Crystal's StorySite


The Female Spouse

by Julia Manchester

Copyright 2005


Chapter 7

Dan wasn't in any better spirits the next morning. Toni forced him sit up so she could take a look at his eye. She noticed that at least the swelling had subsided but he still had a nasty discoloration around his eye. It was yellow and purple, and he looked like he had just gone up against a heavyweight prizefighter. Try as she might, she could not get him to agree to go to breakfast, even in the Inn's dining room. She was forced to call for room service.

Toni spent most of the morning trying to coax Dan out of the room, but he was listless and unresponsive. Finally, in the early afternoon, she put her foot down and told him that if he wouldn't leave the room, she would go out alone. His response cut her.

"Go ahead," he replied. "You don't need me; you can take care of yourself."

Toni stared at him for a moment. She then went into the bathroom, put on her gaffe, and followed with some shorts and a tank top. When she came out, Dan was curled up on the bed, watching television, so she picked up her purse and left the room.


Toni was angry with Dan when she left the room. She punched the elevator door as she waited for it impatiently, but all that did was bruise her hand and fuel her anger. She truly intended to take the boat over to the mainland and leave him alone for the day. When she calmed down a bit, she recalled the despairing tone in his voice and her initial fear that Dan might do something drastic returned. She decided that she would never forgive herself if Dan jumped off the balcony or hurt himself in some other way, but she needed some time alone right now, so she compromised by walking down the beach.

The sun was just reaching its apex and the sparkling water lapped at the crystalline sand as she set off on her trek. Feathery white clouds slid gracefully across the deep blue sky, chased by squadrons of gulls and an occasional piper. It was a gorgeous summer day, and the weather was perfect contrast to Toni's dark mood. She began walking purposefully, but that wasn't quite enough for her; she felt the need to burn off her frustration, so she removed her sandals and set them under a distinctive rock and began jogging. Her jog soon turned into a hard run and she pounded down the beach in the damp sand that lay just beyond the reach of the waves.

Toni enjoyed the exhilaration of running flat out. She had never been able to come close to the speed she now attained while her endurance was now remarkable. She kept going until she spied the rock where she had deposited her sandals. She was amazed that she had been able to circumnavigate the island while running at top speed. She slowed to a stop and leaned against the rock while she strapped her sandals to her feet, breathing heavily.

Walking slowly now as her pulse and respiration returned to normal she was able to consider Dan's mood more dispassionately. She now recognized that one of her remarks to Dan had been dead wrong. Though her transformation had mirrored Dan's, it wasn't the same thing—not by a long shot.

While they had both undergone a change of sex, Dan had been rendered impotent and far less physically capable, while she had become strong and virile. There was a major difference in the outcome, and Dan—who had been raised to emulate the manly virtues—was humiliated that he could no longer fulfill his own expectations, nor those of others. She, on the other hand, had been raised with the knowledge that men were stronger, faster, and physically dominant. She had never had any expectation of physical prowess, nor had there ever been any pressure on her to perform such feats. So she looked on her newfound power and potency almost as a gift. The transformation really wasn't that bad from her viewpoint because she could do so much more now—and therein lay the difference. For Dan it was a nightmare.

Toni felt she now had a better insight into Dan's psyche, but what now? Unless the mysterious transformation spontaneously reversed itself—something that seemed less likely with each passing hour—they would have to learn to live with the changes, preferably without disclosing their secret. Some aspects of their relationship would have to change, in fact some already had. Toni smiled as she recalled how their sex roles had been completely reversed. However, they had jobs, families and friends, so some things had to remain, as they were to prevent discovery. The big question was how much they could still mimic their former selves.

Dan was just coming out of the bathroom when Toni let herself in the room. He paused when he heard the door open and Toni saw that he was wearing nothing but his new sunburst T-shirt and a pair of her panties. Evidently, he had discarded his imitation phallus as being uncomfortable. Toni noticed the two very slight mounds around his chest though they were still within masculine norms, and she also noticed his slightly larger-than-normal areolas and nipples were just visible beneath his white T-shirt, though again, she doubted anyone else would notice them. The shirt itself was very large on him, especially its length, falling to nearly mid-thigh. The ever-so-slight swelling in his hips hadn't grown more pronounced, but the cut of the T-shirt made it noticeable.

"How are you feeling?" Toni asked her husband.

"About as well as can be expected," he replied noncommittally.

"Danny, we need to talk," Toni announced, glancing at his blackened eye.

Dan walked over to the small table in their room and pulled a chair out and sat down. "Okay. What do you want to talk about?" he asked as he sat down.

Toni pulled the other chair out and sat facing him.

"I was wrong to snap at you," she admitted. "I've been doing some thinking, and now I see that this . . . transformation, has been a lot harder on you than it has on me."

Dan was silent so Toni continued.

"You're also right about something else—I am the man in the family now at least from a biological standpoint. But that has to be something we keep to ourselves. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, nothing has changed.

Dan winced when Toni laid claim to the masculine role, but he couldn't very well deny it, not after being on the receiving end of her manhood. Besides, he had used those very words himself.

"This won't be easy, as you already know, and it could get more difficult as time goes on," Toni continued. "Aside from the major changes there have been several smaller ones, and we also have to deal with more than just the physical alterations. The transformation will, I suspect, affect our thinking, our attitudes, and maybe even the way we view our relationship—probably more and more as time passes. I don't see how we can avoid it, and we'll just have to deal with those . . . adjustments as they come up."

Dan nodded again, impressed by his wife's insight. She seemed to grasp the problem completely, and was able to lay it out in a clear and concise way. He, himself, had been overwhelmed with emotions since the transformation, and he was at the point where he welcomed her insight.

"But you were dead wrong about one thing," Toni continued again. "You could not have been more wrong when you said I didn't need you. I need you more than ever. I need your advice, your experience, and most of all I need your love."

Dan's mouth fell open, and his face took on the expression of a drowning man pulled from the water at the last minute. His eyes suddenly acquired a gleam of hope and wonder that Toni actually loved—needed—him despite his uselessness as a man. When Toni reached across the table to take his hand Dan's emotions welled up yet again, and he began sobbing.

Toni quickly rose and went to him, wrapping her arms around him from behind to comfort him. As she did she felt a curious sensation of softness in his chest. She shifted her hands slightly, pressing against Dan's chest, and was amazed to discover that her husband had grown a considerable volume of soft tissue that could only be feminine breasts. Upon further examination she discovered that most of Dan's new mammaries were hidden beneath the surface, almost as if his ribs had been re-routed to allow his breasts to remain partially hidden, or perhaps the recessed breasts had taken the place of his pectoral muscles, or at least a portion of them. That would certainly explain some of his new upper body weakness.

When Toni's fingers probed his chest, Dan leaned back against her, laid his head on her chest, and allowed her to continue her voyage of discovery. After a time, his tears evaporated and he turned in his chair, adopting a very feminine pose, and turned his eyes up toward her. Toni leaned down and gently kissed his upturned face, wiping away the few remaining tears.

Dan looked so vulnerable, almost beyond hope, and it was clear he was desperate for acceptance, for a reaffirmation of his value as a human being. Toni cradled his head in her arms. "Danny, I need you more than you'll ever know," she whispered softly, and Dan felt his heart leap with joy.

At that moment, Dan's love for Toni was transformed into something akin to devotion, and he just knew he would do anything for her.

Though Toni hadn't asked anything of him, Dan felt the need to express his love in a tangible way. For a moment, he didn't know what to do, but then the answer came to him. He rose gracefully from the chair, turned towards Toni, and placed his hands against her chest. The old rules were gone, replaced by a new code of conduct, but while Dan couldn't pick her up and carry her to the bed anymore, much less ravish her, he was learning to use other means of transmitting his message. He moved his hand down to Toni's shorts and pulled the metal snap open, then he pushed her shorts over her hips until they fell to the floor. He took a step back and pulled his T-shirt over his head, then hooked his thumbs in the lacy waistband of his panties and lowered them until they pooled at his feet.

Toni was silent, but she looked at Dan with a huge smile. Dan kicked the panties aside, stepped over to the bed, and climbed on to the mattress, positioning himself on his back with his legs splayed apart.

The move was so fluid, so feminine, that Toni couldn't help staring. She took in Dan's slightly convex chest, his somewhat larger, darker areolas, and slightly elongated nipples. She saw the barely noticeable swelling in his hips, but her eyes were riveted on Dan's perfectly formed labia. After a moment, the pressure in her gaffe increased tremendously and she set a speed record freeing herself from the necessary nuisance. She kicked the gaffe aside, stripped off her top, and struggled momentarily with her bra before she was able to toss it away and climbed between Dan's legs.

Their musky scents mingled in the air as Toni proceeded to rock Dan's world. Toni found Dan's willing submission incredibly erotic, and that fueled her libido like a nuclear reactor. Her stamina was truly epic and she also took the time to discover the strange but sexy modifications to Dan's chest. It was soon clear that his breasts were far larger than she had suspected, though 90% of the mass was hidden beneath the surface. But their interior nature did not mean that they were any less sensitive. Dan let her know how sensitive they were in a variety of ways. He gasped and moaned, clutched at her waist, and arched his back, but the real giveaway was when his nipples literally bloomed to several times their normal size. They hadn't done that before, but Toni took full advantage of the situation.

