Crystal's StorySite


Fantasy Holiday


Rob Willson


Chapter 9


After the Christmas week was over, Peter and Helen had decided to stay on for another fortnight's holiday, before going home to sort out their new lives. They had discussed some options in general terms with the Management, but had asked for two 'hard days' to begin with 'to get back into the swing of things', without being too specific.

During those two days, they often wished that they had been more specific! Especially about things they didn't want.

It is difficult, in fact impossible, to decide on what you don't want when you have no idea what might be coming your way. However, after these days were over, Pete and Helen decided to try to be a little bit more specific about the details in their future scenarios.

They found out that, since the outside world at large did not condone slavery, new slaves acquired by Fantasy Holiday Co. had to be introduced to the idea and convinced of their change of status and its reality.

Consequently, new slaves had a week's induction period in the Penal Section of the resort. Peter and Helen were scheduled to spend the next two days there, as though they were newly acquired slaves.

They were woken very early and taken, complete naked, down to meet their overseer.

It was explained to them that, if they misbehaved consistently badly, they would be sent back to the Penal Section for a minimum of two weeks, to 'correct their ideas'. For attacking a member of the staff, they would come back for a minimum of three months and for attacking a guest, or attempting to escape, a minimum of six months.

Each time, the word minimum was stressed heavily.

"For the rest of this week, you will experience what those two, or more, weeks would be like" the woman added.

"Now to start."

They were taken to a large room and wristlets and anklets were fitted. These were filled with lead and were very heavy. They were then exercised and drilled.

They were made to hold their arms above their heads and run on the spot. When they didn't lift their knees high enough, they felt the instructor's switch and soon made more effort. After about fifteen minutes of this, they were given a 'rest'. Well, the instructor called it a rest period, but they had to stand stiffly to attention.

Then, a stiff leather waspie corset was strapped on and a thick strap with a butt plug fastened between their legs and they had to repeat the exercises all over again in more discomfort. By now, they were sweating profusely and their whole body ached. Another 'rest' followed and this time they were allowed to stand easy and have a small drink of water.

Now a leather knapsack filled with wet sand was fastened on and the pattern repeated yet again in even greater discomfort.

By now, they were exhausted and were allowed to lie down for ten minutes. Then the pack was taken off, but the rest of it left in place.

They were separated and Peter was led to a circular pit filled with sand. In the middle, was a capstan, with a heavy weight at one end of the balancing arm. His wrists were chained to the other end and he was told to "start pushing".

It was heavy going in the soft sand, but, once he had started the capstan turning, it was not quite so bad. He trudged on and then felt a slash across his buttocks and was given the order, "Faster!" He speeded up as much as he could, but the instructor kept insisting "Faster!"

Finally, when he was near collapse, he was told to stop. He drooped – exhausted again.

After another short, unsatisfying, rest, he was led out to the next thing on his 'agenda'. He passed a wan looking Helen on the way, and assumed, correctly, that they were swapping tasks.

He was chained to a treadmill and told to start walking. If he did not complete the allotted number of turns of the wheel in time, he would be caned. What he did not know at that point was that it was a no-win situation. If he did complete or exceed the number of turns, he would not be praised for his effort, but would be accused of trying to curry favour with the overseers and told that that would get him nowhere!

After this exercise, and a caning, he and Helen had the butt plugs removed and were taken to another room where there was a table and two high stools. Here they were told that they would get a meal while they were resting. On each stool was a rampant leather phallus. When told to sit down, Helen hesitated, wondering where it was supposed to go, until she was told gruffly to "get it up your arse".

They both lowered themselves gingerly onto the seats and, with their feet dangling in space, found the seats very uncomfortable. A strap was passed over each pair of thighs and then a touch on a switch started the phalluses vibrating.

They were told, "No talking, or you will be punished". Then a bowl of 'Slave Mix No. 1' was put in front of them. If they had indeed been new slaves, this would have been their introduction to this horrible mess, but they had already tasted it during the first part of their 'holiday'.

After they had finished eating, they were left alone to look at each other miserably, both thinking the same thoughts. "Another two days of this! We should have discussed the scenario in greater detail!"

"Right" said the overseer as she came back. "You will be very glad to hear that this afternoon's programme is not so physically hard".

They now made their acquaintance with a simplified version of the Wooden Horse. They were each made to stand astride a wooden plank on its side, with its rough edge touching their anuses. Each plank was then slowly raised until they were standing on tiptoes.

