Crystal's StorySite

The Gaean Ring                        by: Stephanie C.


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Queen Isabella wiped the perspiration from her brow then sat back to admire her handiwork. Twelve rose bush seedlings were now arranged in a circular pattern around a young cottonwood tree. The arrangement would be the center point for her garden this year.

"It will be beautiful once the flowers bloom, My Queen."

"Isabella smiled at the woman who spoke. "Thank you, Mesha. That is high praise from one such as you."

"We children of Gaea always praise those who return life to the soil. You, My Queen, make it an artwork."

The queen rose to her feet and led the woman to a raised fountain. There, she began to wash the dirt and grime from her hands. "So, my friend, what is it that brings my personal healer to see me? Surely you did not come just to admire my new plantings."

The woman turned to gaze over the small garden, "I wish that I could say that was true, but unfortunately, I can not." She took a deep breath and faced her long time friend, "A messenger with news of your husband has just arrived. He awaits for you in your study."

"What? Why did you not tell me to begin with?"

"My Lady, please." She pleaded as she hurried after the queen. "I thought it wise to prepare you. I fear the news he brings will not be good."


A short time later, Isabella sat in stunned silence. The messenger had indeed brought grave news. Her husband’s army had been defeated and he was believed to be dead. The army of King Lerot was approaching at the very moment and would arrive within three days.

"My Lady?" Councilor Kelnor repeated. "We must leave the city at once." His over large eyes darted about franticly and his hands worried the hem of his green sash. "Surely he means to destroy us all."

Isabella looked over her advisors. They were all nervous and fearful of what was to come. Each was insistent upon fleeing the city.

"Very well." She said at last. "Pass the word along the street and then see to your own escape."

"But what of you and Prince Keal, My Queen? You must come with us."

Isabella smiled at her oldest advisor then kissed his cheek, "I appreciate your concern, Arril, but we must find our own way out of the city. I believe it safest that we travel alone. Now go, we have not much time."

Once her advisors had left, Isabella retreated to her chambers where Mesha stood silently waiting.

"So, what has been decided, My Lady?" The healer asked.

"They all want to run." The queen said resignedly.

Mesha nodded her head wisely, "Perhaps that is the best coarse. If even half the things they say about King Lerot are true, then there is no telling what he would do to you and the prince if you stayed."

"Do you not think I realize that?" Isabella snapped. Then, "I am sorry. It... It is just that I am afraid, Mesha. I know that I must flee, but I do not know how to even begin. Can you help me?"

Mesha wrapped her arms about the crying woman’s shoulders. "Bella, we have been dearest friends since childhood and yet you still question my loyalty to you. Of coarse I will help." She wiped the tears from Isabella’s eyes and helped her compose herself. "Now, you go and get Keal then meet me in my quarters in three hours. I should have everything arranged by then."

Prince Keal was sitting upon the parapet of one of the castle’s tall towers with his feet dangling precariously over the side when he noticed the frantic activity in the courtyard far below.

"What do you suppose is going on?" Lena asked.

"I don’t know. Perhaps we should go and find out." He twisted around and stood upon the landing then offered his hand to the girl who accepted it graciously.

"Or perhaps we could find out later." She said, stepping into his arms and planting a gentle kiss on his lips.

Keal felt a familiar thrill run through his body. He knew that it was forbidden for him to be with this girl. He was a prince and she a commoner, the daughter of his mother’s seamstress... but she was so beautiful!

When he had first realized his feelings for her, he had been hesitant to even hold her hand in privacy, but within just a matter of days, she had led his inexperienced hands to other, more exciting parts of her body. Then, not long afterward, she had begun sneaking into his chambers at night, and although neither knew the intricacies of love making, they enjoyed the others company as they slept with their bodies intertwined.

Keal had just slipped the sleeve of her blouse down her shoulder and had reached for her exposed breast when he heard the trumpets.

Lena heard them as well and quickly straightened her dress. "That is your summons." She said, recognizing the trumpets’ three short and one long blares.

"I guess we will have to find out what is happening sooner rather than later." He quipped with a lopsided grin.

They ran down the stares hand in hand until they reached the more heavily populated floors. Keal peeked around a doorway then turned back to Lena and gave her a quick kiss. "If I do not see you before dinner, please come to my room tonight."

"I will." She promised and returned his kiss. The trumpets sounded again. "You had best be on your way, My Prince; less the queen becomes angry."

Keal nodded then took one more quick look around the doorway before rushing off.


Queen Isabella paced nervously before the two thrones in the main hall. The trumpets had sounded four times and there was still no sign of her son.

She was about to have them issue a fifth summons just as Keal hurried into the hall and bowed before her breathlessly.

"Where have you been, son? She demanded as she took him by the arm and led him through the curtained entryway to their quarters. "Did you not hear my summons?"

"Yes, Mother." He said, trying to keep up with her quick pace. "Forgive me. I was atop the western tower... Mother, what has happened? Why are you in such a rush?"

Isabella stopped before a stairway and turned to her son, "Keal, your father is dead."

The boy’s face remained passive. She had suspected that he bared no feelings for his father, now those suspicions were confirmed.

"You should not be so surprised that I am not stricken with grief over his death, Mother. He was not a kind father, nor was he a kind and faithful husband." He realized too late that he should have kept his mouth closed. His mother’s slap left his cheek red and stinging.

"You are never to say such a thing ever again!"

"I only say what is in my heart, Mother." He said defiantly.

"Keal!" Isabella lowered her raised hand, "We do not have the time for this." She took his arm once more and led him down the stairs, explaining all that had happened along the way.

By the time they had reached the chambers of the queen’s healer, he was much more subdued and quite.

Mesha waited expectantly inside. A man dressed in the garb of a River Rider stood beside her. He stepped into the next room when the pair arrived.

"Is all ready?" Isabella asked.

Mesha pulled the two inside and shut the door. "Yes, but I have learned that King Lerot has boats on the river to the north and south."

Isabella sat heavily on the small cot the healer used for her patients. "Then there is no escape for us."

"You give up too easily, My Queen. It just means that we will have to be more careful in our plans."

Keal watched as the healer opened a trunk and pulled out an old worn dress and slippers then set them on the bed next to his mother. She then took a large bowl from a shelf and began poring vials of dark fluid into it along with water and minced berry juice. "In order to get you safely upriver to your father’s castle, you will have to be disguised." She explained as she worked, "The man in the other room is Melticrun. He is first mate aboard a barge and has agreed to take you. He is completely trustworthy."

"Are you sure?" Isabella asked.

"He is my cousin’s husband." The healer said. "Now, Keal, turn your face so that your mother may change."

When Mesha had finished with Isabella, all traces of royalty were gone. With the absence of cosmetics, her face appeared as weather worn as any field worker and her once curly blonde hair was now straight and as black as a panther’s hide. The clothing gave her the look of a commoner who had been on the road many a days.

"It is quite suitable." Isabella said, handing the mirror back to Mesha. "You must hurry and start on Keal."

The healer set the mirror on a small table. "Uhm...yes, I suppose, but, My Queen, would it not be best if you were to travel separately? I mean, Lerot will be looking for you, and any woman traveling with a boy will be suspect. That is a risk you should not take."

Isabella hugged her son close, "But how can we get him out of here?"

"I thought that perhaps he could travel with me."

"Then that would put you under suspicion." The queen pointed out.

Mesha sighed, "You are right, My Lady. Forgive me, I have not thought this out as completely as I should have."

She began pacing about the room, deep in thought. Keal noticed that she kept glancing at a bare portion of the wall as if she expected some apparition to appear. Finally she stopped as if suddenly coming to a conclusion.

"Keal, go into the next room and shut the door. Tell Melticrun that we will be but a few minutes more." She instructed. "Stay there until we send for you."

"But why must...?"

"Just do as you are told." His mother said sternly.

When Keal was gone, she turned to Mesha, "You have an idea?"

The healer nodded gravely. "Yes. One that you may not like because it will require you to leave without him, and one that I am uncomfortable with because of its nature."

"What are you talking about?" Isabella asked in confusion.

Mesha took her hand. "Come, I will show you."

She lit a small lamp and walked to the bare section of wall.

Isabella watched in amazement as she depressed a stone and the base and the wall opened inward to reveal a narrow passage.

They followed the tunnel until it opened into a large underground cavern.

"You recall some time ago that my people had entrusted me to be the guardian over the Items of Dark Portents?" Mesha asked.

Isabella did recall the instance, but had no idea as to what it meant.

Mesha continued, "It has been my duty to protect items crafted by my people which, if in the wrong hands, could be used for evil intentions. This is where I keep them."

Isabella shook her head in confusion. "But I thought the followers of Gaea were a peace loving people."

"Every race of people has their dark pasts." The healer said simply as she knelt before a small box. She pressed the hidden latches and the lid popped open to reveal several rows of intricately carved rings. She selected one then closed the lid once more before turning to her friend. "I want you to realize that I do not like doing this, but I can think of no other solution."

Isabella looked at the ring Mesha handed to her. There was a symbol engraved under which a stone could be set. She recognized it from stories she had read and had believed its powers to be a myth. It was a simple circle with a broken arrow piercing it from the bottom. The point emerged at a crooked angle from the cross-shaped flights.

"I will not use it if you do not wish me to, Bella, but as I said, I know not what else to do." Mesha told her.

The disguised queen nodded and handed the ring back to her, "Just tell me. Is it reversible?"

"Once the ring is removed, he will return to normal. Also if the symbol is turned towards the palm, but I shall put in a stone of stability to prevent that from happening." As she spoke, she selected an amber gem from another box and fit it into the ring’s setting, effectively concealing the symbol beneath.

After once more asking for the queen’s commitment, Mesha led her back to the room and summoned Keal.

The young man was suspicious of their stern looks, but he knew that they were the only ones that could help him escape alive, but something about their manner told him that whatever they had planned did not bode well for him.

