Crystal's StorySite


Grad Dresser

by Sydian


He was a grad student. Some thought brilliant; he simply worked hard. In undergraduate school, in spite of his slight stature, he had been a ferocious athlete. Now in between the mustiness of archives and the lugging of tomes back and forth across campus, he still found time to keep the body toned—nothing spectacular; simply hard and defined…

He was almost at the end of his studies—one paper, comprehensives and then he was out….There was, however one potential problem: Cragg. The eminent Professor Cragg, bane to all grad students, and particularly those that he could not coerce….On more than one occasion the two had had words—contending interpretations….Cragg showed his displeasure with grades that barely met passing at the graduate level….So Cragg's appointment to his comprehensives committee, and this last pending paper were some cause for concern….

Not so much a cause that they precluded a night out. What do grad students do on nights out? Pretty much what the rest of us do….they drink, they party, they club….Our student was no different—not much of a drinker—he loved the clubs and the parties….

Heading out of the library and on to the main streets a hawker pushed a flyer into his hands: 'the most beautiful creatures—in all their glory—amazing breath-taking—and naked!!!! FREE with this flyer.' 'Hmmmmm,' he thought, this might take his mind off of things….

Well after the sun went down—closer to the beginning of the new day—he found himself standing at a boarded over door, the front to a dilapidated building, hesitating….the pounding of the beat was enough to draw him in…. 'Alice, through the looking glass' he was….

It was a space….and a world, which astounded him. The space was utterly techno….the dilapidated façade had been a front for an astounding display of light and texture—he thought he had entered the set for some neo-Goth, science-fiction set—cast of—well—hundreds maybe….and, they were there….Incredible. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning…. And, oh yes—naked…. The only thing that the flyer hadn't pointed out—or had he missed it?—is that they were all better hung than he….

He had always wondered about this part of the world…. It held a certain fascination…. And even as he backed toward the exit, sure he was in the wrong place, there was a certain excitement—he was semi-hard…. 'Careful, Hun,' she whispered huskily as he backed into her. 'You don't want to get me too excited our first date….,' the laugh was soft and shallow. He turned to apologize and just froze…mouth open….

'You might want to close that,' she breathed. 'There are more than a few girls here who know how to fill it.' There was a soft chuckle. She was shorter than him, even in her stilettos. She was slender, but tight—toned. And she had a rack that defied imagination. 'Yep,' again that husky, breathy voice, 'they're mine. Best money can buy—34c,' as she followed his line of sight. She was the color of dark copper, with a short-cropped, twisted head of hair to match. The eyes blazed an iridescent green….the nose broad and haughty; and lips, a slashed scarlet that even Angelina would have lusted for…. Then it trailed down her thigh like seven inches of thick, sleeping snake…. 'Whoa, Boi,' she whispered. 'First time, huh?'


She gripped his hand…. 'C'mon. Sit for a minute.' She guided him to a booth. He had the presence of mind to ask what she was drinking. Apple martini for her; coke for him…. She giggled, 'so you thought that we were all imaginary creatures, huh?' He could feel the warmth of her naked thigh against his pant-leg radiating heat….his cock inching its way to hardness down the inside seam…. Where he had stared, open-mouthed when he bumped into her, he couldn't bring himself to look at her now. 'You are a shy one. We don't get too many black student-types in here….mostly the professors.' His head snapped round to her pretty face. 'What?' he said. She stared back quizzically. 'Black guys don't come in much….' 'No…. You said something about 'professors'…. 'O…they love us,' she replied with a smirk….

He allowed his eyes to leave her and let his gaze shift round the room. This wasn't some seedy dive. It was an elaborately choreographed space: bars, booths, doors that led…he could only imagine. And then these—these 'women'—fetishes in fetish garb…..beautiful with all that cock…. This place took loads of creativity….

Then the clientele. She was right. Few students; even fewer black guys; but, lots of tweeds. Unbelievable! And then the incomprehensible! Not even a picture would have confirmed this—not terribly far away, seated on the edge of a booth cushion, cock out, grinding against the ass of an incredibly gorgeous, incredibly black lap dancer, was none other than the inimitable, Professor Cragg! Cragg waxing the ass-cheeks of this black huni, while he stroked her huge, hard cock and pulled her thick nipples….

She followed his line of sight again…. 'Damn! She's fine ain't she? I'd back up for her any minute….She only comes in here every so often. The rumor is she's actually a lawyer or somethin'…gets her kick every now and then dancing….'

'What about the old guy?' 'Him,' she laughs. 'He's a regular. 'HH—'Hung Harry'….loves black ass…black cock even more….'

His head began to spin as he analyzed the possibilities…. Could he use this?…. How? 'Blackmail'…. He toyed with it….looked round the crowd again. Then quickly decided no…. They all knew each other. They were a fraternity and this was their house. He had to be more creative….

He had hardly noticed that she had placed his hand on her inner thigh…. Hadn't noticed until the cock grew in his hand…. She pivoted his chin toward her, licked her lips, and said, 'You really ought to try it….'



