Crystal's StorySite


How Allen Became Ellen

by Rhonda

part 6


Victoria's story

Victor Lynham O"Malley was a tiny baby when he was born to Gregor and Laura O'Malley, just 16 inches and 5 lbs. When he was 3 months old, his mother was worried about him because he wasn't gaining weight or growing in spite of his appetite. The doctor checked him out and said it was due to an accelerated metablolism which was normal for girls as nature did a test run on their reproductive system, but was not unheard of in boys either. He advised her to keep an eye on the boy, but he seemed absolutely healthy. So it went through Victor's early years, he was very healthy , he just didn't grow much. It wasn't an issue until he turned 5 and it was time for him to go out into the world. When his mother took him down to enroll him in kintergarten, she gave the clerk his birth certificate and immunization records. She examined them, then asked where the child was. When his mother pointed to him, the clerk said "she's a three year old, where's Victor?"

"But I am Victor" he cried.

"Ok have it your way, but he has to know his abc's and numbers to 10 to start kintergarten."

Victor knew all the letters in the alphabet, just not what order they went in, and the same with his numbers. His mother was advised to school him at home and bring him back next year. She worked with him over the next year and hoped he would grow some before then. When they went back the next fall to enroll him he was a wopping 32" tall and weighed 25, or about the size of the average 3 year old. The school had to let him in because state law required every 6 year old to be in school. The next shortest person in his class was a girl who was to turn 5 at the end of the month and was only 4" taller than he. With his carrot red hair , alabaster white complexion, and delicate features he was mistaken for a girl many times through that year and the next. As is usually the case with vulnerable people he was regularly victimized by the class bullys male and female.

By the middle of his kintergarten year he was not allowed out for the two recesses where the kintergarten shared the schoolyard with other grades because he got beat up every day. He was shunned by the boys because he looked like a girl, and by the girls because he acted like a boy. He struggled in school and was regarded by the teachers and other students as not very bright.

Things went much the same for him in 1st grade, then second grade, then second grade again when he failed. He finally got to 3rd grade and it was easier because it was an enhancement of what he already had been exposed to, not the scribble writing or spelling of second grade. There things took a turn for the worse for him if that were possible. One of the girls in the class swore he looked just like the porcelain doll she had gotten for her birthday. She brought it to school the next day and showed them. The doll was 36" tall as was he, and had the same white complexion. Several of the girls came up with the brainstorm to make sure, so they grabbed him on the way to recess and put the dolls dress on him, it fit.

The dolls name according to the box was 'Victoria Ashley'. After bringing the rest of the girls in his class trhough the bathroom to see him, they officially renamed him Victoria, Vickie for short. Within a day he was called Vickie by the entire student body. He ended up in many fights after that, which he lost not for lack of heart, but lack of size and strength. By fourth grade he had gotten the reputation as a troublemaker as well as a dullard and was more or less shuffled off to the back burner of the class. He failed fourth grade, and went through yet another year of the same torment with the same teacher.

His parents had been growing more and more concerned over the years about his lack of size and finally got the family doctor to refer them to the university hospital for more testing. They found him to be in perfect health except that the amount of growth hormone in his system was on the low end. He was a month away from his 13th birthday and was not quite 40 inches tall and not quite fifty pounds. The doctors ther said they would put him on growth hormones if they could keep him there for three days to make sure they regulated the dosage properly. The doctor explained that the hormone would help him, but he probably would never be much over 5 foot even with it. He sarted the medication immediately, and after he was released from the hospital, had to go to the doctor every third Friday to have blood drawn and tested.

The hormones worked miracles. You could almost see him grow. By November he was just shy of 48 inches and almost 60 pounds. That meant he had to have a new suit for the family thanksgiving. He really didn't want to try on clothes, and broke down crying several times on the way to the department store. His mother told him in no uncertain terms that he could not wear the baggy jeans and sweatshirts he had taken as his wardrobe the last couple of months. With the help of a nice matronly clerk at the store, it didn't take long for his mother to pick out two suits and a pair of dress shirts for him to try on. She had to swat him on the butt to make him stop the tantrum he was working himself into about trying on the clothes. Finally he headed into the dressingroom with tears in his eyes and two outfits in his hands. It took him quite a while, long enough that the cleck decided to check on him. She knocked on the door, then opened it. Victor could see her face change from shock to rage as she headed straight for his mom. "Just WHAT are you trying to do to that poor girl, making her dress like that? I should turn you over to Social services." she yelled at Mrs O'Malley at the top of her voice.

