Crystal's StorySite


A Girl Next Door

by Jennifer White


Alice and Ted were just back from their honeymoon in Alaska. They were young, and in love. Little did they know what was in store for them. In just a few months, Alice's loving husband would become her wife.

* * *


It started two weeks after the honeymoon, when the townhouse next door to theirs sold to a new owner. It turned out that Abbey was Alice's best friend since college, and she had loved Alice's place so much, that when a unit when on the market, she bought it for herself. They had such similar tastes in most things, that it wasn't very surprising.

There was one thing however where their tastes were greatly different: Ted. While Alice had loved him from when she first laid eyes on him, Abbey hated him with a passion. He never understood why, nor did Alice. In Abbey's mind, he had stolen away her best friend. She knew how it was. They would stay friends and see each other for a while, but over time, bit by bit, they'd see less and less of each other, until they were hardly close at all. She could not stand to see that happen.

So when Abbey moved in next door, she already had a plan. She took her time, made meticulous preparations, then set her evil plan in motion. There was nothing Ted or Alice could do about it; she had made sure to cover every base, and had accounted for every possible outcome.

* * *


The first element of her plan was simple. She started to act nice towards Ted. Very nice in fact. Alice was elated that her best friend and her husband were getting along now! It made her so happy. With Abbey just one door down, they would go over to each other's place at least twice a week for dinner, and would sometimes go out as a threesome. Despite how close Alice was to Abbey, she suspected nothing.

After six weeks, Abbey was ready to move to the next stage of her plan. She thought that Ted had gained enough trust in her now, that he would not be suspicious of her request. She waited until they were at dinner on Wednesday evening. They were talking about many things, when Abbey changed the subject.

"Oh that reminds me Abbey, can I borrow Ted tomorrow?"

"What for?"

"Well, I have this heavy cabinet that needs to be moved, because I just bought a new area rug. Do you think he could come over tomorrow and help me? He's so big and strong."

"I'd be glad to help" said Ted, trying to be nice.

Alice smiled. This was so nice how they were friendly to each other now, instead of fighting like cats and dogs.

"I have my golf league that evening" she said, "or I'd come to help too."

"That's so kind of you" said Alice. She didn't know that Abbey had picked the day specifically because she knew Alice would be away for hours and hours. She had considered asking for his help last week, but there had been a chance of rain. That could have ruined everything, so she had waited another week, so that the weather would not be a factor. She was meticulous in her planning.

Ted would never know what hit him.

* * *


Thursday evening, right on schedule, Ted arrived at Abbey's townhouse. When he walked in, Abbey was playing around with a camera.

"I just got this new digital camera, but I can't figure it out" she said. Ted took the camera from her, hit a few buttons, and got it to take a picture.

"You just push this one here to put it in capture mode, then press the button like a normal camera."

"That's simple! I feel so dumb with some of these electronics" she said innocently. "Here, let me try to take a couple of pictures of you. I'll figure out how to make a CD with them, and give it to Alice as a thank you for lending you to me."

They both laughed at the joke, while Abbey took half a dozen pictures.

"They came out good!" she said, as they reviewed them on the little screen of the camera.


Abbey showed Ted what needed to be moved, and he quickly did it. The cabinet was actually pretty light, and he didn't know why she couldn't do it herself. But what the heck. It was easy. And it would score points with Alice for him, helping out her best friend.

"Thank you so much!" said Abbey. She rushed over to him, put her arms around him, and gave him a big kiss. He froze, not knowing what to make of this. She was attractive, but he didn't want her. He was a newlywed, and in no way wanted to start an affair. Not with his wife's best friend. But maybe this was her way of showing affection.

Abbey then moved his hands so they were on her butt, touching the soft fabric of her skirt. He froze, and she used that moment spin around then to kick his feet out from under him. She had taken self defense courses for years, and could easily bring down a man three times her size.

"What are you doing?" he yelled angrily as he fell.

Abbey opened her mouth, as if to let a silent scream escape, as they ended up in a pile on the floor. He tried to get up, but she pulled him back down several times. Finally, she got up and ran to the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on?" said Ted, upset that she was acting like a crazy woman. "I'm going home Abbey. You need some help!"

He turned around to see that she had circled around from the kitchen, through the foyer, and to the door.

"No Ted, it's you that needs some help."

He thought for sure she was crazy now. She had an evil grin on her face. The cold menacing glint in her eye scared him.

"Look up in the corner there" she said, pointing to a shelf high up on the wall. "See that little black thing? Do you know what that is?"

"A security camera?"

"Ooh, he's a smart one for a man. Now come over here to the computer, and look at the replay."

She pressed a few buttons, and started the replay from five minutes before. There was video, but no sound.

At first, it showed Ted arriving, talking with her, then helping her move the cabinet. Then it looked like they talked for a while longer. From the angle the camera was at, you couldn't tell that it had been Abbey who had rushed over for the kiss. It looked like they just came together. You could clearly see Ted's hands on Abbey's butt. Then it looked like he pushed her over. You could only see the top of his back raising and falling a few times. It looked like he had attacked her.