When Toni finished, she was truly beat, and Dan was barely conscious. He covered his small mound with both hands, savoring the sensations, before rolling on his side and pressing his legs together to enjoy the last fading aftershocks.


Dan and Toni's relationship continued to evolve during the remainder of their vacation. Though neither of them was conscious of the full extent of the changes, each day found them further removed from their former lives and increasingly governed by their new roles.

Toni was becoming more decisive and she began planning most of their activities. She began to feel a new confidence and enthusiasm that was contagious. She also began to develop a sense of adventure and a taste for the unknown, the unusual. Formerly a creature of habit, she began to feel a desire to explore her new limits. Her masculine libido guaranteed that she was the aggressor in their sexual relations, and she began to exhibit a new creativity that that surprised them both (and delighted Dan). Her ascendancy also carried over into other aspects of their relationship and by the time they returned home there was no doubt as to who was the dominant partner.

On the other hand, Dan had become a lot more cautious. His former happy-go-lucky nature seemed diminished and his confidence slowly evaporated. He was far less preoccupied with sex than before his transformation and though he enjoyed it immensely, he was more and more inclined to let Toni initiate their conjugal relations. He also felt a growing reluctance to become assertive or argue his point of view. When he disagreed with Toni's choices, he tended more and more to keep his opinions to himself and simply go along with her choices. There was just something about being female, about being the submissive sexual partner that made it difficult for him to assert himself in other areas of domestic life. Of course, they both had to restrain their new compulsions and try to act as they always had but it wasn't easy, and they found that they had to fight their natural impulses more each day.

Chapter 8

Dan and Toni's "special equipment" allowed them to keep up appearances at work, at least from a physical standpoint, but in both cases their co-workers noticed changes in their attitude and demeanor, especially Dan's fellow employees. Fortunately, Dan's buddies at work attributed his new calmness to the vacation and they were sure he had gotten laid a lot. The women in the office appreciated his new patience and gentle tone of voice, and they ascribed what they saw as positive developments indicative of a growing maturity.

At first, Dan was very apprehensive at work but he soon realized that as long as he wore an undershirt or dark shirts, nobody could see his enlarged nipples or areolas, and his strap-on appliance took care of the rest. He did have a few anxious moments in the men's room, but none of the guys seemed to notice he always used a stall now, probably because they simply never considered the possibility of what had actually happened.

The Saturday after they returned home, Dan woke up feeling achy and out of sorts, and when he went to the bathroom he discovered a few spots of blood on the gusset of his panties. His wail of misery brought Toni to his side immediately.

"I was afraid this would happen," she observed as she stared down at Dan, who was seated on the toilet with his panties around his knees, holding his head in his hands.

"You knew that this would happen? Why didn't you tell me?" Dan asked reproachfully.

"Well, I just assumed you were aware of the facts of life," Toni retorted. "Starting with puberty and continuing until menopause, all females, including you now, have to contend with their 'monthly visitor.'"

"Just great!" Dan exclaimed angrily. "Now I have to deal with periods!"

"It's not the end of the world," his wife noted a bit callously.

"Maybe not, but I feel terrible. And how am I supposed to deal with THIS?" he gestured.

"Just like every other wom- like every other female," Toni replied. "I've got pills for the cramps and aches, and there are boxes of tampons, maxi pads, and panty liners under the sink. Just follow the directions."

Dan hadn't believed things could get any worse, but now he knew just how wrong he had been. After he read the instructions, he inserted a tampon, which turned out to be a messy, degrading experience. He shivered as he pushed the cardboard tube inside himself, and the string hanging down between his legs did nothing to boost his morale. Then, Toni took him into the living room and gave him the same "talk" her mother had given her when she was twelve. By the time she was finished, Dan was thoroughly depressed and knew far more than he had ever wanted to know about feminine hygiene and the general care of his new equipment.

"Oh yeah, there's one more thing," Toni mentioned as Dan rose from the couch.

"What's that?" her feminized husband asked dejectedly.

"You'll need to carry extra tampons and pads with you—especially during your period, but probably all the time since we don't know how 'regular' you will be, and you should also probably keep a purse size aerosol of feminine deodorant spray with you. That's important because your menses has a distinctive aroma."

"How can I carry all that stuff around?" Dan asked reasonably. "I won't be able to fit all that in my pockets, and it might look a little strange if I were carrying female hygiene products."

"Yeah, you're right, but you WILL need that stuff—trust me on that—and the problems you'll face without those supplies will be worse than carrying them. We'll just have to find something you can use as a purse that doesn't look like a purse."

"Oh, this is just PERFECT!" Dan exclaimed. "Now I need a purse."

The solution turned out to be not one single item, but several. For work, they found a soft attaché or lap top case would work well. For other times they bought a backpack, a small camera case, a fanny pack, and they also commandeered Dan's small binocular case, which could slip on to his belt. None of these cases were appropriate for every occasion, and when Dan pointed that out Toni laughed and remarked, "You girls are all alike—you need lots of purses for different occasions.

Dan took one look at the mischievous grin on her face and laughed in spite of himself.


Dan trudged off to work the following Monday with his new, soft attaché case. One of the compartments held three tampons, a few panty liners, a travel size aerosol of feminine deodorant, a travel size bottle of menstrual pain relief pills, and a small bottle of aftershave lotion to keep his scent more "manly." It also held a box of chocolates, for which Dan had developed a sudden craving. The weekend had not been fun, and Toni had indulged him by doing most of the chores and cooking, allowing him to lay around in his robe and learn to deal with his new "visitor" as he consumed unheard of amounts of chocolate. Monday was the worst day yet, though Toni had assured him that it would get better after today.

He hoped so. The cramps kept coming, tying his stomach in knots, and the pills seemed almost ineffective against the aches he felt. Toni rubbed his shoulders and remarked that some girls just had a rough time, while others seemed to skate through their periods without any noticeable effect. When Dan heard that, he made a caustic remark about being one of the "lucky" ones, but Toni told him he couldn't tell from just one month. The effects sometimes varied, and they would have to wait for a few months to see whether he was one of the females who had a rough time.

Dan could not believe how tired he felt during the day. He dragged himself around the office, turning down a chance to go out to lunch with the guys at a local sports bar, opting instead to remain at his desk. He also took advantage of the time the guys were all gone to change his tampon and panty liner—the combination he and Toni had found most effective for him. By the end of the workday, all he wanted to do was take a nice hot bath and crawl into bed.

The following day was a lot better for Dan and by Thursday, he was down to just a panty liner and the symptoms had disappeared entirely except for a bit of spotting. Dan felt like he had survived the crucible of the female sex, and his mood improved considerably. He hoped that his future periods would not be nearly as bad, but regardless of this intensity, at least he wouldn't have to worry about his period for another 28 days.

Toni felt sorry for her husband. She had hated her own periods, but at least they were a normal occurrence for her. She had been raised with the knowledge that menstruation was a normal event in the life of women, but Dan never had an inkling that he would have to deal with them, and he had to learn everything all at once, without the benefit of his mother helping him. Still, Toni felt a bit guilty that her burden had been shifted to her spouse, so she tried to help and make things as easy as she could. A heavy dose of sympathy and frequent back rubs were her primary medicine.

Dan was almost through his period and he and Toni were seated on the sofa one evening, watching the news on television. Well, she was watching, but Dan was turned to one side, his legs curled up underneath him while she gave him a back rub and tried to pay attention to the local news announcer. Dan was resting with his eyes closed, enjoying the sensuous back rub, when Toni jarred him alert and told him to look at the screen. A report concerning the company Dan worked at came on, and they were both stunned to learn that the company was moving—to Indonesia.

According to a spokesman for the company, the firm was losing money and they could not compete in the world market with the high cost of labor in the United States. Accordingly, the decision had been made to move all of their facilities offshore, to a country where the labor costs were more "competitive," and the location that had been selected was Indonesia. The current employees would be given a decent severance package, unemployment compensation, and even some money towards re-training, but the move was set, and the local facilities would close in one month.

"Oh my God," Dan cried out, seeing his career collapsing before it had a chance to get started.

"It might not be all that bad if the severance package is decent," Toni noted, trying to put a good spin on a bad situation. "Besides, we've got my salary and they also mentioned funds for re-training."

Dan just shook his head. Though Toni made almost as much as he did, it wouldn't be enough, and he didn't want to be re-trained. He was perfectly happy in human resources. "It doesn't matter what they give us, it won't be easy finding a job in this economy," he said sourly.

"I know," Toni admitted, "but between what I make, unemployment, and whatever the severance package comes to, we should make it."

"For a while," Dan agreed, "but our savings account isn't all that healthy. If we have to tap into it, it won't go very far."