His eyes took in the room once more. 'HH' dry-humping and stroking his black lap dancer. But in more remote corners, even hotter activity. She eased closer. Her hand slid round his cock and pumped through the pants-leg….he thought he would faint…. Again, 'You really ought to try it, Boo….' 'Try what?' he heard his own disembodied voice murmur…. 'I love having my lolly licked….and sucked, Boo….' With that she pushed up out of the booth, mounted the cushions of the seat, and straddled over him. She made her offering, and he accepted greedily….

Seven inches that slept, grew to nine or ten, big, pretty dark inches. For his first time, he didn't do badly…. She coached him….didn't hurry him…didn't gag him…until the final minutes when she couldn't hold back…. the final minutes, when he learned to match her rhythm, when he comprehended that lust is as much about giving as it is receiving….when he allow his hands to spread the cheeks of her ass, used her own sweat and the moisture of her asshole to penetrate her. First, with one finger…then two….then he took over the rhythm….she gave up control. That was when she gagged him….pushed herself deep into that new, hot mouth….found the back of his throat… and gave him her hot, sweet, sticky cream. The full load. As much as he could handle before it back-flowed round her still hard cock and through his lips….

She climbed down from over him, put her mouth full over his and forced her full, snaking tongue to the back of his throat. He could fill the vibration of her 'mmmmmmm-ing' as she lapped her sweet cream back. She retracted her tongue from inside his mouth and licked her sperm from his lips…. She cooed huskily, 'That was very good for your first time, Boo…so good, I'm not even gonna charge you….' She broke into peals of laughter at her own joke…. 'Just joking, Boobi,' she said breathlessly…. 'You get mine anytime you want,' hands and knees on the booth cushion, planting another loud, cum-laden kiss on his cheek….

At the exact moment there was a loud crack. She winced and jumped as the leather-clad palm smacked her left cheek…. 'Breaking in another one I see. Looks like he has potential too'…. 'Sydddddd!!!,' she shrieked; jumped up and wrapped her arms round the neck of her assailant in a bear-hug. The two exchanged kisses and pecks like younger and older sister…. She was quite dark—darker than he, maybe half an inch shorter than the copper-colored girl, but just as amply endowed. The slender body was cut. And her cock, flaccid, was as large as the one he'd just sucked. Her face an exquisite African mask, topped by short, blond, nappy hair, and accented by cobalt blue lenses…. She was stunning—black blonde, in a white leather corset and bolero, long white leather gloves, and white thigh boots….nothing more save the tops of the white stockings that peeked over the cuffs of the boots….

'Here. This is for you, Avia-girl.' She pressed a sheath of bills—nothing less than a twenty—into his companion's hand.

Avia's eyes grew bigger and misty…. 'Sydd, you're always so good to us…..,' her voice trailed off as the dark woman put a finger to her lips….

'I've got all I can use, Babi…. No cause to be greedy. Besides, HH was feeling quite generous. All the old goat talks about when I dance for him is fuckin' me or me suckin' his cock….neither of which are likely propositions. Buuuuuut…as propositions, the lucky girl is going to damn-sure get almost anything she wants….'

'Soooooo, who's 'studly' here? I like his look, and his vigor…but don't worry, Hun….he's too young for me….,' Sydd said with a laugh. Introductions all round. Then he realized that she was the big-cocked beauty Cragg had been working—or on second thought, who'd been working Cragg….he offered to buy her a drink. A cappuccino was her answer; for all of them, away from here…. 'Go put on your clothes, Avia. I'll get my wrap…. Looks like you've just been 'adopted', Jr.' she winked as she turned on her heel….



Monday morning. The note in his cubby indicated that Cragg wanted to conference with him. After Friday night and spirited conversation and not a little sexual innuendo with two incredible black 'women'…conferencing with Cragg was bound to bring him back to earth….

It did not go well…. In effect, Cragg's summons was to tell him that he found his work, up to that point, inadequate: and his attitude insufferable. When he retorted, that there was nothing wrong with his work---that he led his peers in every subject, Cragg's cold response was 'True…I suppose then that it is your attitude that colors my assessment of your work; and your inability to show the proper deference to your superiors…. In any case, it will be a cold day in Hell…. Show yourself out….'

Doors slam. Even spring winds are cold…. He headed straight into it. Headlong into a biting, winded drizzle that hid his tears. He rounded the corner, head down and plowed right into her before he knew it. 'Hold on! Dammit!' she growled as briefcase and files spilled from her hands and littered the wet sidewalk.

'I'm….I'm sorry….' He stammered as he staggered and bent to help her retrieve the materials.

'You should be more careful,' she hissed. 'You really need to watch where you're going!' There was a loud sigh. And then he started sobbing. For the first time, she looked up from the clutter. There was something vaguely familiar. Her tone softened…. 'Are you hurt?' His head still down, he shook it 'no.' She put her soft gloved hand to his chin and raised it…. 'Jr!.... 'What on earth is the matter?' Gathering her things from the pavement, she helped him to his feet; clutched his hand and looped it through her elbow…. 'Come with me….'



