Crystal's StorySite


Dress Up Day

by Angel O'Hare

© 2007 Angel O'Hare

Part Two


We all lined up again and walked back to the cafeteria where we were given another snack, but things were different this time. A few of us were selected to have more pictures taken and I groaned out loud, as I saw what was waiting for me. A highchair, and next to it a table with all sorts of baby items on it. Baby bottles, bibs, baby dishes, those pink rubber coated baby spoons, and a few packages of baby wipes. I had to stand there as a few of the bigger girls, the ones dressed up as older girls and even some of the little girls were instructed that they were to all pose with me. They were to be feeding me, either from the bowls and dishes or feeding me the baby bottles. I tried to protest and tell them I wouldn't do it when I was surprised as I was never surprised before in my entire life. In walked my mom and Mrs. Kent!

I tired to hide looking around quickly, but Mrs. Allen had me in her arms faster than I could react and run. In distress, a child will revert into his most instinctive reactions, and I did just that. I said.

"Mommy, help me, look what they've done to me! I don't want to be a baby girl! Mommy, please help me!"

My mom mad a quick dash, running the rest of the way to Mrs. Allen and me. She scooped me into her arms and just held me close for a minute, walking around the room. After a minute, she started softly talking to me.

"Kimmie I'm so sorry Honey, I wanted to tell you, but I was told it would be better if someone else told you first. They said you'd be very angry with the ones who told you first, and I didn't want you angry with me Sweetheart.

"Honey the doctors found out you have more than just a little hormone problem. What they found out through all those tests you had to go through is a bit too complicated for me to explain very well. I'll try though so you can try and understand why this is happening.

"Kimmie your marbles aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing, and your penis isn't growing any more either. It wasn't until the little things just didn't add up, that we started wondering what was wrong. You see Honey, your penis, and marbles just didn't grow once you turned two, and you never got a stiffy like all other baby boys. The doctors started the tests, but then the first hurricane struck and we moved to another county. The test results caught up with us, and we were about to do the next batch of tests. That's when we had the second hurricane, and were forced to move again, this time to this county, and this town.

"Sweetheart you know we had those tests done months ago and the results came in confirming a few things. Your body won't recognize the boy signals it try's to send. To make things even more complicated, your body is sending and recognizing the girl signals. You don't have gynecomastia Sweetheart you have real breasts.

"Kimmie you're growing up as a girl Honey and there's nothing we can do to change that now, it's just too late to intervene. I didn't want to have you be scared and frightened while I waited for the results and maybe there was a chance something could be done.

"Honey you need an operation soon to help keep you healthy and strong. Once you have that operation, you're going to be my little girl. Everyone here wants to help you Sweetheart, and Mrs. Kent wants to help you and she loves you more than you'll ever know. I want you to know how much I love you, and nothing that happens will ever change that.

"Now, you go do what Mrs. Allen and the others want you to do Kimmie. Mrs. Kent and I will be right here when you are finished and we'll take you home."

She squeezed me in a tight hug and kissed me on my cheek, then handed me back to Mrs. Allen. I was in a state of shock at that point, and didn't hear a word Mrs. Allen had said to me. All I knew was I was now sitting, the girls were all chattering excitedly and someone tied something around my neck. Flashes started going off making me blink and brought me back to the here and now.

I became aware of my surroundings, I was now strapped into the high chair, and the table was being pushed on into place, I heard the clicks as it locked into its final position close to my body. I was now in reaction mode as someone told me to smile, so I smiled, FLASH. Someone told me to open my mouth and one of the girls stuck a spoon of vanilla pudding in my mouth, FLASH. This went on for sometime until I was taken out of the highchair and positioned on someone's lap while sitting in a rocking chair, FLASH. I was fed a bottle of milk, which I tried to refuse, but that someone told me to drink from it and I did, FLASH. The scenes changed from time to time and now I found myself undressed and just wearing that t-shirt and a new pair of plastic panties were put over the puffy training panties I was wearing, no more ruffles, just a pink plastic pair of panties with bright colored little baby toys printed on them, FLASH. Someone pulled a frilly pink nightdress on me and I was laid on my back in a crib, FLASH. I was handed a bottle as a mobile was hung over me on the crib and started up. It played a nursery rhyme and the little bright colored animals that hung from it moved in a circle. Someone told me to drink from the bottle using one hand, and reach for the animals with the other, FLASH. I was covered with a blanket and left alone. Someone did say she would be back in a few minutes. They said they had to check and see how the pictures turned out.

Without thinking, I just drank the bottle until there was nothing left in it. It had been filled with apple juice. I was glad to be alone just then; it gave me time to think. I could hear the girls chattering and giggling excitedly. As they got further and further away, the sounds they were making lessened until I could just barely hear them. I looked around and saw the light dimming until it was almost dark, just a soft dim light now. I could only make out my immediate surroundings, and I was indeed in a crib with the side rails up and locked in place. The mobile kept moving slowly in circles playing the 'Rock-a-bye-baby' nursery song. I reached up and grabbed one of the animals. They are made from some soft sponge type stuff. When I grabbed the little puppy, it made a barking sound. I next grabbed the kitten and it meowed. I just lay there and started thinking.