"What in the hell are you talking about? She responded.

Grabbing her by the hand, the clerk dragged her to the dressing room, "Look!" she said.

Victor was still standing before the mirror just as she had left him. She noticed the pants were very tight in the hip and very very big in the waist, then she looked at his tee shirt, or more exactly the two significant mounds that stuck out against the fabric. She fainted. The clerk called for the store manager, who had the unconscious lady, the seriously flustered clerk and the sobbing boy all taken to the employee lounge. fortunately for Victor he managed to get his sweatshirt back on before he came out. It took several minutes and two packets of smelling salts to bring his mother around. She looked at Victor and started sobbing uncontrollably for several minutes.

Finally she regained control enough to be talked to.

"You obviously were as surprised by this as I was" said the clerk.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be any trouble, but Victor IS a boy, and I didn't know this about him." She said between sniffles.

"I'm the one who's sorry mom, I shouldn't have tried to hide these, but I thought they would stop growing" Victor said.

"May I please use your phone" she asked.

She immediately called the doctor's office, trying to get him to see Victor immediately. When clerk said she didn't have an opening until a week from tomorrow with tomorrow being Thanksgiving eve, Mrs O'Malley started becoming hysterical again and demanded to talk directly to Dr. Dennis. Hearing the terror in her voice and knowing Laura to usually be very much in cotrol of herself, she finally relented and said she would interrupt the 'very busy' doctor.

When the doctor came on the phone she told him what the problem was.

"Calm down Mrs O'Malley, I didn't understand a single word you said" He told her. "Take 5 deep breaths and start over".

"Breasts doctor, my son has grown tits!"

"Hold on, let me check some things"

After a few minutes of mumbled conversation with the receptionist he came back on the line. "I was going to close the office at noon tomorrow so I could get an early start on the holiday, I've still got twelve patients in the waiting room now so I can't see him today. Would that work?"

"It'll have to do, what time tomorrow?"

"Bring him in at 1, my nurse and I will be the only ones here then and I'll take the whole afternoon to try to figure this out."

She broke down sobbing again. Victor's first instinct was to run away, but he was too sensitive a person to desert his mother in her condition.

He kissed her on the forehead and said he would change back into his jeans and return in a minute. When he got back his mom was still racked with sobs and showed no sign of letting up. He asked to use the phone, and called his dad at work. He tried to explain what was happening but didn't have the nerve to tell his dad over the phone what caused it. His dad agreed to come down and drive them home when he heard his wife in the background. His dad got there about 15 minutes later, and decided it was best to get them in the car headed for home first.

With Victor's help he managed to get her home and sat down on the couch. She started to tell her husband about it, but was babbling so much he couldn't understand a word she said. His sister Coleen, heard the noise and came down to see what the matter was. Victor told her to stay with mom and try to get her calmed down. She sat beside her mother and pulled her to her shoulder. Meanwhile Victor went to the kitchen, got two water glasses, then to the buffet and got his dad's big bottle of irish whiskey. He brought them back into the room and filled them 3/4 full each. "That bad huh? That's a big dose of medicine" his dad said.

Victor didn't say anything. He just squeezed his sister's shoulder affectionately, handed his dad the glass and took his other hand, headed upstairs to his room.

When they got there Victor said "Take a big drink dad you're gonna need it".

His dad did that, then said "Ok why was your mother so upset?"

Victor stood there silently for a while, then as tears started running down his cheeks he lifted his sweatshirt.

His dad looked at his chest for a minute, then drained his glass.

He put down the glass and went over to Victor, wrapping the tiny boy in his huge arms until he stopped crying.

He then lifted his son and sat him on his lap on the bed. Still hugging him he said "Tell me about this".

"Well I first noticed something just after school started. My nipples felt hot and itchy all the time and my shirts hurt, but I figured it would go away so I didn't say anything. Then they started growing, I kept hoping they would stop but they didn't. When they got this big I knew I would have to say something, but I've caused you and mom so much trouble and money over the years I didn't want to cause anymore, besides I still don't know how to tell you and mom. I wish I could just die!"

Nonsense, son, we'll figure a way to get through this. I'll call the doctor in the morning and see when we can get you in".

"Mom already did that before she collapsed. Dr Dennis will see us at 1 tomorrow."

"Ok then, I'll call in to work so I can be with you when you go."

He sat Victor on the bed and went to the door and hollered for Jenny, The oldest of the three children.. He had to yell loud to be heard over her blaring radio. He yelled again, and finally her head popped out of her door. He stepped into the hallway and told her get get Coleen's smallest bra and come to Victor's room.