The coffee shop was warm and intimate…a little small. She was greeted as they walked through the door: 'Evening, Sydd. The regular?'

'Evening, Zack. Yep, s'pose so….a double espresso for my 'little brother,' here….'

'Family, eh Sydd? Family's always good.'

Sydd guided them to her favorite spot in the rear; an observation point—a side window to the street; a clear view of the door. She loved to watch…. She sat him down. Waited for their coffees. And then repeated her question: 'What on earth is wrong with you, Babi-boi?'

He un-loaded with Cragg. Sydd listened, arched brows arched even more; steepled finger tips kissing pursed lips. Then she spoke. 'So….how many years of education; how much was sacrificed to get you here? Do you have a plan?' He shook his head 'no,' again. 'Are you really as good as you say you are?' He reached into his soggy book-bag and pulled out a letter of recommendation from the provost dated Monday of the previous week. It told all that was necessary of his achievement and potential. 'Soooooo,' she breathed slowly, 'here's what we're gonna do….'

She pulled out her cell as she ushered him from the shop…. 'Avia…. My place in an hour. OK? See ya, Sweets….'



Sydd waited for Avia to arrive. Then, she hatched the plot. Avia was all giggles; he, on the other hand, was incredulous. 'What?!!! You want me to do what????'

Sydd looked at him sweetly, then not so sweetly…. Acidly, she asked, 'Do you want the degree? How much does it mean to you? You decide….Avia and I have work to do….' She turned, left the room with Avia in tow.

A bit later, Ms. Copper-top padded softly back into the white room. Energizer Bunni in slow motion. The gray 'wife-beater' tucked into equally gray and baggy sweat-pants did nothing to hide the figure on that 5-5 frame. She snuggled up next to him in the corner of the sofa; said nothing as she took his hand in hers; her head gently on his shoulder. The panorama was the shoreline, and from a floor below the penthouse, a distant foreign country….

'Hi,' she said softly…. He looked down into her face…. Today's eyes were a hazel; a perfect match for all the copper. Here was a real mystery for him; but that would have to wait—another time….

'She send you?' he asked.

'No,' again softly. 'She's done with that. It's your decision. Your clock. Though I guess it's tickin' fast….'


Softly in his ear, making the hair on the back of his neck rise, 'I had fun the other night…. Not just in the club, but at coffee the most. The talk. You treating me like I knew something rather than like I was just some lap-dance ho….' Her voice trailed off, then started again as her hand dropped to his lap…. 'But I owe you…. I've been wanting to do this ever since you bumped into me….' She worked his thigh…. 'I want you to know how good you made me feel, Boo….want to show how good you can feel….' The hardness all in her hand; thread-bare grad-school jeans a darker blue and growing where pre-cum pooled from her expertise…. 'Besides,' she flicked her tongue in his ear; he winced and his hips rose…. 'You'll never know when this technique might do you some good….'

She managed the jeans down around his ankles; gripped him at the base and kissed him hard and deep before she got to her knees on the soft flokati…. 'Mmmmmm…. I knew I had a winner, but I didn't know how much of one.' She pulled the 'wife-beater' up over her head and behind, and let eight, thick, magnificently proportioned, black inches slap to rest in the valley between her equally magnificent titties. A large, thick, clear dollop of pre-cum hit the flat of her upper chest, splattered, then re-grouped to slide coolly between the two thick-nippled mounds. She pressed them from either side to encase his hot flesh….to make it even hotter….

She looked up at him…he was going into the fog as she tit-fucked him…. She cooed, 'Yeh…they're mine. All mine. But I been thinking. Maybe, they should be yours too….' Her hot breath washed over the cool of the pre-cum now constantly leaking from his slit. Then, no other words, she engulfed him….

Avia had thickly coated and glossed her full, plush lips before she re-entered the room…. Her intent was two-fold: first, more than anything else, she wanted him. And she literally wanted to mark him; leave her color on him. She wanted to possess him by pleasure—if only once…. 'Silly,' she told herself, as the idea of 'love' flitted through her head…. Second, she needed to teach him….

She pursed her lips extremely tight—'tighter than any asshole; tighter than any pussy, or hand,' she told herself—and forced her hot mouth slowly, gruelingly over that pretty, black cock…. There was a delicious pain to all this that he had never anticipated…he had never anticipated how anyone on their knees, doing this could be in control…. He moaned loudly, very loudly, as she forced him into the hotter spaces of her mouth, inch, by slow inch…. He moaned so loudly that he thought his own voice was not his…. Through the mist she caused, he thought he saw another figure in the far doorway, standing….leaning against the jamb, smiling and stroking….

