Crystal's StorySite

Hammerson House: Secrets of a Bimbo Future               by: Zedd


I inherited the old Hammerson mansion when I was 22, back in 1992. At that time I was busy doing my stint in the navy, keeping the country safe and all. So I never had the time to come and take a look at the old place until now. Of course, ‘now’ was seven years later with me out of the service and still having no source of money. All I had to show for my efforts were a duffel bag full of almost out of date clothes, except for blue jeans, and $27 in a moldy wallet I had intended to replace years ago. I thought for sure a good looking guy like myself could find employment somewhere. I was tall, and built pretty good, but lacked that motivation that spurs people on to greater heights and success and such. I didn’t have any motivation what-so-ever. No ambitions or goals to speak of, and no ideas of what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. So far, I had been a huge failure to everyone, including myself.

Funny that a person like myself should have a house when most people only dream about one, trapped in apartment life, or still living with their parents.

I looked up at the old place as the taxi blew gravel over me. Upset no doubt because I stiffed him. I needed to stretch my dollars as far as they could now since I was rapidly running towards the last bit of my rope. So close, I could see the frayed end that would mark the end of my life. I knew when my money ran out, so would my life. I guess that’s why I had come here. This house had belonged to my great Aunt Melissa Hammerson. I guess you could say she was the black sheep of the family.

Until old Jack had come along, anyway.

I had heard the same rumor about Aunt Melissa ever since I could remember, that she was a whore. She had turned her house into a brothel and ran it herself for a number of decades. No one in the family ever visited her I guess, so how I could have inherited the place was unknown to me. I don’t ever remember seeing her as a kid, and frankly doubt that if I had, I couldn’t have made any kind of an impression.

The place looked like it came out of an old B movie set, complete with gothic architecture, cobwebs, broken windows and such. A nice comfortable place for a loser like me. No doubt there were furry little friends inside waiting to keep me company.

Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I walked up to the old double doors that were partially covered in grime and vines. It wasn’t too bad though. Obviously, someone had been here before and kept the entrance at least passable.

I owned the place now so who cared what I did. It was painfully evident the place wasn’t worth anything anymore. I opened the front door, only mildly surprised it wasn’t locked, and strolled in.

Inside wasn’t much better than the outside. The place smelled of mildew and dust, rotting carpet and, something else. I couldn’t place my finger on it.

Perfume maybe?

At the very least the place was furnished. The furniture old and dust covered, but quaint. There was some old candlesticks sitting in front of an old painting of a lady I’d never seen before. I guess a relative, but I’m not sure. I’m almost sure some of the pieces looked antique enough to fetch a few dollars.

I tossed the duffel onto a large couch in what I would dub the parlor. I wasn’t sure of the terms that were used when this place was alive, and the room looked like the type to entertain guests in. The ceilings were high, the rooms spacious and I was dry and out of the weather. Things could definitely be worse.

Suddenly, there was a loud thump in one of the rooms above me that made me jump out of my skin! I bolted up the stairs, taking two at a time, and made my way into a room where I thought the noise likely came from.

The door stood open and revealed a bedroom that was definitely lived in by a woman. A big four poster bed with pale pink covers and lace. Dainty looking furniture and real paintings of sweet looking woman wearing fancy dresses.

I was looking for something like a drifter, a bum, someone who wanted a dry place to sleep tonight and thought the old abandoned place looked right nice. But I didn’t see anyone. There was a large trunk at the window, looked like an old steamer trunk, and a closet door that was partially open.

So that’s where they were.

I crept over to the door as quietly as I could then wrenched it open, expecting to see someone cowering in a corner in the empty space. Or maybe they’d scream in fright! They knew they were trespassing so some satisfactory reaction would be coming.

Except there wasn’t anyone there! Not only that, but the closet was full of clothes, too!

