigarette, looking very secure and elegant. "Probably this is the last time I allow you to sit in here, normally you should rest only in the kitchen or in your room, at least when I am home or we have guests." She looked at me in a slightly ironical manner continuing, "I know of course that you can be anywhere in the house when I am not around, I can't control that and after all I've been there myself, remember?"

She had a sip of her drink and this time went straight to the point, "As I already mentioned to you girl, you are going to replace me in all my jobs and commitments, in other words you will be doing exactly what I was doing until yesterday morning. You know of course that I used to come three times a week in this house, that means you will be working as a maid here the same days. Twice you have to be at Orly as a cleaner and one full day you will be working as a dishwasher at a posh Parisian restaurant, 'le Prokop', I believe you used to go there quite often with your wife, in fact this is how I met your wife and she decided to employ me."

I nearly fell form the chair I was sitting, I felt my cheeks getting all red and I managed to say in a panicked and almost annoyed voice, "But Violetta,….I mean Madame, you can't do that to me, I am a close friend of the manager and all the waiters know me and every time I am there they treat me like royalty, no I don't think I can accept that, it is a bit too much!"

She didn't loose her calm, she didn't even raise the tone of her voice, "Obviously Maria you don't fully comprehend your condition, you are not able to decide for yourself anymore, you are my employee and I can delegate your services anywhere I like, read carefully what you signed before you go to bed tonight."

She abruptly stood up and before I had the chance to react she came in front of me and slapped me hard in the face twice, I lost my balance and nearly fell form the chair, but she managed to hold me in position. This time she yelled at me, "Listen to me maid, you don't have the right to oppose me or contradict my decisions, I will decide for you, am I clear?"

I felt the tears coming up very quickly, I started crying and I barely managed to say to her, "Yes Madame, I understand Madame, I am sorry Madame." As I was saying that I managed to stand and I retrieved some tissue paper from my apron pocket to wipe my eyes and blow my nose.

She softened as quickly as she turned mad just an instant ago and went back to the sofa. She had another sip of her wine and asked me to sit down again and drink some of mine.

"I am sorry I was a bit harsh to you just now Maria but I want to define very clearly our respective roles in this new relationship, I am your employer now, you are my hired domestic, the quicker you accept that the better for you."

She lighted another cigarette and took another sip of her drink, "And if you let me continue, you will see that when you go to work to Prokop, nobody and I mean nobody, even your ex wife will be able to recognize you, by then you will look much more convincing than now. You see, you are not going to work there, until I am completely satisfied that you really are ready for that."

I felt ever so relieved when I heard that last sentence and though my cheeks were burning from her slapping I managed a weak smile full of gratitude, "Thank you Madame for making it easier for me, I guess I have an extra reason now to try even harder to become a true Maria." I stopped and then I added on impulse, "But Madame, I am worried about my voice, this is the hardest part of my transformation, I know that I can play the Portuguese ignorant woman, with a minimal knowledge of French, but I still feel a bit vulnerable in that field."

"I thought of that myself Maria, you are going to have some phonetic lessons with a lady specializing in the field, she usually works with transsexuals, there are ways to improve your voice, just be patient."

I looked startled at her, this woman never ceased to amaze me. She even thought of a voice teacher, how far she is thinking I can go? My conspiracy theory surfaced again, I got the feeling once more that everything was very carefully planned and so far I was right. My wife talked with Violetta, Maitre Gareau was contacted in advance, Angelita was mobilized, even a voice teacher. What next!

"And of course Maria," Violetta continued, "You will need other physical improvements, what Angelita did to you yesterday with your hair was only the beginning."

Here we go again I thought, more plans are coming out.

"Tomorrow I'll take you to a special beautician to take care of you and before you start worrying again, nothing permanent is going to happen to you. All the alterations to your face and body will be reversible."