She pushed him all the way to the back of her throat, and felt his hairs tickle her nose as she twisted her mouth on his base…. Then slowly, with twists, her mouth rose back up the shaft to the crown. As he tried to push back into her mouth, she gripped his thighs, pushed down on him and exerted full control. The head was her prize….

And she worked it. First she seized the base of the crown with her teeth, gently but firmly. Her tongue swirled round the head of his cock. She flogged him with it, sucking all the while…. He focused. The pretty face and that beautiful mouth was more than he could take…. He moaned—it seemed even louder than all those before—he tried to tighten his sphincter as she spread the cheeks of his ass and penetrated him….the long, smooth digit opened him up by knuckles. He tried to thrust up but she continued to pinion him. She fucked his ass with the finger—'One's enough, for now,' she thought—and his cock with her exquisite mouth…. He thrashed; it was over—'resistance was futile'…. Just as he sought to release himself, to surrender, she plugged his cum slit with her tongue and sucked harder; pushing and pulling her finger in and out of his ass….

He roared as he erupted into her molten mouth….then, she let him pump….let him fuck her sweet, hot mouth like it was pussy or ass….the sweetest pussy or ass he had ever experienced…capable of incredible feats…. She let him pump til he tired himself out and went slack in her mouth. Then, she gently sucked a bit more…cleaning him…..

She looked up at him, smiled; raised herself to his mouth and share his seed with him….

From the door: 'Unhh. Unhh. Unhh….You two are something else…. Young people….' Sydd was still hard as she walked from the room. Over her shoulder: 'Clean yourselves up. Dinner in fifteen.'

The shower was quick and intimate. He knew he wanted to explore more….she only shyly giggled. They stepped out. He toweled her; she him. She handed him a plush, white terry robe; she put on a black one that highlighted that coppery glow…. 'Yeh, Ms. Copper-top,' he whispered to himself as he sheepishly followed her to the dining room….

Another panoramic view—like Sydd, now sitting at the table in her sweats; all white—hoody and pants, a pair of flops separating carefully pedicured toes from the buffed wood floor…. The smile was absolutely radiant as she hissed through it: 'You two….' Shook her head again and motioned them to the table….

Dinner was silent, except for looks….across the skyline, furtively at each other. He was noticeably uncomfortable…. Sydd reached cross the table, her hand atop his gently, and spoke first. 'It was supposed to be like that.' She turned to look at Avia…. 'She wanted to give to you….genuinely give to you….but you needed a lesson as well.'

'A lesson,' he mused as he felt the heat rose to his face….

'Yes a lesson…maybe two. Avia showed what great skill she possesses and how it can be used. Who was in charge?' Before he could speak, she said, 'You certainly don't suppose it was you….' A statement more than a question. 'She took from you; controlled you in the process of your pleasure—of giving you pleasure. You should think on that power—but not too long….' 'Avia,' she stood; the two of them began to remove the dishes from the table…. 'You'll help next time….'



'So….what do I need to do?' His question was wistful…. Sydd looked up over her reading glasses and some undecipherable scientific tome; Avia glanced up from the crossword.

Sydd spoke first…. 'First you need to develop another persona—not a replacement for who you are—more so a playmate. And you need to be comfortable with that playmate. And soon. Right?' He nodded. 'What size shoe do you wear?'

He muttered 'Eight.'

'Hmmmm. Never would have known it judging by the size of the equipment. But, no problem there. In record time, you've got to master five-inch stilettos—less than a week, Jr…. Finally,' she continued, 'You've got to learn to suck Avia, at least as well as she sucked you….' Flashing a grin, 'Avia, you up for it, Babe?'

Avia giggled, 'Always, Big Sis….'

'Well, it's after midnight; we can't get shoes til tomorrow—I'll pick up something at lunch—sooooo, you two might as well get started on the real lesson….Call me if you need me, I don't want to be a distraction. Jr., I'm afraid you're gonna have a sore jaw in the morning, but I think you'll learn to love it. Avia, be easy. A good teacher is a loving teacher. Of course, you've already been taught that….' With a wink, Sydd was treading the long hall to her bedroom….

Avia stood, undid the knot to her sweats and let them cascade to her ankles. She was already hard. Anticipation and a sincere fondness for her pupil….he stared at her crotch til she spoke. 'Hey,' she said softly. 'Listen up! Go to the bathroom. Bring back the mirror, a tube of the reddest lipstick, and a thingy of gloss….' Confused, he nodded, got to his feet and allowed his gaze to linger on the 'twins' that had greeted him on their very first meeting. Her thick nipples were pushing relentlessly against the thin material of the tank-top. She glanced from them to him, her cock bobbing, giggled and said, 'Go!' he went, trying to make sense of it all…and more…. 'Bring a couple of towels!' she yelled behind him…..