I looked around as best I could, not wanting to disrupt any bats or critters, and started to make my way out when I noticed something weird all of a sudden. I looked at some of the clothes that were in there and realized that a lot of them were very nice. They were clean, at least they smelled clean, and looked as if they were new! Some were even in plastic! Now that was strange.

I noticed an electric blue satin dress that smelled real nice and took it down to get a better look. I laid it down on the bed where there was better light, and again marveled at the absurdity of finding this here. Not only this one, but a whole closet full of clothes that looked brand new.

This particular one looked like one of those tube dresses. Where it hugs every part of the woman’s body and makes her so much hotter to look at. It didn’t have sleeves, or any length, or really any taste to it. As a matter of fact, it looked like a dress either a hooker would wear, or a porn actress at a porn awards show.

I smiled as I imagined the type of woman who could wear this. Too bad she’s not hiding around here!

The whole thing about finding new clothes here got me thinking something was going on. Maybe someone was here and just learned to hide really good, and they were waiting for me to leave again.

I checked the old dresser and wasn’t really surprised to find the drawers full of stuff. The first one was full of nylons and stockings and stuff. The second was full of panties of all kinds. And I do mean ‘all kinds.’ There were some really hot looking panties in there, and my desire to see the person that owned them was getting stronger by the minute! The rest of the drawers were full of clothes also. Bras, sweaters, tee shirts, slips, jeans, etc. Everything that a woman needs!

I looked around the room once more before leaving. I was almost convinced there was someone here, and she was just hiding from me. Probably scared.

I was going to leave when I spotted the trunk by the window. My curiosity was in full force so I went over to it and lifted the heavy lid.

I was kind of expecting something along the same lines as what I’ve been finding. Like a trunk full of dresses, or coats or something. Not these things!

Inside the trunk was a variety of boxes, both small and large. after a while of blowing dust off and opening them, I determined that inside these was jewelry of all types, from pins to brooches, earrings to necklaces. Just about every kind of jewelry I could imagine was here.

Of course, they were all fake! One particular ring caught my eye for a moment though. As if, when I was about to close the trunk up, it sort of sparkled at me. Maybe it winked at me! It wasn’t something I would normally wear, but maybe when I walked into town I could pawn it for a few dollars.

Hell, maybe it was worth a lot more! Do women who sell their bodies wear real jewelry?

I thought about it for a minute before deciding that I really didn’t know. I tended to remember that my great Aunt Melissa Hammerson was always having some sort of problem. I don’t really remember what sort though.

Shrugging, I slipped the ring unto my smallest finger and went looking for something I could use. I was no longer in the mood for history.

I went downstairs, not caring if anybody was left up there, and decided to check out the rest of the house later. Right now I wanted to check out the kitchen to see if anything edible had been left behind. I'm sure though if anything were here, it wouldn’t look like food anymore.

I found several boxes of dry cereal but hesitated eating any for the several holes at the bottom of them. Mouse holes I would think. I found the stairs leading down to the basement but decided to check that out for later. There wasn’t any electricity, and it was awful dark down there. Not that I was scared, mind you, I just didn’t want to hurt anything in my panic to protect myself with whatever club I might have been carrying at the time.

After a about two hours of searching, all I came up with was a bunch of molding furniture, which could still be worth something, and various junk that people leave behind when they move.

That left the upstairs for me to investigate.

I sighed for emphasis and began to trudge up the worn carpeting on the stairs to the second floor. I already knew what was in the front middle bedroom, so had however many bedrooms left to search, bathrooms, sewing rooms, and whatever. It was a very big house.

Several hours later and I came up with nothing but dirt and cobwebs, a nasty bruise on my left leg, and a sour disposition. I was very tired, and annoyed that the only thing that might be worth anything had been in the very first room I had looked in. I walked in again, almost expecting someone to dive for cover since I had been so quiet, but was dissapointed.

I didn’t have much time to think about that when I felt the most peculiar feeling in my hand and fingers! Idly, I shook my hand, thinking it was beginning to fall asleep. Fortunately, it only lasted for about a minute before the feeling abruptly stopped. I glanced at it for a second then abruptly stopped dead in my tracks.