"Now right up on your tippy-toes" the overseer ordered happily, as she cranked each plank up as high as she could. "Enjoy yourselves and no talking unless you want to wear an uncomfortable gag as well."

As their feet and legs got tired of the strained position, they had to let themselves down to sit on the plank. When this got unbearable, they tried to raise themselves up again and, each time, their feet gave way in less time. So, they kept on raising and lowering themselves, until they were finally released.

"We've got a little job for you both now, as waitresses, but you have to be dressed for the part first."

They were first stripped and then allowed to take a shower. Well, you can't have dirty sweaty waitresses, can you?

First came a very tight black waist cincher with suspenders, which left their breasts bare, and fishnet stockings were put on them. Their hands were now strapped behind them. Next, a strap between their legs which held a dildoe in Helen's vagina and a thick butt plug up her arse.

As Peter watched these being fitted, he was glad that he didn't have a vagina to fill. He had forgotten that there were alternatives for a man. He was fitted with a soft rubber bag filled with short sharp projections and, after the butt plug was fitted, the strap was buckled tight and his prick and balls felt the full effect of the bristles, especially when the overseer gave them an unfriendly squeeze. He yelped!

Then long knee-length boots were laced up tightly. He was relieved to see that his heels were not as high as those worn by Helen were, but they would certainly be high and thin enough to cause him problems in walking steadily. As a waitress, he would presumably be carrying drinks and he didn't like to think of the consequences if he spilled any –especially over someone he was serving at the time!

Next, a thin strap was fastened behind their necks, which held something resembling a bell clapper inside the mouth lying heavily on the tongue. He later found that this effectively stopped him from talking, but not from making a noise, like a scream of pain.

Helen's was finished first and she was called over to kneel in front of the overseer, who produced two ugly looking nipple clamps fastened back to back. She did not put them on gently, but allowed them to snap on, which caused a double squeal of pain from Helen, as her breasts were pulled uncomfortably together. Once again, Peter made the mistake of being glad that he did not have breasts. He had forgotten that men do have nipples!

And so, he took his turn in having his nipples clamped and found the resulting tension almost unbearable. He realised that even if it had been completely unbearable, it would still have had to be borne!

The overseer now brought over a double leash and she clipped one end to the join between each pair of nipples. She gave the leashes a tug and said, "On your feet lazy sluts. It's time to put you to work."

They awkwardly, but quickly, scrambled to their feet.

"Come on" was the order as the overseer tugged again.

Peter had always imagined that a woman's nipples were more sensitive than a man's are, and they probably are at that, but at each tug on his, he followed their tormentor as eagerly as Helen did, to try to relieve the pull.

They followed her down a corridor and, where another corridor met theirs, another overseer came out leading two identically 'dressed' figures behind her. The man was equipped the same as Peter, but the woman did not have clips on her nipples, but rings fitted through them, with a very sort chain between them.

At this sight, Helen started to make a sort of distressed whinnying noise through her gag, and shook her head violently from side to side, as she pulled back on her leash.

"What is the matter with her?" asked the second overseer.

"I think I know" replied theirs. "You go on ahead while I sort this out."


When they were alone, their overseer let the leashes fall and raised her hand to Helen's face. Peter thought she was going to slap it and began to try to free his hands with the intention of defending her.

He then realised that she was speaking very quietly and soothingly to Helen and stroking her face gently and calling her by name, so he gave up his efforts and paid attention to what she was saying.

"Was it the sight of those nipple rings that caused this, Helen?"

Helen nodded her head.

"And did you think that I was taking you to have rings fitted on you?"

Helen nodded again and made a mewing sound of protest.

"Well, you can relax. That girl was a slave and doesn't have the choice, but you are a paying guest here, remember, and you both have specified no body piercing, so I promise you that you are perfectly safe from anything like that. Now are you satisfied?"

Helen relaxed and nodded her head.

"Righto" said the overseer reverting to character, "Now come along as we have wasted enough time over that." She gave another painful tug as she picked the leashes up.

They caught up the other group in a room, where the girl had had the chain between her breasts removed and the man was having his clamps replaced by a small dangling ring being fitted to each nipple by a screw fitting.

The overseer tightened the screw until the main cried out in pain and his body bucked. She then loosened it half a turn.

Meanwhile, their overseer was fitting Helen with rings and then it was Peter's turn. In each case, the clamp was put on really tight so that the ring could not drop off.