As he entered the room, she pulled the top over her head again and let it rest on the back of her neck, framing her shoulders and shoulder-blades….showing how superbly toned she was. She caught him staring again. 'I know. I'm a show-off….' She crooked a finger at him. She took a towel, spread it in the seat of the chair Sydd had vacated…. She motioned for him to spread the other towel at the foot of the chair and to put down the gear…. 'One minute!' she said, and dashed from the room….in less time, she reappeared, a pair of bright red stiletto pumps over her shoulder. 'OK,' she grinned….she sat down, eased her feet into each. The effect on her arch went up the calves to the thighs and ass, and even as she sat, manifested itself in that cock, which she perched on the edge of the seat….he could only stare…

Mouth open…. 'That might be a good start,' she quipped. 'But that's not the technique we want to achieve…. Remember anything about this evening?' He nodded. 'Might as well make yourself comfortable,' she motioned to his robe. He let it drop. She whistled. And gave him a wink. She pointed and he kneeled between her thighs. 'Back a bit,' she directed….

'The mirror….' He handed it to her. 'No, Silli…. Not for me. For you.' Again a look of total confusion…. She laughed…. 'Put on your lipstick…. Remember? "Persona"; "lesson?" Those are all part of it…. If a girl's gonna suck this cock, she better be fine; and she better be ready…. Lipstick, please'….Avia's cock bobbed in accord….

After a couple of tries, 'Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. In fact, you've done pretty good.' He looked in the mirror. 'Not bad,' in the back of his head, then something he never expected, he felt it in his cock, too….

'Come here, Lover,' she said…. 'School time…..'

He opened his mouth wide—as wide as he could to accommodate her thickness…. 'No. No. No. she said softly; stopping him. 'You don't remember, do you? The object here is control….enough control to even make this cock'—she pointed—'cum when you want it to.' Then she winked. 'O yeah, you can do it, if you practice…. So think back on this evening. What happened for you?'

He sat back on his haunches, look up at her, and genuinely smiled for the first time that day. Then he puckered up. Made a tight, tight 'O,' slid his hand beneath her balls and locked his thumb and forefinger in a manual cock-ring. 'O!' she winced. 'You are a quick study….' He forced the head of her cock through the amazing small opening he had made of his thickly glossed lips….

Like she had, he took as much as he could after forcing her through that tightness. Unlike Avia, he gagged. She giggled, then, stifled herself. He came up for air, then attacked her again; same tight-mouth technique, only tighter. This time, she squirmed when he forced her through. This time, he didn't bother to go all the way down. He clamped on to the head, teeth just beneath the ridge of the crown…. Now she really squirmed; even cursed under her breath…. This time she tried to buck; and this time he held her powerful thighs down so he could control….

She was panting and thrashing, and he was enjoying himself too much to notice…. Her arms came up from the chair side and grabbed the back of his neck. Her hands clamped the back of his head and forced the length of her cock to the back of his throat. Held him, and fucked his face, royally…. She slid in and out of those coated lips. She cussed and spoke to the goodness of his hot mouth—she even called him 'Bitch!'…. Then she gave him her cream…. Thrust up into his mouth, two, three more times, and collapsed back in Sydd's chair….

He sat back, looking at her. She roused herself. Bent forward to gently kiss him—his lipstick mussed (as it should be)—to taste herself…. 'You did good, Boo,' she purred, out of breath….

The voice from the door, 'Good…. But you lost control…. Try again. When you can….' Sydd went back to bed…..



There was much practice that week. Howling in high heels as he first staggered from room to room. Then praise as his competence increased. 'Look. You won't wear the damn things all the time. They're mostly ceremonial—the way all fetish is…. The key is to become skilled enough in them to be comfortable, and therefore, convincing when you do….' There was lipsticking and glossing…. And then of course, there was all the attention he paid to Avia's cock—not to mention the attention she hadgiven his in the week he had spent at Sydd's. The two of them shared a sumptuous bed….

'Sydd,' Avia said…breathless for the umpteenth time, 'He is soooooo good! You ought to try him, Girl!' Sydd looked from Avia to him—he tonguing his lips like some over-indulged cat—'tomcat,' at that, as Sydd glanced at that hard thick rod between he's thighs in need of attention—and back to Avia.

'I considered that, Pretti. But, I think I'm gonna pass. However, judging the state of things, you'd better take care of all that goodness he's got for you.' Another wink for both of them. 'We've got a date for Friday with a very important professor….'



'Alright, Dahlins,' Sydd began in her mother's exaggerated southern drawl, 'It's prep time. But first, a phone-call….' It was late Thursday afternoon; the three of them crowded round the speaker-phone in the living room. The clouds—they seemed almost at window height—were that ponderous gray with black linings and purple undersides. The capricious nature of spring weather clearly manifested. Sydd pulled the card from her folio; dialed the number.

Two rings, the voice on the other end, caustic and short: 'Yes?!'

He froze at the sound. Sydd, all honey and hemlock: 'Professor Cragg,' O, too sweetly…. 'you've given me your card on so many occasions, I suppose it's time I put it to good use….'

'Who the hell is this?'