"Keal." His mother spoke. "I have decided that we will be leaving separately. I will be leaving with Melticrun while Mesha will see to your safety. We will meet again at your grandfather’s" once she saw that he understood and had accepted that, she continued by taking the ring from Mesha and handing it to him. "You must put this on."

"What is it for?" He asked suspiciously.

"It is a magical ring that will change your appearance so as to hide your true identity." She explained.

His mother’s seeming hesitancy confused Keal, but he complied with her wishes.

It hit him with a suddenness that left him breathless. His mind spun as every sense and every nerve of his being seemed to react all at once. It was not a true pain, but a strong discomfort as he felt his body begin to change form. He thought that the ring would only cast an illusion over him..., not this.

He looked up to his mother imploringly as she held him close and murmured soothing reassurances. He tried to speak, but found that he could not as the transformation traveled down his throat and neck. The change then moved to his chest, then his waist and hips, and on down his legs to even his toes.

Isabella held her son tight as he slowly became her daughter. She watched in fascination as his face softened and became more feminine, his neck more slender and graceful, and his shoulders narrower. She felt his breasts sprout and press against her own while his waist narrowed and his hips grew wider until the strained the seams of his trousers.

Weakened from the ordeal, Keal would have collapsed to the floor had his mother and Mesha not guided him to a chair.

"Are you all right?" Isabella asked, concern lining her beautiful face.

Keal considered her question for a moment. The semi pain was gone, but he felt an uncomfortable tightness in his chest and down his thighs. He told the women as much and they quickly unlaced his shirt and trousers.

"We may have to cut the pants off of him." Mesha commented.

Isabella hunted for the scissors, but the healer stopped her. "I will see to it. You must hurry and be on your way."

The queen hesitated. She was torn between the common sense of Mesha’s words and her own sense of maternal instincts. "All right," she said. "but you must go to Meylin. She has a daughter Keal’s age and will be able to loan you some clothes for him to wear." She then turned to her son, "I want you to obey Mesha as if she were me. Is that understood?"

He nodded back to her with eyes still half dazed. "I will, Mother."

Mesha then led Isabella and Melticrun away with instructions for Keal not to move until she returned.


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As his mind began to clear, Keal began to notice the changes to his body. I t first came when he went to loosen the lacings on his shirt a bit more and his hands encountered something that should not have been on his body. He looked down at his chest to see the swells of two firm breasts peaking at him from beneath his shirt and large nipples straining against the thin material of his shirt.

Almost too quickly, he darted for the mirror Mesha had set on the table. He had to stop until the dizziness passed before he could continue the short distance across the room. He felt awkward because his center of balance had changed. His breasts bounced and swayed with his jerking movements and his trousers bit painfully into his groin and between his cheeks. H e did not have to look down and see the absence of a bulge to know that his manhood was gone. He tried not to dwell on that thought as he picked up the mirror to see his face.

There, changes were subtle. His eyes were the same light gray and his hair was still shoulder length and sandy blonde, but his brows had thinned and had more of an arch while his nose had become slightly smaller and his lips more fuller with a slight pout to them. They were slightly open and returned to that position no matter how often he tried to press them together.

He raised a tentative had to his cheek, feeling its smooth texture. That drew his attention to his hands. He put down the mirror and examined the slim and delicate appendages in amazement.

The door opened then, bringing from his reverie.

"I asked you not to get up." Mesha said reproachfully and guided him back towards the chair.

"I would prefer to stand." He objected. "These pants are too uncomfortable to sit in."

Mesha saw the pleading look in his eye and relented. "Very well, let us take care of that while we wait on Meylin and Lena to arrive."

Keal grew suddenly apprehensive. "Lena is coming here? I can not let her see me like this."

"Why ever not?" Mesha asked in confusion. Then, seeing his cheeks become a light shade of rose, "Oh! I see... Well, perhaps she will not recognize you."

The prince certainly hoped not, but as it turned out, he had good reason to be concerned.

Mesha was still struggling to slide the scissors between the material of his trousers and the skin of his thigh when the seamstress and her daughter arrived.

Lena recognized him by his clothes, but did a double take when she saw the contours of the body underneath. "Keal?... Uhm, I mean, My Prince!" She hastily corrected herself and gave a respectful curtsey.

Meylin, confusion evident on her face began to follow her daughter’s lead, but Mesha stopped her.

"There will be none of that. You must treat him... her, as if she were one of us until we are safely away." She instructed.

Meylin agreed, but she was uncomfortable about it. It did not feel proper to treat a noble like a commoner. Seeing the predicament the young female prince was in, she opened her kit and retrieved her own pair of scissors that were designed for cutting cloth, unlike the bulky pair Mesha had. "You go ahead and do what you need to do, Mesha. Lena and I will take care of our young miss here."

While Meylin got to work, Lena set out one of her traveling dresses and a pair of flat sole boots.

"A dress?" Keal exclaimed. "I can not wear that!"

Meylin laughed, "If you wish to pass as a girl, then you had better."


The seamstress purposefully poked him with her scissors to stop his protests.

Lena giggled, "Well, you always did want to get into my dresses...OOP!" She put her hand to her mouth when she realized what she had said, and in front of whom. She looked away in embarrassment when her mother looked at her sharply.

Meylin then looked up to Keal and saw that his face was just as red as her daughter’s. She became angry. So you are just like your father!" She accused. "I have a mind to leave you here for King Lerot, but I love your mother too much to hurt her like that."

"I am nothing like that swine!" Keal snapped back at her, "I love Lena."

"Just like your father loved your mother." She countered. "What good is your love when you know that you can not marry her?"

"I would renounce the thrown to be with her, Meylin." Passion filled his earnest voice.

The seamstress arched an eyebrow. "You have lost the throne, Prince Keal." She reminded. "Your vow is hallow."

"Mother, stop this!" Lena cried. "You have no idea how many times we have planned to run away so we could be together."

"What must I do to prove to you that Lena is the only one I love? The only one I will ever love?" Keal pleaded.

Meylin looked from one to the other and sighed. "You two are still yet young. Perhaps in time you will know your proper stations."

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Keal asked. "I care nothing for stations nor this cursed noble blood that runs through my veins. "I care only for Lena and will give all of that up just to be with her."

"I would believe what he has to say." Mesha said as she returned carrying two packs. "All of his life he has tried to distance himself from the throne, and especially his father. He has no taste for the trappings of nobility, despite his mother’s efforts."

Seeing herself outnumbered, Meylin finally relented. She looked at her daughter, then at Keal’s now mostly nude female body. "Well at least I will not have to worry about you two getting into any mischief while Keal is like this."

"Thank you, Mother." Lena said, giving her a hug. "I knew you would understand."

"Don’t thank me yet." She warned. "There is still your father to contend with..., and let us not forget the queen."


Keal’s awkwardness expanded ten-fold after Lena helped him into her clothes. The dress was simple and light, made more for durability that for appearances. It was a light tan in color and had a broad brown belt to shape it to his waist. The sleeves were short, exposing the majority of his now slender arms, but the hem of the skirt just touched the floor until he donned the boots. The low, square-cut neckline left him feeling self-conscious. It exposed the upper swells of his breasts that were pushed up and together by the soft ribs sewn into the fabric at his bust line.

What disturbed him the most though, was what he wore underneath, A satin under dress and matching pantlets. He had never felt such material against his skin before, at least not this part of his skin. He had felt it against his hands when he and Lena had been alone together before, but this was different. The feel of it caressing his new breasts and his womanhood sent a pleasant shiver down his spine.


When he was finally ready, Lena gave him one last reassuring hug before they followed Mesha outside and into Isabella’s garden. Meylin’s husband, Belan waited for them there. His handsomeness was the perfect compliment to Meylin’s beauty. Keal could see that Lena was doubly blessed to have received both of their good looks.

Belan had been lamed while trying to break a wild steed many years ago so was unable to do much physical labor. His sharp mind and knowledge of horses, however, had led him to a position in King Drevon’s stables as the assistant stable master.

It had grown dark and Belan was anxious to be on his way. "What kept you?" He whispered harshly to his wife.

"It is my fault, Belan." Mesha explained, "I needed her to help me with one last instruction from the queen."

His face softened somewhat at that. He loved the queen as much as his wife did. "All right, but we may have waited too long. There is word that some of Lerot’s men have already entered the city."

"Then we must hurry and be on our way." Mesha said, taking Keal by the arm and heading off into the garden.

She led the small group to a small gate in the back of the garden. It was hidden from view on either side by vines that covered the castle wall so Mesha believed it to be a safe escape route.

She was soon proven wrong. No sooner had she unlocked the gate than six men rushed in from the darkness beyond. The slammed the gate open with enough force to send the healer flying back into the others.

Belan knelt to help her to her feet but found himself backhanded and forced roughly to the ground.

Lena, who had always been overprotective of her father because of his condition, jumped onto his attacker’s back, futilely hitting him on his padded leather armor.

The man easily flung her off him and yelped in pain as she landed hard on the cobblestone path.

"Heh! Feisty little wench." He laughed. Anything else he might have said was cut short when he turned back around only to meat Keal’s punch between his eyes. He was momentarily stunned, but Keal continued to rain down blows wherever he could until another man grabbed his arms and pulled him away.

The first man was more angry than actually hurt. His backhand nearly knocked Keal senseless. As it was, the man holding him lost his grip and Keal went to the ground.

"I think you need some manners, bitch!" The first man growled.

By this time, more armored men, and some women had come through the gate. They paid little attention to the first group as the rushed to secure the rest of the castle.

The man grabbed Keal by the waist and carried him to a nearby bench. There, he sat down and bent the helpless girl over his lap, pulling her dress up and tearing the satin pantlets painfully off to expose Keal’s well rounded ivory cheeks.