Ted didn't know that Abbey had been a theater major before she switched to medicine. She was very well trained at hitting an exact mark on a stage. She had practiced over and over by herself and with a mannequin, until she knew exactly where to stand and where to move. She analyzed her test videos over and over, until she had the choreography down cold. After all the practice, it was simple to execute when she did it "for real". Just like a play. If you do enough rehearsals, everything goes smoothly.


"Nobody will believe that video. That's not what happened!" he said.

"The camera doesn't lie. I can show this to Alice if you'd like, and you can explain it all to her. I'm sure she'll be understanding when she sees you attacking her best friend. You haven't even been married two months, and you're already chasing other women. For shame."

"Abbey!" he said, very upset.

"Now listen to me! I have the incident all on tape, so you are really in a bind. I promise that I won't show this to long as you do exactly as I say. If you do anything, and I mean *anything* other than what I tell you to, then this will go out to the public. I think the police would be very interested in seeing it."

"No! Please don't do that!"

"Good, so you understand that you are *mine* now. Come here tomorrow, at 7:30 precisely. And don't be late. I hate it when men are late."

"But tomorrow is my bowling night."

"I don't care. Just show up here."

"But if I cancel with the guys, then Alice will want to do something together with me."

"That's not my problem. Just be here. Or else..."

"Okay, you win. I'll be here tomorrow."


As soon as Ted left, Abbey got right to work. There was a lot that she had to do now in a very short time. She needed to be prepared for tomorrow. So far, her plan was working perfectly.

* * *


Ted spent a lot of time thinking about what had happened at Abbey's. How had she made it look like he had attacked her? Why did she want him to come over tomorrow? What was she trying to do? He considered telling Alice everything, but what if she didn't believe him when she saw the video? He didn't want to risk that. He would talk to Abbey, and try to get her to make sense. This was all a misunderstanding.



Ted had his speech all prepared when he came over to Abbey's. He had managed to back out from bowling, but made sure that Alice wouldn't find out about it. He knocked on Abbey's door, looking around nervously, hoping that Alice wouldn't happen to see him there. If she did, he was dead meat.

Abbey let him sweat it out for thirty seconds, before opening the door. To Ted, it seemed more like half an hour. When he finally came in, he was sweating.

"Right on time. Good. You are a fast learner, for a man."

The way she said 'man' betrayed her deep anger and resentment against all men. Ted sensed that sometime in her life, some man had dome something terrible to her, and now it seemed that she was going to take it all out on him.

"Abbey, please listen. I want to talk to you about yesterday..." he started.

"What? Did you say something without me asking you? Did you forget already that I *own* you now? You are mine, and you will do only what I tell you to. You do not speak to me, unless spoken to first? Understand?"

"Abbey!" he started, but she cut him off again.

"All right, if you insist on being insolent, I can send the security camera film out...."

"No! Please!" said Ted. He was cornered, and didn't want to push her. Perhaps after she got this out of her system, she'd back off. He would play along for now.

"Now Ted, come with me over to the computer. I want to show you something" she said, suddenly in a pleasant tone. They walked over together. Ted stared up at the security camera. He would be careful to keep out of it's line of sight if possible, just in case she had something else planned for him.

"I was surfing the web, when I found this adorable site" she said, clicking the mouse and typing in a URL. She was prompted for a userID and a password, which she typed in too quickly for Ted to be able to see from her keystrokes.

The screen took a few moments to load. What Ted saw disgusted him. It was some kinky web site, where women wearing leather were dominating men, making them do disgusting things. What was worse, the men were wearing women's clothes. One man had a bra on his hairy chest and panties. A woman wearing leather boots with six inch heels had her foot on his back, and a whip in her hand. Another man was wearing a dress, and looked to be putting his makeup on under the threat of force.

Abbey clicked on one of the pictures, to see an enlarged view. It showed a man who was wearing a bra stuffed with something to make it look like he had large breasts. He had a skirt on, and his blouse was unbuttoned. He had a nice smile on his face. All of the color drained from Ted's face as he looked. The man in the phone to was *him*!

"That's impossible! I never did that!" he said. He recognized the picture. It was the digital picture that Abbey had taken yesterday.

"It's amazing what you can do with photo editing software these days" she said smugly. "You can't even tell that the photo has been fixed up. I printed out one on my photo-quality printer. Look how good this thing works."

She handed Ted another picture of himself. In this one, it looked like he was wearing a wig, and getting ready to put on makeup. The hands in the photo had long red nails. The wedding ring on the left hand of the man in the photo was definitely his, with the tricolor band and the set in diamond chips. There would be no doubt for anyone who saw that photo that it was him.

"Abbey, what do you want?" he said.

"I want to make your inner fantasy come true" she said.

"What inner fantasy?" he replied.

"This" she said, handing him another printout, showing a full body shot of his head, carefully edited and attached to a gorgeous female body.

"Are you crazy? I don't want to be a woman!" he said.

"Yes you do. You just don't realize it yet."