'Mmmmmmm, HH, I love it when you're forceful….' She let it trail off all breathless and frothy….At 'HH', Cragg's voice showed a glimmer of cognition….which 'girl' of all those he fancied? 'Mmmmmm, HH, maybe I need to jog your memory. I remember that big thing of yours between my ass-cheeks last Friday, and surely you remember stroking my big, pretty chocolate candy while you pinched my nipples…. And the things you said….' Sydd let her voice trail off; Avia was trying hard not to have a giggling fit. All he could do was glare….

There was a pause—a long one—'What did I say, my dear?....'

'Mmmmm, Professor, you said you would do anything for a piece of my fine black ass; though, you actually indicated that it was my pretty mouth you really liked. Tell me Professor, you really like black women's mouths, don't you?'

An awkward silence, again. A clearing of the throat, and then over what seemed to be labored breathing, a hoarse, croaking 'Yes.'

Avia whispered, 'I'll be damned, the old muthafucka is jacking right now….' Sydd shot a finger to her lips, and Avia smothered a laugh in her hand….

'So Professor…that is quite a proposition. Surely, you don't mean 'anything?' '

Well, my dear….within reason….'

'Hmmmmmm….within reason, Professor?'

'Yes….that is what I just said. I am willing to pay handsomely for your, er, services….'

'So, HH, when was the last time a woman as fine as me, with my 'equipment' showed you the pleasures of her mouth?' The silence on the other end was painful. Sydd wouldn't let up…. 'My mouth is exquisite, Professor….' They thought there was a slight groan over the line…. 'And I have this extremely bad habit: cock as big as yours makes me lick my lips over and over. And then, you know, I have to pull out my lipstick and gloss and coat them all over again…. I suppose you'd call me an 'oralist,' huh Professor?' Throat clearing on the other end—more a moan….

'Name your price, bitch….' More plea than command ….

'Really Professor?' The 'yes' was croaked; there was a certain sexual anguish to it…. 'Hmmmmm. HH, tell me, how many students will you fail this semester?'

'What?' He sounded shocked; thrown off guard…. 'Why?'

She simply repeated herself: 'How many students will you fail this semester? My lips want to know. My mouth and tongue are curious….'

He could be heard to swallow on the other end. 'Half of the undergraduates; possibly a third of the grads,' he answered shallowly….

'You're hard, aren't you Professor?' Double entendre, terribly purposeful. 'Is it out? Take it out. I want it.' This time, there was nothing disguised in the moan…. 'Mmmmmmm, yes Professor; I think my mouth really wants your big cock….' Another moan—(was that 'O god, yes' in that gasp?)…. 'Can you meet my terms, HH?'

'Anything. Anything.'Cragg panted….

'No, not anything,' Sydd responded coolly and sweetly, 'just this. For every 'F' you intend at the undergraduate level, a passing mark. And for your grad students—what the hell—an "A." How's that sound? Hmmm. You need to tell me quick. I need to rush out and get a fresh supply of lipstick and gloss for that big dick….'

There was a sound on the other end like the phone hitting the floor. It was quickly retrieved. HH was breathless. 'When? How? Grades are due tomorrow at 5:00 pm!' He sounded frantic—about getting his cock sucked, that is.

Sydd, cool as ever: 'See you at 3:30, in your office—I understand it's big and nice. Be sure to have your paperwork done. And have a student who can run it over to the registrar's—we don't want to be interrupted, do we? Once more, you do like pretty black mouths, don't you?' Sydd didn't wait for an answer: 'See ya….' Click….




'Prep time!' she announced; this time in earnest. 'Take him Avia. You know what to do!'

Avia took him by the hand and led him down the hall to the guest bath the two of them shared. She stripped him—always much to her delight—this time, to his bewilderment. Then, in an equally bewildering move, se peeled out of her clothing as well. When the shower was steaming, she opened the door…. 'In you go,' she ordered, with a firm, possessive push on his butt-cheek…. She turned to the whirlpool, began to fill it and dumped in the bath-salts. Then she grabbed her razor and eased into the shower with him….

She got behind him and began to soap him with some wonderful fragrance…. His mind wandered to 'loving this for ever….'

'You like this, Boo?' She whispered, tip-toed, in his ear. He sighed, nodded…. Her soaped hands slipped round his waist to his front; slid along the pelvic ridge and down to his cock….she took him in both hands and began to soap…. She felt him grow thick and heavy. As she hefted his full balls in her soapy palm, the fully erect cock slapped up to his belly…. Another sigh, 'Mmmmmmm,' softly. She let her hands glide up to his pecs, nuzzled her head between his shoulder blades and breathed him in; involuntarily he backed up against her. She was hard and he began to grind. 'I'll take it soon enough,' she thought to herself….then, she said dreamily in his ear—on tip-toes, again—'When you're ready, Baby; when you're ready….'