My HAND had changed!

Each of my nails had grown to about 3" long and was painted a bright red! I held out my hand away from me, and started running around the room. I looked like an idiot, I know, but I was freaking!

Finally I calmed down and looked at my hand again. The nails were very long, brightly painted, and looked really sexy! My hand looked smooth and sexy in a very feminine way, and looked perfectly natural with ultra long, bright red nails on top of the smooth, dainty fingers.

How in the world did this happen?

I looked at my other hand, but it seemed to be perfectly normal! I held up both hands and was startled by the contrast. My normal right hand was all right, by any way I could fathom, but my left hand, the one I put that ring on, was smaller, finer, and in all ways, a woman’s hand!

I didn’t immediately connect what had happened to my hand with the ring, at least not then and there. I studied my right hand, expecting to somehow see it transform-ing in front of me, when I absently scratched a small itch on the cheek. I didn’t think anything about it until my face started feeling a little weird. I looked around me, not really thinking about anything, when I began to suspect that the ring on my finger was responsible!

I went over to the big mirror at the dresser. Oh NO! That couldn’t be my face looking back could it? My eyes were all wrong, big and round, and my cheeks were higher than I remembered them! My mouth was smaller but my lips were fuller! Even my jaw line was smaller, finer! More feminine? Yes, I’d have to say so! In fact, if I ignored my body and just saw my face, I’d say I was looking at a girl! Damn!

I grabbed the ring and tried to pull it off. Naturally, it didn’t come off, just like in a horror movie. That’s what I was beginning to feel like I was in!

The sun was starting to set outside, so the inside was getting to be really dark. I had no electricity so would be sleeping in the dark. Glancing at the bed, I surmised that I would be sleeping with no heat or light but would still be comfortable! I could undress in the dark if I wanted to, which I wasn’t sure I did, so continued my stress filled moment.

How was I going to get this ring off? I looked around, seeing the feminine room I was standing in, then glanced at the ring on my feminine finger. Was I going off the deep end here, believing that this ring was somehow transforming me into some sort of girl? Or was I being just a wee bit paranoid? I held up both hands for comparison again, and thought that, yeah, maybe the ring was transforming me!

It was really starting to get dark now, and I knew that if I was fooling around with magic, or something, I had better do it in the light of day.

I sort of prayed to my old dead Aunt Melissa that if she was going to kill me in my sleep, that she make sure I was really asleep!

I felt the house was secure enough for me to get a nights sleep, despite what I had gone through today. I’m sure the noise I first heard earlier was probably an animal anyway. A raccoon or something that heard me below.

I stripped off my clothes, accidentally scratching myself with those 3" claws I had, and slipped under the old blankets on the bed. That fact that I was essentially sleeping in a girls bedroom didn’t matter one iota with me. Perhaps tomorrow it wouldn’t be a girls room after I got done with it.

With thoughts of having a huge yard sale, and making enough money to buy a ticket back home, I slipped into a restless sleep.


The next morning came sooner than I would have wanted. They always did. The morning light shone through the window at a intrusive slant making sleeping in a hard thing to do. Sitting up in bed, I yawned and stretched, idly scratching myself painfully with my left hand. I had forgotten about those nails!

With a new morning came new insight into my problem. If I didn’t find some way to reverse this effect, then I would simply cut the nails down to a manly level. Of course I still had the feminine hand to deal with.

I slipped out of bed and pulled my pants on only to stop and stare at my legs. Not a single hair graced my skin, and as I inspected further I found that from the neck down I was entirely devoid of hair. It had all fallen out! I looked at the mattress, expecting to see all my hair lying there, except there wasn’t!

I stood there with my pants around my ankles, scratching my head, and trying to figure out just what kind of magic, or curse, or whatever I was in.