The transformed prince screamed out as the man’s bare hand began striking him. He tried to struggle free but the man was too strong and only spanked him harder. The man’s hand was not angled crossways against his cheeks. Instead, his blows landed in a way so that his fingertips struck the mound of his womanhood. There was a great deal of pain, but he felt himself strangely becoming aroused. The thought of a man doing this to him made him sick at heart and he prayed that this was all the man intended to do to him.

Mesha could do nothing but stand by helplessly as her charge was beaten and humiliated. She cried for him, but she also cried because she had failed her queen.

It seemed an eternity until the man finally threw Keal to the ground. "Take them to the main hall with the others." He instructed his men, then pointed to the two girls. "And put chains on these two."

"Yes, Captain." The second man said, then motioned for the other soldiers to do as commanded.

Mesha and Meylin had to support Keal as they were forced roughly into the castle. He could barely stand, let alone walk, so the women had to carry him most of the way. Belan carried his daughter who was still crying in pain from a broken wrist.

"Don’t think they’ll be needin’ irons, Captain." The second man laughed. "Least not the one you gave a wuppin to."

"Do it anyways. Maybe it will teach them some respect." The captain grumbled as he messaged the bridge of his nose. He felt a headache coming on.

The second man was still laughing, "I think you just don’t want to give that girl the opportunity to give you another black eye."

The captain growled again and swung half heartedly at his sergeant. "See to your duties, you old goat."

Captain Rahlic grimaced as the sergeant went off after the others. The little wench had landed some good blows, ineffectual, but good. There was no doubt that his eye would be bruised by morning. Maybe even swollen shut. It was already tender to touch. Plus there was the headache her punches had incited. He was going to have to hunt down his healer and get a drought before he went off to check on his men’s progress.

Must have brothers. He mused to himself about the girl.

As he started to leave the garden, he saw the torn pantlets at his feet. He picked them up and stuffed them in a pouch on his belt. He would give them back to her so that maybe she could mend them.

Mesha laid Keal on his stomach across a pile of cushions in one corner of the main hall. "You just lie still while I tend to Lena." She soothed

She rummaged through her medicine bag, setting out the items she would need to mend Lena’s wrist. She also came across a jar of salve and handed it to Meylin. "Here. Rub a good amount of this onto Kayla. Keep doing it until her skin is no longer warm to the touch.

The seamstress readily agreed. Keal’s actions, however futile, had proven to her that he would go to any lengths to protect her daughter.

"Here, bite on this." Mesha told Lena, sticking a thick strip of rawhide between her teeth. "This will be very painful, but just for a moment." She warned.

The girl nodded with fear filled eyes.

Belan held his daughter’s arm firmly as Mesha jerked the girl’s bone back into place with one quick motion.

Lena surprised her. The girl had not let out a single cry when a grown man would have been bawling like a baby. A look at the girl’s face was her answer. Lena was out cold.

"Well, that will make this easier." She said to no one in particular as she began to set up the splint.

Keal tried to see what was happening to Lena but Mesha and Belan blocked his view.

"Does it still hurt?" Meylin asked, kneeling beside him.

He managed a weak nod. "How is Lena?"

"Mesha is seeing to her. She gave me something to put on you to stop to burning."

Keal only nodded as she watched her scoop up a handful of cream from a jar and then felt as her hand slid under the hem of his dress.

His sharp gasp made the seamstress jerk her hand away. "Still sensitive?" She asked.

"That stuff is cold." He was not lying. The salve had felt like ice when she touched it to his enflamed rear.

"Sorry. I will try to be more careful." She said, applying the salve more tenderly. "I want to thank you for standing up for Belan and Lena." She told him.

"Lot of good it did, but I would do it again if I had to."

"I do not doubt that." She then leaned in close and whispered, "But next, you might want to wait until you are a man again."

Keal smiled despite himself. "Less humiliating that way , huh?"

"Yes, I suppose it would be. Not many men would bare another’s arse and give him so soundly a spanking."

Meylin had been working by feel so as not to expose Keal’s body to the soldiers and the other servants who were being held nearby. She became alarmed when the heat she felt off his skin led her hand between his legs to his womanhood. "He hit you there?"

Keal averted his gaze in embarrassment and nodded.

"That perverted slime! No woman should be slapped there... Not like that anyways." She scooped up more salve and continued her ministrations. "This may feel a bit odd, but please, for both our sakes, make no sounds."

but he knew that he dared not.

Meylin’s whispered words brought him back to reality. "It is a shame Lena is not capable of doing this for you right now." She ignored his startled look. "I mean, what harm can come of it between to girls. Right?"

She laughed at his look of disappointment. "I am only teasing, Kayla. Whenever we leave from here, I will not stand between you and Lena, nor will Belan after I explain everything to him."

"Thank you, Meylin."

"Just don’t disappoint me." She warned, patting his rump. "OH! Sorry." She said we he winced.

Rahlic was impressed with the efficiency in which his men had secured the castle. He had feared that there would have been more of a fight, but only a handful of loyal guards had resisted. However, he was upset that the queen and the prince had managed to escape, as well as most of the nobles. The few prisoners they had managed to capture were mostly commoners. Servants who were more loyal to the upkeep of the house than to those who lived in it.

As he looked over them, his gaze fell upon the small group that had settled inconspicuously in one of the corners of the main hall. That reminded him that he had to return the scrap of satin in his pouch to the girl.

He was pleased to see that his sergeant had followed his orders. Heavy chains adorned the two girl’s ankles.

"I want to speak to the girl alone." He told the woman who was tending to her.

Meylin gave him a look of disgust but did as she was told.

When she was gone, Rahlic dropped the torn pantlets in front of Keal’s face. "I do not apologize for what I did to you," He said. "but I will admit that I may have been too harsh on you. Let that be a lesson to never again anger me. Next time I may not be able to control my anger as well." With that, he turned on his heel and strode away.

By right, Keal should have been terrified by the man’s words, but the sight of the captains bruised face and swollen eye gave him a sense of satisfaction. At least my wounds are hidden from view. He thought to himself.


Two days later, King Lerot and the rest of his army arrived. The prisoners were forced to stand in a line as he and his two sons, Mallebic and Tember, strode purposefully into the castle. They stopped where Rahlic knelt before the two thrones.

"What is your report, Captain?" Lerot asked.

Rahlic stood, revealing his bruised face. "The castle is yours, Sire, but unfortunately the queen and prince escaped before we arrived. As it was, there was no resistance worth mentioning."

Lerot was not pleased with the news of the royal family’s escape, but he was satisfied that no more blood was shed because of the tyrant he and his men had overthrown. He noticed the captain’s face then looked over at the unscathed soldiers. "There must not have been much resistance." He agreed. "What did you do, take the castle by yourself?"

Rahlic gave the sergeant a dark look when he chuckled. To the king he replied. "A youngling forgot her station and attacked me, Sire. I had to teach her some manners."

"A child did this to you?" Lerot asked incredulously.

"Yes, Sire."

The king looked over the half dozen or so young girls in the assembly. Only two of them looked capable of giving the captain any grief, and one of them had a broken hand. The other one though, had a smug grin across her face.

He approached and commanded her to stand. "You attacked Captain Rahlic?"

"Yes, Sire." Keal answered respectfully, yet unable to hide his pride.

"Looks to me as if he fared the worse." Lerot said, truly enjoying the captain’s embarrassment.

"She know otherwise, Sire." Rahlic spoke up.

"Oh? Is that true, girl?"

"No, Sire." Keal said just to spite the captain. He ignored Mesha’s silent warning and continued. "What he did to me does not show as clearly as his swollen eye."

Lerot was really beginning to enjoy this now. The girl had fire to her. No wonder Rahlic had such a time with her. "And what is it that he did to you?"

"He spanked me, Sire." Keal said under his breath and looking away.

"What was that? Speak up, girl!" Lerot commanded.

"I said he spanked me." The female prince repeated louder, his high, rich voice echoing throughout the hall. The laughter from Lerot and his soldiers made him want to crawl into a hole and hide.

"Now, answer my question again." Lerot commanded, "Who is now worse off from your encounter? And you had best answer correctly or I will bend you over my own knee."

"I... I am, Sire."

"Good. You had best remember that."

"I will, Sire."

The king then walked away to meet a woman that had just entered the hall. Mallebic, his oldest son, remained behind a moment longer, eyeing Keal’s female body hungrily before rejoining his father.

The woman was a Gaean like Mesha, but where the queen’s friend had devoted herself to the arts of healing, she had mastered the ability to find the truth, or the lies, in a person’s words.

Lerot used her as he questioned the prisoners. Being servants, they were loyal to whoever ruled at the time so spoke truthfully, even the Housemistress who refused to swear loyalty to the new king.

"This is my house." She said defiantly. "I don’t care who lives here just as long as you don’t dirty up me floors."

Lerot laughed. Every Housemistress he had ever met was the same way. "I will do my best not to, Mistress."

Keal listened to him as he made his way down the line. He was polite and courteous to all, even the chamber pot boy. There was no trace of the vileness his father claimed of the man. He came to realize that his father’s words were just more lies to justify his raids across Lerot’s borders. Keal smiled. His father had paid for those lies. The raids eventually led to the war that killed him. A very deserving punishment in his eyes.

Lerot soon came to Mesha. The healer put a hand under Keal’s elbow for him to rise with her.

"Name and position?" Lerot asked.

"I am Mesha, the queen’s personal healer." She answered. "This is my ward, Kayla." She pronounced the name with the last ’a’ almost silent so that the Truth Seer would not see it as a lie.

"You are Gaean." The king surmised.

"Yes, Sire."

"As healer, you must have known the royal family well."

"The queen and the prince, yes, Sire."

"Not the king?"

Mesha gave a disgusted look, "I did my best to avoid him, Sire."

Lerot understood. "Then what can you tell me of the queen and the prince?"

"The queen is a gentle woman. Unlike her husband, she treated us all well and with respect. She is a follower of Gaea, yet not Gaean. She loved to bring life back to the soil and would spend hours in her garden. I believe it helped her to forget her husbands many trespasses."