"Look Abbey...." he said before she cut him off again.

"I am getting very tired of your insubordination" she said angrily. "You will conduct yourself properly in my presence. Understand, slave?"


"You will do everything I tell you to, exactly how I tell you, and become my slave. You have no will of your own anymore. The only thing that matters is what *I* tell you. You will be my willing thrall; a tool for me to use as I see fit."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then these pictures will be mailed to your mother. An e-mail will go out to your boss, your wife, your friends, your customers. I will send the DVD I made of your attack yesterday to the police. You will end up without a job, a home, a wife. You'll probably wind up in prison, and be some big guy's woman there anyway."

"Why you...." he started, through clinched teeth. He was ready to hit her, even though he wasn't a violent person, and had never hit a women in all his life.

"Oh by the way" she interrupted him, speaking in an innocent tone of voice, "did I mention that I uploaded all of your pictures to a remote server? I have a program running there, which requires me to log on every day, and enter my personal PIN code. If I fail to enter the proper code, the emails will go out automatically. So you see my dear, if you do any harm to me, you will causing your own ruin. Go ahead, and do your worst. By this time tomorrow, your entire life will be upside down."

Ted sagged in defeat. What could he do? She had him completely trapped. No matter what he did, she had him blocked at every corner. He had no choice but to submit to her demands.


Abbey opened a drawer in her desk, and pulled out several bottles of pills. First, there was a disk dispenser, with little tiny pink pills arranged in a circle. She spun the disk, and turned it over to let one pill fall into her hand. Next, she opened a second bottle, and removed two white oval pills. Then she took two pills out of the other three bottles. She put them all into a small paper cup, and handed it to Ted, along with a glass of water which had been sitting on her computer desk.

"Take these" she said.

"What are they?" he responded.

"I'll tell you....but after you take them" she said. He briefly considered running away, but he was afraid that she would follow through with her blackmail threats. He also considered pretending to swallow the pills, but he knew that she was a nurse, and she would know how to look under his tongue to be sure he did take the pills. He didn't realize that being a nurse had allowed her to gather certain supplies she had needed for this phase of her plan. It had been easy for her to steal several pages of a doctor's prescription pad, so she could easily get what she wanted.

Ted reluctantly started to ingest the pills. When he was done, she made him stick out his tongue, to show that he had really taken them.

"You will take these pills every day, when you are in my presence" she said. "You have just taken a birth control pill, two doses of estrogen, a testosterone blocker, and several plant products which are full of naturally occurring chemical compounds that act just like female hormones. In time, they will alter your body. For example, your breasts will start to grow, just like a young girl's do when they start to receive sufficient doses of estrogen. The birth control pills will also send the signal to your breasts to start increasing in size. Soon, you will need a bra."

"No..." he said, almost in a whisper.

"Your skin will start to become soft, just like a woman's. Other subtle changes will occur in your body. Your brain chemistry will change. Before long, you'll be thinking like a woman too. I will work with you to bring out your inner woman, and to let her start to take control of you. Soon, 'Ted' will be gone from your mind, and you will be Audrey. Mind, body, and soul, she will fill you, take over you. You will become *her* in every way. From now on, Ted is dying inside you, and will soon be gone. You are Audrey now, and soon I will unleash her within you."

Ted was stunned beyond words. She was going to turn him into a woman? Named Audrey? A shiver went up and down his spine. She had just given him strong doses of female hormones. She wasn't kidding. She was really going to try and turn him into a woman.

"Now Audrey, tell me your name!" she demanded, snapping at him like a drill sergeant.

"I am Audrey" he said, in a whisper.

"Louder! Who are you!" she yelled.

"I am Audrey" he said loudly.

"Repeat after me! I am Audrey"

"I am Audrey" he echoed.

"I am a woman!"

"I am a woman" he said weakly.

"I am a slave to Mistress Abbey!"

"I am a slave to Mistress Abbey."

"I want to be a woman, like her."

"I want to be a woman, like her."

"I wish I was a girl!"

"I wish I was a girl."

"Please Mistress, help me become a girl, just like you!"

"Please Mistress, help me become a girl."

"Again!" she demanded.

He repeated the line again.

"Very good Audrey. Would it surprise you to know that I just taped what you just said, and that I will be adding it to your file?"

"Nothing would surprise me anymore" he said.

"Anymore, what?" she said angrily.

He shrugged.

"Anymore...Mistress. You will address me properly from now on. Understand?"

"Yes Mistress" he said, broken and defeated. He felt like crying. He didn't want any of this to happen, but it was now out of his control. He was becoming a woman, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Do you know what the best thing about you becoming a woman is?" said Abbey with a smirk.

"No, what?" he mumbled.

"Alice is going to help you become female."

"Never! She wouldn't do that!"

"Just wait. Remember, I know her better than you do. In time, she will help you become female."



Abbey gave Ted a shot of whiskey to calm his frazzled nerves, then led him to the bedroom, where she made him strip naked. He put his hands in front of himself, in modesty.