My scalp tingled greatly as I began to see cascades of my own hair fall down around my face and shoulders! My hair was out of control now, that much was true! I walked over to the mirror, and fell because of my pants at my ankles. Pulling at them savagely, I buttoned them and looked at myself in the mirror, only to see a girl’s head framed by an avalanche of dark brown curls that traveled halfway down my back! I turned this way and that, studying my reflection a little, thinking how silly I was beginning to look. I needed to get the hell out of here!

I walked downstairs, not really knowing what was going on just yet. There was something peculiar going on as I walked into the kitchen and started looking around for some food. I knew there wasn’t any, and thought about not eating for a third day would do for me.

Perhaps I could order a pizza from a nearby phone. There had to be neighbors around here. I was quite a bit out from town though, so didn’t imagine anybody delivering a pizza here, especially to an old mansion like this one. Not to mention being seen by someone looking the way I did just then.

But if I kept my left hand in my pocket, and tied my hair back, I should look somewhat presentable. At least I wouldn’t look like some freak!

I never checked the basement though! Maybe there were some food down there!

I found the stairway down to the basement easily. They were old and covered in dust and cobwebs, but still seemed strong enough to hold my weight. Too bad I didn’t have a light with me. Like a candle, or something.

Wait a minute! I saw some candles in the front room! Hurriedly, I ran back and picked up two, noting the painting in front of me. She seemed almost pretty, in an out of date sort of way. She almost appeared to be smiling at me. Spooky!

I reached the bottom of the stairs, the candle flame doing an adequate job of illuminating the floor, and looked around cautiously. Shelves of junk, too covered in dust to tell what it was, an old wine rack against the wall, a few trunks, and filth.

I immediately picked out a couple of bottles of wine before going over to the trunk and lifting its dust covered lid. Inside were stacks of dirty magazines, some really nice lingerie from about 30 years ago, some more fake jewelry, and a shoe box.

That looked interesting to me, an old shoe box sitting in a trunk in the basement, so I lifted the lid off only to see a pair of black leather ladies shoes with a 5" heel. I was very disappointed.

I don’t know why but I picked up the shoes and took them with me upstairs to the front bedroom. I set them down on the floor next to the trunk.

I started feeling a little faint then, or maybe going a little crazy from lack of food. I wasn’t sure, maybe a little both?

I went over and peered at my reflection, noting the long hair, the feminine face, and now the smooth slender neck.

"What the . . ?" I muttered in a high feminine voice. My eyes popped open wider at what I just heard come out of my mouth. What happened to my voice?

"Testing. Testing. One, two, three." I said aloud. It was definitely a girl’s voice, both high and sweet. Maybe a little too high. I was slowly changing from my handsome maleness, into a girl!

What if, after it changed me from a guy into a girl, it could change me back? Like a one way street. That was an interesting line of thought, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to sacrifice the rest of my body.

"Huh?" I watched as my right hand began to tingle. In under a minute, it was an exact duplicate of my left hand, complete with the 3" bright red nails! I held up both hands and looked at them, marveling at the sheer sexiness of them while realizing how much trouble they were going to be when I got the opportunity to buy some food.

"Of course, I wouldn’t have any problem at all buying food if I looked like a sexy girl." I said aloud.

It was as if the whole house breathed! I looked around wide-eyed, and for the first time in my life believed in ghosts! I was so shook, I had goose bumps! It almost felt like I was tingling all over!

Then I realized I WAS tingling all over! I stepped in front of the mirror again and watched as my middle began to draw itself in, giving me a wasp waist! My hips slowly started too round out and widen, causing my jeans to become very tight.

Hurriedly, I unbuttoned and pulled them off before they ripped..

That’s when I saw how smooth and sexy my legs were becoming! Half of me marveled at the sheer eroticism of those limbs while the other half, my male half, started shrieking! I wouldn’t be able to wear shorts anymore for fear of some guy whistling at me!