I was panicking once more, what face and body alterations she is talking about, what ……

She saw me uneasy again and sighed, "I wish you could trust me more Maria, I don't intend to harm you in anyway, I want you to feel secure and comfortable in your new role and position in the society. I expect you wouldn't like yourself to be ridiculed like some freak, you must be as true as possible, Don' t you agree?"

"Can you tell me please in more details Madame what those changes are?" I managed to ask in a genuinely frank voice.

When she finished talking about ten minutes later I felt singularly excited. I was going to have a full makeover in a special 'salon de beaute', not to become a pretty bourgeois lady, but to become a convincing female domestic. I was going to have breast forms glued permanently to my skin, permed hair easily maintained, pierced ears with cheap silver studs, a 'cache sex' to hide any unwanted volume in front of me and other 'improvements' I was going to find out tomorrow.

Violetta finished talking to me in those words, "in twenty four hours from now you will be sitting here looking like the female I want you to look. Don't expect to be Miss Pretty, you will simply be Miss Mop, feminine but rough looking, like any female domestic normally looks."


CHAPTER 12 - Makeover

The 'Salon de Beaute de Mme Beatrice' was a very humble looking establishment somewhere in the back streets of the low middle class 14eme arrondissement. Mme Violetta very kindly drove me there at about nine o'clock in the morning. She abandoned me by the entrance and left quickly simply telling me that she would pick me up after I finish.

I was dressed in one of my new cheap dresses, low shoes and the usual head scarf. I still felt very vulnerable alone in public. I rang the bell by the entrance and a big rather vulgar woman opened the door letting me in rather abruptly, "Come in, come in, you are late and I have to work on you for several hours and I still have to clean the mess in this place."

I followed her in a big room with several hairdresser chairs, and all the necessary paraphernalia. She continued talking to me, "I know all about you Maria, Mme Violetta told me everything so don't be shy, we have to make you look convincing for the job you are going to do in the future. We go a long way back with Violetta but I have a feeling that she is becoming 'une grande dame' now, with no time for her old friend Beatrice, she will be going to the expensive places of the 16th or 17th. She is so sharp and ever so ambitious our Violetta." She said that last sentence chuckling.

Another of Madame's contacts I thought to myself as I was standing in the middle of the room feeling uneasy. Mme Beatrice saw that and said instantly, "You might as well give me a hand to clean this place before I start working on you, Natalie my assistant didn't come to work today telling me that she is sick, a big lie mind you, I know she spent the night with her boyfriend and God knows what time they went to bed."

As she was talking she moved to a cupboard and removed a pink overall from a hanger, "Here, put this on and pick the broom in that corner and start sweeping the floor."

I spent a whole hour cleaning the place as Mme Beatrice was organizing her tools and implements. It was past ten o'clock as I sat on the chair. I was very grateful because she offered me a 'petit café' before she started working on me.

Five hours later I was nearly ready. I had my hair permed once more, this time professionally, in an even darker colour, my lovely blond straight hair has gone for good. She pierced my ears, plucked my eyebrows to a vulgar line that no society lady would accept, removed all unnecessary hair form my face, arms, and legs, and glued my breast forms telling me at the time, "You need a special solution to remove them Maria, which I can obtain when your Mistress tells me so. There is no way that you can remove them yourself."

Another nail to my coffin I thought to myself or simply the 'road with no return?' I was thinking that realizing, somehow surprised, that a feeling of resignation was taking over me. My initial worries and reactions were gradually replaced by a 'so be it' tendency.

I was still wearing my pink overall helping Mme Beatrice to tidy up the place when Madame turned up as elegant and fresh as ever. She greeted Beatrice the French way, kisses in both cheeks and turned to look at me, continuing talking to her, "Well, well, you did a great job Beatrice, she looks 'tres reelle' very close to what I had in mind."

She looked at me again realizing that I was wearing a pink overall dress on top of my street clothes and continued talking to Beatrice, ignoring me completely for the time being, "I am glad you made her do some work around the place, she needs at the moment all the practice she can get as a domestic and cleaner."