Chapter 9

Toni hadn't made love to Dan in over a week due to his period, and she was feeling very horny, though she did not think Dan would feel like a romp in the hay after hearing the bad news about his job. But the need to screw him to the bed seemed overwhelming to the camouflaged male. With each passing day, Toni understood men a little better and she realized that their desire to mate was so strong that they simply could not help the way they behaved. Now that she was one of 'them,' she felt the same urges and knew how strong they really were. So, despite the fact that it wasn't an ideal occasion, she decided to try to seduce Dan. The only question was how to go about it.

She couldn't just put on a sexy nightgown and give him that "come hither" look as she had in the past. That wouldn't work. Since their sex swap, Dan hadn't reacted to visual stimuli in the same way he once had, and SHE was the one who was ready at a moment's notice—not him. Now, Dan had to be "handled" carefully. She had to cuddle him and gradually ease him into the mood with foreplay before he was ready for sex.

Toni decided to wear her pair of silk pajamas, which weren't so obvious as to alarm Dan, and which also had the advantage of hiding her new equipment, the sight of which seemed to intimidate her husband. She also decided that a drink or three might loosen him up a bit, so she headed straight for the bar when she went down stairs. Dan was seated on the sofa, looking extremely depressed when Toni handed him a stiff drink.

"Here, this might make you feel a little better," she told him as she sat down beside him.

Dan looked at the drink for a moment before her words seemed to register. "Thanks," he replied, taking the drink and indulging. "Wow, that's strong," he commented, looking at his wife.

"I thought you might need a stiff one," she replied disingenuously.

Dan shrugged. "I guess it won't hurt—after all, this is somewhat of an occasion."

They sat in silence for a while, sipping their drinks and when Dan finished his, Toni took his glass and made him another. Dan looked at the glass pensively and remarked that he probably shouldn't have too much. "My tolerance for this stuff seems to have diminished. I must be getting older," he added.

Toni smiled, knowing that Dan's tolerance was quite normal—for a female—and she put her arm around his shoulders. "You're not getting old; you're just tired," she told him, rubbing his back as she drained her own glass.

Dan arched his back a bit. "That feels good," he admitted.

"Finish your drink and I'll help you forget your problems," she said, increasing the pressure of her hands.

Dan downed his drink in one gulp and his eyes watered from the quantity of alcohol in the glass. When he set the glass down, Toni swung one leg over him, straddling his legs while she faced him, and she put one hand on either side of his head and cradled it to her bosom. It felt good but when she reached down and unzipped his fly, Dan understood what she wanted and he just did not feel like sex at that moment.

"Not tonight, hon, I really just want to go to bed," he told her.

But Toni persisted. She pulled him even tighter to herself and though Dan tried to push her away, there was no strength in his arms anymore—certainly nothing near the strength Toni possessed. Dan's feeble efforts were completely ineffective, and it required almost no effort on her part to overcome his weak attempt to break her grasp.

"Toni—I don't think—"

His protest was cut off when his wife covered his mouth with her lips and kissed him very aggressively. Dan still wasn't in the mood, but he felt his body beginning to respond to his wife's touch. Before he knew it, one of her hands was under his shirt stroking his breast and playing with his nipple, while the other was unbuttoning his shirt, and he knew resistance was futile. Toni was just too strong; too demanding.

Toni continued to stimulate his nipples and Dan's body began reacting normally, responding to her in the usual way. After a short time, Dan felt her arms cradle him and lift him off the sofa. She carried him into the bedroom, where she made short work of his clothes and laid him on the bed. She slipped off her pajama bottoms and briefs in one easy move and seconds later, she straddled him. Almost immediately he felt her engorged penis part his labia and enter his partially lubricated vagina. He felt himself becoming excited in spite of himself as his wife pumped into him, and soon he was moaning and gasping for more. His hips began moving automatically, and his back arched as Toni had her way with him. As usual, it felt wonderful and Dan was soon thrashing beneath his wife as Toni injected her seed into him.

Afterwards, Dan was overcome with feelings of guilt as he washed himself inside and out. He really hadn't wanted to make love, and blamed himself for not being more forceful, for not putting up more resistance, and for not making himself clear. After Toni had begun to seduce him, he simply hadn't had the force of will to stop her. He came to the conclusion that it had really been his fault—he had been too weak to resist her—a weak female.


The next day was a Saturday, but Toni had to go in to the office for a couple hours to clear up some work that had been overlooked while she was on vacation. Since nobody else would be around, she dressed casually in an old, baggy pair of Dan's jeans and a polo shirt. She decided against wearing her gaffe since she didn't intend to stop anywhere and she wore a pair of boots with chunky 2-inch heels since they were the most comfortable footwear she owned.

Dan got up when he heard Toni in the shower, pulled on a pair of panties and a robe, and went into the kitchen to make some coffee. He was actually a bit sore from the lovemaking, and intended to take a nice long bath as soon as Toni left for work. The news of his imminent unemployment was depressing, and one more blow to his ego. He briefly considered going out and looking for work that day but he knew it would be a waste of time on the weekend.

When Toni strode into the room, Dan noticed she was not wearing her gaffe, and asked her whether it was a good idea to go out wearing jeans without it. Toni brushed off his concerns and told him that nobody would be around on a Saturday.

"Are you planning on going anywhere today?" Toni asked her female spouse.

"Probably not," Dan replied. "I was thinking about looking for work, but nobody will be in on a weekend."

"Well, if you're not doing anything, could you do the grocery shopping for me? I won't have time the way things look, and we're really low on some things."

"Yeah, okay," Dan agreed without much enthusiasm. He knew they were low on food and Toni would probably be gone most of the day.

"Thanks hon, I really appreciate it," Toni replied, stepping up to him and embracing him warmly. When she did she realized that she had to bend down slightly to kiss him. She suddenly realized she had to be nearly two inches taller than Dan, and the shoes made her appear almost four inches taller. She had first noticed the slight switch in height on their vacation, but neither of them seemed to have paid much attention to it. They had always been close in height, and in the past she had actually appeared taller in heels, but this was more than just the heels. Toni guessed that Dan hadn't really noticed the height swing because of all the other problems he had to deal with, and she was right.

After Toni left for work, Dan took that long hot bath then carefully strapped on his faux phallus and got dressed. Toni had left a grocery list for him and he studied it on the way out the door. When he stepped inside the superstore where Toni normally shopped, Dan was astounded at the size of the place. He hadn't been grocery shopping in years, except for a few items at a small, local store. This place seemed like a hanger for 747s, and was large enough to hold several football fields.

There was also a dizzying array of selections, which immediately caused a problem. Dan couldn't remember which brands Toni favored and he was afraid of buying the wrong ones. He mulled over his choices far too long and when he finally decided on a particular brand, he usually second-guessed himself for another ten minutes. Between being lost most of the time due to his unfamiliarity and his constant vacillation, it took hours to do the shopping. Upon his return, he discovered that Toni was already home from work.

Toni graciously helped Dan carry the heavier items into the kitchen and listened with amusement as he related his ordeal. She assured him that he had done very well (she sensed that he needed her approval of the effort he had made) but she could not help thinking that Dan had agonized over brands of peas as if he was a CEO of a corporation deciding whether to buy out a major competitor.


As soon as the groceries were put away, Dan went straight to the bathroom to heed the call of nature and remove his plastic appliance, which had become quite uncomfortable. Increasingly, he found that wearing it over three hours caused soreness and aching, and he was glad to be rid of the thing. When he was done, he pulled on a pair of white nylon panties, a pair of jean shorts, and the tee shirt he'd bought on vacation.

Dan joined Toni in the living room and saw that she was poring over a print out covered with figures. When she heard him enter the room she looked up, smiled, and patted the cushion of the couch next to her.

"C'mon over here a minute, hon. I've got something I need to discuss with you," she announced.

Dan walked over and sat down next to his wife, canting his legs to the side as he looked at the document she held in her lap.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Well, when I went into work this morning, Ed was there with Mary and he told me he's thinking of retiring," Toni replied.

Ed was Ed Jennings, Toni's boss and the owner of the construction company where she worked, and Mary was Ed's wife, a nice lady that Dan knew quite well from Toni's years with the company.

"Oh shit—what will happen to your job?" Dan asked, worried that they might both lose their jobs the same week.

"I don't think that's going to be a problem, though you never know when a new owner takes over a small company like this," Toni answered. "But there's more to this," she added.


"Yes. Ed offered to sell the company to me," Toni told Dan.

"I don't understand," Dan replied. "How can you buy the company? You're not a builder; you're the secretary. You don't have a builder's license, and I'm sure we don't have the money."

"Well, that's all true," Toni answered, "but I've worked there since high school—over six years now—and I know how it all works. I do the ordering, the payroll, I prepare the bids, type the contracts, do the banking, run the profit-loss figures—everything."

"But you aren't a builder," Dan repeated.