She did that, and came into his room carrying the bra like it had a disease. "What is this for?"

Victor started sobbing again.

Gregor sat down and calmed Victor down again which took a few minutes. Long enough for Jenny to figure out that the bra was for him.

"What did the squirt do that you're gonna make him wear this?"

Victor wiggled out of his dad's arms and stood up, taking off his sweatshirt.

"Oh my god!" his sister said.

Then she went over and hugged him. "I bet those things hurt like hell, I know mine did at that stage. Take that awful shirt off and I'll be right back."

She went to Coleen's room and got a tube of ointment. Coleen was a year older than Victor and was just finishing up that stage of development.

She returned and helped him finish taking off the shirt She rubbed some of the cream on his red and swollen nipples and then examined the breasts. "This is never going to fit." she said and disappeared again. She came back a few minutes later with one of her old ones, one that Coleen was hoping to grow into.

"I know you hate it, but its' gonna take the cream a while to work and this will make them feel better until then and keep them from getting more irritated than they already are."

She gently settled his breasts into the cups and had to pin the back of the 32B bra because it was too big for his 28 inch chest. Victor quickly grabbed his sweatshirt and put it back on.

"Let's go check on mom" he said trying to divert attention away from the chest his family was still staring at. With the bra on they were plainly visible even with the oversized sweatshirt.

When they got down stairs his mother was just finishing her second glass of whiskey but at least she had mostly gotten control of herself again. Gregor refilled both their glasses and sat down next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. Coleen broke the long silence, saying "Ok, is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" Then she noticed Victor's protruding sweatshirt and added "OH!"

Gregor got up and went to the kitchen, returning with three juice glasses. He filled all three and handed them to his children. "Jenny, phone for a pizza, I can't see anyone in this house cooking tonight".

The family sat in silence while Jenny went to the kitchen and ordered supper. She returned and sat in silence until they had all finished with their glasses. His mom was the one who finally broke the silence "Gregor, what are we going to do?"

"You got a good start on things, we'll see what the doctor has to say about what's causing this, and what can be done, and go from there."

"I know one thing, I can't go to school wearing this thing, they already call me Vickie, even the teacher".

"They what?" his dad said.

"They have since third grade when some of the girls put a dress on me."

"Why didn't you tell us?" his mom asked.

"I've caused enough trouble, I didn't want to make anymore."he said, starting to cry again, "I wish I had never been born!"

"You can tell me now, if people are abusing you its' them causing trouble not you, and they'll get all the trouble they can stand from Gregor O'Malley."

He started by telling them about the doll incident, then the dam broke and he told them about the name calling the beatings, the ostrasization, and the other things they did to torment him, ending with his teacher this year deciding that his official name was Vickie and making him write it on his papers before she would accept them. "That's why I quit bringing them home, even when I get a b or a c."

His mother came over to him and picked him up. She carried him over to her rocking chair and sat him on her lap, rocking him as she held him to her breast. After the pizza came and everybody had eaten, the women shooed Gregor out of the dining room and took off Victor's shirt.

Jenny took the bra off and explained what she had done so far to help him. The whiskey had done its' magic as his mom was slurring her words a bit as she instructed the girls to prepare an aloevera bath and get her moisturizing cream from her room.

They all went up to help. He stripped to get into the tub figuring that since his tits were already bouncing around in public view the rest wouldn't make much difference. His mom stopped him as he was climbing over the side. Making him stand up straight, she noticed that the breasts weren't the only part of him that was becoming female. She had Coleen run and get a tape from her sewing room. She announced the results as she worked her way from his hips and waist to his breast. "32,16, 28 31."

"Holy shit, I"d kill for those measurements" Coleen spoke up "I bet you have the biggest 'real' tits in that school".

"You wouldn't if you were a boy!" Victor answered.

"Do either of you have anything close to fitting that figure?" his mom asked her daughters. "Those bvds are going to have to go, they weren't made to be comfortable in the first place and they certainly won't fit that figure right."

The girls took the tape measure and left. They came back just as Victor's mom was finishing putting the moisturizer over the anesthetic cream.

She explained to him as she went along what the bath and each of the creams were for. "The aloe vera will soothe the inflamation, the novocaine cream will deaden the pain and the moisturizer will make the skin soft so it doesn't hurt as it stretches. The bra will keep your clothes from irritating the nipples."