"What of the prince?" Lerot asked. "He escaped as well. Do you believe that he would gather an army and return for what was once rightfully his?"

Mesha laughed. "You do not have to worry about that, Sire. The prince hated his father as much as the rest of us, if not more. He has never cared for the throne, nor do I believe he ever will."

Lerot turned to the Truth Seer for confirmation.

"She speaks true, Sire."

"Why would he not want the throne?" He asked the healer.

"He has renounced the throne and his nobility so that he may marry a commoner." She explained.

Mallebic guffawed at that. "He obviously does not have his priorities in order. If I were him, I would have taken the throne and kept the wench as a concubine."

Mesha nodded politely, "King Devon had many such women and the prince despised him for it because it dishonored his mother. He would rather renounce the throne than to become like his father.

Lerot was apparently satisfied with her answers. He changed the subject and looked down at Keal. "This is the girl that attacked Captain Rahlic. How is it that this filly came to be in your care?"

"Her mother is a close friend of mine." Mesha answered. "Her husband died in the war and she was unable to keep her holdings so she left Kayla in my care while she went to her family to arrange for a place to live."

The Truth Seer eyed her suspiciously. What her sister Gaean had said was true, but she sensed just a hint of falseness. She decided that it was not worth mentioning to the king since it did not concern the royal family.

Tember, Lerot’s youngest son, noticed the Truth Seers reaction and grew suspicious when she said nothing to his father. He thought that she might be protecting the other Gaean. He would have to mention this to his father when he had the chance.

"So you are only a guest here and you felt that it was your responsibility to protect the castle from Captain Rahlic?" Lerot asked, smiling down at Keal.

"He hurt my friend, Sire." Keal said, motioning to Lena’s broken wrist.

Lerot arched an eyebrow at Rahlic. "So, there is more to the story."

The captain sighed. He had hoped the matter forgotten by now. "Sire. These five here were just inside the gate when my men and I first stormed in. I struck the man down thinking he was going for a weapon. I realized immediately that he was unarmed, but by that time, this other girl jumped on my back. I thought her to be one of the older women and used a bit too much force when I threw her off."

"And that is when the beautiful Kayla here gave you the black eye." Lerot finished.

"Yes Sire."

Lerot laughed and moved down the line to Belan and his family. "Name and position?"

"Belan. I am the assistant Stable Master."

"A lame Stable Master?" Mallebic scoffed.

"It takes more than good legs to tame a horse." Lerot chided. "Is that not so, Master Belan?"

"Yes, Sire."

"And where do your loyalties lie?"

"To whoever can pay me enough so that I can support my family, Sire."

"Did you help breed Devon’s warhorses?" Tember asked excitedly.

"My father is the one who brought the training techniques here." Lena said proudly. Meylin slapped her good hand for speaking out of turn.

"Is that true?" Lerot asked.

"Yes, Sire. My family has breed horses for generations. The technique has been passed down from father to son for as long as I can remember." He answered, matching his daughter’s pride with his own.

"Well then you and your family should be congratulated. Never before have I seen such fine steeds."

"Thank you, Sire."

Lerot passed by Lena. "You are his wife?"

"Yes, Sire. I am Meylin. The queen’s seamstress."

"You are still loyal to her." Lerot said, noticing it in her eyes.

"She has become a good friend over the years, Sire," She stated, "but my loyalties lay with my husband and daughter first and foremost."

Lerot completed his questioning and led his sons out of earshot. "Well, what do you think Tember? Are you willing to keep these people under your roof?"

Before his younger brother could answer, Mallebic protested loudly. "His roof? I thought this would be my rule?"

"No. This is to become a duchy under the king’s rule. If you want to be duke, then I will be more than happy to make Tember my heir in your place." Lerot said harshly.

"No, Father." Mallebic said hastily. "Forgive me. I misunderstood your intentions."

Lerot ignored him and turned back to Tember.

"I would keep them all but the Gaean." Tember answered. "Nor do I truly need a seamstress, but I will keep her so that I may keep the Stable Master. He, I want to keep above all others."

Lerot heartily agreed. Knowing Tember’s love of horses, The Stable Master was probably the biggest prize for him this day.

"Why do you not want the Gaean?" He asked his son.

Tember glanced over to the Truth Seer and led his father a short distance away from her hearing. He then explained his suspicions about her possibly protecting the healer by not informing him of a lie.

"Why would the healer lie about the girl?" Lerot mused.

Tember shrugged. "I do not know. It is possible that she is the daughter of a noble. She has the looks for it."

Lerot scratched his bearded chin. "If she is noble born, then she is a very good actress. She carries herself more like an unsophisticated commoner, and no proper lady would attack an armed soldier with closed fists."

Tember sighed. "Perhaps you are right."

"Then again, If she is a noble and this is all an act, she is bound to make a mistake sooner or later." Lerot continued. "It is your decision, but if I were you, I would keep them around a bit longer so that I could keep an eye on her. If, after some time, I am convinced that she is who she claims she is, I would let them go, but... if she is in fact noble born..., well, she is pleasing to look upon. Is she not?"

"She is a bit young for that, Father," Tember grinned, "but I do agree with you about her beauty."

Lerot shrugged. "So you would have to wait a few years."

"If she is a noble, I will consider it." The prince promised. "I can see it in your eyes how she reminds you of mother."

Lerot smiled and patted his son’s shoulder. "She does at that. Does she not? But come, let us swear in your new subjects so that we might get dinner cooked and food in our bellies. I am famished."


Keal found himself, along with Lena and Meylin, recruited into helping serve the dinner. They had first washed and changed into clean clothes. Both were quite an experience unto themselves for the female prince, especially the bath. Under Meylin’s close watch, Lena had helped him bathe and both women had shown him how to clean and tend to his new body.

Throughout the meal, Keal had to endure the humiliation as the soldiers and officers teased him about the punishment Rahlic had given him. They took great delight in watching him cringe every time they patted and pinched his rump. He had managed to hold his tongue fairly well, but the longer the dinner lasted the more his rear and the area between his legs began to itch. When it became unbearable, he approached the kitchen mistress.

"Missus, I need to go find Mesha." He then explained his predicament.

"They’s watchin’ ya closely, girl. They’ll be gettin’ s’picious if’n ya up an’ dis’pear alla suddens."

"Then send someone else for her. Please." He pleaded. "I can not bear this itching much longer."

"All right, girl. Ya go on ’bout ya b’ness an’ I’ll go an’ get her for ya."

"Thank you." Keal said, taking the tray of meat she handed him and heading off into the dinning hall.

Mesha was in the kitchen when he returned. She led him in to the privacy of one of the pantries and lifted his dress. "Looks like poison oak." She said, examining the red, puffy splotches covering his rump and a good portion of his womanhood.

"But how could I have gotten it there?" Keal asked, now close to tears from the discomfort.

"The captain must have had it on his hands." She explained. She then took the same jar of salve Meylin had used on him before and began coating the effected area. "This will help you some, but try not to scratch unless you want scars." She instructed.

As Keal returned to his tasks, Mesha hunted down the captain. He was sitting at the new duke’s table so she had to get one of the guards to bring him to her.

"What is this about, healer?" He asked when he met her in the servant’s passageway.

"I need to know if your hands are itching." Mesha said.

"Whatever for?" He asked. Then after she explained, "I had my healer give me a drought right after that. It was for a headache, but it might have cured the poison oak from my hands.

"Just to be safe, I think you should use some of this salve." At his reluctance, she said, "If you do not trust me, then at least have your healer treat you, and quickly. You may still have and could be spreading it to everything you touch. Then, before you know it, everyone will have it."

Rahlic considered this then asked, "What is in your salve?"

"Juice from an aloe plant, goat’s milk, and root extracts from mallow." She said.

Satisfied, Rahlic offered his hands, "All right, but be quick about it."

In the dinning hall, Keal and Lena were busy going about the room with wine skins refilling empty tankards when Mallebic called out from where he sat at his brother’s side. "Wine girls! Come here!" He was quite drunk and his leering tone made the two apprehensive.

They stopped before the table and knelt.

"This has been a grand celebration," Mallebic said aloud, "but what we need is a bit of entertainment." The rabble cheered at this and were eager to see what their prince intended for the young girls. Mallebic leaned forward across the table and smiled malevolently. "Please each other for us." He commanded.

Keal hesitated and looked to the duke for his approval.

Tember was disgusted with his brother’s crudeness, but at the same time, he wondered if Kayla would do it if he commanded. No noble would be willing to perform such an act on another girl. This would have been an excellent test for her had not his own sense of morality interfered. "They are too young to know about such things." He told his brother. "If you want such entertainment then go find your whores. I will not condone such behavior under my roof.

Mallebic scowled. "You are weak, Tember."

"Test me further, brother, and I will have to prove you wrong."

Mallebic was half out of his chair when Lerot intercepted him and shoved him back down. "Enough of this! You are under Tember’s roof and you will respect his wishes." He then turned to Tember. "You need to learn to compromise with your guests. Have the girls dance for us instead."

Tember nodded to his father in respect, then ordered the girls’ ankle chains removed so that they could perform as commanded.


Keal was exhausted when Mesh helped him undress and put him to bed. He had not even closed his eyes when Mallebic barged into the room.

"Leave us!" He ordered the healer.


"Do as I say woman or you will find yourself at the bottom of the river with a stone tied about your neck!"

Mesha glanced apologetically at Keal who was shaking in fear, then left the room. She had failed Isabella miserably and Keal was forced to pay for that failure. She believed that he would never forgive her if he managed to live through this ordeal.

She had not been out of the room five minutes when Mallebic stormed out and grabbed her by the arms. "What cursed malady does that bitch have?"

"I tried to tell you, My Prince. I do not know what it is. Nothing I have tried has worked. It only gets worse."

The prince forcefully shoved her away. "Well, there are more whores here that can keep me company tonight."