Now they found out the purpose of the rings. Tiny white frilly aprons were produced. They came down to mid-thigh and had a small bib fitted with two small hooks. These went into the nipple rings and had the effect of the nipples nestling through the lace frills of the bibs. Of course, this effect was more pronounced and attractive in the case of the girls, but then it's not a perfect world, is it?

"Now you understand why the rings have to be fitted on so tightly" one of the overseers explained. "You would be mortified if your apron bib fell down when you were serving, wouldn't you?"

A matching lace cap was pinned on to each head and, at last, their hands were freed and they were given serving trays.

"One word of warning", said their overseer. "The trays are to be held at mid-bib height just under your boobs, for those of you who have boobs. If you fail to do this, there will be a further session this evening when a very heavy tray will be hooked onto those nipple rings and large heavy glasses of water put on the tray. The whole thing is very uncomfortable to hold up; or so I am told", she smirked. "Any spillage will mean a caning."

They were then put to work serving the whims of off-duty overseers. Peter and the other male serving the female overseers and the two girls the males. At odd moments, Peter noticed that the female maids were being fingered and touched all the time and he resented seeing Helen being handled like that

Mind you, he felt frequent hands on his ball bag, with painful squeezes, and his plug being manipulated.

Finally they were finished and were allowed back to their cells to rest for the night. All four were relieved not to have 'qualified' for extra 'tray training". In fact, this had been a fairly empty threat. The overseers were quite aware of when enough was enough for one day.

The second day followed a similar pattern, with rowing machines, pedal cycles and similar machines being used.

When that was over, Peter and Helen were very glad they had only arranged for two days of it.

"Just imagine having a whole week of that as an introduction followed by a life of slavery?" remarked Helen.

"As a matter of fact", said Peter, "I have an idea that what we had was a watered-down version of the 'real' thing. I reckon that the slaves have things longer, harder, heavier etc."

"Can you imagine being sent there for three or six months of that treatment, and they did stress minimum each time. Anyone would have to be really desperate to try to escape with that known penalty awaiting them." Helen added.

"Yes, but escape to where?" asked Peter. "Guests are all brought here under sedation and I imagine the slaves are completely unconscious and shipped as freight. None of us know where we are. Most of us seem to have accepted that we are probably on a large island and we do know that it has a pleasant sub-tropical climate, but that is about all and it is practically zero, so how would a slave go about escaping. I think they are in a hopeless situation. I reckon that the minor staff here are also probably sedated during transport and that it is only the top management who do know the answers."



For the rest of the holiday they usually played bit parts in the background of other guests' fantasies, as long as those fantasies matched those liked by Helen and Peter. Sometimes, both were in the same scenario and sometimes they did separate things. They were given the 'script' and instructions on how to play their parts by hypnosis the night before it started.

For their first scenario after their 'slave induction', one lady guest wanted to be the mistress of a large Edwardian household with lots of meek subservient maids to order around and they became two minor house/parlourmaids.

Their 'mistress' desired her maids to be smartly uniformed and this in her mind equated with very tight corsets and high tight starched collars. In vain, the housekeeper tried to explain that this restricted form of dress was OK for parlourmaids standing around and serving food etc., but it was not so suitable for housemaids doing heavier work.

She mentioned how horses pulling carriages could be harnessed with a bearing rein, to make them hold their heads up smartly, but a horse pulling a load had to be able to drop its head to pull up a hill. This explanation cut very little ice with Madam, but the housekeeper found ways of getting round the problem. Meanwhile, Peter (dressed as a woman) and Helen had to wear some very uncomfortable uniforms to work in.

They were only caned a couple of times, at the direct order of the lady, but it was not too hard. On the other hand, they both felt very sorry for the young slave girl who had become her lady's maid and was treated very severely. They never knew that the lady had originally chosen Helen as her personal maid, but had to be told that this was not possible, but not why.



Another time, Peter and three male slaves were maids to a lady who wanted to be served by men dressed in female uniforms.

Peter rather enjoyed this episode. The lady could not decide on which uniform she wanted them dressed in and so had each one dressed differently and even these were frequently changed and Peter liked the frequent changes of costume.

Once again, this lady also chose a young male slave as her lady's maid and had him dress in various French maid costumes, whereas those worn by Peter and the others were more conventional, practical uniforms.