Mindful of her task, she pinched his nipples before her hand slid back down to the hard, soapy cock…. With her free hand she located the razor. Sliding down the soapy shaft, she raised the balls and began an upward stroke from the inside of his crotch to the base of his balls….in what seemed like seconds, his pubes and cock were completely hairless, as were his upper thighs and the area leading to the crack of his ass…. She made him raise his arms, and 'assume the position' as steamy water ran over the two of them. His armpits shorn, thighs, ass and cock done, she rinsed him…. Turned off the shower and led him out….

Sydd opened the door, and for a moment just stared at the two of them; then looked at Avia and nodded. She crossed from the door and raised his hard cock and stroked it, handled his balls….then she said to both of them, 'He's beautiful.' His cock still in her soft grasp, 'Possibly, some rules just have to be broken,' she winked and Avia beamed. 'Stuff to do….' And she was gone….

Avia pointed to the tub, and he stepped in. it was all so surreal…. He hadn't asked questions; he hadn't protested. He simply followed their instructions. He immersed himself in the oiled tub. Avia sat on the edge, soaped his face and shaved what little hair that might have been there….she moisturized his face and left him to soak for a few minutes….

'So….do we need to arch his brows?' she asked.

'No, we'll pencil them.'

'What about the hair?'

'Hmmmmm…good question. Get a couple of wigs, O.K., Hun?'

They worked on his face, simultaneously trying different wigs—short, medium, long—lots of colors—nothing worked—at least not the way the two of them wanted…. He was becoming frustrated; it was 1:30.

'Make him one of us!' Sydd arched her eyebrows—'Brilliant!' and kissed Avia.

'Just what does that mean?' he asked, looking from one to the other. It seemed as though he hadn't spoken in years—or at least since they had begun the process….

'It means that we've solved the hair crisis, Sweets….' 'And….' 'We're not going to do anything to it; we're going to leave it alone….' He glanced in the mirror panic-stricken….

His face was flawless—absolutely beautiful. He hardly recognized himself. His eyes were a marvel. Their artistry had shaped and colored them; arched eyebrows where none existed. Color sculpted the rest of his face subtly—bridge, cheek bones, jaw and chin—exquisite. Then the mouth…. The mouth—his mouth—was almost 'unmentionable.' It was—literally—'too beautiful.' All he could think, as he looked at it, was that it was meant to be used….then he looked at his head and that mass of unkempt, un-combed naps, and he panicked….

'You….you…you can't leave me like this. You've got to do something!' he stammered….

Sydd almost fell off her seat; Avia was overcome by a fit of giggles…. 'No. No, you poor thing. We're not going to leave you like that,' Sydd laughed. Avia and I, both like the texture and shape of what's going on there, and earrings will balance it out….'

'You do? They will?'

'Yep. But we do need something else…. Eh, Avia?'

'Agreed. But what?'

'Hmmmm…..' Sydd looked round the room and back at him. 'What did you pick out for him to wear, Avia,' Sydd asked, staring intently at his hair…. 'The short, white Chinese tunic—the tight one—white hose, and white cum-fuck-me's'….. 'Hmmmmm…. O.K… Got it! Here's what we do…. Look in the cabinet. There's some black and some blue spray dyes…. Bring them and a couple of towels. We're going to make the hair completely black, and then blue the tips—'You, Sir, are going to be one stunning bitch….'

She was right. In heels, two maybe three inches taller than the other two, he looked like a high fashion model. That was their intent. They were not about the exit in the company of a hoochie…. He was a dark-bronze color—no where as dark as Sydd, but darker than Avia….the face was a head turner, even with the big sunglasses….and the hair—his crowning glory—no pun intended; another tribute to Sydd and Avia's genius….

Sydd called down for a car. Last minute instructions. 'When we get there, it's virtually your show. I'd advise you not to talk. The way you look now he won't recognize you, but if you open your mouth—that is to speak,' she chuckled, 'you might blow it—and not in the way we intend…. O yeah, don't look like that…. You will have to suck his cock—that seals our part of the deal….'

Avia chimes in: 'It won't be so bad, Boobi…. Just remember everything I taught you and all we practiced…. If nothing else, pretend its me fucking that pretty face…. Here, take these….' She placed two condoms in his newly manicured hand, and gave him a peck on the cheek…. 'They're flavored….' She gave him a peck on the cheek—didn't want to muss his make up….

The phone rang. 'Car's here. Shall we go?'



He and Avia slid into the back seat; Sydd climbed in next to the driver. The black cat suit, short black leather jacket, the five inch black ankle-boot, and the attitude must have said she was in charge….though the driver would never pick up on it, she was 'un-harnessed'—the only thing between 11+ inches of cock and an adoring public, was a thin layer of spandex. She was packing and packed…. Call it a motivator, an incentive, for HH. It would certainly be the first thing he would notice…. 'Where to, Ms?'

'The University, please….'

Avia shifted in her black, vested pin-striped, business suit. Of course the skirt was scandalously short, but the long jacket obscured that when necessary. The starched white blouse—three buttons undone, and lots of cleavage—lent itself to an image of corporate exotica—they'd be lining up to work under her. Her stockings were charcoal seams, Cuban-heeled—a habit acquired from Sydd. Her pumps, five-inch stilettos, were black and white spectators. The copper-topped one complemented all this with gray lenses….