"We found a few things that will fit but he won't be happy with some of them." Coleen said.

He wrapped the towel around himself and they all went into Coleen's room to see what they found. There were a few pair of panties, mostly pastel, but all cotton, 4 skirts, two dresses, two pair of slacks and three blouses.

Pointing to the skirts, Victor said "I ain't wearing those, or those"pointing to the dresses, "or these" holding up a pink pair of slacks.

He picked up the pair of yellow cotton panties and put them on under his towel. Then he dropped the towel and picked up the navy slacks. They fit except the waist being a little big, and they didn't look girlish if you got past the zipper facing the wrong way. They were definately more comfortable on his hips than his jeans were. He dug through the blouse with the ruffled front, the one with the lace collar and picked up the plain one. His nipples were plainly visible under it, but it didn't bind up and pinch like his tee shirts.

"I'll wear these" he announced.

"At least try one of the skirts" Coleen said.

Reluctantly he picked up one of the skirts and held it up to his waist, turning toward Coleen's mirror "You two are trying to make a girl out of me."

"Nope" said Jenny in her most comforting voice, "That's already been done, we're just tring to help."

"Looking at you I see a girl with a bad haircut who should have put her bra on before the blouse" Coleen added.

"Ok its' settled, you can wear the slacks and blouse to the doctor tomorrow, but you'll need one of Coleen's camisoles to wear under the blouse or everyone will see your bra when you take your coat off." his mom said.

"Can't I just wear what I had on today?" he asked.

"Look at those breasts and the marks on your hips from the jeans and tell me" she replied.

"Ok, just for you, but now I'm going to bed" he said blowing kisses to each of them as he had always done at bedtime.

"Sleep in your bra, you'll be more comfortable" Jenny said.

The rest of the family followed his example as the stress, excitement, and whisky had worn them all down.

They were all up early as it was still a school day for the girls though Gregor called in to start his holiday vacation a day early. He announced he had to go to a meeting and would give the girls a ride to school when he went. They were happy for that as it is cold in the upper midwest in November, but he wouldn't say anything about where he was going. Laura looked at the front of Victor's pajamas, yep they were still there, it wasn't a nightmare.

After dropping the girls at their respective schools he headed straight for Polk elementary. He demanded to see the principal immediately. He was told to wait a few minutes until she could be found in the halls, and one of the student aides was dispatched to find her and tell her that a an angry looking man was waiting for her in the office. Mrs Evans came in, an overly plump and dowdy looking woman, but one used to weilding authority. She walked up to him, looked him in the eye and said "And you are....".

"I'm Gregor O'Malley!"


"Victor's father"

She thought for a minute, "Oh him, he's a troublesome child, its' high time you took an interest in his problems."

"Tell me what you think his problems are."

She ushered him to her office and pointed at a chair in front of her desk while she got out his file.

She sat down and started reading through his file for a couple of minutes.

"First, I think are his grades and test scores, I've told your wife she has to work with him at home if they are ever to improve. Second, one would think that a child with his academic deficiencies would at least try to fit in with the other students. Third, is his attitude, he never raises his hand in class, he skips lunch a lot, and at recess he stands by the door like he is waiting to go back in unless one of the teachers shoos him off, then he just starts fights. His fighting has dropped off quite a bit since the paerent-teacher comferences six weeks ago, so your wife must be working to solve that problem".

"Is that all?" Gregor asked.

"Its' a place to start" she replied.

"Ok, my turn. First he seems to be a very bright boy and spends more time on his school work than either of his siblings. He even goes over what he thinks will be covered the next day though its' not a homework assignment. Has he ever been tested for learnng disabilities?"

Mrs Evans started to speak, but he held his hand up.

"Second, he says he has never started a fight at school, but he found it worked better to fight back than take a beating. The teachers push him over to where the boys are and don't even turn around when he gets hit and starts crying. The boys take away his lunch if it is anything they like, and he has seen the teachers watch it happen and do nothing to stop it."

She started to respond again, but he stood up and leaned across her desk. the look in his eyes told her to shut up and listen.

"Third, is the sexual abuse you and his teacher know about and allow to go on anyway. I have a friend who is an assistant D.A. who would just love to fill this place with with police, and another who is a reporter and would enjoy putting the results on the front of the local section of the Trib. That's what will happen if I don't get satifactory answers here and now."

He sat back down, and Mrs Evans composed herself. "What sexual abuse? I know a couple of the students call him Vickie, but what would you expect from kids given his size and appearance?"