"Not technically," Toni agreed, "but I've picked up a lot over the years and I think I could pass the license exam if I studied. Besides, I'm not going to be the one who does the actual construction. Tom and Bill would still run their crews, as usual. All I need to do is know enough to do the bidding and handle the business end, and Tom and Bill could help me with the bidding, at least until I get my feet on the ground."

"But, what about the money? How could we possibly afford to buy the company?" Dan asked.

"Well, the money is a problem," Toni admitted, "but Ed is willing to carry a note for most of it. If we use our savings and borrow against our retirement plans, I think we could just swing it. Here are the figures," she added, handing the print outs to Dan.

Dan studied the documents, but the numbers did not mean as much to him as they obviously did to his wife. He did see the price, though, and how the down payment and monthly charges would be.

"Whew! That's a lot of money!

"Well, a large part of it is tied up in the equipment," Toni noted.

"Yeah, but still . . . this would take just about every dollar we could scrape up. I don't know, Toni, it's a tremendous gamble and I'm currently unemployed, remember? I might not have a steady paycheck to fall back on."

"I know," his wife replied, "but if you can't find work, you could always help out with the company. It takes two to run the office and if you worked with me, it would save labor costs and help a lot."

"I don't know," Dan responded. "It seems way too risky to try something like this, especially now."

"I think I—we, can make it work," Toni stated confidently. "I know this business, and I'm certain I can make it a success. I think I can even improve it and grow it some more. I have a few ideas that I've been thinking over for some time. I was going to talk to Ed about them, but now, I think I'll keep them to myself," she added, grinning.

Dan could see that Toni was enthused by the idea of owning the business but as far as he was concerned, it was a breathtaking gamble. Where she saw opportunities-he saw dangers, and where she saw potential profit-he saw potential ruin. In truth, the whole idea scared him badly. If Toni wasn't successful, they could lose everything, including their home. His unemployment made it even worse, though his wife might be right about him working at the company. He could at least save some payroll for them if he couldn't find a job. Nonetheless, he was wary about taking the risk.

"I really don't think this is a good idea, at least with me unemployed," he told Toni.

"I know there are problems," she admitted, "but if I don't buy the company, Ed will sell it to someone else and the opportunity will be lost."

"But, what if you can't make it work? We'll lose everything, maybe including our home," Dan objected.

"I'll make it work," Toni replied confidently. "The real problem is that you don't have faith in me," she added angrily.

"No, it's not that," Dan protested.

"Sure it is," Toni retorted. "That and your misplaced male ego, which won't allow you to consider the possibility that I could be a success."

Dan was about to respond when Toni abruptly got up and left the room. A moment later he heard her car start and roar down the road.


Dan sat quietly on the sofa for some time, wondering what had set Toni off. Were his objections really due to his wounded ego, or jealousy that Toni had such an opportunity, while he was unemployed? Or was it something else? He thought his reluctance to risk their savings and their home was just normal prudence, but Toni had taken it as a lack of confidence in her ability to make a success of the business.

After much soul searching, he came to the conclusion that Toni was partly right, but it really had nothing to do with male ego, jealousy, or lack of confidence in her. He simply lacked any confidence at all. In truth, he'd become unwilling to take any risks. Since returning from their vacation, Dan had been very cautious about his condition and his timidity had begun to carry over into every aspect of his life. He had avoided confrontation, taking chances, or standing out from the crowd in any way. Confrontation would mean standing up to others, and the last time he'd done that he'd been decked. Standing out meant being unique, but he didn't want to be thought "different," or subject to close scrutiny. His primary goal had become anonymity, because that was "safe."

He'd never been so timid, at least not before he'd lost his manhood, and now that he realized what had happened to him, Dan's self-respect sunk even lower. He concluded that he wasn't really a man at all, in any sense of the word, and tears began to roll down his cheeks. By the time Toni returned, the tears had stopped, but Dan was lying on the sofa staring listlessly at the ceiling.

Toni was still angry as hell with her spouse, which was unusual for her. She had always been very understanding, and had gone out of her way to make Dan feel as "normal" as possible since their strange exchange, but today was different. She was tired of walking on eggshells, afraid to do or say anything that might set Dan off or hurt his feelings. The truth was everything set him off lately. He was moody, emotional, insecure, and opposed to everything she wanted to do, and she had had enough.

"Why are you just lying there?" Toni asked with annoyance.

Dan sighed, but didn't move. "I don't know," he admitted. "I guess I've become a real wimp," he added.

"I'd say you've become a complete pussy," Toni retorted angrily, which caused Dan to sit up and turn towards her.

"What?" he asked, stunned at having his wife speak to him in such a way.

"You heard me—you're a pussy, and the real problem is I've been letting you have it both ways. Well, that's going to stop right now."

"I refuse to sit here and listen—"

"That's exactly what you're going to do. Now sit up, shut up, and pay attention."

Dan was completely stunned. Toni had never talked to him like that before, and he could hardly believe his ears. He opened his mouth to protest, but one look from Toni silenced him, and he closed his mouth and sat up.

Toni stood before him with her arms crossed, glaring down. She noted his compliance with satisfaction, and began to lay down the law.

"I did a lot of thinking while I was out," she informed Dan, "and I've come to the conclusion that things have to change around here. From now on, I'm claiming my rights as the 'man' of the house."

"First, I've decided that I don't need your permission, or even your agreement, to buy the business. If you don't agree to let me have the equity in our house, we'll get divorced and I'll put my half into the purchase. It will take me longer to pay off the debt, but I will do it.

"Now, what will it be?"

Dan was stunned by Toni's outburst, and humiliated at being referred to as a 'pussy,' but even as a remnant of his old masculine pride and anger flared through his consciousness he knew he could not stand up to Toni. He didn't have the assertiveness and confidence left to oppose her, and the idea of facing the world alone as a female man was just too terrifying to contemplate. His silence and slumped shoulders signaled his surrender.

Chapter 10

In the following weeks, Toni studied for the licensing examination and made preliminary arrangements to buy the business. She began the paperwork to re-finance their home and use their retirement funds as security for the big loan she would need. When she received the news that she had passed the exam, she finalized the transaction and became the new owner of the Jennings Construction Company. Dan was surprised and a little hurt when he discovered that Toni had applied for license using her maiden name of Douglas.

Meanwhile, Dan couldn't find a decent job. He could have taken something far below his former wage scale, but Toni told him it made more sense for him to help out at the business. Reluctantly, Dan went to work for Toni.

Of course, Dan knew next to nothing about construction so he wasn't able to handle the bidding, distinguish between grades of materials, run heavy equipment, or insure that building codes were being met. What he could do was type, file, answer the phone, and keep a business schedule, so he became Toni's 'administrative assistant.' For all practical purposes, he was the office secretary.

Toni didn't rub Dan's nose in his subordinate status, in fact, she went out of her way to treat Dan with respect, and to 'confer' with him on various questions that arose. She even suggested that he study up on the construction trade and, perhaps, try for his own contractor's license, but Dan wasn't under any illusion. While Toni had never been on a construction crew herself, she had a lot of experience in the area, knew all the terms, and had received an informal education in the trade down through the years. He had no such knowledge and it would take years to pick up what he needed to know. Besides, he just didn't have the drive or ambition that Toni had. Not only was he far less assertive than before their sex swap, his 'situation' had left him anxious for anonymity. The last thing he wanted to do was call attention to himself.

So Dan spent most of his days in front of a computer with a headphone set that allowed him to answer the phone or type letters from Toni's dictation. Since they had few office appointments, he was able to dress somewhat casually, though Toni usually wore a suit because she had many meetings out of the office.

Dan usually closed the office at five o'clock but Toni's schedule often required her to attend meetings after hours, so they began driving into work in separate cars. Since Dan almost always got home before Toni, it was natural that he would prepare their dinner. Of course, that led to Dan planning the meals and doing almost all of the grocery shopping.

Meanwhile, Toni had become the sexual aggressor in their relationship and she initiated their lovemaking on a nightly basis. Dan grew more and more accustomed to the subservient role as their new roles became more clearly defined. Toni was the strong male now, and also the boss at work. When she told him to do something, he naturally began to defer to her and it was rare that he failed to comply.

Though he never initiated sex anymore, Dan thoroughly enjoyed it and he loved the way Toni used her knowledge of female anatomy to bring him to multiple climaxes that usually left him moaning or screaming for more. Night after night Toni skillfully manipulated Dan, dominating him completely while she varied her techniques with amazing ingenuity, yet he came to love her mastery and often caught himself daydreaming about his spouse, hoping she would get home early enough to fill him with her magnificent stud.

For her part, Toni became proud of both her sexual prowess and her business accomplishments. She worked hard to make the business a success and as her efforts began to pay off, her confidence soared. Dan's reaction to her lovemaking also boosted her confidence considerably and she began to feel very comfortable as the sexual aggressor. Unconsciously, she began to pat him on his bottom occasionally or pull him to her for a kiss.

Her only regret was that the physical changes hadn't gone all the way. Though she was now taller, stronger, and somewhat masculine, there was no denying that her basic form was still female, which she viewed as a handicap in her business. It wasn't any better for Dan, either. He had to dress the part of a male, at least outwardly, and put up with a certain contempt most people felt towards male secretaries.