Beatrice made no comment but turned to me and said, "You saw Maria where I keep my coffee facilities, please go and make a fresh pot of coffee, I am sure Madame Violetta would love some and so would I."

I simply said, "Oui Madame" thinking that ever since I switched to my new station in life I was receiving orders form virtually everybody including the concierge and the hairdresser. I also realized that the lower class people are less polite and more rude to domestics. I only have to remember how I was treating servants all my life as a rich upper class person, indifferently but always in a polite manner.

I started making the coffee in the small kitchenette at the back of the shop. I was sorting out cups and saucers when I noticed a small white apron hanging behind the door. On impulse I took it and tied it firmly around my waist. It was not in a pristine condition but somehow I felt that I could do it. For the first time in my life I could put an apron on without worrying about people seeing me, on the contrary I was expected now to wear one. I put everything in a tray and I carried it carefully to the two ladies sitting in the salon's waiting room chatting amicably. I could tell they were old friends.

I was blushing all over when I started serving them. They both noticed my apron but Madame spoke first, "You are such a natural Maria in this role, and for that reason you make my task to transform you so much easier."

Beatrice who was also impressed by my servile attitude said to Madame, "Aren't you lucky Violetta to find such a domesticated creature. I wish I had her here in my shop, I could train her to become a shampoo girl and of course she would keep the place in perfect order. This assistant of mime, Natalie is such a slob, I have to tell her off all the time. All she cares about is boys and how to go to bed with them."

My Mistress laughed in a good hearted manner and said to Beatrice, "I can see you would like her to work for you dear, but I am afraid her program is full at the moment, she has to look after my house, two days cleaning at Orly and another day working in a restaurant as a general cleaner and dishwasher." She stopped briefly to light a cigarette and continued in a matter of fact tone of voice, "But I keep your offer in mind for the future, I can see that it would be good for her to get some experience as a hairdresser's assistant, it can be an asset for a good domestic."

Once more I noticed they were talking about me without including me. I was simply standing in a small distance, accepting the natural role of a maidservant waiting for the next order to come. I was dying for a cup of coffee myself but I didn't dare to ask.

Beatrice must have felt that because she turned to me and said, "Aren't you going to have some Maria? I don't think your Mistress would object to that."

I thanked her and rushed to the kitchenette to bring another cup and saucer. I realized as I was walking that my body's center of gravity was somehow different and then I understood that my permanent breast forms were slightly pushing the upper part of my body forward. I pulled my shoulders back and walked taking smaller steps. That somehow made my body movement more comfortable.

CHAPTER 13 – Madame lectures me again

As we were driving back, Madame was somehow skeptical and not that chatty, I was doing the driving in the 'Chauffeuse' mode without the proper uniform of course and she was sitting comfortably in the back seat of the expensive BMW that used to be my car only a couple of days ago.

She broke the silence as I was about to take a left turn towards my ex house, where I was employed only as a domestic now, I shouldn't forget that. "Keep going straight please towards the 16th, there is a change of plans, I don't really need you tonight, I think you can spend the night with Angelita, you would like that wouldn't you Maria?"

A deep excitement like an electric shock went through me and I nearly lost control of the car. She noticed that of course and said somehow sarcastically, "Of course you like it, but please drive more carefully if you want to arrive safely to Angelita's place.

"Of course Madame, I am sorry Madame", I managed to say concentrating to the driving.

She continued talking to me in an even voice as if she was thinking loudly, "Don't even think for a minute Maria that you are ready for your new role, don't even make that mistake that will probably cost you exposure and public humiliation."

I felt terribly uneasy by what she was saying, she was using again the carrot and stick method, praise first, criticism after. I was about to ask her why she is so negative since I am trying so hard to please her, but she kept talking in the same even voice.

"Don't panic, you are on a good road and I already told you your two principal assets, you are naturally submissive and perfect for the role you are destined and also you are soft featured and have a small build for a man and practically no body hair. But this is not enough. You can not act as a woman of your supposed humble origins and uneducated nature within three days, you need a lot of training for that and you need to change your way of thinking and acting on a day to day basis."