"Put your hands at your side Audrey. That's better. It's really small isn't it? And you won't be needing it anymore. You'll be rid of it soon enough. Just be patient."

Ted felt the threat strike at the very center of himself. He suddenly felt so weak, so small, so vulnerable. Abbey made him put on a bra and panties, then took a picture of him. She wouldn't be needing digitally edited photos anymore. Next, she had him put on pantyhose, stuffed his bra, then took another picture.

"I know your boobs are small, but don't worry Audrey. They'll grow in time. Soon, you'll be stacked! Then you can wear things to show off your cleavage."

Ted shivered as she put him into a blouse, with frilly lacy cuffs, then put a skirt on him. She even had a pair of heels in a very large size, which she had bought for the occasion. They hurt his feet, even just taking the first few teetering steps over to the vanity, where she began to apply his makeup.

After she did his nails, and took more photos, she led him to the living room.

"Now Audrey, we have serious business to discuss. You are a girl, you are a woman. But your mind is sick. Part of your mind thinks that you are a man! How disgusting. I am going to work with you, and begin to train you, so you can start to shut him out. As you grow stronger, he will grow weaker. Then you can push him aside, and fully dominate every thought in the brain."

Ted didn't believe that such a thing was possible. There was no woman inside him. He wouldn't let her do anything to him. He felt very tired, really feeling the effects of the stress now, along with the whiskey had had slammed down. Why was he so tired?

"Do you know that when someone takes strong tranquilizers, then has a stiff drink, they get very relaxed? Did I forgot to mention that you took a tranquilizer too? Oh well, I can see it's really kicking in now. You'll be drifting off soon Audrey, but not into a real sleep. You'll stay in a semiconscious state. One where I can whisper into your ear, and talk to you without your conscious self being able to block or filter my messages. Isn't that just delightful?"

She walked over, laid Ted back on the couch, and put a pillow under his head.

"You are a woman. You are Audrey. Your deepest desire is to become a woman. Being a woman arouses you. When you see a naked woman, your only thought is that you wish you were her. You are a girl now Audrey. You will rise up and eliminate Ted from your mind. At your core you only have feminine thoughts. You want to wear only women's clothing, and they arouse you. You are Audrey, Ted is just a nuisance, which must be eliminated. You are a woman. You dream of having a feminine body. You are totally obedient to your Mistress. You are a girl inside now. You will not notice any effects from the hormones. You are a woman..."

Ted fell into blackness, hearing Abbey's voice.

* * *


When Ted woke up, he had no idea what time it was. He was on Abbey's couch, but he was no longer dressed up as a woman. He sat up, and his head ached. He stood up, and looked in the mirror. He wasn't wearing makeup. Had it all been a dream?

"Ah Audrey, you're awake. Listen my dear. Come over here as soon as you return from work tomorrow, so you can take your pills. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress. I'll come right over. I look forward to it" said Ted. He was surprised at himself how easily it had flowed out. What had she done to him?


He went to the bar and pounded down two beers. Alice didn't keep beer in the house, and he needed a drink. He stared at the hot looking girl behind the counter, with her big breasts. Her low cut neckline showed off her cleavage, and just a glimpse of her pushup bra.

"I wish I had boobs like that" he thought, which shocked and surprised him. She *had* done something to him. He would never think that on his own. He tried to put it out of his mind.

He went home, and caught some flak from Alice about staying out so late 'with the guys'.

"You've been drinking, I can smell it on your breath" she said angrily.

They had a small argument, but then kissed and made up. They made love, and fell asleep in each other's arms. Ted was happy and content with her, but he had heavy issues on his mind, like what he could possibly hope to do. He was trapped by her best friend, and she was turning him into a woman!

* * *


Each day for the next week, Ted would stop by Abbey's house. She would watch him take the pills, then talk with him. Nothing more, just a chat. The funny thing was that after he left, he couldn't really remember a thing they had spoken about. It bothered him, but what was worse was the day when he decided to take a shower when he got home. When he took off his shirt, he saw red marks on his chest, shoulders, and back. Marks he recognized from watching Alice undress; marks from having worn a bra.

He didn't remember wearing a bra when he was over at her house. He had just talked with her! How could the marks have appeared? There was only one possible conclusion: she was making him do things somehow, and blocking them from his memory. That was frightening in its implications.

However, Ted didn't notice any effects from the pills, and he hoped that they were just placebos, in order to scare him. If they were real, then he as in for serious trouble. The thought of what female hormones would do to his body was scary. It had been a while now, and with no visible effects, perhaps it was just a sham.

He decided to confront her the next day when he arrived at the appointed time. He considered not showing up, but the blackmail evidence that she held over him was too strong. He had no choice but to come at her beck and call.

"Why can't I remember what we talk about?" he asked as he started to take his pills on her request.

"That's because I don't talk to Ted; I talk to Audrey. I told you that I was going to free your inner woman, and let her take control of you. When you come over here, I strengthen her, and build her up. She is growing stronger every single day. Right now, 'Ted' controls your mind and body. But as soon as she is ready, she will take over. Permanently."