"Some attempt by the staff at restoring human dignity to the boy, and certainly not for his teacher to make him sign his papers in class 'Vickie'. He's been put in dresses three times at the school and once his teacher had him stay in it until just before school let out."

She held her hand out for him to stop for a minute and buzzed the office girl on the intercom. "Go down to Miss Warton's room and bring back all the papers for Victor O'Malley you can find there."

"I know about one of the dress incidents, but noone could find his clothes until then, and the other kids said he dared them to do it so he had no choice but to wear the dress. Besides, it was just a harmless prank and noone was hurt by it."

There was a knock on the office door and the secretary came in with a small pile of school papers. They were all signed 'Vickie O.' but some had comments next to his name like 'i'm really Victor', 'I hate this', and 'I wish I was dead' scrawled in his sloppy hand.

"So this is why his teacher couldn't 'find' any of his papers for Laura to see when she came to the conferences."

Mrs Evans buzzed the secretary again, and when she appeared said "Go down and take over Miss Wharton's class and sent her to my office immediately. We'll get to the bottom of this."

While they were waiting, they both resumed looking through the papers, with Mrs Evans holding out two of them. Miss Warton came into the room a little reluctantly, noone outside the class was ever supposed to see some of those papers.

Mrs Evans got up and handed her both of the papers "Read these" she instructed.

When she looked at them and started to hand them back, Mrs Evans said "Your comments, and outloud".

"If you're going to continue to write like this, I'm going to continue to give you an 'F' little girl without trying to read this mess" and " If you don't quit writing ' I'm really Victor' on your papers I'm not going to read them, shape up girl".

"What is the reason for these, and the other comments you wrote?"

Miss Warton just stood there saying nothing, but Gregor stood up and stared into her eyes.

She cringed backward and stammered "If she would just stop pretending to be a boy, I wouldn't have to do this."

"Pretending?" she pulled a photocopy of his birth certificate out of the file, "Don't you trust a doctor to be able to tell the difference?" she said showing her the paper.

"She really is a boy? Then why do all the kids in school call her Vickie and make her use the girl's restroom in class?"

"That's probably something you should have investigated before you joined into the abuse."

"But she looks so pretty and dainty, besides, she has breasts".


"He has a medical problem which only recently started and we are addressing, that's why he's not in school today, but this started long before they developed" He said pointng to the date on the quiz she was holding.

"He's right, I have no choice but to relieve you of your duties here and have Mr Johnson take over your class. I am calling the adminstrator for social services and demanding an immediate investigation, so go to the lounge and make yourself available to them. We're getting to the bottom of this today!"

Miss Warton started sobbing and left the room. As Mrs Evans picked up the phone to arrange coverage for the class, she looked at Mr. O'Malley, saying "I'm am sorry this happened, and what you told me explains a lot, but it does sound like we have another problem."

"I'll have to let you know after the doctor decides what needs to be done." Gregor said, "But in the meantime I want answers."

He returned home just before the Doctor called. Victor was cleaned up and dressed in the clothes he borrowed from his sisters, and his wife was busy in the kitchen, but dressed to go out. She answered the phone and Dr. Dennis came on. "There's been a change of plans Mrs. O'Malley, I want you to take Victor down to the University Medical Center. I have scheduled him for some tests at noon. I learned some things from the lab that I will discuss with you while the tests are being run, and by 2 or so we should have our answers."

She told Gregor about the change and they both finished getting ready as the drive downtown on a preholiday could be over an hour. Sure enough, It took all but 15 minutes of the two hours they had allowed to get there, parked and in the building. When they registered Victor, the receptionist said "We can take him now, nobody schedules tests the day before a holiday" And took him back with her to change into a hospital gown. The technician was immediately confused when he took off his parka and she saw his clothing underneath. She looked at his file, looked at him, looked at his file again and was raising her eyes to look at him when he said "That's why I'm here, there seems to be some confusion about whether I am a boy or a girl", then he laughed nervously.

"Well child, the catscan will show us most of the parts you have, and the MRI will show us the rest, which are you hoping for?"

"What do you think?" Victor asked.

"I think you're hoping boy, but don't be offended when I tell you you make the prettiest little girl I ever saw."

"You might be right, it would probably be a lot easier to change the way I act, than to get rid of these" he said touching his breasts.

She handed him the gown, and had him put it on, then checked his vital signs. She explained what it was going to be like and asked him if he was afraid, or needed anything to keep him calm. He said he was nervous but not scared, as he kind of figured he would end up doing something like this. She ran the scan, then got out the wheel chair, and put him in it to go to the MRI room. "Why can't I just walk?"

he asked.