Fortunately, there were few office appointments, which limited the smirks and comments, thus allowing Dan to keep his artificial phallus in the back of a locked, lower desk drawer most of the time.

Chapter 11

When Dan found out he was pregnant, he nearly had a stroke. It all started one night when he casually mentioned that he hadn't had a period in over six weeks. It wasn't that he was upset – he hated the cramps, the bloating, and the mood swings – but he had been pretty 'regular' since becoming a female and he wanted to know if Toni had ever been 'late.'

When Toni heard that Dan was two weeks late, alarm bells went off in her head, but she maintained her calm demeanor and told Dan that many women had irregular periods. At the same time, she made a mental note to pick up a home pregnancy test kit and when Dan admitted that he still hadn't had his period a week later, Toni marched him into the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, she helped her stunned husband to their bedroom where he broke down and sobbed.

"Calm down, honey. Everything will work out," Toni said soothingly as she rubbed Dan's back.

"That's easy for you to say – you're not the one who is pregnant," Dan replied bitterly, barely controlling his sobs.

"I know. What I meant was, we'll get through this."

"How? I can't just go waltzing into a doctor's office, can I? I might look just a bit out of place."

"We'll think of something." Toni promised.

"And what happens in the meantime?" Dan asked. "I'm certainly not an expert on pregnancies, but I seem to recall that a pregnancy is a little hard to hide."

"Well, you had your normal period last month, so you can't be more than six or seven weeks along. That gives us some time to figure out how to handle this," Toni reassured him.

The very next day, after going online to do some research, Toni ordered several vitamin and nutritional supplements for Dan. She also began to consider a couple of alternative plans to handle Dan's pregnancy.

Dan was right in that he could not simply walk into a doctor's office. Despite the doctor's oath of confidentiality, word of a pregnant man would definitely leak out, and the resultant publicity would ruin their lives and destroy her business. But what could they do?

Toni thought of trying to deliver the baby herself, but what would she do if there were complications? She couldn't stand the thought of losing either Dan or the baby. No, the only thing that made any sense was to get Dan out of the country, to some out of the way clinic where they could insure secrecy. There would have to be more to the plan than that, but she would work out the details over time.


Dan struggled to close his slacks, and even sucking in his stomach didn't help much. That was because the bulge in his belly wasn't from fat, but his growing baby. The problem really wasn't his stomach, but just below it. Over the past month, his pregnancy had begun to show, and he had already gone from a 32-inch waist to a 36, and now that size was becoming uncomfortably tight. Even worse, Dan had discovered that as he swelled, what originally looked like a weight problem, now looked increasingly like what it really was – a pregnancy. His sport coats still concealed most of it, but he noticed his sport coat was beginning to pull apart beneath the middle button in a most un-masculine manner. And that wasn't his only problem. His hips had widened considerably, and his bottom seemed to have inflated like a beach ball. His feet seemed oddly smaller, yet they and his ankles had both swollen a bit with the promise of more to come.

Dan also noticed that his skin had softened and his complexion seemed to clear and now practically glowed. His body hair had thinned too, and he was only shaving about three times a week.

Today, for the first time, he was wearing pregnancy support pantyhose to ease the aches in his legs, though he did slip on a pair of his normal socks over the pantyhose so they wouldn't show.

He was also an emotional wreck. Though his emotions had grown much stronger after losing his manhood, it was nothing compared to being pregnant. Now, he seemed to cry for no reason at all. He alternated between depression and euphoria, with only brief pauses at 'normal.'

Toni helped all she could, comforting him, buying the special items he needed such as the pantyhose and vitamins, along with books about pregnancy. She had also come up with a plan of action. Dan didn't think it would work at first, but now he wasn't so sure.

Toni's plan involved one big assumption – as Dan's pregnancy advanced, his body would gradually assume a more feminine form. Dan had been very skeptical, but now, with his expanded hips and tush, his growing breasts, his thinning body hair and his increasingly androgynous face, he had to agree that Toni had been right. Though he hated to see his body become even more feminized than it was, he realized that it was a sort of protective coloration for him – camouflage, if you will – that would at least help him blend into the scenery. He now had a pear shaped figure, and his nipples were larger and darker, and his chest was slightly more 'domed.'

Simply put, Toni's plan was to pass Dan off as a 'normal,' if not gorgeous woman, obtain some false identification for him using Toni's name, and get him across the border into Mexico, where he could give birth. He would name himself as the father for the birth certificate, which would allow their child to grow up normally, with Dan as the putative father and Toni as the mother.

The plan was clever in another way. If Toni and Dan ever found a way to reverse their sex exchange, nobody would be the wiser and if they didn't, they could just continue on as they had with one major exception – from now on, Dan was determined to take contraceptives.

When Dan got to the office, Toni had already started a pot of coffee. Dan was normally a coffee addict, though he was now limited to one cup a day due to his pregnancy. But, for some reason, that morning the aroma of the brewing coffee made him nauseous. Within minutes, he was in the restroom disposing of his breakfast.

He felt better after that, but the knowledge that he had a bona fide case of morning sickness was depressing, and that set him off on another crying jag. Nevertheless, he carried on with his work and bore his condition stoically.

The balance of the day was fairly normal, at least considering the circumstances. The one exception to that was when he answered the phone. His voice sounded a bit strange to his own ears – softer, and just a bit higher pitched – and when one caller referred to him as 'Miss,' Dan knew it wasn't his imagination. Not knowing what to do, he just played along with the guy who thought he was a real girl and did not correct the mistaken impression.


Dan was no fool and he knew he was fighting a losing battle. After four months, his belly was all too prominent, and he had to abandon his 42-inch slacks for several pairs of maternity slacks that Toni had purchased for him. They were fairly mannish-styled, if one ignored the triangular elastic panels on each side and the elastic waistband, but he was able to hide those portions beneath a few new sport coats purchased from the big and tall department. The sport coats had enough fabric to cover his belly (so far) but the shoulders were too wide for Dan, and Toni had taken them to a tailor to have the sleeves shortened. He still looked like he was wearing an older brother's sport coat, but that wasn't the worst of his problems.

Dan's breasts had begun to grow. When they first became a little too prominent, Dan began wearing a tight, 'compression' shirt under his normal dress shirts to reduce his budding bosom, but that arrangement had become increasingly uncomfortable. His breasts had grown to the point where they were being mashed down by the shirt, and his belly had grown enough so that the tight garment was being pushed upwards, and had a tendency to roll up. Dan also wasn't sure it was good for the baby.

He was also beginning to get a few strange looks when he went out of the house, and as a result, he stayed home most of the time, except to go into the office. At home, he usually wore a maternity blouse and slacks, with slippers or deck shoes. Toni had tried to talk him into wearing a loose skirt around the house, telling him a skirt would be easier to handle when he had to make a sudden trip to the restroom. "All you do is pull it up and peel your panties and pantyhose down and you're good to go," she told him. But Dan resisted the idea, no matter how convenient it might be.

But one thing was clear; his days at the office were numbered. At Toni's urging, he hadn't had a haircut in several months, and Toni had been trimming his hair just a bit to keep it even. Now, it came to his collar in back, and would have covered his ears if he hadn't kept it tucked behind them. In the front, Toni had cut straight bangs for him that could be parted and it looked almost masculine when he went out.

Toni also insisted that Dan take the special vitamins and supplements that he referred to as 'horse pills.' She also insisted he follow the regimen set out in his "Handbook For A Prospective Mother." That routine included light exercises like leg lifts and stretching, and complete abstinence from alcohol. He also avoided caffeine and fatty foods, and was forbidden to lift anything substantial or do anything strenuous. As a result, despite the light exercises, his strength diminished even more, and he had to ask Toni to open jars and move furniture so he could vacuum.

In the meantime, Toni had set the wheels in motion to procure some very good, false identification for Dan, although he couldn't substitute his photo just yet. She had also applied for passports for both of them. When the time came, Dan would use Toni's ID to cross the border, either dyeing his hair to match Toni's, if his facial features were close, or substituting a recent photo for hers if the resemblance wasn't close enough.

Dan no longer wore his artificial phallus. It was too uncomfortable and it was too much trouble to remove and replace every time he went to the bathroom, which seemed to be every ten minutes now.

That afternoon, while Dan was doing some filing, he felt a curious sensation. He had just stooped to insert a file in a lateral filing cabinet when he felt his tummy actually shift to one side, as if something inside him had actually changed position. It was the weirdest sensation he had ever experienced, and it startled him for a moment. When it happened again, he realized that he had just felt his baby move.

Dan straightened up and immediately placed his free hand over his bulging stomach, sensing another milder movement within. A look of stunned realization animated his features, and he slowly returned to his desk and sat down gingerly. Until that moment, his pregnancy had almost been an abstract concept to Dan, but when he actually felt the baby moving, he was filled with a sense of wonder. His thoughts just seemed to fade into the background as he sat and simply experienced what was happening within him. At that moment, it was all so real that he could barely grasp the enormity of it. The baby – HIS baby was alive and moving within his womb!