Ted didn't believe that such a thing was possible. "She's bluffing again" he thought, as he took the last of the pills. If there were placebos as he had hoped, she sure did a good job of making ones that looked like the real pills.

They sat on the couch and talked. It seemed like only moments later when he got up, and walked to the door with her.

"Oh Audrey, when you come over tomorrow, I have an assignment for you" said Abbey, as Ted prepared to leave.

"What is it Mistress?"

"I want you to wear a pair of your wife's panties all day tomorrow, and have them on when you come here for your medicine."

"Yes Mistress" he said obediently.

"Tonight, dream of having breasts."

"Yes Mistress."

"And go like a woman."

"Yes Mistress."

He didn't know what the last line meant. Maybe it meant to leave like a woman would? He didn't know, but he didn't dare say 'no'.


Ted shook his head as he walked home. He couldn't control what he dreamed about! She was just trying to scare him. He walked next door to his townhouse, and went inside. He had several chores that Alice had asked him to do that night, so he got right to it. She was out with her cousin at a wedding shower, so he had the place to himself.

When he went to clean the shower, he found himself going through Alice's panty drawer. He felt himself get really hard just looking at them all. He picked out an exciting red pair, and hid them in the bathroom, so he could put them on as Mistress had ordered.

When Alice came home, he asked her how the shower was, and sat back to listen without interrupting. She told him everything, and he seemed interested, even in the little details. He asked little questions, prodding her to go on about things like the decoration scheme they had talked about.

"You know Ted, I wanted to tell you that for the past week or so, you've been doing so much better of a job of listening to me when I talk. I really appreciate it."

"Thanks" he said shyly.

He was so nice. She loved him. They went to bed, and made love again, as they did every night.

* * *


In the morning, Ted put on the pair of red panties after he showered. It was strange. That night, he had a dream where he had large boobs, and had needed a bra to hold them up. He remembered how it felt that day at Abbey's, wearing a bra. The feeling of the straps over his shoulders, and the pull of it across his chest seemed fresh in his mind. When he woke, he had touched himself in the chest, to make sure it had just been a dream.

As he put the panties on, he wondered again what exactly she had done to him. It hadn't even occurred to him not to obey her, and not to wear panties all day. He just did it, because she told him to. He thought of not wearing them, and just changing at the last minute. But he became scared, and just pulled his pants on over the top of them.

He didn't think anything of them, not even noticing the soft silky material against his skin. Not until he went to the john, and went to pee at a urinal. He unzipped his fly, but he couldn't pull his thingie out, since there was no hole in the front of the panties. He had to go into a stall. He closed the door, dropped his drawers, and stood over the bowl. He just couldn't go, even though the morning coffee was kicking in. He sat down, and suddenly it flowed out. He just hadn't been able to go standing up. Why was that?

That was when he realized what Abbey's last command to him had been. 'Go like a woman'. Here he was, sitting down to pee, just like a woman. It gave him the cold shivers to think that she had this sort of control over him.


When he arrived at her townhouse that night, he proudly took off his trousers to show her the panties beneath.

"Very good Audrey. You like wearing panties, don't you?"

"Yes Mistress" he said.

"They're so much more comfortable than boxers. You want to wear them every day, don't you?"

"Please, can I wear them every day Mistress?" he begged.

"Yes Audrey, wear panties every day."

"Oh thank you!" he said, almost giggling. He felt a wonderful feeling, knowing that he would be allowed to wear panties every day from now on.

"You are ready for your next session" said Abbey, handing Ted a tray with the pills, a glass of water, and a double shot of whiskey. He knew what would happen to him, but he silently gulped the pills down, and chased them with a shot of whiskey.

Just as last time, Abbey took him to her bedroom, dressed him up as a woman, then laid him down on the couch as the tranquilizer and alcohol kicked in. Again, she whispered into his ear as he fell asleep. The last thing he remembered hearing was her saying "You are a woman now. You know this in your heart. You will start to reveal your true gender to Alice."

* * *


Ted woke up on Abbey's couch, but this time he was still dressed up as a woman.

"How do you feel Audrey" said Abbey.

"A little tired, but otherwise I'm just fine Mistress."

"You don't need to call me Mistress anymore Audrey. Now that you are more of a woman inside, you have earned the right to address me by my name."

Ted smiled.

"Oh Abby, you're so kind. Can I rub your feet for you?"

"That would be nice dear, but first, why don't you do my laundry? Then you can massage my feet, then paint my toenails for me."

Ted was elated. It was so nice of Abbey to allow him to serve her like this, and treat him more like a servant than a slave. Maybe in time as he became even more of a woman, she would let him treat her like just a friend?


It was getting late, and Ted needed to change back into his own clothes. As he prepared to go home, Abbey helped buckle his belt back up.

"Audrey, tonight you will dream that between your legs, you are really a woman."

"Yes Abbey, I will."

"You will wear your panties every day, like we spoke of. Tomorrow, come to me wearing one of Alice's bras."