Then came an episode where Peter played a more direct role and where, unrealised by him, the Management were testing him for more dominant roles.

He was back in the Adult Baby World again, but this time the baby was a young woman guest who had requested this fantasy for herself and Peter was cast as the nursery maid, Doris. The nurse and nanny were the same people who had potty-trained him.

Although the girl had asked to be a baby, Peter doubted that she had envisaged a start to the experience like the first day, which followed the same script as his had done. Her baby experience was to last a full week.

Peter stood watching in fascinated horror as the nurse rammed home the hypo needle in the back of the girl's mouth and winced in memory of his own experience. When it came to when her tongue was pulled out straight and the long thin needle pushed right in the whole length of her tongue; he visibly flinched at the memory of the unpleasant sensation it had been.

He then noticed that the nanny was not watching what was happening, but was being very amused by the expressions on his face. When the nurse had finished, it was his job to get the white rubber aprons out of the cupboard for the nanny and himself. He saw by the way that the 'baby' moved her head at the sound, that it meant the same to her as it had to him.


'Something unpleasant is coming my way!'

He helped to feed her and the same thing happened when she tasted the goo for the first time. She spat it out as he had, and with the same consequences.

After they had strung her up in her harness, Doris and the nanny were sitting having a cup of tea and watching her on a monitor. He asked the nanny about the spitting out of the first mouthful.

"Oh no. It's not programmed into the 'baby' to do that. It's just that the first mouthful tastes so vile, as you know yourself, that it is completely instinctive."

After a while, a buzzer sounded and they looked at the monitor screen to see her body shuddering.

"There she goes shitting herself," said Nanny. "We'll give her 30 minutes to wallow in it and then get her down."

She gave a little shudder herself and added, "I sometimes wonder what it is like to hang there with your pants full of piss and shit."

"Very uncomfortable," said Peter grimly.

"Sorry!" said the nanny, "For a moment I had forgotten you have been there yourself."

After they had hosed the baby down, it was the nursemaid's job to use the large syringe to pump the soapy water into the baby for her enemas. Peter found that he enjoyed doing that.

After the second cleaning up operation, it was Peter's job to hold the baby's squirming body on his lap whilst Nanny wielded the strap and berated the baby for dirtying herself again. Peter really enjoyed doing that too!

Then, in the afternoon, when Peter was finding it all a little bit repetitious, he was told to use the strap, while baby lay over the nanny's lap. His first two strokes were rather tentative and the nanny exploded.

"Just what sort of nursemaid do you call yourself? This child has been naughty and must be taught the error of its ways and how will it ever learn if you give it love taps? Nature designed this part of its anatomy to be thrashed without harm. It's not delicate bone china, so lay on properly or I shall have to demonstrate on you over the whipping block. How you can ever imagine you will make the grade as a nanny, I don't know."

Peter took the rebuke in silence and laid on another two harder strokes, which made the girl moan.

"That's a little better, but not much. Now do it properly, or else I really will give you a personal demonstration."

At this further criticism, Peter clenched his teeth and squared up again. This time he really let fly and the 'baby' jerked on nanny's lap and screamed out. A second stroke followed.

"Now you've got the idea. Now give her another six and then you can try the job of feeding her."

As he wheeled the food trolley up to the bibbed seated figure, she gave him a glare of pure hatred from her tear-stained face, but with his newfound experience, he wasn't going to allow that. He pushed his knee against the switch and her body bucked as the electricity surged through her nipples.

"Don't you dare look at me like that" he said. I'm only doing my job and it's entirely your own fault for dirtying your nappy and pants. Now you remember what comes next don't you? When I bring the spoon to your mouth, you open it as wide as you possibly can, or else I do this." As he said the last word, he pressed the switch again for two complete seconds. He had no trouble with her after that!

The nanny and a member of Management had been watching this performance on a screen and the nanny said, "It's a great pity he is a guest and we can't offer him a job. I think he would become very good at this sort of thing. Very inventive!"

So, by and large, Peter enjoyed his two days as a nursemaid and found out a lot about himself. Was there anything he didn't like? Well, yes. He found out who washed the many shitty nappies and pants. Yes, you're right! It was the nursemaid's job and he also found that it was done by hand, bare hand, in an old-fashioned wash tub with a scrubbing board.



Another session, where he took a more active role, was when male guest, Paul, asked for a scenario where he was to be a young Edwardian boy forced into wearing a girl's pinafore. This scenario was obviously tailor-made for Peter to join in and Helen came into it too.