"Because if you tripped and fell, your parents would sue, I would end up working for you and I don't know what kind of boss you'ld be." she joked. "Drink this".

"Yukk" he said.

"Yep" she replied, "what kind of trip to the hospital would this be if we didn't try out our world famous food on you?"

They both laughed all the way down the hall. With the tests done she took him back and he got dressed. By the time he went out into the waiting room, Dr. Dennis was there and was talking to his parents, nad there was another doctor there as well. His dad got up and gave him some money to go to the snack bar with, but Victor looked his dad in the eye "I want to listen too, after all its' meyou're talking about".

'Ok son, but I don't think you're going to like what you hear."

Dr. Dennis started over for Victor's benefit, "As I said, I called the lab this morning to check on the test we had done two weeks ago. They had been reporting the growth hormone levels to me and they are running about 25% above the normal level for a child your age. They didn't realize your gender, and for some reason thought you were a girl. Your estrogen level is at the high end for a girl entering puberty. That's why the tests, something is producing the estrogen and we need to know what. It isn't the growth drugs, I checked all known side effects for them.

I believe I know the answer but I want the test results to make absolutely sure. They should be ready in an hour or less, so I've arranged a room so I and Dr. Kelly can examine you during that time. You may be seeing a lot of Dr. Kelly so I want you to get to know him, and him to know you."

"What's etrogen?" Victor asked.

"Dr Kelly answered, " its' a thing in your blood called a hormone, estrogen is the one that makes girls girls, testosterone is the one that makes boys boys, progesterone is also a girl one that keeps them acting a little less crazy, and you have that too" as the two doctors and a nurse led him to the examining room.

They told him to get undressed, and he said "You shoulda got here 10 minutes earlier when I was already naked" and stripped.

This time they didn't give him a gown and he was a little embarrassed at the female nurse in there. "I have two sons and two daughters honey, no matter what they find I've seen it before" she said to relax him.

They measured his penis, checked his scrotum, checked all over his crotch really, then they examined his breasts under a really big magnifying glass. Dr . Kelly scraped his arm with a scalpel for a skin sample, and stabbed him with a big needle for a skin core' sample. They examined his cheeks, shin, ears, shoulders, biceps, thigh muscles, calves, ankles and wrists. They kept the nurse busy writing down what they were telling her, but Victor didn't have a clue what any of it meant.

Finally Dr. Dennis told him he could put his clothes back on.

"Those are girls pants and shirt aren't they?" Dr. Kelly asked.

"Yes, they seem to be the only thing that fits me", Victor replied.

"Do you like wearing them?" he asked.

"They are a lot more comfortable, like the bra and panties, but if someone saw me in them I would die" Victor said.

"Your dad said the kids at school call you a girl all the time, how do you feel about that?" Dr Kelly asked.

"What are you, a shrink or something?" Victor asked.

"Right on both counts" he replied.

"Ok, and what the hell is a vaginal opening that I don't seem to have? and the clitoral hood I'm suppposedly growing? or the labby thing?"

Dr. Kelly started to answer him, but was interrupted by the knock on the door.

"The images are ready in the viewing room Drs" the technician said, and winked at him.

That made him feel better, at least someone here liked him. They walked down the hall to a room that had several images on a backlit wall. His parents were already there and his mother pulled him over to her lap. The doctors looked at the pictures and mumbled thigs he didn't understand to each other. Dr Kelly, came over and got him, showed him the catscan, and told him these are the things you asked me about and you do have them. He showed him what each was and where it was located, as well as his penis testes, an underdeveloped womb, and ovaries.

"The ovaries are the bad girls in this adventure" Dr Kelly explained, "We don't know yet if they contain any eggs but they are pumping out estrogen like there is no tomorrow".

"So I have another daughter" Laura said.

"At this point is could go either way, physically it would be easier to have him be a girl, but we must make sure the phycological makeup is there also or we may create as many problems as we solve." Dr Kelly said. "Its' not yet 2:00, I would like to keep him with me this afternoon, and talk with him if that's alright with you".

"Well, I guess we could stay downtown a while longer, I'll have to call the girls if it runs past 3:30 so they don't worry" Mrs. O'Malley said.

"Let me tell you what I suggest" Dr Kelly said. "It will probably be 5 or 6 by the time he and I are done talking, so I will personally put him in a cab, pay for it, and call you to let you know he's on his way. I'll also feed him, I know he hasn't been able to eat since early this morning".