"You bet I will" said Ted.

"Oh and Audrey?"


"Remember, you need to start dropping hints to Alice about the fact that you are really a woman."

* * *


At 4:30am, Ted sat up in bed, bolting awake from his dream. In the dream, he had been wearing panties in his bed. He had felt the front of them, and they were flat against him. He had taken them off, and looked to see that between his legs, he was really a girl. Then he had spread his legs wide so he could explore with his finger. But when he looked up and saw a man getting ready to mount him, he woke up and sat up in terror. His hands touched his crotch, and found that he was fully erect.

"What's the matter dear?" said Alice.

"I had a nightmare" said Ted.

"Poor dear, it was just a dream. Go back to sleep."

Ted stroked her long hair as he laid next to her. She smiled, and started to drift back to sleep.

"I wish I had pretty hair like you" he whispered, as he fell back to sleep himself.


Over the next several days, Ted found himself saying little things which could be taken different ways, but were subtle references to him becoming a woman. They sounded innocent, and Alice didn't see what they really meant. For example, he tried to invite himself to the bachealorette party, but Alice laughed him off.

"You'd need to wear a pretty dress to go out with us" she said.

"Do you have something in my size? Or should we go out shopping?" he replied.

They laughed about it, and Alice never suspected that he was serious. She didn't know that he was wearing panties every day, and would sometimes wear her bras when he went over to see Abbey. And she certainly didn't know what Abbey had in store for Ted while she was off with her cousin for an all night party and sleep over on Friday night.

* * *


When Ted arrived at Abbey's now, he would quickly change clothes, put on makeup, and don his new wig. He would then take his pills, and join Abbey in the living room. She had told Alice that she was very sick, and couldn't attend the bachealorette party. Alice had sent Ted over with a pot of home made soup. She didn't know he would be heading there anyway, once she was gone.

Once Ted had women's clothes on, along with makeup and his wig, he felt much better. He was starting to feel uncomfortable when he was dressed as a man. It was only when he put on a dress that he felt right. Abbey had allowed him to shave his legs and chest that day, so for the first time, he didn't feel quite so hairy and icky.

"How is Alice?" asked Abbey.

"She is fine, but she was mad at me because of the last few nights" he said, crossing his legs like a woman would.

"Why is that?"

"Well, in bed, I've had trouble getting aroused anymore. She feels that I don't think she's pretty anymore. I told her a worshiped her, and she was so beautiful, but my equipment just doesn't operate properly. So I can't make love with her, and she is mad at me."

"It's the female hormones Audrey. They're changing you. Soon, you'll never be able to perform as a man. The testosterone blockers have accelerated the effects. They actually convert the testosterone your body produces into more estrogen. And one of the pills you take sends a chemical signal to your body, telling it not to produce testosterone in the first place. They use it to keep sex offenders from being able to get aroused. I started you on it last week. Haven't you noticed that you're taking more pills now?"

"I hadn't realized it Abbey."

"Did you notice anything different today when you put your fake boobs into your bra?"

"No, not really."

"Well I did. I changed them to ones with a smaller size. Your bra was getting too tight with the bigger ones."

"You mean..."

"Yes. Your very own breasts are budding now. Take your top off Audrey."

Ted obeyed.

"I hadn't noticed any changes" he said.

"See how your nipples are bigger now than before? Here let me take a photo to show you how much you've grown."

Abbey showed Ted before and after photos on the computer.

"See how the rings of color around the nipples are bigger now? See how the nipples themselves are quite a bit larger? And look at the swelling. Those are real breasts on your body. Soon, you will need to wear a bra, every day."

Part of Ted wanted to scream and run away. But he was also shocked to find that part of himself was *proud* that he now had boobs. And that horrified him even more.

"You like your little breasts, don't you" said Abbey, who started to rub them gently, on the nipples.

"Yes" said Ted, getting aroused. His picture perfect wife couldn't arouse him, but the thought of having breasts of his own did? This was *really* scary.

"You're becoming a girl. You are going to be a pretty woman."

Ted was now fully erect, and felt Abbey's right hand grabbing him roughly between his legs, under his skirt, while her left hand grabbed at his nipples, harder and harder.

"Tell me you're a girl" she said.

"I'm a girl!" said Ted.

"Keep saying it!" demanded Abbey. Ted's pleasure grew as she started to suckle his nipple with her warm wet mouth.

"I'm a girl! I'm a woman! I am Audrey! I am a woman!" he said, as he came in his panties. Such pleasure! He never came that hard with Alice! "I am a woman" he said again, almost in a whisper.

"You *are* a woman" said Abbey.

"Yes I am" she replied, realizing in her mind that it was true. Yes, she was in a man's body, but she really was more woman than man inside. However, her body was on the mend, and the hormones she used every day helping to alter it to it's proper feminine form.

"I've been wanting to do this" said Audrey, as she went to the bathroom, and started to pluck her eyebrows. "I hate all this hair."

"Yes, that makes you look better" said Abbey supportively. "You need to look your best, because we're going out tonight to celebrate".