Peter aged twelve and his three sisters, with Helen as the eldest, were in their nursery/schoolroom when Miss Page, the governess, came in leading a boy of about the same age as him. She introduced him as their cousin, Paul, who would be staying with them for a time.

While the girls sat giggling to each other, Paul came over to Peter and asked why he was wearing one of his sister's pinafores. Peter had been expecting something like this and explained that he was not, because it was his own. He could have elaborated and shown Paul how the buttons and buttonholes on the back were on the opposite side to those of his sisters, which turned it into a boy's pinafore, but decided not to bother with that explanation.

Paul then assumed that Peter was wearing it as a punishment and asked what he had done to earn it. Again, very patiently, Peter explained that he was not being punished, but that he wore an apron all the time, just like his sisters did and for the same reason as they did – to keep their clothes clean (the 'official explanation').

At this, Paul snorted his derision and said that nobody would treat him like that and stalked off to condescend to the girls.

Peter remembered a time when he would have thought the same. It would have been about three years ago, before Miss Page was put in charge of the schoolroom.

Nanny Taylor had been very put out when she heard that a governess was coming to take charge and would be her superior. In the event, they had taken to each other at first sight. They were both out of the same mould. Both were sadistic bullies and loved having young children under their thumbs to bully to their hearts content.

Miss Page had lots of new ideas that Nanny approved of. She also suggested some of her own, which she had silently nurtured over the years, but which would probably never have been accepted from her, but were from the governess who had more authority.

The first idea was introduced in a very sly underhand way. Miss Page had gone to Peter's mother and shown her one of his shirts with food spilt down the front of it, which she had put there herself.

"Look at this Madam. I really think it would be a good idea for Peter to wear a pinafore at mealtimes, as the girls do."

His mother looked at the mess with distaste. "Yes. I entirely agree with you."

So, Peter never knew how it had come about, but, to his chagrin, he was suddenly made to wear a girl's pinny at mealtimes, with his mother's approval. Then, one day, for a minor punishment, he was made to wear it for the rest of the day. The next thing he knew, he was wearing one all day long and then the ultimate; he had special 'boys' pinafores bought, or made, for him.

His mother thought that she had hired two professionally trained women, who knew the best way to bring up children, and so usually went along with their suggestions.

The next thing was the introduction of a rubber bib at mealtimes, for all the children, 'to keep their pinafores clean'. This, despite the fact that the wearing of his pinafore was supposed to be to keep his clothes clean. His mother had forgotten that justification!

Next, it was the wearing of rubber knickers. This was justified to their mother as 'protecting their modesty when they were spanked in front of each other'. 'Spanked' sounds pretty innocuous, doesn't it? The mother never knew that they were usually severely strapped or caned 'on the bare' anyway. That was just the excuse that was made up for her.

The children had soon found out that complaining to their mother did not bring any relief from these practices, but only extra grief from trying.

Once they had established their position as oracles on the treatment of children, 'Miss' and Nanny began to do things without consulting their mother, but the children were not aware of this.

'Unofficial' things included the replacement of the cotton under sheets on their beds with rubber ones; regular enemas; Peter being made to wear a penis ring to prevent him masturbating and getting erections; and the use of castor oil as a punishment.

In fact, Nanny introduced her long wished for castor oil punishment by saying sanctimoniously that it was to "to put a nasty taste into the mouth that has been telling tales".

The children observed this and similar changes to their lives and assumed that their mother had ordered them, or at least had agreed to them. Their mother took the view that the governess and nanny were trained to look after children and would therefore know best. Their father left the upbringing of the children to his wife.

Miss Page and Nanny Taylor were now 'ruling the roost', without appeal.

Remembering how this had come about, Peter did not give much for Paul's chances of remaining 'apron-less'.

Just then Miss Page and Nanny came into the room and when Peter saw what Nanny was carrying, he knew he had been right. It was one of his old pinafores – the type that she called a 'training pinny'.

Paul was told to come forward and hold his arms out. He refused.

There was a mixture of plaintive cries of "I won't wear that!" followed by more assertive positive ones of "Oh yes you will."

There followed a short scuffle and, with it being two adults against one young boy, the end was inevitable. Paul was now dressed in a school pinafore apron.