"The Stable Master’s daughter has the same affliction." She called out to his retreating back. It was a lie, but there was no Truth Seer presently about to call her out.

Mallebic’s curses grew louder, but he continued on his way.


Mesha felt sorry for whoever he happened to find. She returned to the room to find Keal curled into a ball at the head of the bed. The blankets had been thrown to the floor and his nightclothes had been torn off, leaving his body naked. A fresh bruise was swelling on his cheek where Mallebic had hit him.

"I hate this!" He said when Mesha wrapped her arms about him. "I hate being a girl, nothing but a plaything for those swine!"

Mesha had to stop him from snatching of the ring. "I know, and I am sorry, My Prince, but you must be strong. If it is discovered who you are, they will kill you."

Keal sighed in resignation, "As soon as I am able, this thing is coming off!"


Keal’s rash worsened over the next few weeks to the point that he was forced to remain bedridden. Lerot and his soldiers returned home, leaving Tember to concentrate on bringing his new rule to order. He had kept a close eye on Kayla and had noticed the bruise on her face. He was furious with his brother, but the healer assured him that nothing more had been done to the girl.

When she failed to appear to serve breakfast one morning, he grew suspicious and ordered the healer brought before him. She explained the strange malady that had bedridden the girl and her failed attempts to heal it.

Tember was still suspicious. She had lied about the girl before and believed that she was lying now. "You do not mind if I see this for myself?" He asked.

Mesha nodded. "If you so desire, My Lord, but to save Kayla from further embarrassment, perhaps you can verify my story with Captain Rahlic. He is aware of her condition."

Tember considered that for a moment but quickly decided against it. "No. I will see to this. Take me to her."

Keal lay on his stomach. He was naked except for a light sheet that covered his body.

"The duke wishes to see your rash." Mesha explained at his startled look.

"Do not be embarrassed, child." Tember said pleasantly. "I only have your welfare in mind. Unlike your former master, I like to see that my servants are taken care of, and try to help them where I can."

Keal sensed that the duke’s words were sincere so he gave his consent and Mesha lifted the sheet to reveal his body. The red splotches had become unsightly sores that oozed puss.

"I thought it to be poison oak, at first," Mesha explained as she lowered the sheet, "but all of my treatments have only made it worse.

"Perhaps the soldier’s healer will know what it is." Tember suggested. "Would you mind if he took a look?"

"At this point, I am willing to accept any help that is offered."

Later that day, Keal had to suffer further humiliation as the strange man examined his body. The mans touch was professional, but Keal could not help but feel violated as his fingers probed his womanhood.

"Nothing you have tried has worked?" The man asked Mesha.


"What are you using now?"

She showed him the jar of aloe salve. "Just this to relieve the itching."

The man examined it for a moment. "I wonder..." He took a little of it on his finger and rubbed it on the inside of Keal’s wrist. "Don’t wash this off and do not use any on her rash for a couple of days."

"You think she may be allergic to it?" Mesha asked uncertainly. "I have never known anyone allergic to aloe."

"It may not be the aloe. It could be any one of the ingredients you used." He said.

Mesha was still not convinced, but she was willing to try anything to stop Keal’s suffering.

Lena visited Keal every opportunity she could. They rarely had a moment alone, but when they did, they freely expressed their love for one another in the form of hugs, kisses, and soft caresses.

One such night, she came into the room and fell onto her back on the bed beside Keal. "I am so exhausted." She complained as she stretched her lithe form.

"I thought you would have help with all of the new servants Tember has hired."

She gave him a sour look. "They are all for father in the stables. Duke Tember has yet to get anyone else for the house or kitchens."

Keal turned on to his side so he could see her better. She lay on her back with her eyes closed. She was so beautiful! Even at rest the mere sight of her took his breath away. His gazed traveled down her slim neck to the gentle swell of her breasts that rose and fell with her breathing. The square-cut neck of her dress revealed a goodly amount of them. Oh, how he missed touching them!

A mischievous thought crossed his mind just then and he reached over and gently began tracing the hem of the dress across her bosom.

She let out a gasp at his touch, but instinctively raised her breast into his hand. "Stop that." Keal ignored her whispered protest as he slid his hand under her dress and began teasing her nipples. "I said stop."

"Or else what?" He dared.

Lena opened her eyes and gave him a wicked smile. "Or else I would have to show you what it feels like."

"You would not." He seriously did not believe that she would and was surprised when she rolled over on her side and reached for him.

Lena was just as surprised at herself as he was. She did not think that he would call her bluff, but when he did, she was forced to act. She hesitated at first, but soon she was caressing his bare breast as passionately as he was hers.

He let out a whimper as her thumb played over his hardening nipple. "If I knew that you felt like this every time I did this to you, I would never would have stopped."

"Why do you think I let you do it?" She giggled and pressed her lips to his in a gentle kiss. "Let me show you what else I love for you to do to me."

Keal ignored the discomfort on his rear as she rolled him onto his back and lowered her lips to his nipple while her hand still fondled the other. She began with short, pecking kisses then became more aggressive as Keal’s attentions to her own body drove her in to a fervor. She alternated her tongue teasing kisses and licks with nibbles and bites.

Keal bit his lower lip to keep from crying out, but his will power quickly failed as wave after wave of uncontrollable spasms racked his body in ecstasy. Lena covered his outcries with a kiss until he lay flushed and quivering. Convulsions still racked his body as he looked at Lena in wonder.

"Now you know what you do to me." She smiled and brushed a stray lock of hair from his damp forehead.

"I promise that I will do that to you as often as possible," He told her. "and I will start right now."

Lena held him back and gave him a kiss. "Tomorrow." She whispered. "It is getting late an I must return to my own room before Mother gets suspicious."

Keal was disappointed, but he agreed with her. He kissed her and gave her breasts one last caress before she climbed out of the bed and left the room.

He lay there for what seemed hours, marveling at the sensations he felt while after shocks still coursed throughout his body. He then noticed that his womanhood was warm and quite moist. Embarrassed, he went to the wash basin and began cleaning himself thoroughly.

"What are you doing up?" Mesha’s voice startled him as he was caught there with his hand between his legs.

Mesha smelled the faint scent of sex in the room and came to the wrong conclusion. "I suppose it is only natural that you would want to explore your new body."

Keal protested. "No! It is not like that. I was not... Lena was here..."

"Oh?" Mesha arched an eyebrow. "So I suppose it is her that I smell."

Keal’s face became even more red, but he said nothing.

Mesha laughed as she set about lighting incense to mask the odor. "And to think Meylin thought you two would be safe alone together while you are Kayla. She will be furious if she finds out differently."

"Please do not tell her." Keal pleaded.

"Don’t you worry. Your secret is safe with me as always." The healer reassured him and led him back to bed.

Two nights later, Mesha was taking Keal his dinner when the Housemistress intercepted her outside her door.

"How is the prince?" The woman asked.

Mesha did not reveal her surprise. "How would I know? He has been gone for weeks now."

"Don’t ye be pullin’ that rubbish on me Mesha. A lot of us already know who the young girl really is. We don’t know how ye did it, but we know that the girl is him."

Mesha looked about the dark hallway nervously. "How did you find out?"

"Oh. I suspected from the start. I saw his eyes on her. He the only one I ever seen with gray eyes like that, but then when I hear her name sounding like his, and I hear your story about her mother, I knew it was him for sure." The woman whispered. "As I said, there be a lot of us knowing and we are all anxious to hear news of him. Is he...she, any better?"

Mesha nodded, "The sores have healed and the rash is nearly gone. I am keeping her in bed until I am sure it does not return."

"Thank you, Mesha." The Housemistress said. "I will tell the others, and don’t ye worry, we ain’t telling nothing to no one."

Mesha watched as the woman disappeared down the hall before going into the room. "I am afraid the situation has gotten worse, My Prince."

Her formal tone caught Keal of guard. "What is it, Mesha?"

"Others know who you are, and if they are careless and speak of you near one of the duke’s people, then..."

"Then I am as good as hung." Keal finished. "We must get out of here, and quickly."

Mesha waited for him to finish his meal before she spoke again. "I may have an idea that will work."

Keal groaned and gestured at his body. "Nothing like this I hope."

Mesha laughed. "No, but I think I have a collar somewhere that will turn you in to a dog if you want to try that."

"No! No. Let’s hear your plan." He said quickly.


Little did they realize that their plans were made in vain. Duke Tember had been on his way to pay Kayla a visit when he noticed the housemistress hovering nervously outside her door. Suspicious, he ducked into an alcove so that he might see what the woman was about. The healer arrived shortly thereafter and he heard everything the two had said.

When the hallway was once again empty, he went back to his library, deep in thought. His father’s advice had paid of better than he had hoped, but Kayla was not the noble he had believed her to be, she was none other than Prince Keal himself.

Tember sat at his desk and replayed the healer’s story in his head and saw how truthful it had actually been. Keal’s father had died in the war and his mother was indeed unable to keep her holdings. What then was the lie? What had made the Truth Seer react the way she had? The part about his mother returning to her family was true. Tember’s own spies had seen her at her father’s castle in Lynnshyre. Maybe it was whenever the healer referred to the prince as a ‘she’. That did not make sense either because, at the time, Keal was a she, and still is.


He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he felt a headache coming. If there was a lie in the story, it was so subtle that only a Truth Seer could detect it, for he surely could not.

He then thought about what else the healer had said about the prince. She claimed that he had renounced the throne for the love of a commoner. Who then was the girl? That was an easy question. Keal..., Kayla, was very close to the Stable Master’s daughter so it had to be her. That would also explain the very unladylike attack on Captain Rahlic. Remembering that incident made him laugh. Know what he now knew, he wished he could have been there to witness the prince’s humiliation at being spanked.