What my mom had said kept playing over and over in my mind until I could remember it all. I was born a boy, and then something happened and my body didn't want to develop as one. For some reason I have girl stuff in me that sent messages my body listened to and I started becoming a girl. Two hurricanes stopped anyone from fixing the problem so I could stay a boy somehow. Now, it's too late and I'm now almost a girl? I need an operation soon, and I bet it's to remove my boy parts! How can they do that and make me a girl? I mean, do I have girl parts inside me?

We had that class this year on the differences between boys and girls, and that was embarrassing! Even the art teacher showed us things and they picked on me because my face is shaped like a girls even the eye separation part! I mean most of the kids are eleven and a few are twelve. Janet and George are thirteen, but they both stayed back twice. Janet was sick a lot, and George, well, George just doesn't care about schoolwork. Janet has the biggest chest of the girls and she has the most girlish shape. Our art teacher, Ms French used her to explain how to draw a figure of girls and then she even used me one day! She said.

"Class, not every figure is as black and white as Janet and for the boys, George. Some are what we call classical feminine. Kimmie has one of those figures that can be used to draw in either sex."

She even made me get up in front of the class as she pointed out how I had the classical male feminine attributes that had once been highly sought after in the earlier centuries. I was teased from that day on even more than before! That's when most of the girls were convinced I was really a girl playing pretend being a boy. I couldn't convince them differently without showing them my penis, and I wasn't about to do that! They even asked the boys if they had seen it in gym class. That didn't work, because we don't shower in grade school, we just change. The least they've seen me in was my underpants and unfortunately, for me, they told the girls they hadn't seen any bumps in my underwear. When I kept getting hurt, I was sent to the library to help during gym class and that added fuel to the fire. The boys wouldn't let me even play with them during recess anymore. They told me to go play with the girls and they all called me Kimmie or Kimberly after that.

The girls did want me to play with them, but I was a boy, I knew it even if no one believed me. I just couldn't play with the girls and headed back in the library for recess. That is how I've spent the last two school years, in the classroom, lunch, and then to the library to read during recess, and on gym days, back to the library.

Even our librarian said she'd like to see me dressed in pretty clothes. She said on more than one occasion.

"Kimmie, you're far too pretty to dress as you do. Wouldn't you like to be pretty like the other girls and wear a pretty dress once in a while?"

I kept telling her I was a boy, but she would just smile and shake her head mumbling about tomboys and it was such a wasted time in a pretty girl's life. I just couldn't win.

I guess she'll get her wish now. I just hope this baby girl stuff will be over after today. I guess I can start playing with the girls during recess now, but what's going to happen to me now? I also wondered what that surprise was Mrs. Allen mentioned. Maybe it was this news I got about me having to be a girl now because it's too late to do anything to let me stay being a boy. I don't know anything about being a girl; I've been a boy all my life! I guess Kim is dead, but I'm not dead, GEEZE, this is too complicated, I just want to go to sleep and not wake up. That's what happened too, I fell asleep.

I was dreaming about swimming in a big pond. I saw fishes, turtles, and even frogs on lily pads. I noticed I was naked and I was a boy! I was swimming underwater and met me again, face to face underwater was me and me. One me was a boy and one me was a girl! We swam and swam together, laughing, and giggling, trying to catch the turtles and frogs. We broke the surface and a dragonfly landed on my (boy) head and the girl me giggled and giggled as I laughed and we dove underwater once more. We broke apart and then we swam at each other getting ready to hug underwater. When we did hug, we merged into one body and I was now her. I broke the surface looking for my other self and the dragonfly landed on my head again. FLASH, FLASH, FLASH!

I woke up as the fourth flash broke me out of my dream. The next thing I was aware of is that I had to pee, and I had to get to a bathroom right away! I said.

"Please. I have to pee real badly, I need the bathroom now!"

That woman that tied the pink ribbon on my wrist said.

"Kimberly the bathrooms are to far away for you to make it in time. Just use your diaper sweetheart. Don't worry Honey, we know you didn't do it on purpose or have an accident. No one is going to tease you about it."

I tried to hold on, but I couldn't and it just came out. I was so embarrassed, but no one said anything, just smiled, and waited until I was finished. My mom was there as was Mrs. Allen. Mom lowered the side rail of the crib and held me close. A woman brushed my hair and washed my face. She then reapplied the lipstick and brushed my eyelashes with that tiny brush. She smiled and said.

"You are the prettiest baby girl I have ever seen. Mrs. Kincaid was right about you. Those eyes and that beautiful face just beg people to take your picture. I hope to see a lot more of you now that you'll be working for us soon."

I looked at mom, as she smiled and said.

"They want you to be a model for them Punkin. First though, you need that operation and a few lessons about how little girls do things."

To be continued…




© 2007 by Angel O'Hare. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.