When they let his arms go he reached behind his neck to undo the buttons and take it off and found there weren't any. Training aprons had two small rings that could be either clipped together, in the case of a girl or a docile boy, but, in the case of a boy who didn't want to wear it, fastened with a small padlock. Paul would now wear this apron until the governess or the nanny unlocked it at their pleasure, not his.

The sulking and rather more subdued Paul was sat next to Peter and the morning's lessons began.

As usual, the cane and tawse were used frequently during the lessons, but not on Paul. He obviously thought he was immune from this form of punishment, but Peter guessed that Miss Page was just saving up the first time for a grand occasion.

At one point, Paul asked why he and Peter had to wear girls' pinafores and was given the standard answer that it was to keep his clothes clean. The others knew this story was not true. What he would soon learn was that, when they ate, if they got the smallest mark on either the bib, or the pinny, it earned them another caning or a strapping.

At lunch, he tried again to protest again at the rubber bib, but they ignored him and one was simply locked round his neck as well.

Peter tried to give him a piece of advice. "I don't suppose you will listen, but you cannot win against those two grown-ups, so you might as well save the effort. If you obey their orders, it will save a lot of wear and tear on your bottom too." But as I have already said, Paul thought he was immune to corporal punishment.

Later that afternoon, a parlourmaid came to tell the governess that their mother had visitors and that she was to present the children, suitably dressed for the occasion, in the drawing room in fifteen minutes.

Nanny was called in and clean aprons put on them. The three girls now wore matching pink aprons with frilled crossover shoulder straps and ties, which made large bows. They also had matching pink ribbons in their hair.

In dismay, Peter looked at the one in the same style being held out to him. It was a new one in pale lilac with a deeper lilac lace frill all round and a matching pocket, also with its own frill. It was a charming apron and any girl would have looked very sweet in it, but he knew how it would look on him. Miss Page and Nanny were always doing this to him. Trying new combinations of colours or styles to make him look even more ridiculous. Although he was more or less inured to it now, a new one occasionally came as a shock, especially when he was going to have to wear it in public.

Another thing was that, in a more subtle way, this was also a boy's apron. How was that? Well, it was the type of pretty pinafore that few girls would mind wearing and what made it into a boy's apron, were the two metal rings attached to the waistbands to take a padlock, which would be hidden by the bow.

All special boy's aprons had these rings, even though they were not often locked now with Peter. But when she saw his face and the reaction it mirrored, Nanny produced a padlock from her apron pocket and snapped it on with a wink, which was not intended to be a friendly gesture.

In the meantime, Paul had been put into the apron that Peter had been expecting to wear. It was light blue with darker blue ruffles. This too was padlocked on.

"Before you start arguing again Master Paul, I tell you that if you go into the drawing room in your school pinafore, the Mistress is likely to order you to be whipped for impertinence, and very likely in front of the visitors too. So now I suggest you shut up and come along with us quietly."

The governess led the way with the girls following. Peter and Paul were next with the Nanny bringing up the rear, just in case Paul decided unwisely to make a bolt for it.

Inside the drawing room, things could hardly have been worse. There was Colonel and Mrs Smith and their two daughters aged about sixteen and fourteen. The lady tried to hide her amusement at the sight of the two boys in their frills, but her daughters openly giggled.

The oldest coyly said to Peter, "Oh, you do look cute. That is such a darling frilly apron, isn't it?"

Peter, who had had to deal with such remarks before from other young 'ladies', replied smoothly, "I'm glad you like it Miss, because it is one of my favourites."

This unexpected answer completely took the wind out of her sails and she didn't know what to say next. Her younger sister had made a similar teasing remark to Paul, who did not answer but simply glowered at her.

The impasse was broken by the Colonel, who was rather unimaginative like so many of his kind and who called them over to him and said, "I say! You both do look nice. What do you want to be when you grow up, eh? Lady's maids?" He chuckled and thought he was being funny!

At this cutting remark from a Colonel, Paul could take no more, burst into tears and fled onto the balcony.

Peter, without thinking of the consequences, said, "I think that was a cruel unnecessary remark Sir," and went to join Paul, who was drying his tears outside. They had left a shocked silence inside the room. In those days, children did not make such impertinent remarks to adults – ever!

Paul waited in humiliation and Peter in trepidation, knowing that retribution would be on the way.

Five minutes later it arrived! The governess and nanny, both grim-faced came out after them. A large baby's dummy (pacifier) was strapped into each mouth 'to prevent any more impertinent remarks' and a bib, embroidered 'Cry-Baby' was tied round Paul's neck and another saying 'Unruly' round Peter's.