It wasn't just a thing, he, or she, was a living, growing human being that would soon take its place in the world. But it would never make it on its own. His baby would need him just to survive and at that moment, Dan knew that he would do whatever he could to give his baby the best of everything.

For the rest of the day, Dan had difficulty concentrating at work. He found himself holding his swollen belly and daydreaming.

Chapter 12

By the time Dan entered his 8th month of pregnancy his world had changed completely. The bulge in his tummy was huge, completely blocking his ability to see his feet while standing. The baby had moved lower too, which made Dan waddle when he walked.

His breasts had also changed significantly. They were larger, of course, and very sensitive, but they had also come out of hiding. Unlike when he had first become female, Dan's breasts had 'surfaced' now, and were as prominent as any woman's. He now wore a 38D bra for support, and he needed it. He also needed the nursing pads he inserted in the cups since his nipples had begun oozing fluid the week before – a development that surprised Toni and embarrassed Dan.

Of course, he wasn't going into the office anymore. His condition had become far too obvious in his 6th month, and Dan couldn't bear the odd looks and snickers. Now, of course, it was far different. His voice had become high and soft, and his facial features, body shape, and even his hands and feet looked very feminine. Toni attributed the changes to the massive amounts of hormones his pregnancy had dumped into his endocrine system. Dan wasn't certain his wife was right, but he had no better theory to explain his gradual transformation.

The worst part of being so far along in his pregnancy was that Dan found it hard to sleep. Between the basketball sized protrusion, the movement of the baby, and his smaller bladder, Dan usually managed no more than a couple of hours of sleep before he had to dash off to the bathroom or just change position to get comfortable. Fortunately Toni was a big help with the housework, and without having to go into work every day, he was able to take cat naps.

But there were other problems too. His legs ached, he could see stretch marks developing on his stomach, and he had some very odd cravings. He felt ugly and useless most of the time, and when Toni came home from work, she often found him in tears. At those times, she often held her husband and told him how much she loved him and how proud she was that he was the mother of her child.

Dan came to love those times, and looked forward to the evening when Toni returned from the office. Despite his condition, he tried to have a good meal waiting for her every day, and slowly began doing the little things wives do for their husbands when they love them. He also became increasingly dependent on Toni for emotional as well as physical support, but the process was so gradual he wasn't aware of what was happening to him.

As his pregnancy progressed, Dan had begun to defer to Toni in the important matters, and even some fairly trivial areas. He felt so overwhelmed, so inadequate at times that he didn't trust his own judgment, but Toni had proven that she had a resourceful mind and good judgment, so it was only natural that Dan look to her for guidance – especially in all things feminine.

Of course, Dan was getting better with most of the feminine aspects of his life. After a shaky start, he was now quite adept at putting on his bra, and though the support pantyhose were a real pain with his pregnancy, he could manage those too. The shapeless house dresses he wore were actually easier to get into than slacks and a top, and the low heeled shoes were no trouble at all, when he wore them.

Toni had also taught Dan how to do his makeup and though he looked like a man in drag at first, he now appeared increasingly feminine. His hair was long and thick, and Toni had urged him to wear a little jewelry to complete the look. To all outward appearances, Dan now looked like any other young, pregnant woman and though he wasn't aware of it, he was actually pretty.

On rare occasions, Toni would take Dan out for a late night movie or a dinner at an out of the way restaurant. At one restaurant, he was actually known by several of the servers as 'Dannie,' which they assumed was short for Danielle, and Toni was thought to be his sister, since they did bear some resemblance to each other.

Strangely enough, as Dan's pregnancy progressed, Toni began to look increasingly androgynous. She grew another inch or so, and was now several inches taller than her feminized husband. Her shoulders also seemed a bit wider, and her arms and legs more muscular. She still had a woman's figure, but it was far less pronounced than it had been, and her features, while still feminine, appeared increasingly angular and larger than before.


As Dan entered the final month of his pregnancy, Toni took several photos of him and skillfully inserted them in the documents he would use. She had determined that his height and facial features weren't close enough to use her identification for his cross border travels, so she used a feminized version of his first name with her own maiden name to create the document necessary to identify him as 'Danielle Douglas' and when she showed Dan the finished products, he had to agree that they were good enough to pass, especially going north to south.

The motel room was booked and paid for, and the car was packed and ready to go. Normally, it would take three days to drive to the border, but Dan couldn't travel very well in his condition, and Toni had to allow an extra day. She also had to be concerned about a premature birth, especially with all the driving, so they left several weeks early. After an uneventful trip to the border, 'Danielle Douglas' and her 'husband's sister,' 'Toni Douglas,' had crossed into Mexico.

The motel room was nice, but after a few days, Dan was going stir-crazy and Toni wasn't much better. It didn't help Dan's mood that Toni was constantly on her cell phone, communicating with her crews and negotiating contracts. Dan was forced to sit around and watch television, which was mostly in Spanish and definitely not up to the standards to which he was accustomed. His only relief from the boredom was going out to eat.

Toni had already arranged things at the clinic, and Dan made several trips to see his doctor. He endured the indignity of a pelvic examination and his most private area being probed by a man. He was relieved to learn that his baby had developed normally and appeared quite healthy in his womb, and he was very happy to learn that his baby was a boy, though the thought crossed his mind that, after the birth, he would be the only one in the family without a penis.

After nearly a week, Toni talked Dan into using the motel's fine pool, and she ran out and found a one-piece tank suit for a pregnant woman. Dan wore his robe over the navy blue suit, and was mortified when Toni had to help him get down the steps into the pool. Once he was in the water, though, he felt wonderful. The buoyancy of the warm water eased the weight of the baby and his back and legs felt great. He stayed in the water for over an hour, not worrying about his hair, and he would have remained there all afternoon had Toni not reminded him that he wasn't accustomed to the strong Mexican sunshine and that he might get sunburned.

Afterwards, Dan was in such a good mood that Toni was able to talk him into going out to a nice restaurant, and he even agreed to wear a fancy dress that Toni had bought for him. The dress was a sleeveless black number with an empire waist and a pleated, knee length skirt. It was cut low enough to reveal Dan's now generous cleavage, but modest enough to conceal his nursing bra. The black stockings and pumps with 1 ½-inch heels went well with the dress, as did the pearl chocker and clip-on earrings. Toni helped Dan with his makeup and hair, and by the time she was finished, her husband looked great – a stylish, young pregnant woman to all appearances.

Dan was accustomed to dresses, but the ones he usually wore were rather plain housedresses, and they certainly didn't expose his cleavage like the one he now wore. He felt very exposed, but Toni reminded him that nobody could possibly know he wasn't exactly what he appeared to be. Dan acknowledged that his appearance had become more and more feminine as his pregnancy progressed, but he pointed out that he wasn't used to wearing sleeveless dresses that exposed his boobs, or at least a good part of them.


Toni laughed. "If you got 'em, flaunt 'em," she told him with a wink.

The restaurant was very nice, though Dan was nonplussed when the doorman assisted him from the car and insisted on escorting 'the senora' to the door. A solicitous maitre 'd led what he believed were two women to a secluded table and assisted the pregnant woman into her chair before quickly doing the same for the other, taller lady. As was the custom of the establishment, the waiter delivered a small corsage for the mother-to-be, along with a complimentary glass of non-alcoholic, sparkling grape juice.

Dan smiled his thanks, blushing at all the attention, and Toni thought he looked absolutely adorable. His complexion had a rosy appearance lately due to his pregnancy and when he blushed, he appeared innocent and demure. His features had grown more refined and delicate by the day, and Toni could not help noticing that her husband was turning into quite the beauty. His pregnancy only served to emphasize his increasing loveliness, and the outfit she had picked out for him only added to his allure.

The dinner was delicious and when the doorman assisted Dan down the steps to their car, he kissed Dan's hand after helping him into his seat.

"Wow! You sure got the royal treatment," Toni remarked as she drove off, and Dan blushed again, causing her to laugh.

"It's embarrassing," he replied softly, looking out his window at the passing scenery. In truth, he had been surprised by the deference of the restaurant staff, but a part of him enjoyed the little courtesies. They seemed to vindicate his decision to go through with the pregnancy, and also, perhaps, a small compensation for his current condition. It was nice to be appreciated.

Chapter 13

As Dan reflected on the events that had transformed him into a pregnant female, he suddenly felt a sharp, stabbing pain in his groin and he gasped and placed one hand over his bloated belly.

"What's the matter?" Toni asked immediately, turning towards her husband.

"I – I don't know. I think maybe it's started," he replied in a stunned voice.

"Oh my . . ." Toni reached into her purse while she drove with one hand, extracted her cell phone, and punched in the number of the clinic. "This is Toni Douglas, my sister-in-law may be going into labor," she reported.

After receiving instructions to bring the patient to the clinic immediately, Toni turned the car around and began to speed up. Dan soon uttered another gasp, and his eyes went wide.