He then thought about the actions of his brother and the near rape. No. He would never have condoned such an act. No woman should have to endure such a thing, not even if she were really a prince. He was grateful that Keal had escaped his brother that night. Keal does not know how fortunate he really was. Tember had seen many young girls stagger from his brother’s room, bruised and bloody with torn clothes barely covering their bodies

The question he now faced, however, was what was he going to do about his discovery? Should he ignore it and simply let Keal leave? Or he expose the girl for who she really is and have him put to death?

There were many options, some less pleasant than others..., and there was always his father’s suggestion if Kayla was discovered to be a noble. No. He could not, would not marry Kayla knowing that she was really a man.

He poured himself a glass of wine and paced about the library. With over thirty people testifying to Keal’s hatred of his father, Tember was given to believe that as a fact. For that reason alone, he ruled out killing Keal. No son should have to pay for their father’s crimes, unless he too was like his father, but Keal was not. If he was, Tember believed that he would not hesitate in hanging the boy from the rafters.

Despite what the servants had said, Tember could not let Keal go free either. He was not willing to take the chance that Keal would not return for his throne.

His mind once again turned to the humiliation Keal has endured since becoming a girl, but such thoughts were not helping him solve his problem,... or were they? It was dawn when he finally decided on a course of action. He just hoped that the loss of sleep this night was worth it.


About mid-morning, he found Mesha in one of the servant’s rooms. She was tending to a colicky infant. "Good morning, Mesha." He greeted congenially.

Mesha looked up from her work, "Oh! Forgive me, Duke Tember for not greeting you properly. Good morning."

"That is quite all right. I can see that you have your hands full so I will not disturb you."

"Actually, My Lord, I am nearly done here, if there was something you wished to speak with me about." The healer said as she smeared mint on the baby’s chest.

Tember nodded. "I shall wait for you in the hall then."

Mesha finished her ministrations and left strict instructions for the mother before joining Tember.

"How is Kayla doing? I have not had the chance to visit her and did not want to do so with you absent." He lied.

"She is much better, My Lord, and I have your healer to thank for that. It was he that suspected that it was an allergic reaction." Mesha answered.


The healer gave a wry grin. "As it turned out, she is allergic to goat’s milk, one of the ingredients in the salve I was giving her for the itch."

Tember could not help but laugh. "Poor child. No wonder she was suffering so."

Mesha did not think what had happened was at all funny. "Yes, well, she will be well enough to return to her duties in the morning."

"That is good news. I shall look forward to seeing her beauty once more gracing the halls," He smiled. "but I shall not let her return to the kitchens. If she reacts so badly to goat’s milk, then I do not want her in a place where she might come in to contact with it. Send her to me in my library this evening so that we might find what other duties she could perform." Then, seeing Mesha’s alarm, he put a calming hand on her shoulder. "I am not like Mallebic and intend no ill towards her. This is a simple interview, nothing more."

Mesha nodded. "Of coarse, My Lord. Forgive me for thinking otherwise."

"No need to apologize. She is a beautiful girl, and if I were in your place, I would not let a strange man be alone with her either."

Mesha had no comment for that so said nothing.

"But that is not the reason I wished to speak you you about." Tember said, stopping their slow pace down the hall. "I know that you are still loyal to Queen Isabella and are anxious to rejoin her, and I know you are concerned with getting Kayla to her mother, but I must ask that you remain a while longer until I find a suitable replacement for you." He held up a hand to forestall her obvious complaints. "Before you say it, I know that we have the army healer, but he is no more than a bonesetter and medicine pusher. Besides that, he is also a man and the women would not be comfortable if he had to tend to them."

Mesha nodded. "Then may I at least write a letter to Kayla’s mother to let her know that she is safe? I know she must be frantic with worry by now."

"Of course. Bring it to me and I will see to it personally that it is delivered."

"Actually, My Lord, there is one of the River Rider clans that knows how to find her. It would be safer to have them deliver it would be for your messenger."

Tember considered that for a moment and realized the truth of her words. I f one of his men were to be found in Lynnshyre, he would be as good as dead. "I can see that you wish some secrecy to this, and I will not pry, but I must insist on reading the letter first. Then you could show my messenger who to give it to. Agreed?"

That was more than Mesha had hoped for, so she readily agreed and returned to her chambers to prepare the letter.

She also told Keal that they had to change their plans. "There will be no way for us to get you out of the castle if you are not working in the kitchens." She said. "So we can use the excuse that you are need to help gather supplies from town."

He paced from one wall to the next behind where she sat writing the letter. "There must be some other way then. I am growing more and more tired of this body every day and I am anxious to be rid of it."

"The way Lena left you this morning, one would believe otherwise." She teased, getting the desired reaction.

"Yes..., well that is all the more reason to be a man again. Now that I know these things, I want to please her properly."

"We are getting off the subject," Mesha chided. "but I do understand your feelings. Let us wait and see what Tember has planned for you to do and then we shall adjust our plans accordingly."


Mesha had said that this was a formal interview, so Keal was forced to dress appropriately in a three-layer dress. The first layer was white with a broad skirt that kissed the floor as he walked and long sleeves that molded to his slim arms. The second layer was a light blue and about two inches shorter. The skirt was opened in the front to reveal the first layer. The outer layer was a darker blue. The top was vest-cut with loose lacings down the front and there was practically no skirt save for the broad arc that swept from his hips down to the back just above the hem of the second layer. Blue ankle boots with three-inch heels adorned his dainty feet and his shoulder length hair was brushed and teased in to a more feminine style.

The most uncomfortable item he wore was hidden from view. Lena had put one of her corsets on him and had drawn the laces painfully tight. Sometimes even bracing her foot against his back to pull them tighter. It made his waist appear a good four inches smaller and it pushed his breasts up and together. He showed quite a bit of cleavage over the low cut neck of the dress.

Tember was left momentarily speechless when Keal entered the library. Then he remembered who it was wearing the dress and secretly laughed to himself. Keal’s appear ant nervousness was more than likely embarrassment at having to wear such feminine attire.

He stepped from behind his desk and greeted her. "Ah! Kayla. It is good to see you up and about once again."

"Thank you, My Lord." Kayla curtseyed then let him lead her to a chair.

Tember paused before returning to his own seat with a look of concern on his face. "Are you sure you are well? You are looking a bit flushed."

Keal's cheeks colored somewhat at that. "I am well, My Lord. It is just that I am unaccustomed to wearing such finery."

I am sure! Tember laughed to himself. He was really going to enjoy this game with Keal he decided. "Well, it looks astonishing on you, Kayla. You should wear such things more often."

"Uhm... Thank you, My Lord." Keal answered uneasily.

Tember smiled. More at the young prince’s embarrassment than from true kindness. "Anyways. I have embarrassed you enough for now, let us get on with the reason I sent for you." Keal nodded as he continued. "I have given this much thought, and though I know that you were only a guest here before I took over, I must insist that you earn your keep while I am understaffed and until I find a replacement for your ward."

"Of course, My Lord." Keal said. "Mesha told me of the situation you are in and I am willing to help."

"I appreciate that. I really do, but I have decided that you should not have to return to the kitchens. They are too unsafe for you." Tember said. "But I am in need of a page. My squire has been performing those duties for me, but I fear that I may be running him ragged with both responsibilities. I trust that you can read and write?"

"Yes, My Lord."

Tember eyed her then sifted through some papers on his desk before handing one to her. "I mean no insult, but I would like for you to read this so that I may test your ability."

"Of course, My Lord." Keal said as he took the paper and looked it over. Rage welled up inside him as he realized that it was one of his own poems he had written to Lena. He quickly hid his anger and began to read.

"Oh pretty girl
with eyes so bright.
how your hair shines with the light.

With its gentle curls
and caressing swirls
its touch brings me great delight.

Oh pretty girl
with eyes so bright
to be mine I hope you might."

The poem had been intended for Lena, but he had been dissatisfied with it and had not given it to her. Having to read it aloud in front of Tember was humiliating.

"Perhaps that was not a proper poem for a girl to read, unless of course it was meant for you." Tember said, playing off Keal’s embarrassment.

"Uhm, no My Lord. I do not think so."

"Neither do I. It was written by Prince Keal to his love. He has quite a collection of short stories and poems such as this that he has written."

Keal said nothing as Tember replaced the poem to the stack.

"Anyways, I am satisfied that you can perform the duties." Tember said, then looked at him sternly, "However, there are certain manners a page is required to master, and it is a tiring job. You will often be required to run, and you can not do that in long skirts."

"You mean I will be wearing trousers?" Keal asked hopefully?

Tember laughed. No. I will not force you to endure such unwomanly apparel." He turned to the guard that stood at the door. "Has the Stable Master’s wife arrived yet? Send her in."

Meylin entered the room and bowed. "You wish to see me, My Lord?"

"You are a seamstress, correct?"

"Yes, My Lord."

"Good. Young Kayla here is in need of a page’s uniform." He then gave her explicit instructions how he wanted it made and then dismissed them with further instructions that Kayla was expected to be properly attired to perform her duties by mid-morning the next day.

 The man is a letch!" Lena exclaimed as Meylin made the final adjustments on Keal’s uniform.


"Well, it’s true! Why else would he have Keal wear such a costume?"

"That may be true, but you should at least be showing Keal a little support. This is embarrassing enough for him as it is." Meylin scolded. She then gave her daughter a wink. "Besides, why don’t you just admit that you are jealous to have anyone else but you see your lover dressed like this."

Lena looked like a fish out of water. Her mouth worked, but no sound came out.

Meylin then looked up at Keal who refused to meet her gaze. "Yes, I know what you two have been up to. I smell it on you every time you come in at night, Lena."

"You mean you are not mad?" The girl asked incredulously.

Her mother shrugged. "There is no reason to be. For the moment, you two are both girls so no harm can be done, and by that, I mean that you can not get pregnant."

She let the two mull over that until she finished her last stitch and stood. "There now, Kayla, how does that feel?"

"Revealing." He answered sourly.

"Besides that." The seamstress laughed.

"Are you sure you can not lower the hem a few inches?"