They were then led back through the room, past the silent disapproving stares of the adults including the maids, and the smug looks of the younger visitors. Peter saw that his sisters had already disappeared.

Back in the schoolroom, they were stood with their noses against the wall, dressed, once more, in their school pinafores. However, Peter was now also wearing a training pinafore padlocked on, to remind him that he was in disgrace and to emphasise that he was awaiting punishment.

Soon, Helen wearing a bib marked 'untidy' because of an earlier misdemeanour joined them. She was also wearing a recent innovation by Nanny. It was a blue housemaid's type dress under her school pinafore, in place of her own frock.

Here, Nanny was trying to increase the girls' humiliation to that caused by the boy's frilly pinafores. Peter was wondering how long it would be before he would be dressed like that as a punishment also and how soon after that he could expect to wear a dress all day long.

Paul did not know what they were waiting for, but Peter and Helen did. As the time wore on and nothing appeared to be happening, Peter and Helen glanced at each other. They had both guessed that they were not going to be punished in the relative privacy of the schoolroom, but taken down to the kitchen to join the maids' punishment parade. This was always a possible optional extra for them.

They were right. Eventually, all five children were led down the back stairs to where the Housekeeper and maids were waiting for them. Before going down, Nanny had fastened a maid's mobcap on Helen's head and the result was that she looked even more like a skivvy than before.

The other two girls were not due to be caned, but it was always felt to be instructive for them to witness the punishment as a warning. Peter was horrified to see that 'Miss' was carrying the senior cane and not the ordinary school one.

As they entered the kitchen, some of the younger maids sniggered at the sight of one of their young mistresses dressed like one of themselves and then burst into fits of giggling when they saw that the boys' aprons were locked on them.

The children waited whilst various maids were tied down over a punishment frame and strapped by the burly laundry-maid with a long thick strap. This was much longer and thicker than the tawse usually used by Miss Page in the schoolroom.

Paul watched in silent disbelief (because of the dummy, still in his mouth) as a woman of about 25 was reduced to a weeping wreck for the fairly trivial offence of accidentally breaking an ordinary plate.

Then it was their turn. To be caned in front of the bevy of young servant girls.

Miss Page announced "Four strokes for 'untidy', eight for impertinence for 'unruly' and 'crybaby' and a further two for the crybaby for being a crybaby. This was obviously the grand occasion that Miss Page had been waiting for, or planning!

In the background, Peter saw Nanny holding the castor oil bottle and a very large spoon, with the bundle of rubber bibs over her arm. She smirked at him, and he knew that they were going to be dosed in front of the maids as well.

Peter thought that this would be a memorable first day for Paul's introduction into life in their nursery. Ten strokes from the senior cane for his very first caning to be followed by being dosed with castor oil and all this in front of these young female servants. How would he ever bear the humiliation?



Now the one question left is, 'What happened when there was no suitable fantasy for them to join in?'

The answer is really quite simple and rather obvious. There is always a use for maids and waitresses in a holiday resort. At first, they only served the staff, but when they could be 'trusted', they were also used in certain guest areas.

Two occasions, however, stood out in Peter's memory of this period. They became cocktail waitresses in the staff club. They were dressed in the most bizarre, exaggerated version of a French Maid's uniform that you can possibly imagine. Helen looked very attractive in hers, but even she could not help bursting into laughter when she saw him.

She asked, "Do you remember your reaction to the uniform worn by our waitress at our first evening meal? Well, obviously the Management hasn't forgotten it!"



Finally, the two weeks were up and it was time to leave. Although they had had a terrific Christmas celebration, New Year's Day had virtually passed them by unsung. Except that this was the day when Peter had been a male cocktail waitress to a group of very boisterous female staff members, who had made it a day-to-remember for him, but not because it was the New Year! Now, he had a very good idea of what it was like to be a cocktail waitress serving a party of young drunken 'lads'.

Before they left for home, they were told a bit of news. It was the outcome of the case against the two drunks at the nightclub. Both had been sentenced to six months in the hell of the penal facility.

"What you both had for two days, but much worse", they were told. "Then the bodyguard is to be slave for two years and his boss for four."

So they left for home and their new life together, whilst assuring the Management that they would be back.

Their Fantasy Holiday was over, but the story of Peter and Helen isn't!




© 2002 by Rob Willson. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.