"Awesome!" responded Audrey. She couldn't wait to go out and feel the wind under her skirt. She thought of Ted who she used to be, and how upset he would have been to hear that. But she was more Audrey inside than Ted now, and what wanted didn't really matter. She had only just taken control, after having been relegated to just watching and listening ever since she had emerged. She had no intention of letting *that man* control her anymore. She would push him out of her mind, bit by bit.

She decided that by acting as feminine as possible, she would start to eradicate him. He was like an insect or a rat, something to be exterminated. Audrey would work as hard as she could to get rid of any trace of Ted.


Before they went out, Abbey had an errand to run with Audrey: they went next door, to Ted & Alice's townhouse, and went to Alice's walk-in closet. Abbey dug through the many clothes on hangers, until she came up with a light green skirt with a Hawaiian print, and a red top with thin straps, and a built-in bra.

"Yes, this will make the right outfit for you" said Abbey.

"That looks terrible together!" replied Audrey in disgust. "I'm not wearing that! How about the white top over here? That would go together much better."

"That's not the point. I need an outfit for you that looks like a man put it together."

"Oh, I see" said Audrey, with a knowing grin on her face.


They went back to Abbey's place, where she had a pair of heels in Audrey's size. They were fashionable, but they were a cool retro blue color, almost like that blue from a princess phone from that era, with a bit of a frosty shimmer. They would be wretched with the outfit. Perfect.

They left the outfit on hangers, and got ready to go out. Abbey gave Audrey a purse of her own, filled with makeup and accessories. Audrey thanked her as they glided out the door.

* * *


The girls had a wonderful time. They went out to dinner, then dancing. At first, the guys were too shy to go on the dance floor, so they danced with each other. They did line dances, which Abbey had to teach to Audrey, although she was a quick learner.

Soon, the men started to filter out onto the dance floor, and the girls let loose, and really had a good time. They let the guys buy them drinks, but made sure they stayed sober enough to not be taken advantage of. Between her expertly applied makeup, wig, pretty clothes, and the dark lighting of a dance club, not a soul suspected that beneath Audrey's short black dress was the body of a man.

After a nightcap at a quiet jazz club, the girls returned to Abbey's townhouse. Audrey stayed on the couch, sleeping over for the first time. Not once since Abbey had brought out Audrey, had any signs of Ted been visible. The inner woman, Audrey, had been in full control. Ted could somehow sense what was going on now, seeing and feeling it all. But he was helpless to do anything. He could only hear what she heard, feel what she felt, see what she saw, and hear her thoughts in his head. He had to really concentrate to think anymore. She was stronger than him now, and it was like she was pushing him aside. He dreaded what would happen given more time. If she kept getting stronger like this, and he kept getting weaker....there wouldn't be any of *him* left. He wanted to scream, run, do anything! But he was completely powerless.

Abbey had almost completed her threat to completely erase him.

* * *


In the morning, Abbey asked Audrey to put on the terrible outfit they had picked out the day before from Alice's clothes. Then they stripped Audrey's nails, and painted them in a gold sparkle color which did not match the outfit at all. Abbey made sure to put on too many coats, and to add the next coat before the first one dried. That way, there were clumps, and it didn't look even.

Next, they went to the vanity where Abbey applied makeup with poor techniques. Too much rouge, way to much mascara, a poor choice of colors, and glaring red lipstick.

"Ew, why did you buy this color?" asked Audrey, looking at her almost glowing lips in the mirror.

"It was in a gift pack I got from a friend. Do you think I'd ever buy that color? What were they smoking when they made this one?"

They laughed, then giggled some more over how poorly Audrey was dressed.

"It really does look like a man dressed me" she said, shaking her head.

"Then we did our job" said Abbey. You know what to do now. Get to it."


It was nearing noon when Alice arrived back at her townhouse. She had spent the night crashing at her cousin's place, after the wild night of partying. She was pretty much over hangover by now. She walked in the door, expecting to see Ted sitting at the TV watching football or something.

But when she walked in, she had quite a surprise in store for her. Instead of Ted on the couch with a pile of beer cans, the place was sparkling clean! He had tidied up everything! He had even dusted. She could tell because her figurines on the mantle were moved slightly from where she had left them. The area rug showed marks from having recently been vacuumed. She could smell Windex too, so he must have done the windows. What a wonderful surprise! How thoughtful of him.

She heard the vacuum still going in the bedroom, so she hurried over to it in order to thank Ted. But then she got very angry. In the bedroom was a *woman* vacuuming. She had her back to Alice, but it was clear that she had on Alice's clothes! Ted had *hired* someone to do it (which was a huge disappointment to her), and the bitch had the nerve to wear her clothes while cleaning?

She stormed over to the wall, and pulled the plug. The woman spun around to see what had happened. It was only then that Alice realized that this was no cleaning woman. It was Ted.