The center of attention was in the 'white Chinese' as they put it….brocaded, high collared, dragon-motifed spandex, short, with modest splits. The hose were white, as were his opened toed, closed-back, five-inch pumps. Over this was a white silk duster….

The total image: a stylish aunt and two equally stylish nieces paying a visit to campus—the 'admissions tour' possibly? Who would know?....




They strode into the office. Sydd paced to the desk; motioned the other two to sit. The secretary looked up; mildly alarmed—startled. The creature was black, incredibly beautiful, commanding. 'Yes?' the secretary managed.

Sydd flashed the amazing smile. 'We have an appointment with Professor Cragg.' Before the 'and you are' could be registered, Sydd had turned an imperious back on the woman and crossed the room to seat herself with her gorgeous 'charges'….

'Your 3:30 is here, Professor.'

The gruff, almost discourteous reply was an unmistakable voice. 'Is that runner here?'

'Yes Professor.'

'Tell him I want him. Immediately!'

The door opened to Cragg's inner sanctum. He peered out. His eyes fell almost immediately on Sydd, and an extremely broad, almost garish grin broke his angular face. His pants began to tent as well. As he crossed the room to offer his hand, he growled at the secretary, 'Where is that runner?'

'He's coming in the door now, Sir.'

'Good. Have him wait. I'll be right out. You may leave for the day. I'll take care of this….'

As Cragg offered greetings the secretary scurried out, and the young man remained by the door trying not to stare at the three black beauties. Cragg made no such pretense….he leered. First at Sydd who had purposefully stood up so that Cragg could take in all of the stiletto-enhanced, 5'8-9 package; and also so he might see the thickness snaking down her inner thigh…. 'Ladies. What a pleasure….' Taking Sydd's hand.

Sydd, reserved in front of the young man, offered, 'Professor…. We're so delighted that you could take time out of your busy day to see us. My nieces…. May we speak in your office?'

'Certainly, dear lady….' Curtly to the student, 'Wait!'

Cragg gestured to the office door. Sydd motion for Avia to remain in the sitting room and moved him through the door before Cragg. Cragg was both perplexed and avaricious—did he lick his lips as the two black jewels entered into his space?

'Well, Professor,' Sydd began, 'do we still have a deal?'

'As you are here my dear, I would say that we certainly do.' 'May I see the grade-sheets? Cragg passed them to her. She gave them a quick glance. 'Would you be so good as to sign them?'

Cragg did so with a flourish. Sydd extended her hand once more. Cragg passed her the papers once again and she passed them to her 'niece' who was sitting on the sofa, angled away from the professor. There was a quick perusal, the slightest of nods—his name and grade had been found. The papers were passed back…. 'You may call your student, now.'

The papers were dispatched. Cragg made an inquiry about Avia. 'Insurance,' Sydd responded. 'She's to see that we remain undisturbed.'

'And this young beauty?' Cragg said motioning toward the sofa….

'Call her a bonus for such a daring wager,' Sydd replied, standing and unzipping her catsuit from the turtleneck through the crotch and up to the small of her back….the sight of her semi-hard cock spilling out brought a shallow gasp from Cragg's throat….

In tune, the 'bonus' shifted on the sofa. The shadows obscured the face slightly, but not to the degree that it detracted from its beauty…in fact, it provided a certain allure….and the lighting did nothing to hide another thick, black cock resting and leaking across the top of the stocking band…. Cragg licked his lips again….

Now, Professor…here is the bonus. My niece is eager to please; and terribly beautiful as well….' Cragg was mesmerized….the niece, as if on cue, opened her legs wider, and presented a cock that stiffened, lengthened, and thickened….Sydd caught his attention again….speaking, while she massaged her own beautiful cock….

'It just occurs to me, Professor, being the observer of the human condition that I am. You might be just as happy sucking cock, as having your cock sucked….'


Before Cragg could reply, Sydd went on: 'Look at her, Professor. She's is absolutely beautiful. Beyond that she is hot and sensuous…. When's the last time you sucked pretty black cock, HH? You owe it to yourself. There will never be another offer like this—and I assure you, the opportunity to experience her will never occur again….' The 'never' was emphatic….

The 'niece's cock looked absolutely huge to Cragg. The color of the face; the exotic hair-do; the tight, white oriental dress; the heels, simply enhanced all that cock…. Cragg glanced at Sydd handling her own massive piece….he thought he heard/saw the word 'cock-sucker' roll effortlessly over the full, thick, red-shellacked lips…. Cragg looked between the 'niece's' firm thighs, and sank to his knees….

Late that afternoon, Harry Cragg gave an entirely new meaning to the idea of 'student fucking'…. The cock that pistoned in and out of his face was there by the quirkiest twist of fate. Yet…. it was also there as testimony to a community aphorism: 'you've got to bring ass to get ass….'




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