My whole upper torso shrank and narrowed some while my lower half stayed about the same. My arms were slender, without any of the muscle I had, and made me feel weak, while my manly chest became totally unmanly! I lifted my tee shirt and watched as my chest turned into a soft, feminine upper torso, my nipples doubling, then tripling in size! I moaned aloud, half because I was losing myself, and half because what I was feeling was making me so horny! The sensations of my nipples becoming erect, then growing larger yet again made me week-kneed.

I couldn’t help myself as I sat back onto the bed and stared as suddenly breasts appeared. They were conical, the nipples easily covering two thirds of them, but began growing themselves!

I could feel each growth spurt! Each time my heart beat, I could feel them grow larger, and felt a wave of pleasure shoot through me.

I sat on the bed, my long nails holding my tee shirt up as I watched my breasts getting bigger and bigger! The nipples were about the size of my thumbs and stuck out a good inch, and the breasts themselves were beginning to match them in proportion! Already they jut out from my shrunken chest a good 8" and still grew!

I needed to stand, a part of me starting to cramp, so stood with my legs locked straight and leaned against the dresser. This thrust out my ass, which felt good to me, but I sensed something was going to happen as I attempted to stretch my spine a little. I could feel my hips widen with a sudden crack and pop, which caused me only a small amount of discomfort, but also realized that my hips had now become extraordinarily wide! I looked over my shoulder at the width of my body, and frowned.

There was no way I was going to be able to hide this from anyone!

Keeping my legs locked, I arched my back and felt how good it made me feel, and realized that every time I did, my ass would swell larger. I couldn’t help myself though! I needed to crack my back! I made several attempts, each time rewarded with a slight easing of the compulsion, but also with an ass a little bigger each time.

Still bent over, my overly large ass sticking up behind me, whipped my hair to the side and rested my head on my arms. I happened to glance down and saw my breasts dangling beneath my chest.

"Holy Shit!" I screamed. Why was this happening to me? My breasts looked like bowling balls hanging from me, the nipples the size of . . I didn’t know what!

I looked into the mirror but could only see my face at the bottom, because I still could not stand up. Evidently, I was still changing!

That’s when I realized how much more different I looked than a little while ago! My lips had plumped and protruded some more, giving me an extreme erotically exotic look! My eyes were a light green, surrounded by long dark lashes, and my cheeks were full apples that pulled my lips up into a smile against my will!

I rested my head again, feeling my hair covering my shoulders, and my breasts swaying beneath me, and thought about what I was going to do now. I stayed like that for a little while until I discovered that whatever had been changing me was done. I stood up shakily, feeling how completely different I was, and glanced into the mirror.

I was totally blown away by the vision reflected back at me. I was gorgeous!

I was about 5’2" tall, but could only guess at my weight. Maybe 110 pounds? My hips looked overly wide while my waist looked a little on the narrow side. My breasts looked even larger than I had first thought, possibly somewhere in the ‘Oh Shit’ range! I looked at myself, overcome by my beauty, when suddenly I realized just what had happened!

I looked like a freaking porn queen! What was I going to do now? I couldn’t go into town like this? Or could I?

Everyone would think I was a real girl, so I could get away with quite a bit. Why would I think of that? If I dressed myself up and went into town, I’ll bet I could con a couple of people, get some groceries, some new clothes. Who would know?

Looking at my reflection again, I couldn’t help but feel my new body, sliding my hands up my side until they were at my breasts. I had to swallow a moan, it felt so good!

I would need to clean myself a little. Kicking off my pants and underwear, I threw the tee shirt on top of them and strode, naked, into the bathroom.

Somehow, I knew exactly where it was going to be! Thankfully, there was still running water, otherwise I wouldn’t know what to have done!

Now relatively clean, I opened the dresser drawers and picked out some under-garments to wear. Spying myself in the mirror, I saw a very sexy woman looking back at me. The nipples were very prominent, and a deep pink in color, and the size of my breasts were huge on my small frame. I loved having big, bouncy melons that everyone enjoyed looking at!