"With his appetite, that's a deal" Gregor said.

Dr Kelly gave Gregor his card, saying "This is my office address and phone, and my private cell number, I'll take him over to the Safari room for lunch, then to my office for the afternoon, my staff will be there until 6, so if you have any questions or concerns feel free to call."

"The Safari with him, bring lots of money doctor." Laura said.

"Don't worry my credit's good there, and I know how to wash dishes if it comes to that" he replied.

The two O'Malleys had a brief conference in the corner, the called Dr. Dennis to join them. "We like you doctor, and Victor seems to also, its' ok with us."

They all left and went their separate ways, with Laura watching as the Dr held Victor's hand crossing the street, the way she did. "He would make a good mother" she thought.

It was almost 6:30 when the cab pulled up, and the cabbie walked him to the door as was required in his generous tip. The door opened before he got there with four people squeezed into the frame. Victor looked happier than he had in years as he came up and hugged his mom. Then the barrage of questions started. "Wait everyone, got any more of that good irish whisky dad?" Victor asked.

"I got two bottles on the way home, your sisters are already half-lit." He replied.

He went to the kitchen and got another glass, filled the others and they all sat in the livingroom.

"Well?" his mom and sisters asked in unison, as he sipped the drink.

"Don't give your old clothes to St Vincent's any more Coleen!"

"You're going to be a girl?" she asked.

"No. Its' just a ploy to get my hands on your doublebarrel slingshots and shoot oranges at you" he answered.

"I'm going to need some of my own underwear to get the support I need for these, and a lot of help because the other girls have a 10 year headstart on me. He gave me these papers for you to read, and there are some in there for the school. I don't have to go back there until after Christmas break, or semester break if I need more time. I guess they are in a lot of trouble over me, and are going to be in more when the Doctor gets through with them. He called the principal from his office, but he said someone else beat him to the punch. There is not much they can do about the estrogen thing without a lot of surgery, and even then he doesn't think my boy parts would take over, my body wants me to be a girl and just didn't tell anyone until now. Got more of this?" His mom refilled his glass as he continued, "When I get to be either 18 or 21, they can fix my girl parts and by summer my penis will have turned into an urethera so I will look lke a girl down there too if you don't check real close, and I'll probably have bigger tits than either of you. One good thing is a small part of my brain will always think like a boy, even though most of it will be girlish. I can't wait to be a silly airhead like the two of you, but its' not your fault you got a hormone that does it to you. They have to do a ultrasound or something on me every month to check for something called ovulation, what ever that is."

"You'll know it if you get it sister, that's fun calling you sister, and I'll help you learn the 'facts'." Coleen interrupted.

"You'll have to do more than that, it took the doctor a half hour just to tell me the things girls do different than me, imagine how long its' going to take you to teach me all that stuff. He said I should startout by getting used to the different clothes, the frillier the better, so I get used to femenenenity or something. He said the priest from St. Leo's should be getting ahold of mom next week, and some Lillian Hanoran from some girl's school. He also said 'girls shop at a different plumbing store than boys' and there's some books about it in the packet I should read. And I'm starving, and I want to take a nap, this stuffs making me silly".

"I've held supper warm, waiting for you, and your sisters have donated more to your cause, I'm sure there is a frilly nightie in there somewhere."his mother said.

After the meal, as he headed up for some much needed sleep, his mom reminded him to take an aloe bath and use the creams. As he rubbed the cream on his breasts he thought "The kids at school got their wish, I am Vickie now, but I'll make it a name to be proud of not one to be teased with". Then the full tummy, the relaxing bath and the soft nightie ganged up on him and he barely made it to bed before he dozed off.

The rest of the family went through the packets that he had brought back from the doctor's office, including the private note from the doctor telling his parents what a wonderful and bright child she was once she let her defenses down a bit.

Thanksgiving came cold and dark with several inches of snow forcast. Each of the girls put on their best outfits, except that Victoria's was a little big for her. The dreaded moment didn't last long. Grandma O'Malley asked Gregor what was going on almost as soon as the family entered.

"She is exactly like you mom, she has all the plumbing you used to produce seven children, and a complete set of brass balls, we just didn't know about her being a girl until now". Gregor said.