She stopped to light a cigarette, I realized she was always smoking when she was trying to tell me serious things. She inhaled the smoke deeply and continued in the same tone, "And of course this is where Angelita comes in, I really rely on her to reform you, she is exactly the right person for that and you already noticed it yourself.

She is the right class for that, she can tell you all the secrets of the women of that class and background, she can mould you to be like her, or at least this is what I hope will happen."

Another pause. I took the chance to say something back, to interrupt her monologue. "But Madame, I like Angelita and I am willing to cooperate with her, in fact we will be talking in Portuguese from now on in order to fit more to my new role. And of course…"

She rudely interrupted me again, "Let me finish please what I have to say and then you can make comments. I know very well that you enjoy the sexual context of your encounter with Angelita, but I somehow encouraged that because it can be part of your training. By being intimate with a woman of that style in a hopefully Lesbian relationship you will learn a lot from her as well, you will learn to talk in a vulgar manner, you will learn to use dirty slang words, you will learn to feel to your skin what you really are from now on, a lowly domestic female servant a 'bonne a tout faire' as the French very cleverly say, 'a maid of all works'".

What she was saying managed to excite me in a sinister way, probably it was the sexual element, but somehow it wasn't only that. It was the feeling of total dependence, the feeling that I belong to someone and I am not the one anymore to decide for anything major. Madame Violetta was the one to decide for me and somehow I was accepting that more and more eagerly.

She finally finished her small speech as we were approaching Angelita's tiny concierge's apartment, "I know Maria that you have a sharp and educated mind and you can make your own judgments about what I say to you, and I certainly don't want you to become dumb and stupid because you are a maid now, on the contrary I want you to stay clever and alert and feel continuously what is happening to you, to an upper class bourgeois. And probably in a few months from now when you will be a fully trained domestic you will be able to make comparison with your previous life and comparison between the usually privileged male sex and the usually subjugated female sex.. You know already that I tried all my life to escape from that type of 'servitude' as I call it and I feel that I manage so far quite well thanks to your cooperation.. The question is will you want to escape a year from now from the same 'servitude', or your submissive character will keep you tied to that life?"

She finished her speech with a vital question addressed to me and I certainly had no answer to that. But my previous excitement gave way now to a fear for the future. Where I will be and what I will be doing a year form now? If so many extraordinary things happened to me in three days only, God knows what a whole year can bring!

Madame clearly wasn't expecting an answer from me to her last question. In a couple of minutes I was stopping the car in front of the grand building where Angelita was the concierge. I stepped out, opened the back door for Madame and she came to the front seat and took the wheel saying to me, "Have fun Maria, but I want you tomorrow to the house by ten o'clock, the speech specialist is coming for you."

She drove off accelerating the expensive car as I rushed to the side door of the grand building and rang the bell looking in an uneasy manner around me. The public exposure was still very traumatic for me, Madame was right, I had a long way to go.

In a minute or two the door opened and the familiar big figure of Angelita appeared in front of me. She smiled warmly saying in an excited manner in Portuguese of course, "Look who is here, my new maid friend form Portugal, what they have done to you girl, you look different."

She grabbed my arm and dragged me in closing firmly the door behind her.

Author's note:

I will stop the story here though it is not properly concluded.

I will add that I already know and feel how the story should progress from now on.

Our hero/ine's feeling of a conspiracy will be justified at the end, because six months later his/her ex wife is turning up suddenly in the house.

Maria answers the door as the housemaid of course and from then on the wife takes over the responsibility of the house, Violetta departs, handsomely paid of course and the wife's current lover moves in.

After all the paperwork is done and signed, all Maria's assets are transferred legally to his/her now ex wife and Maria signs again a five year contract as a housemaid. His/her fate is sealed.

The only open issue will be from then on if Maria will be pushed to go all the way for a sex reassignment surgery (SRS).




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