My whole body shook with a surprised spasm as I realized that I had thought that! What was happening to me?

I had the strangest sense of déjà vu. It seemed I was feeling a little upset about something, but couldn’t place my finger on what it exactly was.

I thought about it a little, one hand twirling a strand of hair, while the other rested itself on my hip, unintentionally striking a very female pose. In a little bit the feeling went away.

I bounced in front of the mirror, gasping at how gorgeous I had become. I saw a beautiful girl standing there with a 36 G bust, her nipples also huge and erect from the cool air, and my own excitement! Somehow, I knew exactly what my measure-ments were. My chest was 44", my waist was 20", and my hips were a round 38". Sometimes I thought that if the Lord hadn’t given me such a huge ass, I would have been a model. Oh well! I’d come to love how big and bouncy my ass had become! There were a lot of men out there that loved a woman with a wide load like mine! And I just loved the attention that they gave me, or would give me. I keep forgetting! I couldn’t suppress a cute giggle.

"Now to get dressed!" I said with undisguised excitement. Happily, I finished picking out my undergarments then started dressing myself. I didn’t even blink at finding a satin under-wire in a size that fit. Once attired in bra, panties, stockings, and a sexy garter belt, I walked into the closet to choose a dress. The blue one on the bed I had picked out earlier was far too classy to wear during the day, so I picked out a little white blouse and combined that with a black and white checked pleated skirt. The waist was snug so really showed what a dynamite figure I had. My big breasts really filled out the blouse, too! I could see several of the buttons were gapping and straining! My cute round ass would be playing peek-a-boo when I moved too quickly, which I would be doing without question! Maybe I should pick out a pink pair of panties, ones with lots of lace? I thought about it for a while before deciding to stick with the white ones.

"They’re sexy, too." I spoke to no one in particular. I’m glad my voice now sounded like the little high school girl I pretending to be. I would need a character to fool everyone with if I wanted my plans to go all they way. It was my intention to reopen Hammerson House again!

I had a great idea! I needed someone to help me! I would have to go into town, maybe make some friends with some older, lonely men, have some fun with them and make some money so I could buy things! I bet I could meet someone right away!

I was very excited at the prospect of making some money soon, and knew that not a lot of men would be able to turn down such a sexy little girl like myself. I posed in front of the mirror sexily, squeezing my breasts together enticingly and blew myself kisses with my full plump lips. I was a man pleaser!

I slipped into the 5" heels, surprised I could still wear them after so long, and instantly got aroused at the thought of what I would look like to all the men that would be seeing me for the first time. I was going to make so many dicks hard wherever I went, no one wasn’t going to know what to do first!

I dug around in the closet and thankfully found a suitable purse. Making sure everything was clean enough from dust, I wiggled my cute, plump ass down the stairs, making sure my breasts got in plenty of bouncing, and went out the front door. The sun was almost straight up, so that meant it was about noon. The taxi had to go through town before it got here, and I knew the town wasn’t that far away, so I would just wiggle my ass down the road a bit. I was sure I could flag down a ride.

It took longer than I thought but I eventually made it to town. Not a single car had come down the road as I strolled, making the trip rather boring.

I spied a gas station and decided to check in to see about getting a soda. Walking too long always makes me thirsty.

"Afternoon, ma’am." A young, grease smeared mechanic suddenly appeared in the garage next to the door. His eyes had addressed my chest and didn’t stray from there until I said ‘Hi’ back. I guessed him to be about middle twenties, in superb shape with an almost body builder physique. His hair was very light brown which actually made his tanned body really nice.

"What can I get for ya, cutey?" He drawled at me, his desire making his hick accent that much more hick. He followed me in to the store part as he was talking, and made himself comfortable behind the register, all the while undressing me with his eyes.