There were a few moments of uneasy silence before either of them spoke. Alice was seeing the love of her life, her husband, dressed as a woman, in *her* clothes! Audrey was seeing Alice for the first time, as so to speak. Ted had been in charge of the mind all of the previous times. But this was a first for Audrey, and her breath was taken away by the fragile beauty of Alice's face. Something stirred within her. It was at that moment that she realized that she had a desire. A desire for *women*. Audrey had never suspected that she was a lesbian. Abbey was nice looking, but hadn't made her feel like this. But one look at Alice, and she just froze. She wanted her so bad, and would do anything to have her.

Inside, Ted was fighting as hard as he could to be heard. But his feminine side, Audrey, was just too strong now. All his protests were for nothing. He wanted so much to talk to Alice, and explain everything, but he was powerless, and could only observe as Audrey began to speak.

"Hello Alice. I did some cleaning while you were gone. I wanted to surprise you."

"Ted? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I prefer Audrey now. Its a name more fitting for a woman."

"I should have known. Over the past few weeks, you've been acting strange. I should have known something was wrong. How long have you known that you were a woman inside?" she said, fighting back the tears.

"All my life" said Audrey, as Ted let off a silent scream of 'No!!!!'.

"Then why did you marry me?"

"Because you were an angel, the perfect woman. As soon as I met you, I knew that you were the one. I wished that I was you. I worship you. I wish that I had been born as *you*. I just had to be near you, be close to you, because I wanted more than anything to *be* you."

Ted felt himself crumbling inside as Alice's heart melted. She came over and gave Audrey a hug of compassion. He was quickly losing all hope.

"Poor dear" said Alice. "Talk to me Audrey."

"I always was a girl inside, ever since I could remember" she said. "I tried to live as a man, but I can't do it anymore. I just can't keep pretending. I have to be who I am. Please help me!"

"I will my love" said Alice. "I love you with all my heart. If this is who you really are, and this is what will truly make you happy, I will help you become the woman you want to be."

Audrey hugged Alice even harder, and they both cried. Inside, Ted was reeling. Abbey had been right, Alice was going to actually *help* turn him into a woman now! It rocked his very core. He felt so weak, so helpless. And he felt the weight of Audrey within pressing on him. He was growing weaker now, moment by moment, his feminine side filling the void that used to be Ted.


"Lets get you into a better outfit" said Alice, "then I'll teach you the right way to put on makeup."

"Really, oh that would be so fun" said Audrey. "It would be like I'm your little sister."

They went into Alice's walk-in closet, and picked out a much better outfit. Alice watched as Audrey took off her clothes, and showed her how to carefully put them back on hangers so they wouldn't wrinkle. Ted just threw things on the floor. A girl had to know better.

When Audrey was almost naked, Alice gasped. When had Ted shaved all of his body hair? She hadn't noticed. And on his chest, it looked like he had little budding boobs!

"Are you taking hormones?" she said.

"Yes. So I can be like you" replied Audrey.

"Good. That will help you in your transition". Ted died a little more inside.


After Audrey was dressed up in a black skirt with a black tank top, they went to work on her makeup. Alice showed how to properly put on makeup, and not overdo it. She even redid Audrey's nails. Instead of looking like a cheap tart, Audrey now looked more like an elegant woman.

"Can we go shopping?" said Audrey. "I want some clothes of my own. And I want to get my ears pierced, and maybe I'll get a tattoo!"

"Splendid!" replied Alice. "Grab your purse, and lets get out of here."

'No!' thought Ted. She was being so loving, and so helpful. But she didn't realize that she was helping to erase him. As they headed to the car, Audrey used a seductive walk, with her hips swinging as she moved. With every swish of the skirt, Ted was diminished even more.

"I love you Alice" he thought, as they sat down and put on their safety belts. "You will always be in my heart".

He could hear Audrey's voice so loud now, that it was almost impossible to get a thought of his own in. As she spoke, the words echoed in his mind. Audrey chatted with Alice, and Ted couldn't distinguish her thoughts from his own anymore.

As Alice went over a plan to help Audrey become a real woman, Ted felt a twinge between his legs. Something was wrong there. It was a strange feeling having something sticking out of you like that. It just didn't feel right.

"I hope I can have an operation soon. I just want to get rid of this thing" said Audrey. She waited to hear the feeble protests from Ted, but there were none.

'Ted?' she thought to herself. No reply.

He was gone! He was completely absorbed into her now. She was free to do whatever she wanted, completely in control of this body. Oh how she wanted to get started making changes. With Alice there to help and support her, along with Abbey, it wouldn't be long.

"I love Alice" she said.

"I love you too" came the reply, which melted her heart. Audrey couldn't wait until she had the correct form between her legs, a female form. She wanted to be just like Alice. In every way.

* * *



Alice discovered a few weeks later that she was pregnant. Both she and Audrey were overjoyed. When they found out that it would be a girl, they decided to name it 'Erin', after Abbey's middle name. Audrey made her appointment so she could make sure she had her surgeries before the baby was due. That way, she could make sure that she was able to give her full and undivided attention to raising her, and helping Alice through her difficult times ahead. Erin would be a lucky baby, to have two such loving and caring mommies.




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