"I think this is the real thing," he informed his wife. "That last one felt like a sledgehammer!"

"Take it easy, hon. We'll be at the clinic in a few minutes," Toni reassured him. "For now, I want you to breathe just like the books explained," she added, referring to the instruction booklets she had given him.

The trip to the clinic went quickly, but Dan had yet another contraction during the drive, and he was grateful that they were met at the door by two big orderlies and a wheelchair, since he doubted whether he could have walked the ten feet from the car to the portal.

Dan was wheeled to the nurses' station where his heart and blood pressure were quickly checked. Then a plastic identification bracelet was affixed to his wrist and he was taken to a private room. A nurse helped him off with his clothes and into a hospital gown and he was positioned on an odd chair that reclined and converted into a modified examination table. After inserting two steel rods that held stirrups, the nurse gently maneuvered Dan's feet into the stirrups and uncovered his pubic area. A doctor arrived soon after, and he disappeared beneath the cloth covering Dan's privates for a few moments. Dan felt a gentle touch then the doctor emerged to announce that the senora was not yet ready. She was dilated only 7cm.

After the medical personnel left, Dan tried to get as comfortable as possible, but he couldn't move himself around very easily. He felt like he weighed 200 pounds, and even the slightest movement took an enormous amount of energy.

Toni arrived a few minutes later, after having dealt with the paperwork, and she immediately took Dan's hand and ran her free hand through his now luxurious mane to comfort him. Dan was relieved by his wife's arrival, and it seemed that just her mere presence made everything a little easier to take. Toni's soft caresses soothed and comforted him, and he unconsciously leaned against her as she continued to stroke his hair.

The next several hours brought many more contractions, each seemingly more powerful than the last, and Dan was extremely frustrated every time the doctor examined him and announced that it was not yet time. The pregnant man was beyond uncomfortable, and there was nothing anyone could do. The pain was merely a natural part of giving birth, and Dan was as much a victim of nature as any other female. He had no choice but to endure.

Toni was by his side all the while, reminding him to breathe and using cold washcloths to mop his brow, but Dan was the one who suffered. During one particularly painful episode, he wondered if it was all worth it, and he resented Toni for not having to go through what he was experiencing. Being a male was so much easier, he mused as he felt the baby move again, kicking his bladder viciously.

Some time later, Dan was wracked by another hard contraction, and when he recovered his breath he felt a warm dampness trickling down his leg. Another visit from the doctor confirmed that his water had broken, and that he was fully dilated. Suddenly, the period of slow agony was over and Dan felt the irresistible need to push. The full medical arrived in moments, and as they worked on Dan, Toni was escorted to another room where she donned surgical scrubs for the birth.

Dan's face was bathed in perspiration, and he gripped Toni's hand as he tried to catch his breath. Toni reminded him to breathe properly, but he was so very tired he didn't think he would ever have the energy to give birth. His legs were held apart with restraints while his dilated vagina was positioned to give his doctor unrestricted access to his intimate area. The longer his ordeal continued, the more Dan resented what Toni had done to him. SHE had gotten him pregnant, and now HE was going through hell, bearing their baby. This was all HER fault!

When another spasm of pain wracked his body, Dan cursed loudly. "Damn you, Toni. This is all your fault," he screamed, gripping his wife's hand with all his strength, which wasn't much.

"Why did I have to be female?" he demanded as he groaned and struggled through the agony.

Toni was nervous, especially when the doctor looked at her questioningly.

"She's talking about my twin brother, Anthony – Tony," she explained, and the doctor nodded.

"This is not uncommon," he replied. "Some women become delirious, and it is not unusual for a woman giving birth to curse the man who made them pregnant. Her attitude will change when this is all over and she holds her baby."

After another miserable quarter hour that felt like two days to Dan, the former man screamed as he used his last bit of energy to push down. The superhuman effort finally succeeded in exposing the baby's head and to Toni's encouragement, Dan mustered all his remaining strength to finally give birth. The tiny boy began breathing without the need for any intervention by the doctor, and his tiny cries were sweet music to Dan's ears.

"He's beautiful!" Toni gushed, kissing Dan with a bit more enthusiasm than a sister-in-law would normally use. The doctor and nurses were too busy with the baby to notice, though, and Dan could only lie limply and smile dreamily. After delivering the placenta, Dan was cleaned up by the nurses and moved to a more comfortable position. He felt sore and abused, but it was great to have his legs lowered and the pain a memory.

A few minutes later, Dan was presented with his son, who sported his own ID bracelet. He looked down at his baby, who was rapidly changing from an ugly purple color to a pretty pink hue, and noticed wispy blonde locks of hair that seemed too long for a newborn. His button nose was red and his big eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue when he looked up at his mother. Dan immediately fell in love with the tiny boy.

Toni put her arm around Dan's shoulders and they both looked down at their newborn child.

"You did a great job, hon," she whispered as she reached out with her free hand and gently cradled their son's head.

"He is beautiful," Dan sighed as he gazed at their child. He couldn't believe he had actually done it, that he had really given birth to a baby, and suddenly he felt very protective towards the tiny boy. He realized that as much as Toni loved their baby, only he could provide the nourishment their child needed, and only he could devote the time needed to care for him.

With no concern for the presence of the others in the room, Dan reached up and adjusted his hospital gown to expose his breast, and he gently positioned his baby near his nipple. The infant opened his mouth instinctively and began drawing on the nourishment his mother provided.

Dan looked down at the baby nursing at his breast and felt an extraordinary sense of peace and fulfillment. Everything he had done in his life – all that he had accomplished – seemed to pale in significance to this simple act of breastfeeding, and he smiled in contentment and leaned against Toni. Everything was perfect now.

Chapter 14

Toni drove across the border as Dan rested. He was still very tired from his ordeal, even though it had been five days since the birth of his son. Little Danny was in his special infant car seat, nestled in a reclined position in the back seat, and occasionally he would stir, usually only to be fed or complain about his soiled diapers. They stopped frequently to attend to Danny, and when Toni observed Dan nursing his baby, she had to smile. Her husband had become a model mommy, spending nearly all of his time looking after Danny, anticipating his needs, and literally devoting himself to the child.

He seemed much calmer now, and more accepting of his femininity. Where, before the birth, he put up with women's clothes and makeup as a necessary evil, a costume to be worn as a disguise, he now seemed to take pride in his appearance. He spent a little extra time on his makeup, and the clothes he chose were some of the more stylish ones Toni had provided. Of course he wasn't carrying a child now, except in his arms, and tummy looked a bit better, though he had the same problems that all females had after giving birth and he needed to 'regain his figure.'

But at the same time, Dan appeared even more feminine than before the birth. His facial features had become softer and finer, with a softer jaw line, and his torso seemed smaller, especially his shoulders and chest, though his breasts were far more prominent. His upper arms now appeared thin, and the lack of bulk in his biceps now matched his lack of strength. His hips had widened in preparation for the birth, and they showed no signs of returning to their former, slim dimensions. His legs had become softly sculpted, with curves in all the right places – for a chick. Finally, his hands and feet appeared smaller, in proportion to the rest of his re-sculpted form.

In fact, Dan now appeared far more feminine than she, Toni realized. She had added more height, and her shoulders were a bit wider and slightly more muscular. Her waist was an inch thicker, and her hips were perhaps an inch thinner. Her modest breasts were even more modest now, and it didn't take a genius to see where this was all heading.

Toni saw that she needed to make plans for what was coming, and she began to mull over the possibilities in her mind.


Dan had not thought it possible that his life could change so drastically in such a short time, but since the birth of his baby, his mind had focused completely on little Danny. He was keenly aware of each little sound the baby made, and it seemed as though he could not go for five minutes without checking up on him. He had never given much thought to the phenomenon known as maternal instinct – it had always been an abstract concept to him. As a man, he recognized that it played a role in nature and helped insure the survival of the species, but when he saw his baby for the first time in the delivery room, a profound change occurred in his thinking. His baby became the most important person in the world, and he knew he would do anything to protect him and nurture him. His relationship to Toni was still important, but secondary to Danny's needs.

It was also nearly impossible to think of himself as a male now. His body was completely feminine now, and after carrying his baby for nine months, going through the agony of labor and, finally, giving birth to a perfect little baby boy, Dan accepted the reality of his situation.

That acceptance, combined with his new maternal instinct, led him to take a bit of pride in his appearance. He was a young mother with a baby, and he didn't want Danny to be looked upon as the product of an unnatural union. If the secret of his parents' reversed sexes ever got out, Danny would be regarded as a freak, just as much as his parents, and Dan couldn't stand the thought of the misery Danny would have to endure if that ever happened. He was determined that no one would ever know of the circumstances of Danny's birth, and if that meant being a woman for the rest of his life – so be it.