The aunts and uncles got their questions answered in due course, and the cousins pretty much accepted her. The only issue that came up that day was what to name her. Her mom said that if she was a girl she would have been Shannon, after great grandma O'Malley, and there were several favorites thrown out. but as the family all sat after dinner discussing the name, She walked to the middle of the room for the first time in her life. "I am Victoria, Vickie for short, and everyone will know the name of Victoria O'Malley before I'm done using it. I was named Victor because of my dad's frenzy over a college football team and their song 'Hail to the Victor' and like them, I will not fail him".

the rest of that day and the next three weeks were pretty much a learning experience for the novice girl. her cousins and sisters did what they could to help her. her aunts all volunteered to come over asnd do whatever they could. Her uncles teased their brother about going back to work on a son.

When Monday rolled around Gregor went to Polk elementary before he went to work and delivered the papers that said Victor would be under strict medical care and could not possibly return before Christmas. The school was gracious and said his assingments would be delivered to his house each day, and his work collected. With the time away, and the holiday vacation, Victoria announced she was ready to go back to school as soon as the break was over. Her dad and mom both went with her, The first thing they noticed was that Mr. Johnson was the new principal, and her teacher's name was Mrs. Askew. Mr Johnson, summoned Mrs Askew to the office shortly after they arrived.

"This is the student in question" he said when she had been introduced to the family, " Under no circumstances is anyone to do her any harm".

Mrs Askew drew up her entire 4' 10" and said "They don't call me battleaxe Askew because it rhymes."

Victoria finished the year there, but the battle axe proved to have a few chinks in her armor as Victoria got beat up twice by sixth graders.

Just before summer break, Mrs Horahan came by, and told them she had managed to clear a spot for their daughter Victoria for the summer session. After the summer session a decision would be made on a fall enrollment. She was listed on the roster as a 'special girl' because Polk refused to change the gender on her transcripts. Near the end of the first day she was called to the office. Thinking she had blown her chance to get out of Polk, she cried all the way to the office. That is when her life finally changed, Mrs Honaran whiped her tears with a tissue and took her into her office with her arm around the poor girl's shoulder. There she told her she had a handicap called dyslexia, that was causing her school problems and if she was willing to stick to the classes and lessons for two hours after school each day they could cure the problem.

Vickie vowed to do it, and the principal walked her home form school that day and explained her proposition to Victoria's parents. It was simple, if Victoria completed the 4 weeks of tutoring the school would pay for it, if she did not the O'Malleys were out $2000. By the end of the second week the school sent the O'Malley's a letter stating that their daughter had been accepted into the sixth grade under a full scholarship. She went on to become the validictorian of her Junior high class, winning the 4 year scholarship to ST. Leo's high school. Life was almost perfect for her at this point. She was almost done with the eighth grade and was walking home from school with her girl friend,she dropped her friend at home and continued on, she had only 3 blocks to go when she was confronted by the three boys she knew from the other school. They tore off her back pack and dragged her into the alley.

"So you want to be a girl, one of them said, then little man, we'll teach you to fuck like a girl"

After the assault was over, she pulled her torn blouse together to cover her breasts and picked her panties up from the alley. She could barely walk because of the pain, but she retrieved her books and made it to her stoop as her sisters were leaving to find out why she was so late getting home. Her sisters and her mother helped her into the house, just as her dad arrived. she had finally calmed down to the point where she could describe the rape and who did it. Her mom said to call the police, whreupon Gregor said "haven't you been reading the papers lately, these are the same boys who have had rape charges dismissed twice because the families dropped the charges".

The next morning while Victoria recuperated at home, and later Dr. Kelly's office, Gregor had Coleen point out who the boys were when he took her to school. Gregor watched the boys for a week and learned their hangouts and patterns. He found the first one in front of a liquor store, and pretending to be lost, asked for directions, he knocked him cold with one quick punch, took him to the alley where Victoria had been assaulted. He used a sheep bolling gun to tie off his testicles so he wouldn't bleed to death and castrated him, leaving the useless testicles in his mouth. He found the two others and did the same to them. Over the next week there were rumors that his car was seen in the area, but the police didn't press, as the boys had been accused of 4 rapes in the last year, but the charges were always dropped despite the evidence. They were happy to have them off the street with or without balls. Victoria vowed to become a rape counsellor as a career.

Over her years in high school she grew prettier and prettier even though she didn't grow much taller. She did make it over 5 foot, but barely.

After her sophomore year, she visited Dr Kelly, and he told her of a genetics lab and clinic in Denmark that had made major advances in restoring fertilitly in cases of underdeveloped ovaries and wombs. She started saving her money when the clinic said they might be able to help her, but wouldn't do anything until she was 21.




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