Meylin shook her head. "You heard the duke’s instructions. This is the exact length that he specified."

Keal sighed and walked over to the mirror so he could see himself. ‘Revealing’ was an understatement! The white blouse hugged the contours of his body tightly except for the puffy sleeves. The low neckline fell to within an inch of his nipples, but the thin material did not even leave him that amount of modesty. The pink of his nipples was clearly visible for all to see.

Then there was the matter of the skirt, or lack thereof, rather. The royal blue scrap of cloth barely covered his middle. The hem in back was in line with the bottom curves of his cheeks, then it rose as it circled around to the front just enough to reveal a glimps of his pantlet covered womanhood. Black, flat-soled boots and a broad black belt completed the ensemble.

"I feel like a trollop." Keal complained. Then, at Lena’s giggle, he said. "I will be sure to save this for you whenever we get away from here.

"I don’t think so." She answered, shaking her head.

"Now, now, Lena." Meylin admonished. "Fair is fair. If Keal has to dress like this now, then there is no reason you can not do so for him later."

"Mother!" The girl protested her mother’s betrayal.

"In fact, I may just go ahead and make you your own." The seamstress mused.

"You wouldn’t dare!"

"Why not? I think you two would make a cute couple in matching outfits."


Everything Keal had endured before was nothing compared to the humiliation he faced when he appeared before the duke in the dinning hall that morning. At least a dozen hands had touched his exposed thighs or felt their way up his diminutive skirt before he even reached the duke’s table.

Tember was silently enjoying Keal’s discomfort as he pretended not to notice the wandering hands and leering looks his people gave the new page.

"Good morning, Kayla. You are looking as lovely as ever." He greeted when Keal stopped before him and curtseyed. "Now let me have a look at you."

Keal stood and unconsciously covered his front with his hands.

"Put your hands at your side and stand straight." Tember commanded. "I will not have my page slouching."

"Yes, My Lord." Keal complied.

Tember then made out as if he was inspecting Keal’s uniform. What he was actually doing was looking for whatever may have effected the transformation. He had meant to do so the night before, but he was forced to admit that he had been too captivated by Kayla’s beauty and had forgotten. In fact, he had to force himself now to ignore the swelling in his loins and concentrate on the search.

Keal’s outfit hid very little, but then again, he had been naked when Tember had visited him in his chambers. So it was not an article of clothing, nor was it the band that now held Keal’s hair from his face. He searched for some time before he finally noticed it. It was so obvious! The ring had been so much a part of Kayla that he had taken it for granted and overlooked it. He had never seen her without it on.

"This will do." He said, completing his inspection. "Tell the seamstress that she did an excellent job."

"She will welcome your praise, My Lord."

Tember merely nodded and returned to his chair. "Your instructions are simple. When you are with me, you are to remain two steps back and to my left, no more, no less. Otherwise you are to conduct yourself as a proper page. That means that your pace will be no slower than a fast walk. When I give you an instruction, I expect for you to carry it out that instant. Is that understood?"

"Yes, My Lord."

"Good. Furthermore, you are to be at my call at all times night and day. For that reason, I have had a space arranged for you in my antechambers. I will give you time later today to move your belongings, but for now, I have several tasks for you to see to."

He called off a long list of instructions and sent Kayla on her way. He could not hide his mirth as her skirt flew up to reveal her white pantlets when she ran from the room.

Rahlic, who had become Tember’s Captain of the Guard was laughing as well. "It is good to see that little firebrand put in her place. A little humiliation will tame her right nicely."

"Dear Captain, I have barely begun to humiliate her. Just you wait and see."


Keal crawled on to the divan that was to be his bed. He had never ran so much before in his life. He would return from one task only to be sent immediately on another without even the chance to catch his breath. His legs ached, his rump was sore from all of the pinches, and his unsupported breasts felt like lead weights after all of the bouncing they had endured.

He had just closed his eyes when Tember’s voice rang out from his chambers. "Page!"

Keal groaned and climbed painfully to his feet to do the duke’s bidding.


And so it continued. For weeks Keal was run well past exhaustion. The soldiers, and even some of the advisors, had grown bolder with their discrete touches, often running hands up his inner thighs or caressing his rear. Some would even cup his breasts playfully, but many took advantage of his short skirt and would cup his womanhood with a finger pressed slightly into him. He had complained to the duke, but so far, nothing seemed to have been done. If anything, the attentions became more frequent and more open. It seemed as if he was not safe around anyone, not even the squires.

His relief finally came in the form of yet another humiliating experience. He had his first flow. Tember allowed him a short visit with Mesha who showed him what he needed to know.

"I am so tired, Mesha," He complained. "and I am hating this body more than ever. When can we leave?"

"I do not know." She admitted." With you always at his beck and call, there is no way that we can get you away without him becoming alarmed. We will just have to wait until he finds a replacement for me."

Keal’s shoulders dropped forlornly. "I do not think I can last that long. There are times I am ready to reveal myself to just put an end to this."

Mesha grabbed his shoulders and shook him roughly. "Death is never the answer to your problems! You must endure, My Prince. Be strong!"

"I am trying, Mesha," He said softly, "but it is so hard."

"Then think of what might become of Lena if anything were to happen to you. What do you think she might do if you were to reveal yourself to Tember and he hung your corpse outside the gates?"

Keal nodded. "You are right. I must be strong, for Lena if not for myself."

"Now you are using your head." She said, giving him a hug. "Now get going before you are missed."


Tember was really enjoying this game he played with the prince. He had not intended for it to last this long, but every time he considered bringing it to an end, something new would happen to Keal to further embarrass him. The latest was the grandest of all. What

greater humiliation was there for a man than to have to endure a woman’s monthly cycle? His sudden outburst of laughter startled Rahlic.

"I did not think that news of raiders on our borders was that amusing, My Lord." He said.

Tember patted his shoulder. "No. You are right. Forgive me, Captain. I was merely thinking about our young page."

Rahlic was silent for a moment, then spoke cautiously. "About her, My Lord, ...I know that it is not my place to say, but many people have become too friendly to her, if you know what I mean, and it is apparent that she does not welcome the attentions." He hesitated before continuing as he tried to think of the correct words so as not to anger his duke. "My Lord, it is just that it is odd that you allow this to continue. I mean, you normally do not condone such treatment of women, especially one so young."

Rahlic braced himself for the expected anger, but to his surprise, The duke’s response was laughter.

"You are right, Captain. Normally I would not allow such actions to occur under my nose, but you will soon learn why I do so for our beautiful Kayla."

Rahlic eyed him curiously. "Have you learned something about her that I should know?"

Tember only smiled and gave him a wink. "I believe you were saying something about raiders on our northern border?"


The ordeal with his woman’s cycle was finally over, but Mesha reminded him that this was only a temporary respite. He would have to endure it once again if he was still a female in a month, and the month after, and every month after that until he was once again a man.

Tember did not give him much time to worry about that though. The duke planned a big feast for the next evening and Keal was busy running from one person to the next, passing along Tember’s instructions.

since becoming a page, He had seen less and less of Lena. It was only when he stood behind the duke’s chair during meals that he saw her, and during those times, they were not permitted to speak. They managed to pass notes to each other when they could, but Keal barely had the time to even write to her. He often fell asleep with a quill still in his hand and an unfinished letter under his head. He missed her dearly and longed for the touch of her soft caresses.


The evening of the feast arrived and the game with Keal was at its end. Tember was reluctant to do it, but he had to, for he could tell that the prince was near his wit’s end. There was no telling what he would if his mind should snap. Tember did not want anything to happen that would force him to kill him.

He had planned things perfectly. A guard had entered a short time ago and had signaled that he had taken the healer to the dungeons. Now, Tember just waited for the one last pawn to reappear. Lena’s entrance was his cue to begin.

For a change, Duke Tember had allowed Keal to sit at the table with him, explaining that this was a celebration and that he should relax and accept the courtesy. Keal had apologized and let him seat him in the chair to his right.

Their table was situated in the center of the room so that all could be involved in the duke’s discussions. Tember set the mood to where Keal was soon completely at ease so the young prince was not alarmed when the duke turned his attention to him.

"That is a lovely ring, Kayla." He said conversationally. "May I see it?" He did not wait for an answer as he gently lifted Keal’s hand as if to admire the ring closer.

Believing that nothing was amiss, Keal did not protest. "It is my mother’s. She gave it to me just before she went away." He said.

"Well, your hand graces it magnificently,..." He looked directly into Keal’s eyes and smiled. "...My Prince!"

Lena had just arrived at the table with a wineskin and saw Tember looking at the ring. She seemed to sense what was about to happen the instant before it did. "No!" She cried out, but it was too late.

Tember snatched the ring off Keal’s finger and watched with satisfaction as the page began to transform in to a prince.

Keal fell to the floor as the all too familiar sensations coursed through his body once again. This time however, there was pain, especially in his chest and lower abdomen. Nor was this change as gradual as it had been before. It struck him in a series of convulsions that racked his body mercilessly.

Lena tried to rush to his side, but Tember caught her and held her away until Keal lay still, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

The whole room was quiet. Those who had witnessed the transformation were too stunned to speak. For the many others, their confusion as to what had happened silenced them.

Rahlic could only stare in disbelief, but he now understood the reasons for the duke’s strange behavior.

Tember handed Lena off to a nearby soldier as another manacled Keal’s wrists.

Keal was too dazed to struggle as a chandelier was lowered and disconnected and then when the chain between his wrists was slipped over the hook so that he could be lifted in to the air for all to see.

The hall erupted in laughter at the sight of the boy wearing the skimpy page’s uniform.

"Why Prince Keal, how nice of you to join us." Tember said loud enough for all to hear. More laughter erupted until he continued. He tossed the ring into the air casually as he walked around the suspended prince. "I must compliment you. You are as good an actor as you are a writer. I would never have suspected your true identity had I not overheard your healer speaking to another about you." He paused long enough for that information to sink in. "Yes. It was your own dear Mesha who betrayed you. Though she did not realize she was doing so at the time."