So Dan began to dress and behave in a manner expected of a young mother. He wore the skirts and dresses he had spurned before the birth, and took the time to do his makeup properly. He even wore a few items of jewelry and used some of Toni's perfume to complete the look. He began to diet almost immediately, determined to eliminate his mommy tummy, and after only a few days Toni noticed that Dan was beginning to slim down. Of course much of the improvement in his figure was due to the normal reduction after childbirth, but Toni also saw that Dan was making a real effort to reduce.

He looked good too. His new attention to detail with his makeup, his choice of clothes, and his new attitude made him extremely attractive in her eyes. She noticed how he crossed his legs demurely at the ankles or canted them to one side in a classic feminine pose during their drive home, and the way he checked the lighted vanity mirror behind the sun visor before they went into a restaurant or a motel, and she found herself increasingly attracted to his feminine image.

By the time they returned to their home, Toni had formulated the plan that she hoped would cover their continuing changes. By that time, Toni had grown to 5'10 ½" and Dan had lost two full inches to 5'7." Toni's breasts were A-sized cups at best while Dan's were a full D. Using the same source she had used for their trip to Mexico, Toni modified Dan's old identification, using a special photo of her, and had her own ID modified with a new photo of Dan. The easiest way to avoid detection would be for them to assume each other's identification, though this meant a major relocation, and a new lifestyle for her.

Toni presented her plan to Dan one evening, pacing back and forth in the living room as she talked. Dan sat on the couch nursing Danny, listening to his wife describe how she would sell the business and their home, and move to the southwest, probably Arizona, where they were completely unknown and could begin their new life.

Dan looked up at his wife as he expertly unfastened his blouse and pulled open the Velcro closure of his nursing bra with one hand while he cradled little Danny in his other arm. He listened to her explanation passively, and nodded silently when Toni asked him if he approved of her plan.

Toni noticed that, unlike the last time she proposed a major financial move, Dan agreed submissively to everything she had said, even though it would mean a complete change of lifestyle for them. He had changed so much in the past year, and not just physically. She thought back to the days before their last vacation, when their genders had transformed into their opposite form, and she tried to remember Dan as he had been.

He had always been lighthearted, almost carefree, and he had always been the one to plan ahead, to propose new ideas to her. Back then, he always took the lead sexually, and there was never a doubt that he was the head of their household. Now, he sat demurely on the sofa, wearing a skirt and blouse, nursing their baby – the child he had bore – while looking to her for a plan for their future.

Toni knew she had changed too, though she could not analyze her own transformation as fully as she saw Dan's. Starting as a completely feminine woman, a wife who worked as a secretary and was content to submit to her husband, she had become a masculinized version of her former self who had actually fathered a baby, and who appeared more masculine every day.

That much was obvious, but the psychological changes were more difficult to grasp. Toni was not completely aware of how the testosterone in her system had affected her personality. She hardly considered that she would have never had the guts to buy her employer's business or go through the process to obtain her builder's license before her transformation. Nor did she realize that she had become far more aggressive, more outgoing, and assertive.

She was conscious that she seemed to look at men and women differently now. Before the transformation she had admired men for their strength and size, even though she didn't understand them. She felt small and weak by comparison, and couldn't help noticing a particularly handsome guy on occasion, though she would never have considered cheating on Dan. Now, men didn't seem all that hard to understand, in fact she found she understood them quite well. A lot of that was biological, of course, and having the same equipment and physical needs as a man had eliminated much of the mystery for her. But there was far more to it than that. She was no longer attracted to the male physique, and handsome guys held no interest for her anymore, at least sexually. Now she found her head turning when an attractive woman passed, and she occasionally caught herself daydreaming about what it would be like to bed them.

Toni did realize that she seemed to think about sex a lot more than she once had. It was never far from her thoughts now, and occasionally her new member reacted to her thoughts, which was painful considering how it was restrained. Of course, when she was at home she was free to use Dan's old briefs and boxers, and since their return she had also begun to appropriate other items from his old wardrobe. That led to experimenting with various ways to make her appear like a 'normal' guy. She began by using a flesh-tone sports bra to disguise her modest breasts, which she determined to have shrunk to between an A and AA cup. When she tucked her hair under a baseball cap and wore a loose sweatshirt with Dan's jeans, she could probably pass for a man, she guessed, but it wouldn't be a sure thing. Her features had hardened a bit, but they still had a way to go, and her hips were still a bit too wide and her shoulders too narrow.

A week later Toni tried it again, this time using an elastic bandage on her steadily shrinking bosom, and a pair of cargo pants to help hide her hips. She was surprised at the difference it made – or was it that she had continued to change? Regardless, this time when she looked in the mirror, she saw a young man instead of a woman trying to pass as a guy, and when she left their bedroom and showed Dan, he was stunned by her appearance.

"Toni, is that really you?" he asked, turning from the stove, where he was making dinner.

"Yeah—it's me, gorgeous," Toni replied, trying to keep her voice deep and partially succeeding.

She swaggered over to her feminine spouse in an exaggerated masculine stride that bordered on a parody while Dan giggled at her impression of a horny male. "You need to tone that down a bit," he advised as she approached him with a gleam in her eyes.

"I'll work on it," she replied, then reached out and pulled him close for a deep, passionate kiss, bending Dan backwards so he was completely under her control. She held the kiss for a long time and let her tongue probe his mouth aggressively. Dan could only hold on to her and trust Toni to support him as she ravished him with her kisses. He felt himself responding to her advances, and a now familiar dampness permeated his feminine receptacle, as his knees grew weak. His nipples became erect and hard, and Dan felt a different type of moistness in his bra. Since the baby, he noticed that his nipples gave milk whenever he was aroused, and he was thoroughly aroused at that point.

Toni reached down and scooped Dan up in her arms, leaving him no choice but to wrap his arms around her neck and hold on as she began to carry him to their bedroom.

He felt secure in her arms, and very aroused, but there were a couple of problems with just going off for a romp in their bed. "Toni, my dinner – it'll burn," he protested.

"No problem, sweetie," she replied as she turned and flicked off the stove with one hand.

"But – the baby," Dan began, but Toni silenced him with another kiss. "He'll be fine," she assured the worried mother, adding, "If you want, we can bring him along. Maybe he can take notes for when he's older."

Dan giggled and glanced over Toni's shoulder at his baby. Danny was sleeping peacefully, and his mother knew that he would probably nap for at least another hour, so he gave in and rested his head on Toni's shoulder as she carried him to the bedroom. In a few minutes he found himself standing naked before his wife, who seemed to tower over him now. She had removed all her male clothing, and in the dim light Dan could barely make out the elastic bandage she had wrapped around her chest. In the darkness, Toni's chest appeared as flat as his had once been, and her shoulders and arms looked far more masculine than feminine. As she stepped close, Dan felt his wife's fully erect penis against his slimming tummy and he melted into her arms.

Chapter 15

The scenery had changed significantly since they left their home two days ago. The lakes and rolling, green meadows and hills of Michigan had been replaced by the arid hills of western Texas. The vegetation grew sparser each mile they drove, and Dan could see where the landscape would soon become a virtual desert. There were no lakes here, and the small streams that they called rivers were few and far in between.

The former man glanced over to his wife, who was now his husband in name and fact. Toni had changed so much in the past five months that she would never again be mistaken for a woman, just as he would never again be able to claim the title of 'male.' She, now he, had cut her hair in a short, masculine style that looked really good, and her breasts had virtually disappeared, leaving an increasingly muscular masculine chest. Even her nipples and areoles had shrunk to masculine proportions, and Toni could now remove her shirt for swimming or in the men's locker without fear. Her shoulders had widened as her hips had narrowed, and now she wore masculine clothes without concern for her appearance. In fact, Toni had grown another inch, eventually topping off at six feet even, while Dan had shrunk another half inch to five feet six inches.

The fact that his former wife was now three inches taller than he had been as a male, not to mention far stronger and even more well-endowed, had been a source of embarrassment to Dan at first, but his old male ego had finally withered away completely and for months, he had been content with the way things had worked out. He had shed his tummy with a program of diet and exercise and as his figure improved, so did his confidence in his newfound femininity. Men's heads now turned when he walked by, and some women were a little catty now, which told the former man all he needed to know about his progress.

Not that he needed outside validation – he got plenty of that from his husband, who was very demanding of his new wife. Nevertheless, the new wife got a charge out of the attention she got, and she tended towards a provocative wardrobe without being suggestive. After all, she was a young mother with her reputation to consider.

Little Danny was sleeping most of the night now, which was a blessing, and he was making all the right sounds and performing the little tricks that every mother looks for in her child. At that moment, he was asleep in his car seat, and would probably remain so until they stopped in Albuquerque.

The new Toni sat back in her seat and closed her eyes for a moment. She was very satisfied with the way things had turned out. The last bit of problem in selling the business and the home was due to the need for both she and her husband to try to pass as their original sexes, and that had been touch and go, with a few odd looks from the brokers and buyers. They had made it, but she didn't want to think what would have happened if the sales took another month or two. Dan was all man now, and she was a complete woman, and though she didn't know what the future held for them, she knew their lives would soon change again. She hadn't told Dan yet, but she had missed her last period.


The End . . .




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