"Well, I was really thirsty for starters." I said with my little girl voice. I pretended to look around while I toyed with the hem of my skirt, sometimes lifting it just a little. His eyes were glued to what I was doing, hoping I wouldn’t notice. I smiled at him with my whole face, genuinely glad of his company, and accidentally lifted one side of my skirt, showing my white satin panties and plump ass. "But I just can’t make up my mind!" I pouted prettily. I pretended to suddenly notice some bad stitching in the hem of my skirt, and held it up in front of me, boldly displaying my panties.

His eyes all but bugged out of his head as my shapely legs smoothly ran against each other as I shifted my stance continually. I was even beginning to turn myself on I thought as I noticed my huge erect nipples under the light blouse and thin satin cups of the bra!

"Well . . ." He cleared his voice as he quickly looked around outside for other customers, deftly flipping the open sign over to closed. "I think I’ve got some soda back behind the garage." He smiled as he walked around the little counter to stand in front of me. I could see his pants tenting from a huge erection straining at the seams! This guy was really hung! "Unless, of course, you’re looking for a little cream." He laughed at his own little joke.

I smiled back, licking my lips, as I gazed at his crotch and absently caressed my left breast with my long nailed fingers.

"If you’ve got any cream, I hope you don’t mind if I suck it up." I shamelessly asked as I dropped to my knees in front of him and unzipped his pants.

I couldn’t tell if he had been more happy, or more surprised at what I did. He could only watch as I started a slow swallowing of his meat into my mouth. I couldn’t help myself from moaning as I felt him throb in my throat, my fingers gently scraping the pole still visible to us both. Dazedly, he laid his hands on the back of my head and watched me take his cock fully down my throat, then slide my lips back off. I really liked sucking a big cock, and his was very big! Nice and thick and long! Moaning, I gobbled his cock again, making sure to massage his pole as I swallowed it, trying to coax a little cream to come my way. I grabbed his ass and pulled his cock into my mouth to force it down my throat. Immediately, I began to swallow for all I was worth because he couldn’t take it any longer and began to spew his load. There was quite a bit of it but I managed to swallow every drop before cleaning his softening tool with my tongue. With a final kiss, I tucked him back into his pants and zipped him up. I looked up at him and smiled broadly. He had the most stunned but contented looks about him that I’ve ever seen on a person!

"That was . . . fantastic!" He finally spurted out.

"I’m glad you liked it." I told him as I stood. I ran my hands down my sides, smoothing my skirt out, and looked at him again. "If you want to fuck me, all you have to do is give me some money so I can buy some groceries. I just moved into the old Hammerson Mansion and there isn’t anything there to eat."

"Hammerson house!" He exclaimed. "But that place is haunted!"

"Nonsense. I spent the night there last night and nothing happened. Besides," I took his hands and placed them on my big breasts, letting him feel them all he wanted. "If you want to fuck my tight pussy, that’s where I’ll be." I rose up and kissed his mouth ‘little girl’ like.

"How . . how much do you need?" he asked shakily. I smiled and licked my lips sensuously. I reached down and massaged his straining cock, a little amazed he was hard again, and spoke erotically into his ear. His eyes may have widened at the figure, but his hands were full of the hottest woman he had ever seen in his life.

As I headed out the door, leaving a dazed but excited mechanic behind me, he whistled at me.

"That’s one fine ass you got there!" I half turned his way, framing my body seductively for him, and ran my hands over the cheeks of my ass, lifting my skirt in the process!

"Thanks!" I said sexily. "Maybe tonight you can show me how much?" I licked my swollen lips enticingly. He just swallowed and grinned from ear to ear.

"UH, I don’t even know your name!" He shouted after me. I turned again briefly, and shouted back.


Counting the twenties carefully, I made a mental list of the things I would need right away. Some things, like really sexy clothes for all the girls would have to come a little later on when things got going a little better. I had to smile for the first time in my life, because I was beginning to amount to something! For the first time I could think of, I thought, "Wouldn’t my parents be proud!"


This is the End of Part One!

Part Two is in progress!


© 2001
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.