"What are you going to do to me?" Keal asked.

Tember caught the ring and looked at it. "That is the question. Is it not? By right, I should have you hanging from your neck instead."

"Why not let me go? You know that I do not want the throne."

"I wish that I could truly believe that." Tember said sincerely.

"If I had wanted the throne," Keal reasoned, "I would have already killed you. I had many opportunities while I served as your page."

That brought him up short. Keal’s words made him realize just how great a risk he had taken by keeping the prince so close. He considered himself fortunate indeed, and the fact that he was still living spoke a great deal of Keal’s character. "Perhaps," He said at last. "but releasing you is not an option, nor do I wish to kill you." He paced about as if deep in thought then let his gaze wander to where Lena was held. "Ah! That is it!" He strode purposefully toward her and grabbed her hand. He had planned this all along, but he was enjoying the game too much. "It is only fitting that your beloved know what you have endured for her. Do you not agree?"

"Leave her alone!" Keal demanded.

Tember ignored him and slipped the ring on to Lena’s finger. Within minutes, she lay crumpled on the floor at his feet. Now there was another young boy in the hall dressed as a girl.

A guard approached and slid a chain mail gauntlet over Lena’s hand and was about to lock the attached iron band when Keal cried out.

"Stop! My Lord, I will do anything you ask. just leave her alone. Please. I am begging you."

Tember stopped the guard and looked up to Keal. "Anything, you say? I do not think you know what it is that you are offering, My Prince."

"I know that it is better than having Lena suffer on my account." Keal replied. "I just ask that you give me one night alone with her, then I shall put my life in your hands."

Tember considered the proposition. In effect, Keal was offering to continue the game. He smiled. "Agreed."


A year had gone by and spring once again found Isabella in a garden. This one was not as large as her last one, nor had it many plantings yet, but what she had done was a beginning. Besides, she had to do something to help her keep her mind off Keal.


It had been a year since she had received Mesha’s letter. Its cryptic message only hinted to her son’s well being and forced servitude while still maintaining his feminine disguise. As the weeks drew into months with no further word, she had begun to fear the worse. Now, as the anniversary of their separation approached, she had resigned to give him up for dead.

These thoughts brought tears to her eyes and she was embarrassed when her mother caught her.

"Save your tears, daughter." Queen Dahlia told her daughter.

Something about her manner caught Isabella’s attention. "Is there news?" She asked hopefully.

The queen nodded. "A runner has just arrived. He says that Mesha and a girl are on their way. They should arrive by this evening."

Isabella hugged her mother excitedly. "My son is coming home!" She rubbed her grimy hands on her dress then complained at the further mess she made of herself. "I am filthy! I can not greet my son looking like this."

She started for the castle but quickly returned and put her hands on her mother’s shoulders. "Mother, please have a carriage readied for me. I wish to ride out and meet them."

Dahlia laughed at her daughters flustered state. "I will take care of it. You just go and make yourself presentable."

Isabella hugged her again and then rushed off. Dahlia just shook her head and laughed again when she noticed the dirt stains her daughter left on her own dress.


Isabella was out of the carriage and on the ground running towards the two figures before it had come to a stop. She came to a sudden and abrupt halt when she realized that the girl with Mesha was not her son. Her last few steps to them were heavy as her hopes and joys came crashing down. "M...Mesha? Where is Keal?"

The healer bowed before her. "Forgive me, My queen, I have failed you." Mesha said with tear filled eyes.

Isabella turned to the girl in hopes of an answer but tears filled her eyes as well. "Mesha, please tell me." She pleaded. "Where is Keal? What has happened to him?"

"I will tell you, My Queen, but first you must meet your daughter... and your grandson."

Isabella looked at the girl and instantly recognized her. "You are Meylin’s daughter. Lena , right?"

"Yes, Your Highness," Lena bowed respectfully, then stood and presented the infant. "and this Jorren, mine and Keal’s son."

"And you are..., was married to him?"

"Yes, Highness. Duke Tember insisted upon it before he gave Keal one last night with me."

Isabella was having difficulty absorbing all of this. It all seemed unreal to her. "Last night?

Mesh put a reassuring arm around her friend and led her to the carriage. "Come. I will explain all on our way home."


At that moment, far to the south in Duke Tember’s castle, Keal’s humiliation had reached a new height. He screamed as another convulsion struck his abdomen. His legs were spread far apart and his ankles were tied to the bedposts. Someone, probably Meylin, had stuffed a strip of rawhide between his teeth to prevent him from biting his tongue.

She stood over him now, holding his hand tightly and running a cool, damp cloth over his forehead. "It will be over soon, My Prince." She soothed.

Keal’s answer was another cry of pain. "I can’t do this." He cried when the seizure had passed.

"Just a little more, My Prince." Another woman said. He could not see her over his swollen breasts and distended belly. "This time I want you to push with all of your might."

"I can’t" He complained. "I feel so weak."

""Do it! Now!" She commanded as the last contraction racked the prince’s body.

Duke Tember paced nervously outside the door while Rahlic leaned casually against the wall. The sound of a baby’s crying sent the duke rushing to the door, but it was still locked from within.

"Be patient, My Lord." Rahlic told him. " There’s a bit more to be done before they will allow you to enter."

Tember nodded and stepped away.

Two chambermaids exited the room with the soiled linen. They were followed by Meylin who closed the door behind her and then walked over to the duke.

"You have a daughter, My Lord." She said, then put a hand on his arm to prevent him from going to the room. "The mid-wife is letting her get what milk she can from her mother..."

Tember then noticed the tears that started to well up in the woman’s eyes. "You mean...?"

She nodded sadly. "She was very weak, My Lord. We tried to bring her back, but when she realized that it was a girl and knew that she would have to go through this again to give you your heir, she simply gave up."

"I must see her." Tember said, pushing his way past her.

He entered the room to see Keal’s pale, motionless form laying on the bed, their daughter suckling contently on one breast while the mid-wife milked the other into a container.

"Tis the worst labor I seen in all me years." She said sadly.

Tember knelt and held Keal’s rapidly cooling hand. "Did she suffer?"

"Aye, My Lord, she suffered. More’n a girl her age aught to."

The duke looked up to Keal’s closed eyes. "Forgive me, Kayla for making you endure this. I pushed you too far when I knew that I should not.

" I know that this may be hard for you to believe, but I have loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. Even after I learned the truth about you, you filled my dreams."

He removed the chain from around his neck, on which the key to the gauntlet hung and closed Keal’s hands around it. "May the High Father welcome you with open arms and the Good Mother grant you eternal peace, My Love."

Meylin intercepted him as he left the room. "My Lord, if it is not too much to ask, my husband and I would like to take the prince back to his family to be buried."

Tember eyed her suspiciously and was about to refuse when Rahlic spoke up.

"My elites and I will escort them, My Lord. We will not wear your colors so as not to attract attention."

The duke looked at him uncertainly. "Why do you wish to do this?"

"It is the right thing to do, My Lord. The prince has been nothing but honorable and deserves to be buried with his family."

Tember nodded. "You are right, my friend. The key to her gauntlet is within her hands. Queen Isabella will want to see her son one last time."

"What about the child, My Lord?" Meylin asked.

Tember took his daughter from the mid-wife when she approached. The light colored fuzz on her head and bright, shiny gray eyes were so much like her mother’s. He looked upon her with fatherly pride. "I shall name her after her mother and call her Kaylana and never let her out of my sight."


Tember held Kaylana as the funeral procession watched the River Rider’s boat carrying Keal’s body as it left the docks. The servants mourned and wailed as they threw flowers at the departing craft.

Rahlic, along with the same handful of men he had first stormed the castle with, stood at attention on either side of the coffin until the boat had disappeared into the fading light.

"Now?" Belan asked.

Rahlic glanced over his shoulder at the receding lights of the city. Satisfied, he gave the Stable Master a nod.

Within minutes, they had the lid off the casket and Lena was forcing pale blue liquid down Keal’s throat.

At first, she had feared that they had waited too long, but slowly, to everyone’s relief, color returned to Keal’s skin and he took in a long, ragged breath.

and saw his surroundings.

The captain laughed. "I told you, my plans always work."

Keal climbed out of the coffin and stretched his stiffened muscles. "You still owe me an explanation." He told Rahlic. "Why did you help me?"

The captain nodded. "Well, truth to tell, what Tember was doing to you began to curdle my stomach and I could not stand for it any longer. I had to get you out of there before he drove you insane."

Keal sensed that there was more to the captain’s story than what he was telling. He asked him about it.

"Yes, there is another reason." Rahlic sighed. "But it has more to do with me and my men’s reasons for getting away from there than in our helping you. King Lerot fell ill with the winter sickness and has yet to recover. There is talk that he never will and preparations are being made for Mallebic’s ascension. You know first hand what kind of man he is, and you know of the hatred he and Tember have for one another so you will believe me when I say there will soon be a war. Wars within a family are bloodier than most and me and my men want no part of this one."

Keal nodded. "Then I shall put in a good word for you with my grandfather. If he will not take you, then I will hire you myself."

"We would appreciate that, My Prince."

"Uh-uh, No formalities among my friends, Rahlic." Keal said, grasping the man’s hand in a shake.


Dawn found Keal sitting on the bow of the ship with the ring in his hand. He had contemplated throwing it into the water, but the memories of the time he had with Lena as Kayla argued against it.

Belan approached and sat next to him. He asked the very question Keal had been trying to answer. "What are you going to do with that now?"

Keal dropped it into the chain mail gauntlet, which he then tucked under his belt. "I think I should hold on to it so that it does not harm anyone else." He decided.

Belan merely nodded then put his hand on the younger man’s should and squeezed tightly. "Now... about what you have been doing to my daughter behind my back........."


The End


Coming Soon: The Gaean Ring: the Son and the Daughter


© 2001
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.